View Full Version : 3.x Quirky Character at Low Level?

2013-12-04, 05:35 PM
DM has mentioned starting a game in Eberron at level 3. Other players tend to be one beatstick and two mild wild cards.

For my part I really enjoy playing monsters and oddball characters. Less interested in the cheese or the powah than I am the uniqueness. problem is that with only 3 levels there's not a whole lot on unique that fits.

What stuff is there that can be tacked onto a 3rd level character that's either a) worth the LA or b) doesn't imcrease LA at all?

Some of the first things that came to my mind were those race templates from Dragon, Traits, Flaws, and background feats (if this were Faerun).

2013-12-04, 05:56 PM
Possibly an incarnate construct Warforged with some positive LA templates to take advantage of the negative LA granted by Incarnate Construct?

As for "quirky", maybe play the Warforged as a Factotum who, when using its abilities, are accessing some sort of secret database locked up inside its head?

2013-12-04, 09:06 PM
Play a Primoridal Half-Giant Warlock/Artificer, then ask the DM if you can use the custom item rules and make a bunch of weird magical gizmo's based off of obscure and semi-useless spells.

Sir Chuckles
2013-12-04, 11:55 PM
Play something that I've been wanting to play for a long time:
Commoner/Survivor with Leadership and Handle Animal.

2013-12-05, 12:05 AM
I kind of like a Goliath bard, the idea of a giant grey mountain man strumming a tiny lyre amuses me

Barring that, if SS has rules for taking succubus levels, I've always wanted to play a redeemed succubus paladin (improving the wizards version immensely)

Red Rubber Band
2013-12-05, 12:05 AM
Play something that I've been wanting to play for a long time:
Commoner/Survivor with Leadership and Handle Animal.

Or Bubs! With his trio of unstoppable dinosaurs! Rawr

Edit: I really like Haiken's idea. The fluff of it.

Falcon X
2013-12-05, 02:07 AM
Some LAs that have definitely been worth it have been Necropolitan and Mineral Warrior.

If you're into fun races with no LA, you can try anything in the Planar handbook (Buomman, Spiker, Neraph, etc.).
Dragon 317 - Adu'jas (Plant people), Gruwaar (Unseelie tricksters), Golmoids (Warforged that think like gnomes), and T'kel (Mask wearing lizards)
Dragon 313 - Ghost Elves (Basically Warcraft's Blood Elves)
Dragon 324 - Grippli (Frog People)
Frostburn - Uldra (Emo, anti-establishment ice fey)
Rogue Modron

I really like some of the Rogue's prestige classes and ACFs that you can find in Dragon:
Mole - burrows, sees through stone, sneak attacks.
Demolitionist - Applies all Sneak attack damage to constructs and items. Ex. Take your adamantine heavy pick, touch attack weapon, cleave to break armor, great cleave to break now-unarmored face.

Too many to list here. If you give me somewhere to send them to, I can shoot you some pdfs, but:
Flaws in Dragon Magazine:
Druid/Paladin/Bard - Dragon 324
Rangers: Dragon 329
Wizard: Dragon 333

Yeah, I like to compile information and make quick reference pdfs...
Let me know if you know your base class or base race, or what kind of flavor you want. We can find things to match.

2013-12-05, 02:11 AM
If you're into fun races with no LA, you can try anything in the Planar handbook (Buomman, Spiker, Neraph, etc.).
Dragon 317 - Adu'jas (Plant people), Gruwaar (Unseelie tricksters), Golmoids (Warforged that think like gnomes), and T'kel (Mask wearing lizards)
Dragon 313 - Ghost Elves (Basically Warcraft's Blood Elves)
Dragon 324 - Grippli (Frog People)
Frostburn - Uldra (Emo, anti-establishment ice fey)
Rogue Modron

Excellent suggestions. Though when I describe the Gruwaar, I usually say Furry Gremlins.

You could consider the feat "Wedded to History" from Dragon 354. It basically says you are an immortal character from the distant past. Haven't you always wanted to play a Time Lord or a Highlander?

Falcon X
2013-12-05, 03:03 AM
Excellent suggestions. Though when I describe the Gruwaar, I usually say Furry Gremlins.

You could consider the feat "Wedded to History" from Dragon 354. It basically says you are an immortal character from the distant past. Haven't you always wanted to play a Time Lord or a Highlander?

Furry Gremlins, got it.
I recently homebrewed up a world where the given PC races are: Ghost Elves, Drow, Golmoid, T'kel, Gruwaar, Grippli, Chaos Gnomes, and Adu'Jas. The first 4 are the primary world races, Ghost Elves just now coming back for revenge, and the major religion choices are Garl Glittergold, Lolth, and Mother Earth. Humans are permissible, but they only exist as slaves or ex-slaves. It's a little post-apocalyptic.

Thank you sir (or madam) for pointing out Wedded to History to me. Noted. Twice.