View Full Version : a real contest.

the RC factor
2007-01-14, 10:17 AM
you fought Superman in the last thread but now try a real challenge, The Great Vampire Alucard (not the wuss from castle-whatever) the manga one.

you outline what your candidate would do and I'll tell you what alucard would do and when the smoke clears the winner (read alucard) will move on the the next guy.

only rules are: no gods and no making stuff up

PS if this belongs somewhere else i apologize in advance, im new here and dont know my way around. But if this is the right place then as you mortals say: "its on!!"

Cleric Diety
2007-01-14, 12:28 PM
You know who would beat Alucard Well Ninja Kitty would destroy Alucard.

At the guilderland library theres this kitty poster on the wall and hes wearing a blue martial arts uniform and carries 2 katanas. At first he would pop out from the sky and slash off alucards head leaving him on the ground in disbelief and then he would barf on him so that when he reforms he would be made of darkness and barf. He would feel so akward and so moderatley inconvienienced that he would have to go home and clean himself up before he would go out and find this Wall Kitty so there. Alucard would lose to this creature.

Lord Sidereal
2007-01-14, 04:31 PM

His actions? well, I'd say general ass-kickery. As if Alucard woudl defeat him toe-to-toe...

2007-01-15, 05:15 AM

His actions? well, I'd say general ass-kickery. As if Alucard woudl defeat him toe-to-toe...

Wait... Alucard was the vampire main character from the anime/manga Hellsing. Saying Hellsing could kill Alucard is saying that a series of serialized fiction can kill a character within that fiction. It's almost like saying the writer of Hellsing can off whichever characters he wants, but not quite. I guess Hellsing is also the organization that Alucard swears fealty to, so they could order him to kill himself I suppose... but otherwise it doesn't make sense.

Alucard is practically invincible, being capable of regenerating from his decapitated head, he is shown to be able to transform his body into a host of forms including intangible ones. I'm fairly certain he can have absolute control over either the minds of his victims, or reality itself in an average sized space, perhaps the size of a basketball court or slightly larger. It's not unreasonable to assume he could escape any trap or imprisonment including planar travel. The only perceivable weaknesses he has include his dependence on blood, a requirement to follow the word of what's-her-face, and... uh... that's about it. So you'd either need to completely consume him, destroying his body cell by cell and performing some sort of Christian or demonic magic to prevent his regeneration, or somehow capture what's-her-face and convince her to order Alucard to not drink any sort of blood ever again, and then wait until he dies from lack of blood... if that would kill him. Unfortunately this requires someone who can capture what's-her-face, who can stop Walter and Ceras, and be able to convince what's-her-face to cause Alucard's death, and names aren't coming to me at the moment for who could do that.

If anyone can take Alucard from Hellsing, It'd probably be D from Vampire Hunter D, but he'd only take Alucard with luck. A quick slash from an entirely too long sword to take off the head, and use the face in his hand to consume Alucard's soul... or whatever the hand does. Or he could be too beautiful to comprehend at Alucard and shatter his mind or something. Anyway, the Japanese are way too fond of absurdly overpowered vampires.

Also, Dr. Strange from Marvel. He is powerful enough to withstand the godlike energies of the Infinity Gauntlet, so Alucard's ability to control minds or reality or whatever wouldn't phase Dr. Strange. The arcane powers would be sufficient to either lock Alucard away in a parallel dimension or whatever, and Dr. Strange has been shown to be more than a match for Lovecraftian old ones at times. However, Alucard's guns are magical, and potent enough magic that they could pierce Dr. Strange's magical protective barriers, so it'd be up to who got the drop on whom, and who was more willing to go all out. With Dr. Strange's history of dropping in on unexpected villains and prevailing versus Alucard's chronic inability to do anything not approved by what's-her-face, I'd actually give Dr. Strange fairly good odds here.

The ability to utterly annihilate another being cell by cell coupled with the magic/demonic powers to keep Alucard dead doesn't come along very often.

In fact, that's one of the biggest reasons I really hate Hellsing, nothing is strong enough to do more than slow Alucard down, so watching an episode is waiting for Alucard to finally decide to stop getting stabbed/shot/ect and just offhandedly kill anyone and everyone he feels like killing. It was awesome thanks to the aesthetics the first few times, but after episode 6 I was getting bored.

2007-01-15, 11:25 AM
Wait... Alucard was the vampire main character from the anime/manga Hellsing. Saying Hellsing could kill Alucard is saying that a series of serialized fiction can kill a character within that fiction. It's almost like saying the writer of Hellsing can off whichever characters he wants, but not quite. I guess Hellsing is also the organization that Alucard swears fealty to, so they could order him to kill himself I suppose... but otherwise it doesn't make sense.

I believe he means Van Hellsing, but I'm not sure whether he means the one from Dracula, the one that already subdued Alucard in Hellsing, or the one from the Hugh Jackman movie. "general Ass-kickery" imples the later.

