View Full Version : PF Carrion Crown Campain - Need Advice on DM

2013-12-03, 08:19 AM
I'm currently playing a PF Carrion Crown campain.
I have a 6 level 2H Fighter with a falchion, 22 STR, Intimidation build and my DM is crying due to the fact that I crush opponents in a couple of rounds.
I've try to explain him that i've build him to be efficient in melee but, on the first game, he remove Antagonize from my feats, render immune the monsters to intimidation, and always confirm criticals on me...
I try to lessen the power output of the character, replace Antagonize by Cornugon Smash, wearing a lesser armor (He dislike my Fullplate and destroy it with Rust Monsters not detectable at all before they strike) but I still have an issue with him.
I have discussed of the weakness of the character (low Will, low AC, Melee Based..) but as soon as decide another feat, magic item that increase my efficiency, it is a long discussion and negociation...
I begin to be tired to explain that it is not powergaming (not well see in France) but only application of a typical build....
I need some advice of how to avoid this situation in the future sessions

2013-12-03, 08:28 AM
If the DM is crying because you play a fighter then he has a big problem. All that it takes to give him nightmares is a druid played moderately.

The solution, IMHO, is to ask him directly what does he allow, ask him to make a list of things banned/allowed and then follow it. If he complains later, you can just tell him that you made the char just using the sources he allowed.

What classes does your party have?

2013-12-03, 08:41 AM
We have a Alchemist with a crossbow (very efficient), a dwarven tank cleric (based on buffs and heal), a tengu shadowdancer and a pyromaniac sorcerer...

2013-12-03, 09:35 AM
By 7th-8th level the Sorcerer and Cleric should start outshining you. Then everyone will waste the DM's encounters in 2-3 rounds. :D

2013-12-03, 09:48 AM
By 7th-8th level the Sorcerer and Cleric should start outshining you. Then everyone will waste the DM's encounters in 2-3 rounds. :D

Beyond that, 3 rounds is actually a moderately long combat in D&D. Except for, like, campaign-ending combats, I almost never have a combat go more than 4 rounds.

I would highly recommend the GM’s Guide to Creating Challenging Encounters (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nx-o8VAjhUwh3nnfzDQT-JA5eFLnN_BZJiBitGjBMDg/edit#heading=h.3y0mw47jqhvi). It's full of stuff that took me years to figure out on my own, all gathered in one place.

Can you post your full build (at least the feats)?

2013-12-03, 10:09 AM
Here the full build :
Human Fighter 2 handed Archetype
Str 20 (+2 Belt)
Dex 10
Con 16 (+2 Belt)
Int 10
Wis 12
Cha 10
AC 16 (MsW Breastplate) lost my Fullplate +1 to rust monsters...
Traits : Steel Skin ( Half time to remove heavy armor and +2 intimidate) Chance savior (+ 2 init)
Feats :
Power Attack
Furious Focus
Intimidating Prowess
Cornugon Smash
Weapon Focus : Falchion
Weapon Sp : Falchion
Fast Learner ( normally need 13 Int but DM tell me to take it)
Iron Will
Intimidate + 17
Swim + 5
Perception : +7
Heal +1
Clim +5
Survival + 10
Knowledge +4
Profession Soldier +6
Magic Items :
Falchion + 1
Belt of physical might (STR - CON) +2
Cloak of resistance +1
Skills are mainly due to the background, I play a soldier from LastWall.

2013-12-03, 10:32 AM
I see nothing broken in your build. Your are good at dealing damage and pulling some combat maneuvers, plus getting opponents shaken. Kinda pales in comparison to what the Sorcerer could do in a few levels with Black Tentacles or Spiked Pit or Glitterdust or Stinking Cloud... Plus, your intimidate schtick will kind of hit a wall once you start fighting Undead, which are kind of a big deal if I remember Carrion Crown well.

2013-12-03, 11:23 AM
There is absolutely nothing broken in your build. That's a completely reasonable build (it's even slightly unoptimized - many people would say Improved Initiative over Furious Focus). In fact, if you were, say, a Barbarian, you'd be doing even more damage and would be even harder to kill.

Seriously: Any full BAB class should be doing about as much damage as you for your level. Seriously, let's pretend your're a Warrior (the NPC class):

+1 Greatsword, 18 Str, Power Attack = 2d6+13 damage per hit, two hits per round on a full attack = 40 damage per round (on average). All other feats spent on Skill Focus (Craft (Basketweaving)) and such.

Let's look at some CR 6 monsters (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/bestiary-hub/monsters-by-cr#TOC-CR6-):

Red Dragon (Wyrmling) - 59 HP
Ettin - 65 HP
Lamia - 67 HP
Xorn - 66 HP
Agathion, Vulpinal - 59 HP
Genie, Djinni - 52 HP
Dinosaur, Ankylosaurus - 75 HP
Demon, Babau - 73 HP
Deathweb - 71 HP

Every single one of them should (on average) be going down in two full attacks to a Warrior with the barest minimum of optimization.

2013-12-04, 02:13 AM
OK thanks for your comments, I've started to have some doubt on the character...but now, I must convince the DM of this...Wish me good luck :smallsmile: