View Full Version : Warshaper or What?

2013-12-05, 08:03 PM
So I posted this on homebrew and no one seems to be able to answer me there so I will ask here since its more of a question about balance than anything else.

Ok so my Dm has asked me to come up with a PRC that my druid might take. The only one I was semi interested in was Warshaper. However, I don't want to lose spell casting.

So currently this is kinda what I came up, but having never made a PRC not sure if this is too over powered.

"Warshaper 2.0"
BAB +4
Race: Any (special)
Must be able to change shape in one of the following five ways:

Change shape supernatural ability (aranea, hound archon, barghest, doppelganger, rakshasa, slaad).

Shapechanger subtype (lycanthropes, phasm).

Polymorph as a spell-like ability (astral deva, planetar, solar, couatl, marilith, bronze dragon, gold dragon, silver dragon, efreeti, leonal guardinal, night hag, ogre mage, pixie).

Able to cast the Polymorph spell.

Wild shape or similar class feature (bear warrior, druid).

Lvl BAB F R W Ability Spell casting
1 +0 2 0 0 Wildshape, Morphic weapons +1 to spell casting lvl
2 +1 3 1 1 Animal companion, Morphic Body ---------
3 +1 3 1 1 +1 to spell casting lvl
4 +2 4 1 1 Morphic Reach -----------
5 +2 4 1 1 Morphic Healing +1 to spellcasting lvl

The wildshape will allow druid wildshape to stack with "warshaper" level.
Morphic weapons is the same as the orginal warshaper
Animal companion allows levels to stack again for determining bonuses for the companion
Morphic reach and morphic healing are the same as the original warshaper.

I thought this was ok with the drop of BAB and the loss of some of warshaper abilities, and also with not full spell casting. My Dm is thinking it over, but I would like your opinion and possible suggestions. Thanks.

2013-12-05, 08:10 PM
Warshaper may or may not allow you to have infinite attacks.

But it sucks. Druids only PrC into Moonspeaker, Planar Shepard, or Arcane Heirophant. And I am not so sure about Moonspeaker.

2013-12-05, 08:12 PM
It makes wildshaping quite a bit better, but loses two levels of casting, hmm… Might be a wash, even if only because of how potent spellcasting is.

Though if you don't find a PrC you want, why not just stay druid? It has 20 levels, you know.

2013-12-05, 08:14 PM
Warshaper may or may not allow you to have infinite attacks.

But it sucks. Druids only PrC into Moonspeaker, Planar Shepard, or Arcane Heirophant. And I am not so sure about Moonspeaker.
I consider moonspeaker powerful enough to justify surety, and don't forget lion of talisid. The latter is just kinda a subtly different druid, but that's all you need to have a class worth taking. As for the revised warshaper, it seems somewhat borked in power level. You basically lose a single level of animal companion progression for morphic weapon, which is a great trade. It seems pretty excellent to take it for one level, and pretty bad to take it for two levels.