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2013-12-05, 09:45 PM
Worth a Thousand Words III


'Santa's Epic Candy Cane Vendetta' by theDURRRRIAN

Worth a Thousand Words III (PrC Contest)

The contest begins with the posting of this thread and will run through midnight of January 17th

Soon after a poll will be opened for everyone to vote for their favorite that will last until midnight of January 24th


1) You will be creating an 'original' prestige class. One inspired by the picture in this opening post in some manner. The picture may, but need not, be a representative of your class. The image is there to serve merely as a starting point for you to let your mind wander in whatever way it will. The final class can be completely independent of the starting image, so long as the image inspires your thoughts in some manner. If you feel like it, give us an explanation of your thought processes behind your final class idea...it may help others come up with unique ideas of their own.

2) Entries must include name, complete class, and fluff, combat related and role playing related. Incomplete entries at the deadline will be disqualified.

3) Entries must be 3.5, using the standard format below.

4) Post all entries in this thread. Post all conversation, questions, etc here in the chat thread.
5) Maximum of one entry per participant (gotta save up those creative juices for the next one too!)

6) Entries must be your own work, and must not be copied for other places. Such entries will be disqualified.

7) No reserving posts. Feel free to tweak your class, but the initial post must include the basics.

2013-12-05, 09:49 PM

http://Picture URL

Quote of Some Kind by a member of the class!

A general description of whatever the class is!

How you would normally become a member of this prestige class.


Class Skills
The Class Name's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are....
Skills Points at Each Level: x + int

Hit Dice: dx

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability[/table]

Weapon Proficiencies: A place to put the different proficiencies.
Put all the different class abilities in here!

Brief description on how to play the class you are designing.
Combat: Here's a section where you will describe common combat methods for your class. Remember to include information on how your class will use his powers in combat.
Advancement: This is a section on different options and paths that the class can go down when they advance in power.
Resources: What resources might a member of this PrC be able to draw on..

A quote of somebody else talking about your class!

A brief description of how your class is persevered in the world and how he interacts with the world.
Daily Life: Some general information about the typical day in the life of your class.
Notables: Make up some cool information about notable figures in the history of your class. It's best to give a little information from one of the good alignment and evil alignment (unless it's a good or evil only class).
Organizations: Some information about organizations dedicated to the practice of your class and other organizations which members of your class will be attracted towards.

NPC Reaction
This is an in detail description of how NPC's would perceive your class and the immediate generalization that people would give of your class.

This is a good place to provide a quick note on how your class will effect game play statistically.
Adaptation: This is a place where you put in detail how people can adapt your class into their campaign setting.
Encounters: This is a place to describe what sort of encounters PC's will have with NPC versions of your class.


http://Picture URL

Quote of Some Kind by a member of the class!

A general description of whatever the class is!

How you would normally become a member of this prestige class.


Class Skills
The Class Name's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are....
Skills Points at Each Level: x + int

Hit Dice: dx

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability[/table]

Weapon Proficiencies: A place to put the different proficiencies.
Put all the different class abilities in here!

Brief description on how to play the class you are designing.
Combat: Here's a section where you will describe common combat methods for your class. Remember to include information on how your class will use his powers in combat.
Advancement: This is a section on different options and paths that the class can go down when they advance in power.
Resources: What resources might a member of this PrC be able to draw on..

A quote of somebody else talking about your class!

A brief description of how your class is persevered in the world and how he interacts with the world.
Daily Life: Some general information about the typical day in the life of your class.
Notables: Make up some cool information about notable figures in the history of your class. It's best to give a little information from one of the good alignment and evil alignment (unless it's a good or evil only class).
Organizations: Some information about organizations dedicated to the practice of your class and other organizations which members of your class will be attracted towards.

NPC Reaction
This is an in detail description of how NPC's would perceive your class and the immediate generalization that people would give of your class.

This is a good place to provide a quick note on how your class will effect game play statistically.
Adaptation: This is a place where you put in detail how people can adapt your class into their campaign setting.
Encounters: This is a place to describe what sort of encounters PC's will have with NPC versions of your class.

2013-12-31, 04:27 PM

As per request I have extended the deadline for the contest by two weeks. The new deadline is Midnight of January 17th

2013-12-31, 07:52 PM
Thought Processes: The armor and cloak gave me a 'Game of Thrones' vibe so I decided to focus on a class idea that was based around a similair scenerio.

