View Full Version : Judge this Artificer/Rogue Gestalt build!

2013-12-04, 08:40 PM
Gestalt Artificer/Rogue build. Lots of dips.

The point of the build is to mostly play a sneaky attacking rogue type (with Iatjutsu Focus), and to generally be comic relief and not break the game, but if the game gets particularly difficult, and my teammates can't figure something out, I could do something overpowered to get us out of a bind via Artificer. (Persist Divine Power, Buff the hell out of the group, A Utility Polymorph, Persistent Wand Buffs, hell, at level 12 I could grab an extra 12d6 Sneak Attack dice with the right wands (Hunter's Eye, Infernal Transformation, Polymorph))

But, mostly, even if inefficiently, I want to stab people, make a ridiculously high hide/move silently attempt and laugh at them. And I make and sell poison on the side.

Monk ACF grants me free Invisibility every third round at level 7, pairing well with Dark Stalker at level 9. Swordsage levels get me another invisibility via Shadow Hand Discipline, along with a 50 ft. Teleport. Dragonfire Adept with Blend Into Shadows grants me semi-restricted hiding anywhere. Assassin has the Su version of HiPS.

Character name Syr'l. He's a Dark Template Whisper Gnome. My party is at level 3, I've already bought the level off, putting him at level 2. Str 10, Dex 17, Fort 16, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 10. Flawed with Shaky (-2 ranged attack) and Vulnerable (-1 AC)

"Special" items listed in Bold are level granted feats. All other items listed are class granted feats/abilities.

Numbers Spreadsheet in Spoiler: http://oi42.tinypic.com/35k7mde.jpg

My party mates haven't totally disclosed what they're playing, though we do have a Wizard/Sorcerer, Druid/Barbarian, Barbarian/something, and a mystery player.

The only thing I have going on here that's more houseruled/RAI is applying Kung-Fu Genius to Swordsage AC Bonus. Started a thread talking about it today. Mostly comfortable with that decision. Effectively it means I wear light armor till I take Monk, then I wear nothing, then I wear armor again when I take Swordsage 2, and maybe craft my gear in the meantime.

What are your thoughts?

Edit: My infusions per day is way off. Didn't add Int. Mod to it.

2013-12-05, 02:05 AM
Ugh, so many dips. Aesthetics aside, how about something a bit simpler to read like Artificer 20//Rogue 2/Cloistered Cleric 18. Use Sacred Outlaw from Dragon 357 to stack Rogue and Cleric together to determine Sneak Attack damage and Turn Undead. Or even just go straight Artificer//Factotum the whole way, that combination while not gamebreakingly powerful is still very effective.
Also since you have grabbed multiple classes that have Trapfinding, consider some of the ACFs available to swap it out. My favorite of which is Mimic from EoE (not great, but free).

2013-12-05, 11:42 AM
Yeah, Mimic was something I was looking into, but I didn't qualify for it in EoE. Charisma is too low.

I never knew about Sacred Outlaw. That's pretty cool. Thanks for that!

I'll probably start looking around to try and make this simpler. But why is it most people don't like multiple dips? Is it purely an aesthetics thing, or is there an optimization aspect to it also?

Edit: I should also add that we're playing with the multi-class EXP penalty rule.

2013-12-05, 12:52 PM
Yeah, Mimic was something I was looking into, but I didn't qualify for it in EoE. Charisma is too low.

I never knew about Sacred Outlaw. That's pretty cool. Thanks for that!

I'll probably start looking around to try and make this simpler. But why is it most people don't like multiple dips? Is it purely an aesthetics thing, or is there an optimization aspect to it also?

Edit: I should also add that we're playing with the multi-class EXP penalty rule.

I personally don't like multiple dips, especially in gestalt.
And if you are playing with the penalty, that is more reason to keep the build less dip-happy. Not a huge one, but an annoyance none the less.

2013-12-05, 01:29 PM
Build is moot now. :-/

I just learned that I mis-interpreted how to calculate the skill ranks. I'll probably give up Factotem (was using this to get Iatjutsu Focus, really, which I'll either give up or Cross-class skill), Dragonfire Adept (I have enough sources of HiPS), and Blend Into Shadows (Same).

It's looking like I may have to turn into the stealth/skill monkey of the group.

I still dig Assassin, Swordsage, and Monk dipping. Maybe Assassin's the weak one there, but I kind of dig the spell list for my role. Swordsage seems like a no-brainer, as does Cloistered Cleric for utility. And someone just turned me on to Martial Monk. So I'll be reading into that again.

Time to re-build. Thanks for the feedback Waker! :D