2007-01-15, 01:58 PM
I could personally never get into Hellsing. Even though my friend lended me the first six volumes to read, I got bored after the first three. The artwork was just atrocious, IMO---I couldn't handle the detailed, pseudo-realistic (for manga) faces on these apish-looking bodies. Look at Alexander Anderson in one panel and he literally has the arms of a gorilla--he doesn't look human at all.

Story-wise, well I didn't read far enough to get into it, but I have to go with Jetharnis. From what I saw, Alucard is just too powerful to be an interesting hero. Nothing seems to phase him. And before anyone says "Piedmon, you're a huge Superman fan, isn't that a bit hypocritical" (well actually, I don't think anyone would really say that but) even Superman generally squares off against guys who can kick his ass like Zod and Darkseid. Hellsing's formula seems to be "badguys rampage over heroes until Alucard decides to get off his ass, then he terrifies them and kills them easily."

the RC factor
2007-01-15, 02:23 PM
Wait... Alucard was the vampire main character from the anime/manga Hellsing. Saying Hellsing could kill Alucard is saying that a series of serialized fiction can kill a character within that fiction. It's almost like saying the writer of Hellsing can off whichever characters he wants, but not quite. I guess Hellsing is also the organization that Alucard swears fealty to, so they could order him to kill himself I suppose... but otherwise it doesn't make sense.

Alucard is practically invincible, being capable of regenerating from his decapitated head, he is shown to be able to transform his body into a host of forms including intangible ones. I'm fairly certain he can have absolute control over either the minds of his victims, or reality itself in an average sized space, perhaps the size of a basketball court or slightly larger. It's not unreasonable to assume he could escape any trap or imprisonment including planar travel. The only perceivable weaknesses he has include his dependence on blood, a requirement to follow the word of what's-her-face, and... uh... that's about it. So you'd either need to completely consume him, destroying his body cell by cell and performing some sort of Christian or demonic magic to prevent his regeneration, or somehow capture what's-her-face and convince her to order Alucard to not drink any sort of blood ever again, and then wait until he dies from lack of blood... if that would kill him. Unfortunately this requires someone who can capture what's-her-face, who can stop Walter and Ceras, and be able to convince what's-her-face to cause Alucard's death, and names aren't coming to me at the moment for who could do that.

If anyone can take Alucard from Hellsing, It'd probably be D from Vampire Hunter D, but he'd only take Alucard with luck. A quick slash from an entirely too long sword to take off the head, and use the face in his hand to consume Alucard's soul... or whatever the hand does. Or he could be too beautiful to comprehend at Alucard and shatter his mind or something. Anyway, the Japanese are way too fond of absurdly overpowered vampires.

Also, Dr. Strange from Marvel. He is powerful enough to withstand the godlike energies of the Infinity Gauntlet, so Alucard's ability to control minds or reality or whatever wouldn't phase Dr. Strange. The arcane powers would be sufficient to either lock Alucard away in a parallel dimension or whatever, and Dr. Strange has been shown to be more than a match for Lovecraftian old ones at times. However, Alucard's guns are magical, and potent enough magic that they could pierce Dr. Strange's magical protective barriers, so it'd be up to who got the drop on whom, and who was more willing to go all out. With Dr. Strange's history of dropping in on unexpected villains and prevailing versus Alucard's chronic inability to do anything not approved by what's-her-face, I'd actually give Dr. Strange fairly good odds here.

The ability to utterly annihilate another being cell by cell coupled with the magic/demonic powers to keep Alucard dead doesn't come along very often.

In fact, that's one of the biggest reasons I really hate Hellsing, nothing is strong enough to do more than slow Alucard down, so watching an episode is waiting for Alucard to finally decide to stop getting stabbed/shot/ect and just offhandedly kill anyone and everyone he feels like killing. It was awesome thanks to the aesthetics the first few times, but after episode 6 I was getting bored.

Jerthanis, I want to have your child:smallconfused: (Except for that getting bored comment) its mindless action, yes, but anyone who can't put their brain in a jar and just enjoy the action (cough) Piedmon Sama (cough) is silly.

2007-01-15, 02:36 PM
I can enjoy mindless action if it's well drawn mindless action.

the RC factor
2007-01-15, 02:53 PM
fair enough, what then, is "well drawn" in your humble opinion?
And yes the 1st book had terrible pictures even I who knows nothing of the art in Anime thought that

2007-01-15, 03:00 PM
I've said elsewhere the artwork in Bleach pretty much makes up for its complete lack of innovativeness as a story. The guy who draws that can draw women more attractively than almost any comic artist I've ever seen, and better than any other manga artist. He also keeps his action scenes clearer than almost any other, which is no easy feat in a B&W comic. And even if they are rather uninspired archetypes, most of the characters have a very distinctive and impressive look.

I even enjoy the artwork in One Piece. Yes, it's cartoony, even abstract, but within its own geometry it makes sense; the design is consistent and complete, which gives the comic world its own distinctiveness. When I read One Piece, it was like I was looking at a different universe that was bizarre but consistent. When I read Hellsing, I thought I was looking at some guy's drawings.

If I seem to be harping too hard on this, it's only because I'm an amateur sketch artist myself. So I may pay more attention and study the art harder than your typical reader (I don't really THINK I do, but I wouldn't know).

the RC factor
2007-01-15, 03:02 PM
You know who would beat Alucard Well Ninja Kitty would destroy Alucard.

At the guilderland library theres this kitty poster on the wall and hes wearing a blue martial arts uniform and carries 2 katanas. At first he would pop out from the sky and slash off alucards head leaving him on the ground in disbelief and then he would barf on him so that when he reforms he would be made of darkness and barf. He would feel so akward and so moderatley inconvienienced that he would have to go home and clean himself up before he would go out and find this Wall Kitty so there. Alucard would lose to this creature.


to quote Nietzsche: es gibt keinen Kitty auf der Wand (thats "there is no kitty on the wall" in german)

the RC factor
2007-01-15, 03:07 PM
I've said elsewhere the artwork in Bleach pretty much makes up for its complete lack of innovativeness as a story. The guy who draws that can draw women more attractively than almost any comic artist I've ever seen, and better than any other manga artist. He also keeps his action scenes clearer than almost any other, which is no easy feat in a B&W comic. And even if they are rather uninspired archetypes, most of the characters have a very distinctive and impressive look.

I even enjoy the artwork in One Piece. Yes, it's cartoony, even abstract, but within its own geometry it makes sense; the design is consistent and complete, which gives the comic world its own distinctiveness. When I read One Piece, it was like I was looking at a different universe that was bizarre but consistent. When I read Hellsing, I thought I was looking at some guy's drawings.

If I seem to be harping too hard on this, it's only because I'm an amateur sketch artist myself. So I may pay more attention and study the art harder than your typical reader (I don't really THINK I do, but I wouldn't know).

well that goes to show how much i know, I was rather impressed with Hellsing's art. But as the great Napoleon at the close of the battle of waterloo said: "whatever"

2007-01-15, 03:12 PM
*Shrug* I don't pretend to be a highly educated art critic, I just know what I like. You're welcome to your own opinions--obviously Hellsing is popular enough that someone must like it, so just because it's not to my taste doesn't make it utterly irredeemable.

2007-01-15, 03:36 PM
I think the art in Helsing is better than it might look. It's just stylised in a way that isn't for everyone (or possibly even anyone).

I think Alucard would lose to anyone with a decent amount of holy magic. Sure he seems to be able to keep unsealing himself to keep up with anyone but if he fought someone who could keep him sealed he would be beatable.

Alucard's invincableness in early chapters is part of the point. Alucard keeps talking about how he's bored with the weak modern vampires and longs for the good old days when undead were real undead and vatican assasins were real vatican assasins. Then later in the plot he has to go against Millenium who actually have powerful people.

When I read some Helsing I found that I prefered Seras and Pip. Alucard himself is pretty boring but I ended up reading it in the vain hope that the secondary characters would get fleshed out more.

Cleric Diety
2007-01-15, 03:48 PM
You know were going to pretend that paladin alexander had a reasonable amount of holy magic and still was owned by the amazing alucard. and anyway you know what Alucard really is bored with, coments like yours. I didn't know there were still people who actually believe that Hellsing is a badly drawn and a boring comic. And c'mon Pip how can you like Pip, but if you are a true fan of pip would you please inform me of his/her gender. You two apparently have no taste in anime comics or anything that feeds the mind with unecessary violence and vampiric Amazingness. (Or your blind) Either way perhaps you should finish reading the series of Hellsing before you make terribly incorrect and incoherent judgements of Hellsing and Alucard.

Viva La Alucard, Vamos Vamos Mi Amor

2007-01-16, 01:06 PM
One measely B-list superhero can get the job done.

Cloak, from Cloak & Dagger.

He simply absorbs Alucard into his cloak, there to rot for all time.

Alternatively, Raven from the DCU could teleport him to the heart of the sun in a stationary orbit (= constant horrible damage).

Or, if you don't like either of those, Captain Cold could freeze him solid (Absolute zero= no cell movement = no thought) and then dump him into an active volcano.

"Regenerate this you little bastard. I've fought the Flash, old son, and you are no Flash,"


Shadow of the Sun
2007-01-16, 08:34 PM
John Constantine could do it. He deals with demons, angels and stuff like that on a daily basis, and has some very good magic. He would probably screw with Alucard's mind for a couple of days before killing him utterly. John Constantine is pretty much the most powerful hero in any comic book around.

2007-01-17, 02:39 PM
Shiki Tohno or Arcueid Brunestud from Tsukihime

Shiki can erase things from existence, as well as his Nanaya blood activating in the presence of non-humans. As he cuts along the lines of existence, Alucard would be unable to regenerate himself.

Arcueid is at least as powerful, if not more, then Alucard. Especially with her marble phantasm, which can recreate and alter reality in a small area

From another Type Moon series, I could say Archer, Rider, Saber, and Gilgamesh from Fate Stay Night.

Archer with Unlimited Blade Works (Which is "hax" if you ask me, but still awesome). He changes reality in a large area around him and can image any sort of weapon or artifact to fight with(including if he's seen Alucards guns). In addition, whoever's artifact he starts using, he gains their fighting skill with said weapons.

