View Full Version : Modern Day Insurgency

2013-12-01, 11:56 PM
Prison Camps, The Great Escape

A slum of wooden shacks, wire and armed guards known as Camp Zhou to the occupation and for those unfortunate enough to reside inside of it Hell. The food was lousy, the housing cramped and the guards a mix of Korean, Iranian and a few russians treated the American detainees more like beast then people. Rapes, murders, assaults were all common occurances perpetrated by those who claim to be protecting them from the American Government.

A small group of people, a few soldiers, workers and what ever else motly assortment had met up by the basketball court as they usually do ( The Pcs and some NPCs). It was finally getting time to escape, they had scrounged for days to try to get the things they had now.

A pair of wire cutters, a 3' long cord of wire cable, a combat knife, duct tape and a few other odds and ends. The leader of the group, a gray haired man sporting a neatly trimmed goatee was crouched in the middle with the basketball under his knee to help perpetrate the image they were just discussing the game as they always did.

“ Ok guys look, we have a little and its all we can get. Getting out of this hell hole isn't going to be easy and we might not even survive the effort. Guard towers, patrols and dogs guard the outside perimeter and the guards inside are not much better.”.

http://i183.photobucket.com/albums/x110/arumizy/prison_zps76771707.png (http://s183.photobucket.com/user/arumizy/media/prison_zps76771707.png.html)

2013-12-02, 02:57 AM
Brandon is also kneeled and deep in thought. The supplies they have arent much and he tries to figure out how to best use these tools

Is there any weak spot in the defences? A part of the fence thats out of sight or badly patrolled?

2013-12-02, 03:34 PM
"I'd be more confident if we had a bit more to work with." Randall shook his head, taking a moment to stare at the barracks. "If we could take the barracks, we'd have all the guns we could need." He shook his head. "Suicidal. I can always cause a distraction. Just let me and the biggest jerk in here get in a scrap, I'll make sure to raise Cain while everyone else does what needs doing."

2013-12-02, 06:54 PM
"Suicide and no gain possible." said a man as he shot hoops. The man stood a little under 6 feet and appeared to be Caucasian, Half-Russian to be exact. "The barracks is most likely to be heavily guarded since it's the most likely target of any attempt of escape or revolt, however I have a plan to get inside. If one of us can kill a Russian without damaging his uniform, I can put it on and pose a Russian soldier, go in to the barracks, and weaken the defenses. Why me and not someone else? He then says a phrase in Russian "For those of you who don't speak Russian, I said: 'This is why.'"

2013-12-02, 11:05 PM
(( you guys are thinking well ))

" hmm" you here as he thinks and draws a make shift map in the dirt. " tonight when they do bunker inspection you troops start a fight wheb they get to you" he pointed to (( Michael))" once you hear the commotion most of the guards will move to the fight, they should leave one back here by the top right of housing A by the dumpsters. If you can snag him quietly we may have a shot"

2013-12-03, 02:25 AM
Langauge is not the problem, I speak fluent Russian and Chinese. You look the part though. Where is the power supply for this camp? Im sure I can rig it to blow or atleast disable it without frying myself

Batpope Scott
2013-12-03, 12:57 PM
A man in his early twenties with dark hair and a cheesy grin is sitting in the huddle, stating "I'm pretty good at sneakin' around and I can break things with the best of 'em, so I might be able to get up on the watchtowers and get rid of some of those lights. The only problem would be the guards."

2013-12-04, 04:24 PM
Darren cared very little about the welfare of the others in the group. At the moment they were incidental allies and little more. That said they all still needed each other and his cooperation was both key to their survival and escape as much as it was earning their trust. The whole time Darren going back and forth between peering at the others and the makeshift map.

"Scrapping shouldn't be an issue. I could choke out a guard if we can manage separating him." He said