View Full Version : Campaign Help

2013-12-06, 03:02 PM
Hello, some background on our group. There are 8 of us and rotate being a DM every 2 sessions. Each DM has his own plane that he DMs on for 2 weeks, all the characters warp from plane to plane every 2 weeks essentially, until the group reaches epic level and then each DM will be given as much time as they need to go through their epic story. This has worked relatively well for us so far.

Rules we use are: all books except for Book of nine swords, serpent kingdoms, no dmm and no homebrew.

Where I'm stuck is for my epic story I had the plane that many of the characters originated from get hit by Atropos and wiped out. Using Heros of battle currently to plan out a large scale invasion to take it back, and Im feeling a little overwhelmed. So if anyone has done anything similar to this or just has advice it would be Greatly appreciated. Thanks!