Rider actually using her abilities would at least put up a fight. She could take off her mask and turn people into stone. Now, I'm sure Alucard could get out of that, but I'm not certain how much she could do, so maybe not.

Also, Saber as well if she's got Avalon, which is more "hax". She's got basic immortality if that's in her and from that point on she can keep hitting and hitting. Beyond that, I'm not certain of her destructive capability is enough to do away with our vampire friend here.

I suppose Gilgamesh as well if he's using his abilities. If Alucard has any divinity in him, he's doomed because of some chains he has that can immobilize gods. As well as being the oldest king and having access to almost anything in legend that he can bring out with Gates of Babylon.

Changing gears here, Gunbuster. But that's a robot the size of cities.

I don't know, I'd have to look for a second opinion on this one, but would someone with a Death Note actually work? Already being dead should just mean it has no effect, but there might be some disagreement there. In this case, I'll go with no.

The Cast of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. Wait, that's cheating and bringing in god and Yuki.

Well, those are my thoughts for now. I'm sure I can come up with others.

2007-01-17, 05:01 PM
Shiki Tohno or Arcueid Brunestud from Tsukihime

Shiki can erase things from existence, as well as his Nanaya blood activating in the presence of non-humans. As he cuts along the lines of existence, Alucard would be unable to regenerate himself.

Arcueid is at least as powerful, if not more, then Alucard. Especially with her marble phantasm, which can recreate and alter reality in a small area

From another Type Moon series, I could say Archer, Rider, Saber, and Gilgamesh from Fate Stay Night.

Archer with Unlimited Blade Works (Which is "hax" if you ask me, but still awesome). He changes reality in a large area around him and can image any sort of weapon or artifact to fight with(including if he's seen Alucards guns). In addition, whoever's artifact he starts using, he gains their fighting skill with said weapons.

Rider actually using her abilities would at least put up a fight. She could take off her mask and turn people into stone. Now, I'm sure Alucard could get out of that, but I'm not certain how much she could do, so maybe not.

Also, Saber as well if she's got Avalon, which is more "hax". She's got basic immortality if that's in her and from that point on she can keep hitting and hitting. Beyond that, I'm not certain of her destructive capability is enough to do away with our vampire friend here.

I suppose Gilgamesh as well if he's using his abilities. If Alucard has any divinity in him, he's doomed because of some chains he has that can immobilize gods. As well as being the oldest king and having access to almost anything in legend that he can bring out with Gates of Babylon.

Changing gears here, Gunbuster. But that's a robot the size of cities.

I don't know, I'd have to look for a second opinion on this one, but would someone with a Death Note actually work? Already being dead should just mean it has no effect, but there might be some disagreement there. In this case, I'll go with no.

The Cast of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. Wait, that's cheating and bringing in god and Yuki.

Well, those are my thoughts for now. I'm sure I can come up with others.

Uhm, hasn't it already been proved that vampires can regenerate from Shiki's attack?

Oh well, if you've played the game you probably know something I don't.

There's always someone who can beat anyone. In fact, Batman could probably beat Alucard, there was a Batman vs Dracula already.

2007-01-17, 06:51 PM
Oh yes, I agree, there is always someone who can beat someone. L vs Batman, Batman vs Superman, A drunk Panda vs. Superman. Myself vs. Superman, comic book form has it's weaknesses against a protein monster.

Still, yeah. The whole thing with Shiki cutting Arc was him just cutting her. Not removing her point of existence. That and Arc is sort of the top as far as true ancestors go.

2007-01-17, 09:15 PM
I'd go for:
A. The Silver Surfer (might not qualify due to being created as a herald for a god)
B. An insane and furious Raven from the animated series (might not qualify due to being the daughter of a god)
C. Thanos with or without the Infinity Gauntlet (again, might not qualify)
D. The Phantom Stranger (as above)

As the mortality of these people is somewhat dubious I'll just answer by saying: "I've no idea"

2007-01-18, 12:26 PM
I'd go for:
A. The Silver Surfer (might not qualify due to being created as a herald for a god)

Former herald, people seem to forget that the Surfer hasn't been Galactus' herald for several decades.

I would certainly put the Silver Surfer in the top tier of beating anybody in comics or otherwise. His only failing is a rather naive view of the world.

As for vampire hunters I'm going to have say Simon Belmont.

2007-01-18, 09:18 PM
you fought Superman in the last thread but now try a real challenge, The Great Vampire Alucard (not the wuss from castle-whatever) the manga one.

you outline what your candidate would do and I'll tell you what alucard would do and when the smoke clears the winner (read alucard) will move on the the next guy.

only rules are: no gods and no making stuff up

PS if this belongs somewhere else i apologize in advance, im new here and dont know my way around. But if this is the right place then as you mortals say: "its on!!"

I honestly think that Alexander Anderson could pull it off on a good day. He's capable of shutting down Alucard's vampiric powers if he can pop off his paper magic (and they're in an enclosed space, like a room or hallway), and his blades, being blessed, are capable of killing a vampire. To be fair, I'm going mainly by the anime, where he failed once because he underestimated Alucard (resulting in a stalemate), and later for reasons I don't recall, though the fight again ended inconclusively.

