View Full Version : Crack in the Wall- DM Journal

2013-12-03, 03:51 PM
So i decided i would post my Homebrew Campaign setting for you all to either scream at my genoius or scoff at my stupidity :p

First a little about me. I have been playing D&D 3.5 since i was 8 years old. Makeing me a veteran player of under 12 years. I started with my step-dad and his buddies (Who were all in their late 30's). So i grew up gaming with a very serious and epic group. Getting mature content and adventures along the road.(they still joked that i was to young to play a character that could drink). Growing up i started getting my friends to play and found myself shoved into the role of DM for all of our games. This is were i found i had a real writers touch and imagination. So with my experience and limited life events i crafted my own world for my campaign of Crack in the Wall.

Now to the Campaign setting. The world is split into 5 known continents. Each of the common race's society developed upon there own continents with a few having to share.

The World of Devonis
The very center Continent was accupied by both Dwarves and Humans. The two races managed to get along actually pretty well and birthed the Rhonaten Empire. Which has a cultural image of a late Rome. Eventually the Empire grew to such a length due to there prosperity of the equal partnership of the Human's and Dawrves, that they decided to spread their magnificence to the rest of the world. Which lead to the invasion of the Southern Continent. Which was naturally inhabited by the short races of the gnomes and haflings. Due to the Suprior Military of the Empire and the peaceful nature of the haflings the Empire absorbed the loose hafling communities into the greatness of the Empire. The gnomes had more time and greater ingenuity to fight of the Empire well enough to hold them at bay for over 13 years. Eventually the Empire lost interest in having the gnomes join the Empire and went for a full geneocide of the race. Leaveing the gnomes only a myth in the legends of the Victors history. Though there is folk tales amongst the farmers of the Southern Continent that there are some Gnomnes that managed to survive and hide in wait for the eventual fall of the Rhonaten Empire. It was during the time of the Empires purge of the gnomes a great deal of racial superiority took place among humans. Leading to the eventual secondary citizenship of all races not human. Although Dwarves are generally left along. Halfings and elven travelers tend to be treated poorly.

The Eastern Continent is home to the elves. Where their culture developed with an Oriental styled image. To the Elves honor and family are held in the highest of reguard. Where the noble families are generally the leaders it is not impossible for a low born elf to develop enough renown and honor to transend his families beginings. The elves being a naturaly magically gifted race developed a unique combat style that also aloud the ability to cast magic in armor. Eventually developing the name of the Order of Duskblades. Named after the founder's weapon. Which was forged out of a rare mineral only found in the elven continent.

The Western Continent is an unexplore and dangerous jungle. Very few ever venture there, and none ever return in one piece. The few who have survived the jungle and lived long enough to share their tale speak of blue skin creatures of imennse strength and brutality.

The Northern Continent is were the party will be begining their journey. It is a rocky and cold land, where orcs and humans have warred since time of creation began. The kingdoms of the men of this land have a very Scotish cultural image. While the Orcs appear to be in a Scotish caln cultural society. 2/3 of the land has been cut off by a range of mountains simple refured to as the Wall of Gods. The Wall of Gods has only three known passes and each have been blocked of by a great wall. Standing over a thousand feet high and 3 miles long each pass is guarded by guardians larger than any dragon that the. Made from the same imprenatable stone the walls are made of the Guardians stand watch over the great walls. The legend behind these is that in a time before creation of the known world a battle of god and creatures unknown to history warred. The god's eventually won and threw these beings in a prison so great that escape was impossible. These great walls and guardians stand watch over this prison and have not moved since first created.

Now to the party that will be the heros of this tale:

Jane Everstar-Fighter level 5 human- An ex-legionair of the empire released from her manditory servitude now looks to adventureing to make his wealth in the world. A first class Crossbowmen with deadly skill with her heavy repeating crossbow. (brand new player)

Mercer Weylin-Rogue level 5 human- A quick handed and sneaky man. Mercer travels to the north in hope of gaining wealth beyond his wildest dreams and he has some wild dreams. (Veteran)

Leonidas Calderon-Barbarian level 5 dwarf- Having fought in the legion as an axe for hire. has little care for anything else other than the cries of battle and the gold he can make for it. Taking an easy job to the north made no difference to him so long as he gets paid. (brand new player)

Romahn Adrecus-Cleric of St. Cuthbert level 5 human- After serving in the legion as an officer he returns to the life as a priest. Believing that he would serve the faith of his god best in the north. His church sends him as a missionary of the law. (Veteran)

Aaryk -Sorcerer level 5 half elf- After managing to disguise himself as a human and running from his homeland to the Empire he served a legion magus. Eventually attracting to much attention to himself he is forced to flee once again. This time to the north where he hopes he can finally find peace and hide from those of his homeland. (Veteran)

