View Full Version : FullMetal Alchemist (no spoilers)

2007-01-14, 07:04 PM
FullMetal Alchemist is one of my favorite shows of all time I would like to hear if any and if so how many of you have heard of it and what you think about it

2007-01-14, 07:48 PM
It's not my favorite, but it's a lot better than the proprietary c*** like ATHF that Adult Swim airs.

2007-01-15, 02:58 AM
i also like the show. didn't like the end but otherwize nice concept

2007-01-15, 03:50 AM
The end was alright, if a little rushed. That is, I didn't mind what happened, but they might have taken one or two more episodes to do it. It was very poiniant, in any case, as was the rest of the show.

It has definitely been one of the better "making me think in new ways" type shows, and that comes from someone with exceedingly tough criteria about these things. The portrayal of the characters was very solid too. I mean, Ed really was the older brother in more ways than simple chronology, for example. The music was very good overall, though I didn't care for the Japanese Pop type stuff. Which is okay, because you mostly just have to skip over the theme song to avoid it. Also, parts of it were genuinely tragic, which is tough to do.

Also, Maj. Armstrong (I think that's his rank, anyways) rocks all awsomeness.

2007-01-15, 08:53 AM
It's a well put together show.

The movie isn't that bad either.

It's a good example of how shows that decide they're going to be differant to the manga are better than shows that try to follow the manga and then have to rush when they run out of episodes.

The Geomancer
2007-01-15, 12:21 PM
i also like the show. didn't like the end but otherwize nice concept

My opinion as well. I like FMA because it doesn't make the mistake most action anime makes: During FMA fights the characters spend more time fighting then talking.

2007-01-15, 01:13 PM
My opinion as well. I like FMA because it doesn't make the mistake most action anime makes: During FMA fights the characters spend more time fighting then talking.

Amen to that.

Mauril Everleaf
2007-01-15, 02:52 PM
I started reading the manga first, then I got cable and started watching FMA on Adult Swim. I was kinda bothered by the fact that they were so different, but I got over that pretty soon. I really like the series, but I haven't seen all of it. I want to find a place that I can download the series, because I no longer have cable and don't want to pay 20 bucks for 4 episodes. I recommend that anyone who likes the series to read the manga as well. It's really good. Just don't compare the two.

2007-01-15, 04:17 PM
I've read the first book of the manga, and watched the first episode of the TV series, and it definitely shows promise, even if I didn't particularly like the drawing style at the beginning of the manga

I'll have to have a look to see if I can find my brother's copy of the series

Mauril Everleaf
2007-01-15, 04:25 PM
I picked up FMA manga volume 10 recently, and I loved it. Anyone remember when vol 11 drops? I don't have my copy on me to check.

Teal Kuinshi
2007-01-15, 09:39 PM
The anime was pretty good, but the ending really killed me. I've read up to volume ten of the manga, and I really hope that the ending of the manga is nothing like the ending of the anime. Which is most likely the case.

2007-01-15, 11:42 PM
The anime was pretty good, but the ending really killed me. I've read up to volume ten of the manga, and I really hope that the ending of the manga is nothing like the ending of the anime. Which is most likely the case.
What was wrong with it?

2007-01-16, 12:00 AM
I picked up FMA manga volume 10 recently, and I loved it. Anyone remember when vol 11 drops? I don't have my copy on me to check.


Releases for the week of 1/15/07
Full Metal Alchemist Vol. 11

I liked the anime quite a bit, though I caught only the first half of the episodes, and the last few. Theres a big gap there, but I don't care. I'll catch it eventually.

I was reasonably surprised that the manga and anime didn't follow the exact same story, and I am quite happy that I am not merely taking in the same story in a different media.

Teal Kuinshi
2007-01-18, 10:11 PM
What was wrong with it?
Let's just say I either want the main characters to totally complete their goal or die trying.

2007-01-18, 10:32 PM
Let's just say I either want the main characters to totally complete their goal or die trying.

Screw closure. The ending was good because it perfectly adhered to the point of the show.

2007-01-19, 01:19 PM
I loved it, though the ending was.............well, no opinion on the matter. Not great, not terrible, just was.

But I LOVED the music. The only one I did not like was the third ending theme..... too slow........

2007-01-19, 01:45 PM
Teal, pick up the FMA Movie: Conquerors of Shamballa. You'll have your closure then and in such wonderful ways too.

Persanolly I love the series. It ranks up there as one of my favorite animes. Only two real bad points stick out at me though. The death of two of my favorite characters. x.x And they were so cool too...but they died well as FMA seems to manage quite well. If character must die, they give it the signifigence it is owed.

2007-01-19, 02:41 PM
CoS was okay and I loved the history tie in, but I didn't like the ending.

Teal Kuinshi
2007-01-19, 06:01 PM
I think it's the history part that irked me the most... I think it would have been better if they stayed in their own world. They had this whole thing worked up about what happens on the 'other side' (where do we come from, and where do we go when we die, etc)--and then they give you this.

2007-01-19, 06:19 PM
I think it's the history part that irked me the most... I think it would have been better if they stayed in their own world. They had this whole thing worked up about what happens on the 'other side' (where do we come from, and where do we go when we die, etc)--and then they give you this.

You would probably like the manga then as the other side of a gate still remains a mystery and doesn't lead to our world.

Teal Kuinshi
2007-01-19, 06:35 PM
I do :smallsmile:
It's a great series.

2007-01-19, 08:43 PM
I really enjoyed Full Metal Alchemist, even though it is well outside my usual choice of anime. I'm mostly into swordmen-type anime (Rurouni Kenshin, Samurai Deeper Kyo, Bleach, etc), but Full Metal Alchemist held my attention for the whole series. I loved the ethical issues that were raised.

2007-02-08, 01:57 AM
such a good series. One second I laugh, the next I cry. Maj. Armstrong is hilarious. Seriously what is with those little pink diamonds?!? ...Priceless

2007-02-08, 03:07 AM
I have now read up to book 11 of the manga, and I'm really enjoying it. Especially Fuhrer President King Bradley. Brilliant name