Failing that, I'd lay good odds on Dr. Strange, Dr. Fate, Moondragon, Professor X (both of whom are extremely powerful telepaths and possibly capable of defeating Alucard in a psychic duel). Just to cover all of our bases, I'll throw in the Silver Surfer and Thanos, as they're usually among the top tier in "comic battle" rankings.

Keep in mind that Hellsing's Alucard is supposed to be the "Dracula" of Bram Stoker's novel...with some creative license. Still, he was defeated by the original Professor Von Helsing (or Van Hellsing, apparently), with Jonathan and Mina Harker...all mortal humans. Presumably his "enhancements" from the Hellsing group have filled in some of his weaknesses, but he's not invincible.

Also, this seems to be placed properly, since Hellsing is a comic. Had you been talking about the Alucard from Castlevania (who isn't a wuss; he's just a totally different character), that would have belonged elsewhere.

EDIT: Geez, while I was typing this, people more or less brought up all of the people I was thinking of. Oh well.

2007-01-18, 09:22 PM
Former herald, people seem to forget that the Surfer hasn't been Galactus' herald for several decades.

I would certainly put the Silver Surfer in the top tier of beating anybody in comics or otherwise. His only failing is a rather naive view of the world.

As for vampire hunters I'm going to have say Simon Belmont.

As of Annihilation, the Surfer is once again Galactus' herald. Galactus also buffed him up a bit in preparation for their fight against two large, Galactus-like beings whose names escape me (one of them was Aegis, Lady of Sorrows). His power levels are now much more ridiculous, as he easily destroys an entire armada of spaceships in the space of one panel, and blows up an uninhabited planet just to prove a point.

The point, in case you were wondering, was "thou shalt not f--- with the Silver Surfer". :smallbiggrin:

the RC factor
2007-01-21, 10:07 AM
One measely B-list superhero can get the job done.

Cloak, from Cloak & Dagger.

He simply absorbs Alucard into his cloak, there to rot for all time.

Alternatively, Raven from the DCU could teleport him to the heart of the sun in a stationary orbit (= constant horrible damage).

Or, if you don't like either of those, Captain Cold could freeze him solid (Absolute zero= no cell movement = no thought) and then dump him into an active volcano.

"Regenerate this you little bastard. I've fought the Flash, old son, and you are no Flash,"


I dont know about any "cloak" but he'd probably just shoot him in the head with his .75 cal explosive round gun

he also can telleport so just leaves the sun

and he can regenerate from lava


the RC factor
2007-01-21, 10:14 AM
Shiki Tohno or Arcueid Brunestud from Tsukihime

Shiki can erase things from existence, as well as his Nanaya blood activating in the presence of non-humans. As he cuts along the lines of existence, Alucard would be unable to regenerate himself.

Arcueid is at least as powerful, if not more, then Alucard. Especially with her marble phantasm, which can recreate and alter reality in a small area

From another Type Moon series, I could say Archer, Rider, Saber, and Gilgamesh from Fate Stay Night.

Archer with Unlimited Blade Works (Which is "hax" if you ask me, but still awesome). He changes reality in a large area around him and can image any sort of weapon or artifact to fight with(including if he's seen Alucards guns). In addition, whoever's artifact he starts using, he gains their fighting skill with said weapons.

Rider actually using her abilities would at least put up a fight. She could take off her mask and turn people into stone. Now, I'm sure Alucard could get out of that, but I'm not certain how much she could do, so maybe not.

Also, Saber as well if she's got Avalon, which is more "hax". She's got basic immortality if that's in her and from that point on she can keep hitting and hitting. Beyond that, I'm not certain of her destructive capability is enough to do away with our vampire friend here.

I suppose Gilgamesh as well if he's using his abilities. If Alucard has any divinity in him, he's doomed because of some chains he has that can immobilize gods. As well as being the oldest king and having access to almost anything in legend that he can bring out with Gates of Babylon.

Changing gears here, Gunbuster. But that's a robot the size of cities.

I don't know, I'd have to look for a second opinion on this one, but would someone with a Death Note actually work? Already being dead should just mean it has no effect, but there might be some disagreement there. In this case, I'll go with no.

The Cast of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. Wait, that's cheating and bringing in god and Yuki.

Well, those are my thoughts for now. I'm sure I can come up with others.

altering Reality huh? neat trick. how Bulletproof is he?

um... obviously Deathnote wount work he's already dead.

Your kidding right? He beats Set himself and a robot gets sent after him?

ALucard is not a god

Rider sounds like a pushover

the RC factor
2007-01-21, 10:18 AM

There's always someone who can beat anyone. In fact, Batman could probably beat Alucard, there was a Batman vs Dracula already.

Lol, Batman. I'm sorry, I like Batman too but he is nothing next to even some of the most pathetic things Alucard has killed

the RC factor
2007-01-21, 10:24 AM
I honestly think that Alexander Anderson could pull it off on a good day. He's capable of shutting down Alucard's vampiric powers if he can pop off his paper magic (and they're in an enclosed space, like a room or hallway), and his blades, being blessed, are capable of killing a vampire. To be fair, I'm going mainly by the anime, where he failed once because he underestimated Alucard (resulting in a stalemate), and later for reasons I don't recall, though the fight again ended inconclusively.