The Campaign setting and plans of the DM
The Party will have all been hired one way or another to accompany a ship as it travels to the Northern Continent Kingdom of Keltan. As they travel to the north a kraken attacks the ship (They are not suppost to fight it, hopefully they don't). They all wash up on the shores of Ruin Bay and can see a village of to the east. Cold wet and tired they will one way or another make their way to the village. Once there they have a range of things that can happen. Since they were unable to accomplish their job they will not be getting the second deposit of the gold they were promised. Hopefully this will force them into eithor looking for a new job or simply a place to rest for the night. In the village they will either meet one of three people. two of these people will give them a quest to travel to the Starforge Falls and do somthing based upon who they talk with. The last person will give them a note that will be asked to be delivored to a man in the city of Astmer. This person will in turn send them on a quest to travel to the Starforge as well. Upon dwelving into the dungeon found at the Falls they will discover that they can not leave the way they came and must move forward deeper into the dungeon. After they accquire the quest item they will continue on and come out at the other end of the dungeon. Here the Party will find themselves at the feet of the crumpled Guadian. With its head facing them is telepathically warns them "There is a crack in the wall!Call to arms! Soon the evil will escape!" Sending the players on the main quest line. To hopefully prevent the collapse of the great wall or to fight off the evil, whatever it maybe.

Hope you find this enjoyable enough to follow and sorry for the long shpeel. I'll let you know what happens after the first session :)
Sorry for any errors in this i'll try to catch them all. eventually i'll have them all fixed.
Please don't be afraid to leave any comments about the setting or me and the players in general.

2013-12-09, 04:24 PM
Ok so the First session was played this past saturday. the player for Jane had a family engagement that she could get out of and joined later on in the night. It may seem like a lot happened but we managed to come about an hour short of what I had planned before everyone had started leaving. That was mostly due to the first hour or two going over and checking character sheets. Also one player hadn't had time to make his character so ended up taking the time to make it from scratch. All in all the party had a good time and i only had to yell at the a few times.

Rise of the Heros
At the start of the game the party found themselves aboard a ship headed for the Northern Continent's Western most kingdom. The party had been hired to escort the supply ship to the city of Valkear. They were paid 6k gold and had been promised another 6k gold upon the safe delivery of the supplies. (the first 6k gold was what i had given them for their starting gold at character creation).

Suddenly the ship is forced into a a violent stop, sending the party to their knees. Mercer decides to go climb to the crow's nest and see what made them stop. When he reaches he top he looks and sees that the ship is surrounded by white foam and appears to boil. Before the rest of the party gets a chance to react several tentacls shoot from the sea and attack the ship and it's crew. One of the tentacls breaks the mast of the crow's nest. Mercer attempts to swing down from the perch and onto the deck of the ship. Needing a DC of 15 and rolling a 8 he fails. Instead of landing aboard the ship the Rogue is launched ou pasted the ship and into the ocean, falling unconscious. Next the Cleric, Romahn, casts Bull's Strength on the Barbarian who charges a tentacle. Leonidas, the Barbarian, hits but hardly damages the limb. The limb reacting to the attack swings and knocks the dwarf from the ship and into the ocean unconsious. While this all happens the Sorcerer, Aaryk, looks around to see if there is anything that could end up helping. The rest of the crew and the captain of the ship had given up any hope and jumped ship fearing the wrath of the tentacles. The cleric suddenly afraid of death by the tentacles or death of drowning since he was wearing fullplate armor. Manages to cast Summon Monster, summoning a celestial porpoise to wisk him to shore safely. Aaryk sees this and jumps on as well. (At this time i know that one little porpoise wouldn't be able to cary a fully armored cleric AND the sorcerer, but in my defence i was imagining something the size of a small whale and not a dolphin.

The cleric and the sorcerer reach the shore and find their gear as it washes up. Seeing no other survivers and a glimmer of a village in the distance decide to make the trek towards the village. A few hours later Leonidas and Mercer both wash up withtheir gear as well. Seeing the same glimer they decide to travel to the village as well. (Jane is just assumed to have jumped ship and wash up upon the shore with the barbarian and rogue). Romahn and Aaryk both arrive at the village several hours before the setting of the sun. They find a sign that announces to them that the village is named Ruin Bay Village. With in the roadsthey see on man loading up a wagon as well as a black man working a forge. They also see an Inn towards the end of the road, which is were they decide to go too. Enteringg they see that it is well before the usuals tend to arrive for the evening ale. Deciding to ask the inn keeper about food and a room they wait to see what the night brings them. Leonidas and Mercer also arrive to Ruin Bay Village, but just at dusk. They watch as several people make their way to the inn and follow suit. THe enter into a more festive and loud inn but still manage to see their companions from the ship and go to meet with them.

At this point a very old man with a ruby crested staff walks in and takes a seat at a chair next to the fire. As if this was where he always sat a barmadien comes over and gives him a mug of ale. Several children run over and beg for the old man to tell them a story. Laughing the old man agrees and fumbles out a pipe. Leonidas is the first to listen in on the old man but it's not long before the entire party gives the old man their full attention. The story begins "There is a place were the young boys of the North travel to prove themselves as men. They travel to the Starforge----

I don't have enough time to finish and hope to as soon as i can sorry.

2013-12-09, 04:32 PM
You had me at gnome genocide :smalltongue:

Sounds fun though could I suggest using spoilers due to the length of the posts?

2013-12-10, 03:35 PM
Lol how do i do that? I'm a veteran GITPG forum ready but this is my very first time actually posting. :p

And glad to know my dark imaginings appeal to some people lol