View Full Version : On hit effects?

2013-12-01, 12:15 PM
So, I'm working on remaking a god-tier character that I made before I had any idea how certain things worked, and it completely broke the 3.5 universe, re-writing it before the elves had even come to the material plane.

Considering that I'm not allowed to use that build anymore, I've decided to gestalt rogue/monk and focus on sneak attacks.

Now, I'm currently using crescent blades to apply +12d6 twice per attack, but what else is there that can really make each one of those SA's REALLY hurt? I know that piercing strike is 2 str damage, which is something like 16 str damage in a full round of sneak attacks. That's not bad considering that the character is going to be set to almost always perform a sneak attack. I've also taken dungeonscape's alt class feature at level 3 to 1/2 sneak attack immune creatures.

We're epic level, and are allowed to use any and all sources to create our characters.

I also have 4 levels of classes that I can take, if there's a class or something that could potentially add some kind of effect.

2013-12-01, 12:38 PM
Don't forget Craven from CoR. Extra damage equal to your HD on every sneak attack.

2013-12-01, 01:25 PM
You could try looking at the Ambush feats (Complete Scoundrel and Drow of the Underdark), which let you trade SA damage for added effects.

Arterial Strike (Complete Warrior) lets you make bleeding wounds.
Deadly Precision (Expanded Psionics Handbook) lets you reroll any 1s you got in you SA, but only once per die.
Ham String (Complete Warrior) cuts land speed by half.
Lingering Damage (Epic Level Handbook) deals damage equal to your SA next round for free.
Maiming Strike (Exemplars of Evil) lets you deal Cha damage for every 2d6 of damage you sacrifice.
Savvy Rogue (Complete Scoundrel) lets you deal Str damage even to things immune to SA.
Staggering Strike (Complete Adventurer) makes your target staggered for one round (DC = damage dealt).
Twist the Knife (Exemplars of Evil) imposes a -3 penalty to attacks, damage, saving throws, ability checks, and skill checks for a number equal to the weapon's crit multiplier.
Undo Resistance (Fiendix Codex II) reduces SR per each die of SA you have for one hour (you have to use cold iron weapons, though).

Invisible Blade could be nice if you use daggers or kukris to get a few more SA dice, Int to AC, bleeding wounds, and feinting as a move action (or free, if you get to level 5). The class designer non-officially errata'd the requirements to be Weapon Finesse and Weapon Focus (Dagger/Punching Dagger/Kukri), so you could ask your DM about it.

2013-12-01, 01:53 PM
A thousand times maiming strike. 6 CHA per hit will down most things faster than straight HP damage. If you're using (the cheese that is) crescent blades, it should be a pittance to drop something to 0 CHA when you get in full attack range.

Take one level of lion totem barbarian for pounce so you can full attack on charge.

Try to get 16 BAB pre epic, because your BAB doesn't improve in epic (epic attack bonus does not give you more attacks)

If you have the UMD check for it, put a wand chamber in your weapon so you can stick a wand of wraithstrike in there to make it a joke to hit things.

Full attack with 6 attacks (16+ BAB, TWF, haste?) -> 12 attacks. if even half of those hit, you're dealing 36 CHA damage. Great Wyrm Gold dragons (41 HD) have 32 CHA.


2013-12-01, 02:22 PM
Is Wraithstrike on the Assassin spell list?

2013-12-01, 02:37 PM
A thousand times maiming strike. 6 CHA per hit will down most things faster than straight HP damage. If you're using (the cheese that is) crescent blades, it should be a pittance to drop something to 0 CHA when you get in full attack range.

Take one level of lion totem barbarian for pounce so you can full attack on charge.

Try to get 16 BAB pre epic, because your BAB doesn't improve in epic (epic attack bonus does not give you more attacks)

If you have the UMD check for it, put a wand chamber in your weapon so you can stick a wand of wraithstrike in there to make it a joke to hit things.

Full attack with 6 attacks (16+ BAB, TWF, haste?) -> 12 attacks. if even half of those hit, you're dealing 36 CHA damage. Great Wyrm Gold dragons (41 HD) have 32 CHA.


I didn't know that draining CHA killed things. Do you have any sauce on that?

Also, I'm 15/10/5 for Bab, but that's also flurried and then coupled with perfect twf. It makes for 8 attacks p/ round, that then becomes 16 attacks per round. One of the magical items I have is a ring of limited wish that always has the example effect of autohitting your target, so the wraithstrike thing might not get used. . I almost went with warblade just to get the avalanche of blades + always hitting.

You could try looking at the Ambush feats (Complete Scoundrel and Drow of the Underdark), which let you trade SA damage for added effects.

Arterial Strike (Complete Warrior) lets you make bleeding wounds.
Deadly Precision (Expanded Psionics Handbook) lets you reroll any 1s you got in you SA, but only once per die.
Ham String (Complete Warrior) cuts land speed by half.
Lingering Damage (Epic Level Handbook) deals damage equal to your SA next round for free.
Maiming Strike (Exemplars of Evil) lets you deal Cha damage for every 2d6 of damage you sacrifice.
Savvy Rogue (Complete Scoundrel) lets you deal Str damage even to things immune to SA.
Staggering Strike (Complete Adventurer) makes your target staggered for one round (DC = damage dealt).
Twist the Knife (Exemplars of Evil) imposes a -3 penalty to attacks, damage, saving throws, ability checks, and skill checks for a number equal to the weapon's crit multiplier.
Undo Resistance (Fiendix Codex II) reduces SR per each die of SA you have for one hour (you have to use cold iron weapons, though).

Invisible Blade could be nice if you use daggers or kukris to get a few more SA dice, Int to AC, bleeding wounds, and feinting as a move action (or free, if you get to level 5). The class designer non-officially errata'd the requirements to be Weapon Finesse and Weapon Focus (Dagger/Punching Dagger/Kukri), so you could ask your DM about it.

All of those aside from "savvy rogue" seemed less cheese than I desire. My damage is really important considering this is a 2 man (and a dragon) party.

Is Wraithstrike on the Assassin spell list?

It might be, I'll check.

2013-12-01, 02:38 PM
Don't forget Craven from CoR. Extra damage equal to your HD on every sneak attack.

At the cost of my fear immunity, it's not really that useful.
And I know my DM likes him some fear effects.

Thank you for the suggestion, though

2013-12-01, 02:39 PM
I didn't know that draining CHA killed things. Do you have any sauce on that?

It doesn't straight up kill them, but it leaves them unconscious (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#abilityDamaged), which means they're helpless, which means you can kill them at your leisure.

2013-12-01, 02:42 PM
It doesn't straight up kill them, but it leaves them unconscious (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#abilityDamaged), which means they're helpless, which means you can kill them at your leisure.

Hm. That's pretty cool, I'll have to look into that.