View Full Version : Worm: Doing the Right Things For the Wrong Reasons

2013-12-07, 11:20 AM
Worm (http://parahumans.wordpress.com/) is a web serial written by wildbow, currently completed at around two million words, organized into 30 arcs with several chapters each. It is one of the best novels I have ever read.

Despite the name, the story has very little to do with worms. Worm is about a girl named Taylor Herbert who gains superpowers, intending to become a superhero, and ("Spoiler" (tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FirstEpisodeSpoiler) Alert)
ends up joining a group of villains called the Undersiders.

Worm is a story of tough choices, none of which are completely right; of good villains and selfish heroes; of regret and redemption; of secrets, of the unknown, and of many other things. The characters (that show up for more than a few chapters in reasonably prominent roles--and some that don't, but who have their own interludes) are well-developed, the setting deep.

If you want to see super men beating up doctors of doom, Worm isn't for you (not that text-based media usually appeal to those people). If you want a deep, complex, and interesting story, then I suggest reading Worm. Despite its length, it can be...not a quick read, per se, but faster than its length suggests.

This thread serves two purposes:
1. Alerting the good people of the Playground to the existence of this tale.
2. Discussing Worm.

A quick note on spoilers: Talking about Worm is pretty hard to do without revealing a spoiler from the first couple arcs (the one spoilered above). Revealing this, I won't have too much of a problem with. However, much of the later story is virtually built on spoilers. If it's a spoiler, spoiler it. If you don't know if it's a spoiler, spoiler it--it probably is. You might also consider a note beforehand, noting the arc the spoiler occurs in. For example:

Defiant is Armsmaster.

(P.S. There is actually a spoiler there. A minor one, but still.)

If you want to read Worm, start here (http://parahumans.wordpress.com/2011/06/11/1-1/). Obvious advice, sure, but I had to stick the link in there somewhere.

2013-12-07, 04:20 PM
Pst: There's a 27 page thread already open :smallwink:

2013-12-07, 05:06 PM
...There is?

Is there a search function? It's been a while since I've been here.
EDIT: I mean to GitP.

2013-12-07, 05:38 PM
The search function for these boards has been temporarily (but indefinitely) deactivated, along with all the functions that depend on it (like the "view all posts by" buttons). I believe the staff has said it'd take several days of downtime to get it functioning again, which they'd rather not do for obvious reasons.

In the meantime, a Google search (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&as_q=subject&as_epq=&as_oq=&as_eq=&as_nlo=&as_nhi=&lr=&cr=&as_qdr=all&as_sitesearch=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.giantitp.com%2Fforu ms%2F&as_occt=any&safe=images&tbs=&as_filetype=&as_rights=) specific to this site is probably the best substitute.

The existing Worm thread is here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=285116).

2013-12-07, 05:52 PM
I never did really get around to understanding all those advanced search features Google has. Thanks for the help!

And it's kinda annoying not to have a search function...would GitP really need to be down for several days to implement a search function?

2013-12-07, 09:08 PM
Not to implement, per se, more to "fix and reactivate" the search function.