Hier of the Northern Spire

http://Picture URL

"I am the rightful ruler of these lands, I will not let the son's of the Bastard-Born take them away from me."

Heirs of the Northern Spire are those who believe, or want others to believe, that they are descendants of Nicolas the Conquerer who saved the Northern Spire and the surrounding lands of Uilossi, from the servants of Kanchelsis, God of Vampires, and earned the servitude of the Hithfaeri, the Snow-Mist Elves, a race of Master Architects. They fight over the Northern Spire, for those who controls the Spire, controls the Hithfaeri and the entirity of Uilossi.

Most Hiers of the Northern Spire are members of a group of Houses who all attribute Nicolas the Conquerer as thier ancestor, but there are those who fabricate thier claims for their own bids of power.

Skills: Knowledge (Nature) 8 ranks
Feats: Beckon the Frozen (Frostburn, p. 47), Mounted Combat
Spells: Able to cast Level 3 divine spells
Special: Must have evidence (real or well fabricated) that they descend either from Nicolas the Conquerer, or one of his children/descendants.

Class Skills
The Class Name's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are
Craft (INT),Diplomacy (CHA), Handle Animal (CHA), Heal (WIS), Knowledge Geography (INT), Knowledge History (INT), Knowledge Local (INT), Listen(WIS), Ride (DEX), Sense Motive (WIS), Spot (WIS), Survival (WIS),

Skills Points at Each Level: 2 + int

Hit Dice: d10

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special



+3|Coat of Arms



+5|Glyph of Arms


+6|Oath of Wrath

+6|Extra Feat

+7|Overwhelming odds [/table]

Weapon Proficiencies: Hiers of the Northern Spire gain proficiency with longswords if they do not already possess it.

Warmount: Upon becoming a Hier of the Northern Spire, the character is awarded his own specially bred and trained mount, an Artic War Elk. The character is expected to care for, feed, and protect his warmount; when a mission does not require the aid of the warmount, it can be stabled at no cost at any allied stronghold.

Artic War Elk: Large animal; HD 7d8+28; hp 59; Init +1; Spd 50 ft.; AC 14, touch 10, flat-footed 13; Base Atk +5; Grp +15; Atk or Full Atk +10 melee (1d8+9, gore); Space/Reach 10 ft./5 ft.; SA improved grab, stampede, toss; SQ combative mount, low-light vision, scent; AL N; SV Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +6; Str 23, Dex 12, Con 19, Int 2, Wis 8, Cha 13.
Skills and Feats: Listen +9, Spot +9; Alertness, Lightning Reflexes, Run.
Combative Mount (Ex): A rider on an Artic War Elk gains a +2 circumstance bonus on all Ride checks. An Artic Auroch is trained for war.
Skills: An Artic War Elk gains a +1 racial bonus on Listen and Spot checks.

Coat of Arms: At 3rd level the Hier of the Northern Spire recieves a Personal Coat of Arms of his designs. The Coat of Arms can be placed on Flags, Banners, Armor, Clothing and the like. The Hier recieves a +2 to intimidation, and allies gain +2 Inspired. Effects do not stack and must be within 30 ft of a non-obstructed Coat of Arms to be active.

Augmentation: At 5th Level the Hier of the Northern Spire takes the Rite of Nicolas, where they emulate thier ancestor and alter thier physiology by replacing part of thier body with Hithfaerian Steel, a striped steel that cannot rust. Augmentation can only be done once and on one part, except in the place of knuckles.

{table=head]Body Part|Weight and Fortification

Skull Crown| +8%



Shoulders, Scapula, and Spine| +8%


Forearms |+5%


Knuckle Bone|+1%

Hips, and Core Muscles or Solar Plexus | +8%

Ankles, Feet, and Shins | +8% [/table]

Glyph of Arms: At 6th level the Hier of the Northern Spire gains the ability to magicly place his Coat of Arms on a surface he can touch, the glyph glows and cannot be obstructed and gives a +3 to intimidation and inspire.

Oath of Wrath (Su): Beginning at 8th level, as a free action, the Hier of the Northern Spire may select a single opponent within 60 feet and swear an oath to defeat him. For the duration of the encounter, the Hier gains a +2 morale bonus on melee attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, and skill checks made against the challenged target. This effect ends immediately if the Heir makes an attack or casts a spell targeted at any hostile creature other than the challenged target. Attacks of opportunity and spells cast on allies do not end the effect, nor do area spells such as fireball that catch other creatures in the area (as long as the challenged target is included in the area). The Hier of the Northern Spire can use oath of wrath once per day.

Overwhelming Odds (Ex): A 10th-level Hier of the Northern Spire
has expelled from his mind and soul the very notion of a hopeless battle; no matter how slight, there is always a chance for victory. Whenever the Hier of the Northern Spire faces an enemy in combat that has 3 or more Hit Dice or levels than he does, the Hier's faith that he shall prevail grants him damage reduction 3/— and a +2 insight bonus to his Armor Class and all saving throws. These benefits apply only against attacks made against the Hier from a creature whose levels or Hit Dice exceed the Hier's by 3 or more; if a creature with fewer Hit Dice or levels attacks the Hier, he does not receive these benefits.

Brief description on how to play the class you are designing.

Combat: Here's a section where you will describe common combat methods for your class. Remember to include information on how your class will use his powers in combat.

Advancement: Hier's can go many ways to improve thier power, however it likely best to go for classes with a very specialized role in combat to add to the effectiveness of this class.

Resources: Charisma is the ideal thing to draw on for this class.

It's best to be on thier good side, even a false Heir of Nicolas is a powerful one.!

All Hiers of The Northern Spire interact with the world with a sense of nobility around them. Regaurdless of how low thier claims or even wants for the throne truely are, they all give, and tend to expect to recieve vocal honor expected of a High Noble.

Daily Life: Daily Life of an Heir of the Northern Spire in one way or another revolve around politics and battle, one day you are feasting with your cousins, making merry and honoring your ancestors, the next you are in battle with the same cousin over a small political disagreement. Such things are not uncommon in the rather complecated political structure that the Hiers find themselves in.

Tytos the Bear of House Frost-Blood: Tytos was born into a time of constant outright war, Davos the Unbowed of House Tomete was purging the Lords of other Houses who did not support his claim in the most effective of such an extreme war ever. Tytos viewed this as dishonorable and led a small force against Davos and Tytos eventually became the first man to defeat Davos in battle, and would indeed eventually kill Davos and take the Throne of the Northern Spire.
Karlon the Titan, Betrayer of House Nisse: Bastard, and only, son of a Nisse Noble with high claims to the Throne. He killed his father, upsurted his fathers claim as his own, and started an invation of Uilossi, assisted by Frost Giants and other worshippers of the God Thrym, calling himself Thrym's Chosen in an attempt to make Uilossi a Theocracy dedicated to Thrym.

House Kerst: House of the Descendants of Kerst the Bold, The Eldest-born of the 'True-Blood' sons of Nicolas the Conquerer and his wife Queen Annalina of the White-Mane Tribe. Kerst was a strong leader and the most physicly imposing of all of the children of Nicolas. He was a great soldier and it was indeed he who slayed Rivko, High Priest of Kanchelsis who killed his father in the same battle. Despite being a good warrior and general, his ability to lead a country was often put into question, and those questions are often viewed as the ones that started the now imfamouse and seemingly endless war between the family over the Throne of the Northern Spire.

House Nisse: House of the Descendants of Nisse the Naviator, Second born son of Nicolas. Nisse had little interest in politics after the Vampire War for the Spire, his time and money was often put into exploring the world beyond the Endless Winter of Uilossi unless the pocitics truely requires his participation.

House Tomete: House of the Descendants of Tomete the Younger, the Youngest and most ambitouse of the Children of Nicolas the Conquerer and Queen Annalina. Though not nessicarly good at intrique, Tomete was one of the greatest speakers and diplomats of all Uilossi if not the world. Able to commendeer many armies and signed many treaties during his innitial rise to power, many of such treaties still are in effect.

House Seeki: House of the Descendants of Seeki the Fair, the only Daughter and third born child of Nicolas the Conquerer. They rarely actively seek the throne but run most buisness establishments in Uilossi and tend to run both Uilossi and the War between the Houses behind the scenes, finding everyone elses little secrets and exposing them or otherwise useing them to thier advantage.

House Frost-Blood: The House of the Desendants of Jonathan Frost-Blood, the 'Bastard-Born' son of Nicolas the Conquerer and the White Dragon Zokurka. Many believed Nicolas wanted Jonathan to rule when he died due to giving Jonathan the ancestral sword Ice-Cleaver, which is still in the Houses Possession as a token of thier right to rule. It is said that those among this House resemble Nicolas the Conquerer the most.

