View Full Version : Fun With Robo-Hands

Gnome Alone
2013-12-02, 02:57 AM
Greetings, Galactic Senate of Middle-Earth:

I'm running an E6 campaign where the players are sailing the delivery boat of a river cargo shipping company.

Three sessions ago the monk was killed while fighting sea cats near a sunken ship in which he'd seen a chest full of silver coins. The other party members were fighting too, but they were sniping with various things from the boat. The monk freaking dove in at the first sight of loot and was punching the crap out of the sea cat he found in the water. Its mate showed up from within the bowels of the ship and the druid cast Entangle with nearby tree branches or vines or something (campaign moves slowly, this was six months ago, so I don't remember exactly.)

I looked up the strength DC for breaking out of the substance it was and it was like 13 or something, so the sea cat broke out on the next turn. The party killed them both, but right before #2 went down it got a critical hit and killed the monk outright.

Later I thought, you know, the stupid thing failed the save or whatever it was for the Entangle, I was over-thinking it, and I should've just let that be the end of it - clever use of terrain saves the day. And dying to a random encounter critical hit - borrrrring.

So the next session I told the monk-man I should've let the Entangle thing count, let's ret-con it so that you didn't die, the fish monster just bit off your hand. Cool, he says. I mean, hey, he gets to live AND he gets fun "oh god my haaaaand" roleplay opportunities, it's win-win.

I could've just hand-waved the whole thing but I figured, well he DID just sit there duking it out with these huge dangerous creatures so it partially eating him seemed like a good compromise between "no consequences whatsoever, hyuck hyuck" and "you is dead forever."

Nonetheless, I do feel bad about how he might be unable to do certain things now, so, to come finally to the point:

This last session set up that the party is going to go to a specific cave next, where they will find the entrance to a secret underground facility full of ancient weird robotic futuristic technology and whatnot. I'm going to have one of the guardians be a weird golem with spider legs and a multitool on one of its arms. The multitool turns to different things with command words - I'm thinking that they'll be able to destroy the construct and gank its arm for the monk to use.

So as for the tools, I've got these so far:

Grappling hook and rope
+1 keen kukri
Potion dispenser (refillable but comes loaded with something, don't know what yet)

Anyone have any ideas for what else would be cool to have on there?

2013-12-02, 08:57 AM
Anyone have any ideas for what else would be cool to have on there?

I'd consider taking a look at the Mighty Arms graft (Faiths of Eberron) + Battlefist (Eberron Campaign Setting). However, figuring out how the battlefist works with monks/unarmed strikes can be frustrating. By the Rules As Written (RAW), it looks like all it does is add a 1d6 slam attack to the halfling. If you houserule that having the Mighty Arms graft and monk levels lets the halfling count as a warforged monk, then it would increase his unarmed damage by one size increase, and he'd get to use the +1 enhancement bonus from the battlefist on his unarmed attacks/damage.