View Full Version : Artifact Flesh Golem

2013-12-07, 12:27 PM
Just an idea that occurred to me the other day that I'd like to see discussed. Could it be possible to construct a flesh golem out of body part artifacts? I know it would be obscenely difficult to locate all the materials, but theoretically, could it be done?

This breaks down into two things: Would it be legal to do so, and what artifacts are there that could serve this purpose?

What I am aware of in 3.5:
Hand and Eye of Vecna (DMG)
Head of Vecna (Hilarious story/Web Supplementary Adventure (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/oa/20070401a))
Teeth of Dahlver-Nar [There are more than enough vestiges for this purpose] (ToM)

2013-12-07, 12:39 PM
/shrug, go for it.

Saints thigh bone?

2013-12-07, 02:11 PM
I think it *could* be legal to do that, depending on the artifacts. Spoiler regarding such an idea in 4e...

Acererak tried something like this in 4th edition's Tomb Of Horrors campaign. It included the hand and eye of Vecna, some other stuff from Nerull, other various gods of death were involved. Naturally, his own skull was at the head of it. I think it was called the Godflesh Golem, or something. I never played or ran the campaign, but I was intrigued by the idea.

No brains
2013-12-07, 03:50 PM
You could use The Headless Body of Agnew.

The Eye of Gruumsh from the Epic Level Handbook can help fill out the head. The Staff of Tongues from BoVD could provide at least one tongue, but that's not usually a required part. We have more than enough bones from all of the saint bone relics in BoED. There must be a heart of some form or another out there...

The problem that I see is filling out the flesh of the flesh golem. I don't know of any skin, muscle, or sinew relics that could cover the bones and make it an actual 'flesh' golem. Maybe a an artifact leather armor could be 'skin' but that seems like a stretch to me. I suppose that if you had enough internal organs to make it look gross, you might be able to get by without the skin, but then you won't have those iconic stitched patches.

Even at the the end of all this, using all these artifacts to make a golem might 'destroy' them all and there's no better way for the gods to get revenge than by making the corpse monster into something you can't control. Even without active intervention, a lot of offal artifacts have some life force in them, and would probably interact to make an undead instead of a construct.