View Full Version : (pathfinder) Making a voidlord of the spear

2013-12-03, 03:36 PM
Hey guys, the party I'm DMing for a short High Level (10 up to probably 16) game mostly just for the sake of going up against some nasty monsters, and I'm wanting to make the final guy something a little special, The Void Yai Oni really caught my eye and thus so did the Voildlords of them, which fits as a great final encounter I think. However the only give listings for the Martial-Arts or Swordplay Voidlords, and I'd like mine to be a master of the spear/staff.

For those that have no idea what it is I'm talking about this is the creature in question and the two examples of voidlords: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/mon...i/oni-void-yai

What sort of feats would you even use with a spear weapon to give the whole twirling rapid striking eastern flair that an Oni would have instead of just stabbing forward with them? My initial thought was just say the spear can deal slashing and since it's not a long spear the size shouldn't be an issue but then what feats to add to that has me a bit stumped cause I don't know many 'polearm' feats.

for the spells gained I'm more at a loss since I don't really know too many spells sides the one my sorcerer might use, and for the special trait I was considering letting them be able to attack anything in their spear range like whirlwind attack, but I'm not sure if that too powerful or not, any suggestions or ideas?

2013-12-03, 09:44 PM
Aww no thoughts yet?

2013-12-03, 11:54 PM
That is a really cool idea. It's super obvious but give him improved trip and combat reflexes. That way as people try to approach him he can do this spinning flurry of spear strikes that flip them on their back then stab them on the ground.

Have you sen legend of the drunken master? Watch the first fight scene with Wong Fei Hon and the old man. That's the kind of spear fighting I'm picturing

2013-12-04, 01:11 AM
That is a really cool idea. It's super obvious but give him improved trip and combat reflexes. That way as people try to approach him he can do this spinning flurry of spear strikes that flip them on their back then stab them on the ground.

Have you sen legend of the drunken master? Watch the first fight scene with Wong Fei Hon and the old man. That's the kind of spear fighting I'm picturing

that is very similar yes lol, but I don't really know what to give him for the Spell likes or 'special' traits for being a voidlord. I like the Improved Trip + combat reflexes idea though for lock down and a bit of intimidation heh

What about spear only feats? ARE there even polearm only feats?

2013-12-04, 01:54 AM
Let him cast a modified spiritual weapon spell as a swift action that summons a spear so he can have a bunch of spectral spears floating around him that attack in conjunction with him

I'll look up some polearm feats right now

2013-12-04, 01:59 AM
Actually if you really want to mess with your players give him spell turning and other spells to keep caster heat off him then give him the improved disarm line of feats to crack the melee players weapons out of their hands

2013-12-04, 03:11 AM
Actually if you really want to mess with your players give him spell turning and other spells to keep caster heat off him then give him the improved disarm line of feats to crack the melee players weapons out of their hands

what about using the "mages sword" spell, but making it a spear, and that he can choose to have them attack or to twirl around him and deflect any spells as long as they are? oh and maybe a spell/ability that creates a cage of spears like force cage- or like a wall of spears that are hard to pass through?

2013-12-04, 03:24 AM
Yeah make it mages spear instead of mages sword. In fact if you want to be particularly nasty let him activate it and the spiritual spears as SU instead of SP in case any of your cheeky players try to dispel them.

Give him time stop mages spear and some sort of anti caster defensive spell and I think you're good to go against your party.

Open up by time stopping and creating as many mages spears as possible and set them on some unlucky shmuck. Additional pop up your counter caster spell and then humiliate anyone with them cajones to go toe to toe with you

By the way, do you know what your party is going to consist of?

2013-12-04, 04:02 AM
Yeah make it mages spear instead of mages sword. In fact if you want to be particularly nasty let him activate it and the spiritual spears as SU instead of SP in case any of your cheeky players try to dispel them.

Give him time stop mages spear and some sort of anti caster defensive spell and I think you're good to go against your party.

