View Full Version : Creating Thralls quickly

2013-12-02, 07:38 AM

So, my soon to be Level 22 C.E. Githzerai StPErudite/Slayer will be taking levels into Thrallherd.

I'll be getting a Level 17 Thrall. I've got a few rough ideas already.

1. Half-Giant Psychic Warrior - Uses Vigor, Thicken Skin etcto be tough, and the Knockback feat to send anyone flying who approaches the Gith.
2. Human Warlock - Invocations and Eldritch Blasts, fairly simple.
3. Paladin - because annoying Gods is fun.

I'm aiming only for a kind of Mid-OP approach, these characters do not need to be too powerful, and I've even requested the DM that the thralls are killed fairly regularly (being CE, I don't give a fig about them).
My questions, simply, is how would you create a mid-op warlock? I'm trying to avoid multiclassing for simplicity's sake (we already have 8 Level 20+ characters in the group, we don't need any more complex rules)


Does anybody have any cool ideas for thralls? I'm not looking for metagame "Artificer!" suggestions to explicitly buff the main character, but just general bodyguard/interesting character ideas. This is more a creative idea exercise than an optimisation one. The more ideas, the better, because they'll be dying frequently under my C.E. Leadership!:smallamused: