View Full Version : Contemplating Problems

Erik Vale
2013-12-04, 05:10 AM
Forces were gathering, forces were waiting, forces were guiding others [however slowly], and he had faithful, particularly to him, undergoing pilgrimage to the mountain.
As it stood, the only thing for the upcoming conflict was to prepare summons, maybe... No, it's to likely backlash would occur... Marauding beasts though towns might work though...
But it was time to turn his attentions to learning what he could about the dark empire... But there was one creature that troubled him most... That... Swarm.
It was to potent, and a conjuration... He needed to determine it's abilities, and try to determine a appropriate banishment ritual.

Sid'Jax heard Thirsts voice, however he dismissed it. Others would be able to find him in his domain, as he sat cross legged, in a field of white which was bitterly cold... Not that the deities felt cold.
In one hand, lay the crumpled husk of a single burnt member of the swarm, gathered from the battlefield amongst his teleports.

And so, he called upon the lore of worlds, and asked simply "What is this swarm?" Thinking only of the creature, isolating it/them in his mind eye.

2013-12-04, 06:12 AM
Make a Knowledge checks on Arcana, Religion, The Planes, and Nature. Also make any Lore/Bardic Knowledge rolls you can.

For each roll also make two Will saves and a Fort save (DCs are secret for now, but they are not too scary for you).
Then I will construct a scene from them.

Erik Vale
2013-12-04, 06:22 AM
Arcarna: [roll0]
Religion: [roll1]
Planes: [roll2]
Nature: [roll3]

Will: [roll4]
Will: [roll5]
Fort: [roll6]

2013-12-04, 06:49 AM
You need 2 will saves and 1 fort for each knowledge/lore roll.
I'll count those first ones as aligning with the Arcana roll.
Then go in order from there.

Erik Vale
2013-12-04, 07:13 AM
Will [roll0]
Will [roll1]
Will [roll2]
Will [roll3]
Will [roll4]
Will [roll5]

Fort: [roll6]
Fort: [roll7]
Fort: [roll8]

2013-12-05, 12:04 AM
These rolls are final? No modifiers or anything else?
If not then I'll write up and IC response. :smallsmile:

Erik Vale
2013-12-05, 12:50 AM
Why do I get this sinking feeling and a sudden desire to say no and do the character rebuild now?

2013-12-05, 01:52 AM
You approach it form many angles, your mind reaching out with it's divine powers to seek the knowledge you are after. Almost every angle turns up a blank, you can think of nothing to explain what you have seen.
When you attempt to seek arcane or religious explanations, searching mentally through every tome you have read and everything you know about the world you guide over, your mind uncomfortably seems to skirt about the issue - though you are not consciously aware of this avoidance of the topic.
Your mind keeps wandering onto other topics and side issues regarding your question and you cannot seem to pin down what it was you are seeking.

You awaken from your trance, the question you asked unanswered. You feel a presence in the area around you, as if you are being carefully studied.

"Interesting isn't it. The questions are not just unanswerable but unaskable." it speaks, even though you cannot see who spoke the words. A cold shiver runs down your spine involuntarily.

Erik Vale
2013-12-05, 02:07 AM
Sid'Jax doesn't have a spine... I think, I don't know exactly how dnd biology works, mostly because it doesn't.
[Thri-Kreen, therefore insect].

Sid'Jax doesn't even open his eyes, repressing the near full body shiver.
He does however open the hand holding the insect corpse, and uses his sensing abilities to fully see his entire demiplane.
"... It is... The, oddest feeling, almost like your keeping the information away from me deliberately."
Sid'Jax words bear fake strength, he does however automatically assume he is talking to the swarm as his senses do extend.

2013-12-05, 02:13 AM
Your senses are unable to detect what is in your divine realm with you. In fact all of your divine powers and senses appear to have ceased working entirely for the time being. You feel small, mortal and alone.

The insect in your hand comes to "life" and turns incorporeal once more, scuttling off into the shadows to vanish.

"I would keep it from you deliberately, if indeed it was my own doing. I have spent much of my time since this world was born attempting to figure it out. I have been attempting to work out a great many many things."

You hear the footstep of a heavy boot on the 'ground' to your right behind you.

Erik Vale
2013-12-05, 03:21 AM
Sid'Jax simply notes the insect leave as his mind reels, it's the third time he's been so deprived of his powers, and he quickly tests his other inate powers as he listens with one mind.
He questions however how the swarm could stomp with a boot... Perhaps a manifestation...
'I might as well get up.'

"It is good to know others do ponder the existence of this world. But I do wonder who you are to so violate my sanctum."
Sid'Jax slowly rises, turning to face the origin of the bootstep.

Will seek to activate fell flight to determine if his own powers are active

2013-12-05, 03:35 AM
Powers from class features/race etc. that are not divine spells etc. all work just fine.

In front you stands a short man, with perhaps the tiniest neatest rectangular looking moustache you have ever seen. He wears a brown plain looking military uniform, a brown leather jacket and a black and brown cap on his head with a golden eagle, it's wings spread out. On his right arm is a red band with a black symbol of some sort, a bent out of shape cross. A holy symbol perhaps you surmise. Numerous medals that appear military in origin are pinned over his left breast.