Failing that, I'd lay good odds on Dr. Strange, Dr. Fate, Moondragon, Professor X (both of whom are extremely powerful telepaths and possibly capable of defeating Alucard in a psychic duel). Just to cover all of our bases, I'll throw in the Silver Surfer and Thanos, as they're usually among the top tier in "comic battle" rankings.

Keep in mind that Hellsing's Alucard is supposed to be the "Dracula" of Bram Stoker's novel...with some creative license. Still, he was defeated by the original Professor Von Helsing (or Van Hellsing, apparently), with Jonathan and Mina Harker...all mortal humans. Presumably his "enhancements" from the Hellsing group have filled in some of his weaknesses, but he's not invincible.

Also, this seems to be placed properly, since Hellsing is a comic. Had you been talking about the Alucard from Castlevania (who isn't a wuss; he's just a totally different character), that would have belonged elsewhere.

EDIT: Geez, while I was typing this, people more or less brought up all of the people I was thinking of. Oh well.

to respond to your comments about Alexander. :smallbiggrin: lol
how many times does alucard have to wipe the floor with the poor christ-freak for people to lose faith in him?!? He is only alive today because of Alucard's whims, he let him walk away after blowing his arms off.

I have no idea what a Silver Surfer is but if its as weak as it sounds it too shall be subsumed

the RC factor
2007-01-21, 10:30 AM
you know who could really beat ALucard hands down?

David Draiman thats who

2007-01-21, 12:46 PM
According to Wikipedia Alucard's powers are mostly:


Alucard demonstrates, in Hellsing's various incarnations, an astonishing and overwhelming range of supernatural powers (the range and strength of which have led some critics to remark that he is simply too powerful a character); these include, but are probably not limited to:
Vast strength (limits are unknown, but Alucard can rip people apart "as if they were wet tissue paper")
Superhuman senses
The ability to summon a giant, amorphous hellhound (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hellhound) named Baskerville (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hound_of_the_Baskervilles), and other creatures such as bats
Super speed
The ability to pass through solid objects
Manipulation of shadows into physical form (although vampires controlling shadows isn't unheard of, the artwork sometimes makes it difficult to distinguish between blood and shadows.)
Transformation (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shapeshifting) (Alucard can transform himself or parts of himself into bats, insects, snakes, or a little girl[1] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alucard_%28Hellsing%29#_note-0) (in The Dawn (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hellsing:_The_Dawn)))
Teleportation (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teleportation)
Telekinesis (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telekinesis)
Telepathy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telepathy)
Mind Reading (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mind_reading)
Mind Control (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mind_Control) or Hypnosis (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypnosis) (fans sometimes call it the 'sex beam' after a remark from Pip)
Regeneration (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regeneration) (Alucard can regenerate any part of his body. He can even be reduced to paste and pull himself back together.) [1] (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v227/Gazdakka/812a4368.jpg)
Summoning the souls of those whose blood he has sucked (familiars) in a variety of forms that either sprout from his body or swarm about him as an army numbering in the thousands.It doesn't say he can warp reality around him and even if he could it doesn't matter because none of his powers have been given clear guidelines or limits. So any comparison is pointless.

Like in regular DC/Marvel comics characters have a much more clear description of powers and they are often compared to each other. For example, the Shadow King has specific psychic powers and they are not as strong as Professor X's or whatever.

If Alucard doesn't have any proper grading or categorization of his power levels any arguement is pointless. Also according to this Wiki it's implied Alucard can not reform from nothing and if that's the case there are multiple characters who could change his molecular composition into something harmless and keep him that way.

"Alucard mind controls him!" "How strong are his powers? How would you compare?" "I dunno." "Exactly."

Cleric Diety
2007-01-21, 01:13 PM
HA! :smallbiggrin:

Shadow of the Sun
2007-01-21, 03:59 PM
And as I said, John Constantine would own him completely. Alucard has power, sure. But Constantine has very powerful magic, and is much more intelligent than most people in the DC universe. He doesn't need to be bulletproof. When you have been screwing with someguys mind for over 5 days they tend to forget what is actually happening.

Also, Zatanna would only have to say "Alucard dies" backwards and he is gone.

2007-01-21, 06:37 PM
the RC factor: Do the four I mentioned count?

EDIT:I'd like to take this opertunity to include "composite man" and "Squirrel girl". :lol:

2007-01-22, 05:27 AM
Also, Zatanna would only have to say "Alucard dies" backwards and he is gone.

Hmm. What would that be...

"Eid Dracula".

My god! Alucard is Dracula! It's like a hidden code!

