View Full Version : Extraordinary spell aim, Antimagic field and disjunction! [Answered]

2013-12-06, 07:57 PM
My question for the esteemed minds here is thus: if I use extraordinary spell aim with antimagic field on myself, I can still cast (certain) spells. However, does it leave me vulnerable to Disjunction/Burst and area spells in general?

I am specifically not in the field, which only surpresses effects inside it's area, but doesn't state that burst effects can't affect the area directly across from the burst's origin through the antimagic field. Help!

Emperor Tippy
2013-12-06, 08:07 PM
Extraordinary Spell Aim AMF is a really bad idea. You want Selective (You) AMF.

ESA AMF protects you from nothing at all as AMF's specifically don't block line of effect. The only thing an ESA AMF does is stop other creatures that are standing within the AMF area from casting spells.

2013-12-06, 08:12 PM
Thank you Tippy! That is exactly what I was looking for!