View Full Version : Godsblood Spellthief: I've Never Seen This!

2013-12-05, 02:00 PM
So I just stumbled across this (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/frcc/20070606). Which is the article where Font of Inspiration was printed, so I feel that this feat has often been ignored. But it's a great power bump to the Spellthief!
What the feat does is tells you to choose a domain from a list of Deities it gives you. Cha mod/day you get to turn a spell of equal level that you stole into a spell from the domain you chose.
If you pick Mystra and the Spell Domain you can turn spells you steal into Anyspell!
So anyone seen this before/used it? What does the Playground think?

Fax Celestis
2013-12-05, 02:29 PM
It is the best thing to happen to spellthieves since Master Spellthief.

Here's the list of options you can get with this feat (updating):

{table=head]Domain | Deity
Air | Gilgeam, Shaundakul
Animal | Gwaeron, Malar, Nobanion
Bestial | Malar
Cavern | Ibrandul
Civilization | Bane
Chaos | Anhur, Labelas, Malar, Selune, Shaundakul, Tymora
Craft | Gond
Darkness | Ibrandul, Mask, Shar
Death | Bhaal, Myrkul
Deception | Leira
Destruction | Bhaal
Dwarf | Clangeddin
Earth | Gond
Elf | Labelas
Evil | Bhaal, Malar, Mask, Myrkul, Tiamat
Fate | Hoar, Kelemvor, Myrkul
Fear | Iyachtu Xvim
Fire | Gond
Good | Anhur, Clangeddin, Gwaeron, Labelas, Mystra, Nobanion, Selune, Torm, Tymora
Hatred | Iyachtu Xvim
Healing | Torm
Illusion | Leira, Mystra
Knowledge | Gond, Gwaeron, Labelas, Mystra, Shar
Law | Clangeddin, Hoar, Kelemvor, Myrkul, Nobanion, Ramman, Red Knight, Tiamat, Torm
Luck | Mask
Magic | Mystra
Metal | Gond
Mist | Leira
Moon | Malar, Selune
Nobility | Nobanion, Red Knight
Pestilence | Myrkul
Planning | Gond, Ramman, Red Knight
Plants | Gwaeron
Portal | Shaundakul
Protection | Kelemvor, Ramman, Selune, Shaundakul, Torm, Tymora
Repose | Kelemvor
Retribution | Bhaal, Hoar
Rune | Mystra
Scalykind | Ibrandul, Tiamat
Shadow | Leira
Spell | Mystra
Strength | Anhur, Clangeddin, Gilgeam, Malar, Torm
Strife | Iyachtu Xvim
Storm | Anhur
Time | Labelas
Trade | Shaundakul
Travel | Gwaeron, Hoar, Kelemvor, Myrkul, Selune, Shaundakul, Tymora
Trickery | Mask
Tyranny | Bane, Gilgeam, Iyachtu Xvim
Undeath | Shar
War | Anhur, Bane, Clangeddin, Gilgeam, Myrkul, Ramman, Red Knight[/table]

This assumes you don't use the domain updates in Dragon #378.

This feat boils down to Arcane Disciple on steroids. Most domains appear somewhere on this list, and a majority of them have at least one or two awesome spells in them.

2013-12-05, 02:35 PM
It doesn't give the God, but this spreadsheet has all the abilities domains available. Note that it is not Multiclass friendly; even with Master Spellthief, you can only have spells up to your limit defined seperately from what you can steal (which is affected by Master Spellthief).

https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/lv?key=0ArntMJsJbyHYdHhLeFRlQjFucnMwajU1Vmh4RkhSQ2 c&hl=en

2013-12-05, 06:08 PM
If allowed, I always take the feat on my Spellthieves. Always.

Mr Adventurer
2013-12-05, 06:29 PM
Why is Master Spellthief so good for Spellthieves?

2013-12-05, 07:12 PM
It is a decent dip in a build with lots of Arcane Spellcasting. Basically, stacks all Arcane Spellcasting onto the Spellthief Chassis, to determine Max spell level you can remove from the targets memory.

Note; that it does not let you convert it to a spell; otherwise, you'd have things like Half casters stealing the spells, and converting it into Miracle (Luck Domain! Beauty!).

Fax Celestis
2013-12-05, 07:46 PM
Why is Master Spellthief so good for Spellthieves?

Because, even if you single class, it still makes your CL equal to your spellthief class level and it makes it so you can cast stolen arcane spells in light armor without ASF.

That's even before we get into such weird things as the Spellthief Theurgehttp://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=95070.

2013-12-05, 09:58 PM
Because, even if you single class, it still makes your CL equal to your spellthief class level and it makes it so you can cast stolen arcane spells in light armor without ASF.

That's even before we get into such weird things as the Spellthief Theurgehttp://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=95070.

Buh buh buh why didn't you put this in the Spellthief Handbook then?
Also would you mind giving me a rundown of the Domain changes? Too lazy to look for the Dragon Mag.

Fax Celestis
2013-12-05, 11:47 PM
Buh buh buh why didn't you put this in the Spellthief Handbook then?
Also would you mind giving me a rundown of the Domain changes? Too lazy to look for the Dragon Mag.

It's really a 4e article, but I've heard of some people backporting it to 3.5. Really not worth noting here.

2013-12-06, 12:05 AM
It's really a 4e article, but I've heard of some people backporting it to 3.5. Really not worth noting here.

Alright good to know.

2013-12-06, 12:40 AM
If you pick Mystra and the Spell Domain you can turn spells you steal into Anyspell!
So anyone seen this before/used it? What does the Playground think?

When Anyspell is cast it lets you prepare an arcane spell into your domain slot.
No domain slot/Expended domain slot = No benefit

I learned this when I double checked Spell Domain + Spontaneous Domain casting

2013-12-06, 12:50 AM
When Anyspell is cast it lets you prepare an arcane spell into your domain slot.
No domain slot/Expended domain slot = No benefit

I learned this when I double checked Spell Domain + Spontaneous Domain casting

Poopy. Though I'm sure there are plenty of other uses for domain spells.

Fax Celestis
2013-12-06, 12:52 AM
...Arcane Disciple gives you domain slots.

2013-12-06, 12:57 AM
...Arcane Disciple gives you domain slots.

Nope. It is a different ability to prepare each domain spell in a normal spell slot up to once per day.

Sidenote: Most DMs would probably not mind houseruling in favor of some interaction for a Godsblood Spelltheif of Mystra's Spell Domain

Mr Adventurer
2013-12-06, 07:40 AM
Because, even if you single class, it still makes your CL equal to your spellthief class level and it makes it so you can cast stolen arcane spells in light armor without ASF.

That's even before we get into such weird things as the Spellthief Theurgehttp://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=95070.
Wow, Spellthieves as-is really suck, don't they.

Fax Celestis
2013-12-06, 09:40 AM
Somewhat. They're pretty easy to kit out to make them pretty effective, and having multiple casters in your party makes them much better (as you can steal spells from friendlies by a touch). They also get a lot of feat candy in weird places.

Perhaps the most interesting thing is that spellthieves can qualify for basically any spellcasting or invocation class anywhere via their thieving abilities. CustServ said this doesn't work but honestly I don't see why it shouldn't.