2007-01-22, 09:24 AM
I dont know about any "cloak" but he'd probably just shoot him in the head with his .75 cal explosive round gun

he also can telleport so just leaves the sun

and he can regenerate from lava


Cloak is essentially unkillable, and he'd take Alucard by surprise: he's an ambush hunter of sorts, being almost undetectable in darkness (last I checked, alucard lives in darkness, never goes into the light, as a matter of preference), and as I recall, he has become so inhuman that he doesn't even give off scent anymore. Cloak's only weakness is that his own powers are slowly driving him mad, and he needs his fellow superhero, dagger, to keep from becoming a homicidal maniac bent on death and destruction. He's a b-list marvel superhero, but with his powers as stated in current marvel chronology, he'd whoop alucard like a red-headed step child, by simply absorbing him & leaving him to rot in the darkforce dimension. Here, look at this (http://marvel.com/universe/Cloak). There is no killing cloak: he's intangible...and he can transport people, even if they are unwilling (the absortion process). Since it's extra dimensional travel, and to my knowledge, alucards teleport ability is not extradimensional in nature, the big bad fangulator is simply SOL.

Teleport into the sun: Last I checked, the sun was a roiling hot ball of plasma at 15 million Kelvin: more than hot enough to ash a even vampire instantaneously. It's so hot, it's beating the crap out of the planet mercury, which is 58 million KM away. FYI, a human combusts (gradually) at roughly 3000K. Double it, and it'd be instantaneous for a human. Admitting that Alucard is at least 1000 times tougher than a human being to hurt, the sun is STILL hot enough to do him in with next to no measureable elapsed time.

So, sure, Alucard could teleport out of the heart of the sun...if only he hadn't been turned to ash the picosecond he got there. Ya kinda need a brain to direct a teleport, so until he regrows it...oh wait, CONSTANT damage...yeah, the reverse dracula is just screwed.

Oh, and before you say 'he goes intangible,' or 'he reacts this way', please remember HE DOESN"T HAVE A BRAIN RIGHT NOW. Which means: no decision making. No decision making means he can't use any of his powers that require him to make a choice (such as to actually use them, like teleporting and intangibility). And we all know alucard doesn't walk around being intangible all the time.

Granted, a volcano is significantly cooler than the sun. But it's still more than hot enough to ash someone almost instantaneously. Given Alucard's teleport power, this is the one of my three easy ways to kill alucard that probably wouldn't work. But then, this is the one involving captain cold, after all...who is, you must admit, nowhere near the power level of ol' allie in the first place.

So I suggest you go back and revist my first two suggestions, since, if you don't, Alucard has clearly been defeated.

2007-01-22, 06:12 PM
And as I said, John Constantine would own him completely. Alucard has power, sure. But Constantine has very powerful magic, and is much more intelligent than most people in the DC universe. He doesn't need to be bulletproof. When you have been screwing with someguys mind for over 5 days they tend to forget what is actually happening.

Also, Zatanna would only have to say "Alucard dies" backwards and he is gone.

Alucard spends most of his time *doing* the mind-screwing. While I wouldn't rule out Constantine, it wouldn't be a cake-walk. Also, the whole "Zatanna says X and poof" argument is very tired. Especially given how badly she was clowned by Deathstroke the Terminator in Identity Crisis. Hit her in the throat and see how well she talks backwards.

2007-01-22, 06:15 PM
to respond to your comments about Alexander. :smallbiggrin: lol
how many times does alucard have to wipe the floor with the poor christ-freak for people to lose faith in him?!? He is only alive today because of Alucard's whims, he let him walk away after blowing his arms off.

I have no idea what a Silver Surfer is but if its as weak as it sounds it too shall be subsumed

I assume you're talking about a fight during the manga, so I can't comment.

Likewise, if you don't know who the Silver Surfer is, you shouldn't make blanket statements about his power level. He's the herald of a planet-eating force of nature, and recently blew up a small planet simply to intimidate someone.

2007-01-22, 09:59 PM
All you people referencing DC characters, are you trying to solve the problem with minimum energy or something? Find the least powerful character who could do it?

When subtlety's not going to do the job, you might as well go for glorious, tasteless excess. To wit:

Lucifer (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucifer_%28DC_Comics%29) could do it.

Shadow of the Sun
2007-01-22, 11:32 PM
As could Mister M, Wanda Maximoff, Vulcan, Nate Gray, Cable, and Bobby Drake. Each of these mutants is powerful enough to end the entire universe, so I personally think that one puny vampire isn't going to do much against them.

2007-01-23, 04:40 AM
As could Mister M, Wanda Maximoff, Vulcan, Nate Gray, Cable, and Bobby Drake. Each of these mutants is powerful enough to end the entire universe, so I personally think that one puny vampire isn't going to do much against them.

As much as I've been trying to avoid taking the "My fictional character can beat up your fictional character" seriously (like nothingclever said, outside of a united fictional universe the comparisons are meaningless, and even then subject to writer fiat) I'll question this - Iceman? Has he taken a massive power boost I haven't heard about recently? Because he's never been even anywhere near the weight class of the others in anything I've ever read.

And aren't Nate Gray and Cable the same person?

2007-01-23, 11:10 AM
All you people referencing DC characters, are you trying to solve the problem with minimum energy or something? Find the least powerful character who could do it?

