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View Full Version : Friendly Advice What do you do when you're too sick to game?

2013-12-03, 01:46 AM
So basically, I'm coming down off a 103 degree fever (yesterday); and am now hovering around 99.5. Already been to the hospital and things are looking good for my recovery... but I still feel awful, even with plenty of fluids in me.

This has led to me being unable to indulge in my favorite passtime - videogames. Basically the light and sound bother me something fierce right now.

Ordinarily I'd just go to sleep - I mean it's about 12:45 am where I am; but I've been asleep most of the last 48 hours and I quite literally cannot force myself to sleep any more. Body just refuses to do it (while simultaneously being too tired to do much else.)

In short - I'm sick, bored, and in dire need of something to do beyond "constantly check GiTP for updates to my favorite threads" while my brain burns.

Any ideas?

2013-12-03, 01:50 AM

Plenty of others older authors available there as well. Pick your favorite!

2013-12-03, 02:31 AM
Books could work. If reading lots of text is an issue, you might also be able to use audiobooks - the sound could be a problem, but they should be sufficiently dissimilar from the sounds in videogames for that to be avoided.

2013-12-03, 12:48 PM
Thanks, both of you; books were a good idea hehe

Unfortunately my temp spiked again shortly after I posted and I wound up in bed even though I couldn't really sleep, just literally could not do anything else. Still, very good idea. I'm spending some time today loading my Kindle up with new books so I have something to read if it goes back up.

2013-12-04, 05:35 AM
I would've said Books too. Also I would whine and complain until my wife would probably be mad at me. Watching TV/Listening to music might help too. THe last time I had something like this I basically lay flat on my bed and watched tv all day long/hooked my PC to my TV and watched movies or similar. But I wasn't that sick since moving out so no clue how I would do it now...

If you need some inspiration on what books to load up I am currently reading the Lightbringer Trilogy from Brent Weeks.

2013-12-04, 05:59 AM
Audiobooks and podcasts would be my suggestion too.

TV works as well.

One time I was so sick that I couldn't stand to even watch television because my head was all weird, but I put on an old Simpsons episode and just listened to the sound while in bed, with my back to the tv (since I know the episodes so well they could basically play in my head anyway).

2013-12-05, 06:45 AM
Last time I was sick and had high fever, I ended up going through 3 different anime, and finished a rather long webcomic.

Just saying.

The Succubus
2013-12-05, 07:09 AM
Take a trip to the Knitting in the Playground thread! I was without a computer for a little while a couple of weeks back and decided to try knitting with the help of a couple of YouTube videos. It's wonderfully relaxing. ^_^


2013-12-05, 07:40 AM
First reaction to seeing this : Read. read everything. Read all of the books you possess. if your too ill too game your too ill to do work and that is an excellent excuse to read. :smallbiggrin:

2013-12-05, 10:16 AM
Hehe, thanks all, great suggestions all around!

I *finally* seem to be doing better, as last night is the first night since Sunday I didn't run a fever. Still exhausted and weak, but, better than it was at least. Nasty, nasty virus.

The Succubus
2013-12-05, 11:35 AM
*hugs Misty* ^_^


*contracts plague* X_x


*hugs Misty again anyways* ^_^

2013-12-05, 11:39 AM
Try writing as well. Nothing makes for good game fodder like fevered-based delusional ramblings. Do you have a notebook and a pen?

2013-12-05, 11:42 AM
*hugs Misty* ^_^


*contracts plague* X_x


*hugs Misty again anyways* ^_^

*snerk* It really is a plague - everyone in my small town seems to have either gotten it, gotten over it, or is about to get it >,< 'fun'.

@Anarion - My usual ramblings aren't particularly coherent, that makes me almost afraid of what I'd put out in full on fever mode... I may have to try that next time I get sick lol ><

2013-12-05, 01:18 PM
If I don't want to look at things too much; sometimes I listen to TV. There's a fair number of shows that are quite entertaining even if you don't look at them; and just listen. This is even more true for shows you've seen before.

warty goblin
2013-12-05, 01:28 PM
I find playing boardgames against myself to be a lot of fun.

2013-12-05, 01:28 PM
*snerk* It really is a plague - everyone in my small town seems to have either gotten it, gotten over it, or is about to get it >,< 'fun'.

@Anarion - My usual ramblings aren't particularly coherent, that makes me almost afraid of what I'd put out in full on fever mode... I may have to try that next time I get sick lol ><

I feel where you are coming from, apparently my body has this thing of giving me fever (i never do fevers!) and rendering me near incapable of speech, even though I had 2 appointments this week to convince people to hir eme and my pals to do some marketing for them. Luckily I (and a frind of mine) pulled it off.

I really loved drinking tea with obscene amounts of honey, and reading Ghostfinder's novels on my tablet.

It really helped...

Well, that and a pink helper (you know, ibuprofen 400 mg)...

2013-12-05, 07:25 PM
I'd second reading, but also suggest listening to things like audiobooks or tv shows. Listening to the sound of people talking or telling stories is always kind of relaxing for me, and there are some excellent narrators out there. The rise of downloadable audio content really simplifies the process of acquiring stuff, too; access to decent selections of audiobooks used to be problematic, but that appears to be something the internet has definitely remedied.

Also, in the area of free, I know that there are several versions of storytelling shows (mostly PBS) that someone may have uploaded to youtube and the like (Long Ago and Far Away was always a favorite of mine, and I just found an episode of it the other day).

2013-12-05, 07:27 PM
Generally when I'm too sick to game I'm either comatose, nigh-comatose, or spending my time reading when I'm not asleep.

If I couldn't read or sleep I'd probably go crazy if I also couldn't watch any television or film or listen to anything like an audio book.

Jay R
2013-12-05, 10:22 PM
If you're a DM, plan a scenario. Then, when you run it, be sure to tell the players that you wrote it with a 100+ fever.:smallbiggrin:

2013-12-05, 10:47 PM
If you're a DM, plan a scenario. Then, when you run it, be sure to tell the players that you wrote it with a 100+ fever.:smallbiggrin:

That is totally going on my To-Do list. >_<

2013-12-05, 10:53 PM
if i was too ill to game, i would be so far beyond the ability to make coherent forum posts.
so, probably die. failing that, be in lala land