NPC Reaction
NPC's react to Hiers in the same matter that they would any other noble.

This is a good place to provide a quick note on how your class will effect game play statistically.

Adaptation: Very little 'adaption' should be needed besides the changing of place names.

Encounters: NPC members of the Hiers of the Northern Spire Class will be polite and honorable but hard to read. It will be difficult to 'Sence Motive' or 'Detect Alignment'.

2013-12-31, 10:26 PM
Thought Process: I looked at the picture and it screamed to me "melee". I'd have gone with my entry for the PrC contest (Santa - person who rescues people stuck in the cold out of goodness of their own heart; close enough) but it was already my entry for the PrC contest so I looked again and realized that Santa looked like a berserk zombie hungry to crush the living. I think it's the white eyes and partway open mouth. So I thought, ok, he's an ice zombie possessed by some arctic malevolence... I can totally make a class out of that (though monster template might have been better).

Host of the Elder Frost

”We return. The winter stirs.”

The Elder Frost a once sentient, powerful and ancient elemental force scattered by the gods to prevent it from overwhelming the world. It was scattered but to this day it still influences the world, living within its coldest regions as a malevolent sentience to the cold and snow itself. It has learned since the primeval days, and it has adapted. Where once the gods’ binds rendered it incapable of influencing the world in any meaningful way it has learned to touch the souls of sentient beings and to infuse them with a portion of its essence. Turning them into its hosts, its hands and agents with which to interact with the world.

One becomes a host to the Elder Frost when their soul and mind are close to the border between life and death. The Elder Frost enters them, mingling its essence with their soul, making the two into one being. The Elder Frost finds it easiest to mingle with those who have unlocked their raging passions, and grown accustomed to allowing these to overwhelm their conscious mind. As such it is primarily barbarians and their kin who become the agents of the Elder Frost.

BAB: +6
Base Fort: +5
Alignment: Any non-good; to obtain level 5 or higher your alignment must become Evil.
Special: Rage, Frenzy, Whirling Frenzy, Ki Frenzy, or Berserker Strength ability.
Special: Must have been rendered unconscious or killed in an arctic region.
Special: Must not have any divine spells or abilities granted by a deity.

Class Skills
The Class Name's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are....
Skills Points at Each Level: 4 + int

Hit Dice: d12

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

+0|Ancient Fury, Cold Resistance 10

+0| Fury of Frost, Memories of the Host, Power Attack

+1|Mind of the Host (+2 Wis and Cha), Cold Resistance 20

+1|Powerful Frost, Shivering Blow

+1|Mind of the Host (Dual-Mind), Cold Resistance 30

+2| Frigid Cleave, Penetrating Frost

+2|Mind of the Host (+2 Int, Wis, and Cha), Cold Immunity

+2| Enduring Frost, Draining Strike

+3| Mind of the Host (Mind Blank), Rime Apotheosis

+3|Greater Shivering Blow, Unclaimed by Death[/table]

Weapon Proficiencies: A Host of the Elder Frost gains proficiency in clubs and greatclubs if they did not already have it.

Ancient Fury (Ex): The Eternal Frost remembers its anger, and hatred of the world that sealed it away. When you take your first level in Host of the Elder Frost select one class you possess that grants Rage, Berserker Strength, Frenzy, Ki Frenzy, or Whirling Frenzy. Your levels in Host of the Elder Frost stack with your levels in that class for determining Rage, Berserker Strength, Frenzy, Ki Frenzy, or Whirling Frenzy including uses and improvements such as Tireless Rage or Greater/Mighty Rage. This may not increase the effective levels in the other class to above its non-epic level cap (20 for base classes, usually 10 for PrCs) unless you are epic level.

Cold Resistance (Ex): The Eternal Frost suffuses its hosts, granting their bodies resilience to the icy cold. At 1st level a Host of the Eternal Frost gains Cold Resistance 10, this increases to 20 at 3rd level, and 30 at 5th level.

Fury of the Frost (Su): A Host of the Elder Frost channels the power of the Elder Frost through their fury and rage, infusing their blows with icy cold. When raging, frenzied, in a Ki Frenzy or Whirling Frenzy or while Berserker Strength is active a Host of the Elder Frost adds one-half their Host of the Elder Frost level to their melee weapon damage as cold damage on every attack.

Memories of the Host (Ex): The Elder Frost suffuses a Host of the Elder Frost’s mind granting them memories and lore that they have accumulated. A Host of the Elder Frost gains an untyped bonus to Knowledge checks equal to one-half their class level; this bonus increases to their class level for Knowledge (History) checks. In addition a Host of the Elder Frost may make Knowledge (History) checks untrained, and may know legends or information regarding various topics, just as a bard can with bardic knowledge. The Host of the Elder Frost adds twice their class level and their Intelligence modifier to the check, which functions otherwise exactly like a bardic knowledge check (including synergy bonus from Knowledge (History)).

Power Attack (Ex): A Host of the Elder Frost is a vessel for the Elder Frost’s rage, and that rage and desire to lash out extends through them. At 2nd level they gain Power Attack as a bonus feat if they do not already have it even if they do not meet its prerequisites, if they do they instead gain Cleave, or if they already have Cleave they gain Great Cleave; if they already have Great Cleave they may select one feat they meet the prerequisites for.

Mind of the Host (Ex): A Host of the Elder Frost’s mind is slowly merged with that of the Elder Frost, causing a series of effects. At 3rd level a Host of the Elder Frost gains a +2 untyped bonus to their Wisdom and Charisma modifier, at 7th level this increases by another +2 and they gain a +2 bonus to their Intelligence modifier. At 5th level a Host of the Elder Frost’s mind is so fused with that of the Elder Frost it is no longer possible for them to keep themselves separate from its destructive and hateful passion, their alignment becomes evil if it was not already and whenever they would need to make a Will save or Wisdom based check they may roll twice and take the better result. At 9th level their minds are one and a Host of the Elder Frost is now a truly alien sentience, and to divination a diffuse being that exists in many places and times; this grants them the benefits of a continuous Mind Blank effect.

Powerful Frost (Su): A Host of the Elder Frost’s frost is as chill as their wrath. In addition even when they are not raging if a Host of the Elder Frost uses Power Attack they may have the bonus damage granted by power attack be dealt as cold damage, if they do they deal additional cold damage equal to the penalty to their attack bonus they took when power attacking.

Shivering Blow (Su): A Host of the Elder Frost learns to channel the power of the freezing cold that was the Elder Frost. As a standard action a Host of the Elder Frost may make a single melee attack. If they hit any damage bonus from their Fury of the Frost is tripled, and the target takes 1 point of Dexterity damage per 2 Host of the Elder Frost levels you possess. A creature immune to cold damage is immune to the Dexterity damage inflicted by this ability.

Frigid Cleave (Su): The Elder Frost hungers for the warmth of the world, seeking to consume and destroy it. That hunger carries their host in combat to cut through swathes of foes. A Host of the Elder Frost gains the benefits of the Cleave feat if they do not have it, this upgrades to those of the Great Cleave if they have the Cleave feat; if they have both the Cleave and Great Cleave feats they may take a 5-ft step between each bonus attack granted by Cleave/Great Cleave this is in addition to any movement or 5-ft step they could normally take during the turn. In addition any attack made through Cleave or Great Cleave is considered a Shivering Strike, or Draining Strike once they have gained that ability.

Penetrating Frost (Su): The eternal cold of the Elder Frost penetrates wards against cold and chill. A Host of the Elder Frost ignores 20 points of a target’s cold resistance (if any), or ignores all but 10 points of any cold resistance granted by magic spells or effects or treats magically granted cold immunity as 10 points of cold resistance (they cannot combine these options).

Draining Strike (Su): A Host of the Elder Frost learns to channel the hunger of the Elder Frost through their blade. As a standard action a Host of the Elder Frost may make a single melee attack. Any living creature struck suffers 1 negative level (DC to remove = 10 + Host of the Elder Frost level + Constitution modifier) in addition to taking triple Fury of the Frost damage (if Fury of the Frost would apply). When you inflict a negative level with this ability you gain 5 temporary hit points.

Enduring Frost (Su): The icy chill of the Elder Frost lingers on those it touches, slowly whittling away at their life. At the beginning of a Host of the Elder Frost’s turn any creature that they dealt cold damage to since the start of their last turn takes cold damage equal to the total cold damage the Host of the Elder Frost has dealt to them since the beginning of the previous round.

Rime Apotheosis (Ex): As the Elder Frost claims more and more of their soul a Host of the Elder Frost ceases to be truly mortal. They become an Outsider with the Air and Cold subtypes, but do not gain fire vulnerability and may still be raised and resurrected normally. In addition they gain DR 5/good or cold iron.

Greater Shivering Strike (Su): Channeling the might of the Elder Frost through your blade you can deliver terrible strikes that bring a foe low. 2/day a Host of the Elder Frost may channel the full power of the Elder Frost making a Greater Shivering Strike as a standard action. A creature struck by a Greater Shivering Strike takes quadruple the normal damage from Fury of the Frost (if any) and must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + Host of the Elder Frost level + Constitution modifier) or take Dexterity damage equal to their (undamaged) Dexterity score, on a successful save they instead take 8 points of Dexterity damage. A creature immune to cold is immune to this Dexterity damage (though note Penetrating Frost).

Unclaimed by Death (Su): The Elder Frost within a Host of the Elder Frost sustains their body and form, making it extremely difficult to destroy. A Host of the Elder Frost’s body cannot be destroyed easily, and death does not claim them. Effects which would directly destroy a Host of the Elder Frost’s body do not do so, and when a Host of the Elder Frost would normally die they instead enter a state of suspended animation. This suspended state lasts for 1 hour at which point they are revived with 60 hit points and 1 point of ability damage in each ability score healed. A Host of the Elder Frost can only be permanently destroyed by divine fire; to do so their body must be dealt fire damage from either divine spells or outsiders with an alignment subtype equal to their maximum hit points (treat their Constitution modifier as -5 if they would have died due to Constitution damage) while in suspended animation.

Ex-Hosts of the Elder Frost
To be empowered by the Elder Frost means to share its viewpoint at least in part. A Host of the Elder Frost that becomes good aligned loses all supernatural abilities granted by the class. A Host of the Elder Frost that has 5 or more levels in the class and becomes non-evil loses all supernatural qualities gained at 5th level or later and any Cold Immunity derived from the class.

You are a weapon of the cold and the frost, a rampaging force of destruction or a clever tool that surgically cuts out those things that stand in your way. To supplement this the class also grants a suite of knowledge skills which can serve to grant you some out of combat utility.
Combat: First and foremost you maintain your ability to rage unhindered, and your base attack bonus. In addition you gain a not insignificant bonus on damage with each attack. Until 6th level (ECL 12) this bonus can be negated easily by even low cold resistance, but beginning at that level you can now much more easily face cold resistant (but not naturally immune) creatures. The class pushes you to the front line, granting you damage advantages and passive mental defensive buffs.
Advancement: A Host of the Elder Frost will usually continue into some other, non-cold based, martial class or prestige class, maintaining their melee focus. Their mental resilience allows them to look at classes that do not provide such bonuses more easily.
Resources: While the Elder Frost might have some resources they have access to, those that any given Host would be aware of are so few as to be effectively non-existent. Entry into this PrC does not open doors to any special resources save those directly granted by its class features.

"It came from the storm. It looked like a man, but it fought like a beast."

Most of the world is unaware of the existence of the Elder Frost, and those who are see no reason to trust it or its agents; the Elder Frost hungers for the destruction of the world of the gods to this day.
Daily Life: A Host of the Elder Frost's role is to slaughter, to fight and destroy. While the Elder Frost cannot directly compel this behavior, a tendency towards it is part of the selection process. For these reasons most Hosts of the Elder Frost engage in battle almost daily, traveling the land leaving a trail of destruction in their wake.
Notables: Thrurl the Harrower is perhaps the best known Host of the Elder Frost, though his nature as one is less known. A bandit chief in the far north he managed to claim prominence among the frost giants with his prowess of arms, and allying himself with them has begun to carve a kingdom of his own through force of martial might. Thrurl is highly interested in lost arcane rituals, looking for some ancient magic that would revive a xixecalEpic Level Handbook.
Organizations: There are no organizations dedicated to the training or mustering of Hosts of the Elder Frost. That said they can often find a place among mercenary bands, or with bandits and reavers. The Frosted Pike, a mercenary company that has fought both for and against Thrurl's bandit-kingdom, is one place that Hosts of the Elder Frost have found welcoming; they have become known within it as Frost Berserkers powerful and dangerous warriors.

NPC Reaction
This is an in detail description of how NPC's would perceive your class and the immediate generalization that people would give of your class.

This is a good place to provide a quick note on how your class will effect game play statistically.
Adaptation: This is a place where you put in detail how people can adapt your class into their campaign setting.
Encounters: This is a place to describe what sort of encounters PC's will have with NPC versions of your class.

2014-01-18, 12:34 AM
The Contest is now closed. Voting thread up tomorrow