View Full Version : The Whispering Wastes IC (Bels' Nations)

2013-12-03, 05:25 PM
The Whispering Wastes IC

Day 1

2013-12-05, 01:36 PM
Ravenkaw walked grimly through the streets. They had been cheated, and that's all there was to it. To say this town was worth over a million gold was an exaggeration, filled with cripples and whores the lands were ill suited to his needs. Still, they would mend the land, sculpting it to their needs.

His shoes clipped against the ground sharply with every step. Rulers could not rule from the shadows, that had been the mistake of the land's former ruler, and Ravenkaw didn't intend to repeat it. Retaining his cold composure he falls into line with a conglomerate of his undead followers. The nonmilitant forces were devised to search all the undiscovered land, twelve teams of ten with rulers encouraged to accompany a team of their choosing in order to give a sense of presence in politics to the people.

Ravenkaw himself took the North, sending the Baron to the West by Northwest compass direction.

2013-12-11, 02:35 PM
Ravenkaw travels most of the day and finds it hard work, the hills kept going up and down, up and down.

The first day found nothing of importance.


Barron takes off and encounters a wild pack of bears, they saunter off after sniffing the air and not wanting to engage...whatever it was they smelled.

After that it was rather quiet.


Lamort moves into the woods SW of the city, other than it being eerily quiet, you encounter nothing.


Ty'lll'yn'rh'lf'kj, Gungrim and the veritable legion of warriors that follow trundle through the forest to the SE of the city. Nothing overtly happens, except for a strange silence.


Warforged 1: Hills due NW of the city
ERROR....****UNKNOWN****, //REDACTED*/n\ ****

Warforged 2: Hills due W of the city

Warforged 3: Woods due SW of the city
N++/*1x()), VOID*****ERROR* Return 0

Warforged 4: Plains due SE of the city

Warforged 5: Plains due E of the city

Warforged 6: Hills due NE of the city

Warforged 7: Plains due NNE of the city

Day 2

2013-12-11, 02:56 PM

What of the warforged that explored all the other directions? :smalltongue:

2013-12-11, 03:22 PM
Updated, curious, how are you keeping track of them?

2014-01-11, 02:07 AM
oocWell it takes a day to explore, but they can probably move faster as runners ay? :smalltongue: