View Full Version : [Pathfinder][GrimNGrittyD20] Layering Armour

2013-12-02, 03:42 PM
I have been GMing a low-magic game of Pathfinder using the GrimNGritty rules with a series of my own houserules that are ideas taken and converted from other roleplaying games. I've done this to try and make Pathfinder a bit more deadly so that my players don't feel like gods among the local populace.

Current Houserules:
Spells only use base damage/ Doesn't scale with level
Size modifiers for HP given in GrimNGritty are now (Small 3/4HP, Large 1+1/4. etc)
Damage exceeding 20 reduces 1d4 from Armour Protection (Conan inspired)
Base Protection that stacks with other forms of Protection which is Con/4 rounded up. (Dark Heresy, WFRP inspired)
Parrying & Dodging modifiers converted from Conan D20
Excess over the defenders roll on an attacking roll/2 is added to the damage of the strike. (Serenity Inspired)

A new idea occurred while playing in a WFRP 2nd ed game of layering armour but only Heavy>Med/Light, Med>Light. I'm hoping that Weight/Encumbrance will balance it out.

Any ideas on balancing it a bit better than just by the weight?