View Full Version : Lvl16 PF Sct/Sniper-Need Help Last 4 Lvl

2013-12-05, 05:18 PM
We are getting into the late stages of a very long running campaign and I need some help down the home stretch. My group rarely goes past level 10-12 and we are currently level 16 in a PF campaign. My current build is most listed below and I am trying to figure out what to do with last four levels. At this juncture we have well exceeded W.B.L standards and that portion is not as important as ideas for finishing off class levels and feats.

Str24 Dex26 Con20 Int20 Wis16 Cha 27 Fort15 Ref23 Will13 AC31 HP186 Full Attack (25/20/15 1d8+11 +8d6+16 on sneak attack)

Belt of Physical Perfecton+4,Headband Mental Stats+4, Bracers of Archery,Greater,Greater Sniper’s Goggles,Cloak of Resistance+5, Mithral Chain Shirt+5 improved electric resistance,+3 adapative composite longbow, Ring Of Fire Resist (30) Ring of Acid Resist (20),Amulet of Natural Armor+4

Human:Improved Init
1st:Point Blank Shot
2nd-RT:Bleeding Attack
3rd:Rapid Shot
4th-RT:Minor Magic
5th:Precise Shot
6th-RT:Powerful Sneak
7th:Shot on the Run
8th-RT:Major Magic
9th:Many Shot
10th-ART:Skill Mastery
11th:Skill Focus UMD
12th-ART:Improved Evasion
13:Deadly Aim
14th-ART:Deadly Sneak
15th:Improved Precise Shot
16th-ART:Dispelling Attack

I am at this point thinking of switching to Fighter levels to pick up Focused Shot (int bonus applied to attack rolls with bow), Vital Strike*, Improved Vital STrike, Improved Critical and the 3rd Tier Vital Strike for level 20. Taking four fighter levels would get BAB to 16 and pick up a fourth attack per round, and I think I can take Archer ACF to forgo Armor Training in lieu of another +1 to attack and damage. It would also shore up weaker Fort Save...

*I have the capability to increase bow to Huge size which would make Vital Strike more effective.

Otherwise I am not sure which route to go. I am CN or Paladin would almost be tempting.

Continuing Rogue really only gets me a bit more sneak attack, and I am good with skill set as is.