When subtlety's not going to do the job, you might as well go for glorious, tasteless excess. To wit:

Lucifer (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucifer_%28DC_Comics%29) could do it.

No gods/omnipotent beings allowed.

2007-01-23, 12:02 PM
No gods/omnipotent beings allowed.

Not a god, not omnipotent. Just... potent.

2007-01-23, 02:30 PM
As much as I've been trying to avoid taking the "My fictional character can beat up your fictional character" seriously (like nothingclever said, outside of a united fictional universe the comparisons are meaningless, and even then subject to writer fiat) I'll question this - Iceman? Has he taken a massive power boost I haven't heard about recently? Because he's never been even anywhere near the weight class of the others in anything I've ever read.

And aren't Nate Gray and Cable the same person?

Iceman is incredibly powerful...when it comes to manipulating ice. He deserves a lot of props, but he's ill-equipped to deal with demon vampires.

2007-01-23, 05:52 PM
As much as I've been trying to avoid taking the "My fictional character can beat up your fictional character" seriously (like nothingclever said, outside of a united fictional universe the comparisons are meaningless, and even then subject to writer fiat) I'll question this - Iceman? Has he taken a massive power boost I haven't heard about recently? Because he's never been even anywhere near the weight class of the others in anything I've ever read.

Shadow of the Sun looks to have gotten that list from the Wikipedia article on Omega-level mutants, which it defines along the lines of "can manipulate fundamental particles/energies" or somesuch. So I guess Iceman could qualify, but it means he's lumped in with people like Phoenix who can do that sort of thing as a side effect of, you know, godhead.

2007-02-01, 10:02 AM
Iceman is incredibly powerful...when it comes to manipulating ice. He deserves a lot of props, but he's ill-equipped to deal with demon vampires.

Bobby is actually vastly more powerful than he allows himself to be. He actually has control over energy in general, but limits himself to manipulation of water and ice. He is much more powerful than he was when first introduced.

At any rate Silver Surfer for the win. He can just turn the stupid vampire into garlic. That should work nicely. Gotta love a guy that can change any substance into something else instantly.

2007-02-01, 11:08 AM
And aren't Nate Gray and Cable the same person?
Nate Grey is the Age of Apocalypse's equivalent of Cable.

Also, Iceman is definitely picking up some nasty new tricks in the current run of adjectiveless X-Men.

2007-02-06, 07:07 PM
Alucard is very similar to Dracula, not just by the name being backwards. he seems to be one of the first very old vampires therefore should be able to be killed by sunlight. others have never thought about his one true weakness. like dracula, he cant be hurt by the removal of the head, destruction of his brain or heart, silver or a crusifiction. my research in many mythology books, comics, and movies indicates his real weakness WEREWOLVES! (Lycans!) no true lycan has ever fought alucard in the series or manga. one bite from the lycans curse and he'd simply die. i've read and seen many things and it ocurred to me that there were no true lycans in this series. werewolves only weakness is silver so it still is very difficult to get a bite on him unless the lycan is well trained, an aged immortal who can controll him or herself during combat. jusat ad up all the myths, weaknesses in movies, books and comics. it all adds up. in reference to underworld, marvel comics blade, van helsin, etc.
please comment on my theory!
and another difficult adversary for Alucard would be Dante from Capcom's Devil May Cry. son of the demon Sparda. the hybrid human who is the greatest demon slayer ever! he to is immortal and very skilled. lets see Alucard face of against Dantes gun skillz with Ebony and Ivory!

2007-02-07, 08:39 AM
Alucard is very similar to Dracula, not just by the name being backwards. he seems to be one of the first very old vampires therefore should be able to be killed by sunlight. others have never thought about his one true weakness. like dracula, he cant be hurt by the removal of the head, destruction of his brain or heart, silver or a crusifiction. my research in many mythology books, comics, and movies indicates his real weakness WEREWOLVES! (Lycans!) no true lycan has ever fought alucard in the series or manga. one bite from the lycans curse and he'd simply die. i've read and seen many things and it ocurred to me that there were no true lycans in this series. werewolves only weakness is silver so it still is very difficult to get a bite on him unless the lycan is well trained, an aged immortal who can controll him or herself during combat. jusat ad up all the myths, weaknesses in movies, books and comics. it all adds up. in reference to underworld, marvel comics blade, van helsin, etc.
please comment on my theory!
and another difficult adversary for Alucard would be Dante from Capcom's Devil May Cry. son of the demon Sparda. the hybrid human who is the greatest demon slayer ever! he to is immortal and very skilled. lets see Alucard face of against Dantes gun skillz with Ebony and Ivory!

Helsing's Alucard does fight a werewolf and has in the past. He also doesn't care about sunlight which Dracula doesn't either in the book incarnation. Dracula can be hurt by being decapitated and staked. He does in the book, his body crumbles to the dust it should have naturally been by that age, symbolising his soul being freed from damnation. It's just that movies need sequels and decieve you with lies.

Alucard is also Dracula. Or at least Vlad Tepes... While there's evidence Bram Stoker intended Dracula to be Vlad Tepes; Stoker's lack of knowledge of the actual Vlad cause huge inconsitances.