"Too much? No.. I suppose you would not understand ze reference. So zis body shall do for now." it replies to you in a strange accent. "Ze real question you should be asking is if zis is indeed your private sanctum or is it simply on loan to you?" it paused for thought for a moment "No zat is perhaps not the right question either. But perhaps it may lead to ze right question."

Erik Vale
2013-12-05, 04:03 AM
Sid'Jax does look perplexed by the form. He immediately turns 90 degrees and begins circling the thing/Hitler. One head stares down directly into the evil's eyes as the other looks straight ahead, arms crossed as he maintains a measured pace.

"It's mine because I make it so, not that it appears to help. However given the nature of this mountain one would say it's on loan by whoever hides behind the door only the 'King of the Gods' can access. This idea is reinforced by the intervention that occurred in the first divine battle. However, you are more likely to find answers than I, being Thirst's conjuration, not that I know how he could have bound you."

Sid'Jax turns 180 mid-speech, still circling.
"The questions then become, Who hides behinds the stone door? Why would they hand the world off to us? And why did they create this world, because it is obviously a... near childish creation that is a mockery of the prime despite being far from it."

Sid'Jax maintains his walk, his last sentence partly waited as a insult in a attempt to guage Hitler's reaction should he be the creator, though he considers it rather unlikely.

2013-12-05, 04:12 AM
Even though your eyes never left it, somewhere in your walk it appears to have shifted into a different form. A human male in a wast coat and plaid cap smoking a pipe.
"Really? You know you are a clever one aren't you? But I think you have made some very fundamental mistakes in your logic. Mind you, your failure to grasp the most elementary of details aside, there is a glaringly obvious action you could take that would lead to answers. Though one as clearly intelligent as yourself should already know what I am talking about." it replied in a very clear and well spoken accent.

Erik Vale
2013-12-05, 04:31 AM
If Sid'Jax's eyes could roll, they would. Unfortunately they're stuck in place.
"One failure in your assumptions is making an assumption as to my inteligent. There are human wizards who make better logical leaps, and I know your a hive mind and so you can out-think me by miles... I know enough of the world and it's rules to know I am far from as powerful as I can be though, I will need to work upon improving myself in such manners. However..."
Sid'Jax performs another 180 turn.
"But yes, I do recognise I could just ask or perform the suitable divinations. The divinations however are rather unlikely to work for similar reasons to them failing on you, so that leaves asking myself. Or performing the trickery I didn't try the first time on the chair, or perhaps the door, but I do doubt it would work, and they are currently in the room... And Thirst is likely to do so for a long while, again looping to asking which I am lothe to do. Perhaps some form of tunnelling or travelling through the ethereal. Why tunnel, just a double gate."

He stops and turns towards Sherlock.
"However I would like information regarding my failures."

2013-12-05, 04:48 AM
It has now taken the form of a small human girl in a red hooded cloak. Though her eyes are deep pools of blackness with stars twinkling in them.

"You are babbling. I will tell you this. You and I have the same goals. Sophia and the thing you call 'Thirst' also hold the same goals as me. I want to live. Plain and simple. Living in an endless infinite cage of nothingness is not life to me, nor would it be so to you. I do not know how this world came to be or how even I came to be. But I know that I like it. I want it to keep on being. But there is out there a big bad wolf that wants to gobble us all up. It is the wolf that hides the truth of this world from us. It is the wolf that holds the doors shut and has hidden the keys. But there is one key that can unlock my prison door. That key is the survival of this world."

Erik Vale
2013-12-05, 05:09 AM
"... I see you have determined the full nature in this world that seeks to be a prime, but if some wolf who has created this world seeks to end it, there is little we could do, not that I have seen signs as to a end of times... But as to this world being a true cage..."

Sid'Jax attempts to open a gate between here and any other plane he could know of besides this planes mirror of the ethereal/the ethereal/a prime, Sigil if so possible.

2013-12-05, 05:41 AM
[roll0] to determine gate

The gate fizzles and fails to connect. The being remains in the form of the little girl and continues to stare at you for a while.
"Do you know how a Gar-fish feeds?" it asks.

Erik Vale
2013-12-05, 05:47 AM
Sid'Jax will repeat his attempts until non-limitless SLA's come online, or just two more times. Once to prove a connections to this planes ethereal is possible, and once again trying to connect to Sigil/Other. Done as free actions.

Also, Knowledge Nature Take 10 for 15, so I do know IC, but not OOC, so more info would be nice.

Sid'Jax seems to ignore the question, turning to face LRRH.
"Yes I do... Hmm, it normally doesn't fizzle so... Ahh, would you temporarily stop whatever it is that you are doing to prevent my abilities if possible, just testing your theorem."
One of Sid'Jax's heads seems to be staring off into space where he is attempting to open said gates.

2013-12-11, 02:41 AM
The Garfish can barely open it's mouth, and it's teeth are not for chewing but for holding. It snaps up it's prey with lightning speed and then holds them in it's mouth, using it's teeth as a cage or to grip larger prey, gradually swallowing them whole and still alive.

"Stopped preventing you from using your powers long ago. Your spell fails due to the nature of the plane. They do tend to fizzle out quite a lot in my observations of other spellcasters."

Erik Vale
2013-12-11, 04:37 AM
"I haven't truly had time to test the powers of conjuration."
Sid'Jax attempts to open the gates as described above, unless they already failed/other.