Open up by time stopping and creating as many mages spears as possible and set them on some unlucky shmuck. Additional pop up your counter caster spell and then humiliate anyone with them cajones to go toe to toe with you

By the way, do you know what your party is going to consist of?

Aw man time stop seems almost blatantly mean XD, though he is supposed to be ruler of a whole nation lol, I like the image of them blinking and all of a sudden 4-5 spears are all just whirling everywhere, and the party in the end after the other encounters should be a 16th level Cleric, 16th level Alchemist, A Fighter 6/ Warblade 10, and a 16th level Sorceror

2013-12-04, 04:15 AM
Well it's a rough lot in life to be a solo encounter. This is doubly true when your party has a cleric a sorcerer and a warblade in it. I suggest time stop so he can get his spears into the air before the party has a chance to blast him off into the stratosphere team rocket style.

How nasty are your players at optimization?

2013-12-04, 04:33 AM
Well it's a rough lot in life to be a solo encounter. This is doubly true when your party has a cleric a sorcerer and a warblade in it. I suggest time stop so he can get his spears into the air before the party has a chance to blast him off into the stratosphere team rocket style.

How nasty are your players at optimization?

well they've had to get better since I'm the best at it among us lol. I was going to have this guy have ten levels of Anti-Paladin or Crusader just to make him extra tough in the first place, though they will have to fight through his palace to get to him.

2013-12-04, 05:06 AM
Very awesome. It's hard to go wrong with crusader lvls on a melee fighter.

It does my black heart good to hear of a DM forcing players to up their game. I recently moved literally 400 miles away from my group that I generally DM for and I feel like I'm going into gaming withdrawal

2013-12-04, 05:32 AM
Very awesome. It's hard to go wrong with crusader lvls on a melee fighter.

It does my black heart good to hear of a DM forcing players to up their game. I recently moved literally 400 miles away from my group that I generally DM for and I feel like I'm going into gaming withdrawal

Ahh that really suck!, sorry to hear such bad news, but I have to thank you for the input lol. I wasn't getting my brain to go anywhere for some reason.

And as a player who loves weird and awesome character ideas (which lets be honest, weird usually being broken in some cases), I think they should expect to be tested when they try to kick in the overlord of Oni's door in if he's the big bad.

I was considering using a solo encounter style we tried before to mitigate the action economy thing, give him 4 actions in a round, but only 1 full round and this can't be a full attack if you move. Like he could move, cast a spell, move into range, attack. but not double move into full attack

2013-12-04, 01:42 PM
If you give him time stop do he can get all his mages spears active then he doesn't actually need extra standard actions cause so many attacks will be going off regardless of what he does.

Oh and I'm always glad to help if I can

2013-12-04, 07:07 PM
If you give him time stop do he can get all his mages spears active then he doesn't actually need extra standard actions cause so many attacks will be going off regardless of what he does.

Oh and I'm always glad to help if I can

This is quite possibly true lol, and this is the stuff for the variant lord I have so far, I'm hoping it's powerful enough for it's CR but still unique and interesting lol

Voidlord of the Glaive: These Lords of the Void Yai are complete masters of the polearm, astounding their foes with flourishes as dizzying as they are deadly and able to make any weapon they hold into the perfect instrument for dispatching their hated enemies. A Voidlord of the Glaive gains Mages Sword (creating spears instead), Bladed Dash Greater, and Forceful Strike as 3/day spell like abilities. Any time the Voidlord grasps a melee weapon, it's handle and shape adjust into a polearm for his use, and he even can adjust it's size by up to 10ft longer as a free action if desired. Lastly, they gain the following ability-

Whirling Darkness(Ex): For a number of rounds per day equal to it's CHA modifier, the Voidlord enters a constant state of motion to become a living tornado of death. While in Whirling Darkness the Voidlord may attack any opponent in it's reach even if they are adjacent to it, and may make a single attack at it's highest bonus against all creatures in it's reach as a standard action once per round. While constantly spinning it's weapon any spell that fails to pierce his SR is deflected on the caster as per Spell Turning.