View Full Version : "One of us, one of us" Monsters that make you into them?

2013-12-07, 01:42 PM
Let's see: Lycanthropes, certain types of Undead (Shadows and Spawns of Kyuss for the win!), does Green Slime still count?, Chaos Beasts, what else is out there in 3.5 that turns the hapless PCs into monsters?

2013-12-07, 01:44 PM
Let's see: Lycanthropes, certain types of Undead (Shadows and Spawns of Kyuss for the win!), does Green Slime still count?, Chaos Beasts, what else is out there in 3.5 that turns the hapless PCs into monsters?

Don't forget Vampires.

2013-12-07, 01:48 PM
Most undead honestly, Mind Flayers technically, Paizo has the Jack o' Lantern, though it needs to kill and then eat you so maybe that doesnt count

2013-12-07, 01:48 PM
Vargouilles (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/vargouille.htm) have a Kiss to spawn more of themselves.

Also, there are near-endless undead with some form of spawning ability. In Core alone, there are Bodaks, Ghouls, Mohrgs (though they create Zombies, not more Mohrgs), Shadows, Spectres, Vampires, Wights, and Wraiths.

2013-12-07, 01:56 PM
I don't have access to my books right now, but I seem to recall a kind of fey creature that was a sort of wandering desert merchant who could turn other creatures into things like itself. I thought it was in Sandstorm, but I'm not sure. A quick scan of Google isn't refreshing my memory about what the thing's name was.

2013-12-07, 02:00 PM
I don't have access to my books right now, but I seem to recall a kind of fey creature that was a sort of wandering desert merchant who could turn other creatures into things like itself. I thought it was in Sandstorm, but I'm not sure. A quick scan of Google isn't refreshing my memory about what the thing's name was.
You're thinking of Mirage Mullahs, though they don't actually have a spawning ability as such. Rather, Humanoid creatures who stay for too long at a fey oasis are turned into Mirage Mullahs themselves.

Speaking of Sandstorm, that book includes Ashen Husks and Forlorn Husks, both of which have their own Create Spawn abilities.

2013-12-07, 02:04 PM
Meenlocks, from MM2. Tiny Aberrations who can turn humanoids into other Meenlocks, Wish or Miracle being the only methods to return them to their natural state. They communicate telepathically, have two different fear-based attacks (a burst that causes instant cowering for 1d4+4 rounds, and a single-target attack that does 1d4 Wis Damage), Dimension Door once every two rounds, and a paralyzing claw attack. The listed CR is 3, but they are nasty little things.

EDIT: Actually, the creature before Meenlocks does spawn too. The Marrash is an extra-planar plague bearer, whose diseased arrows can cause enemies to rise as new Marrashes. They look like a cross between a Gnoll and a Harpy, and are Lawful Evil Outsiders.

2013-12-07, 02:12 PM
and that reminds me Bog Imps, though it only works on elves

2013-12-07, 02:17 PM
Though I don't think the 3e version has it, traditionally Ophidians were snake-like races that grew arms and legs. A bite from an ophidian would transform you into one as well.

2013-12-07, 02:20 PM
IIRC, Wendigos have some ability to turn their victims into Wendigos.

2013-12-07, 02:21 PM
Though I don't think the 3e version has it, traditionally Ophidians were snake-like races that grew arms and legs. A bite from an ophidian would transform you into one as well.
That's still in 3E. Ophidians, detailed in Fiend Folio pp. 133-134, can create more Ophidians with their Serpentine Curse ability.

Other things in Fiend Folio with some sort of spawning ability: Bacchae, Bhut, Century Worm, Blood Fiend, Kaorti, Shadow Asp, Mud Slaad, Bloodfiend Locust Swarm, Wendigo, and Yellow Musk Creeper.

2013-12-07, 03:49 PM
Karnith has beaten me to the punch on a number of what I thought were quite obscure answers to this question.

If we're counting mirage mullah and mohrg, who turn you into something when you die, rather than one of them, then fiend folio's hullathoin reanimates slain enemies as zombies/vampires depending on its turning pool, and the jackal lord can turn you into a jackal, which is arguably pretty close.

yuan-ti's rituals for turning you into broodguard/tainted ones or pure/half/abominations also count.

2013-12-07, 04:38 PM
Blue Slaad can infect with Slaad Fever, which can turn victim into red or green slaad.

I heard, Amnizu can transform mortals into another Amnizu

Myconid Sovereign can turn corpses into servants - sorta plant zombie, except not a (plant) or (undead)
(Slaver Fungus (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mm/20020519a) do it better)

Sir Chuckles
2013-12-07, 04:45 PM
Mind Flayers are good if you don't mind the squick.
From the same book, Aboleths might not turn you into an actual Aboleth, but it's still pretty heavy on the body horror.

2013-12-07, 05:06 PM
I heard, Amnizu can transform mortals into another Amnizu

amnizus have no such ability. other stuff's right.

2013-12-07, 06:10 PM
Blue Slaad can infect with Slaad Fever, which can turn victim into red or green slaad.

Red Slaad do a similer thing were they inject a person with egg pellets that causes a Blue or Green Slaad to hatch from them.

2013-12-07, 06:14 PM
Meenlocks, from MM2. Tiny Aberrations who can turn humanoids into other Meenlocks, Wish or Miracle being the only methods to return them to their natural state. They communicate telepathically, have two different fear-based attacks (a burst that causes instant cowering for 1d4+4 rounds, and a single-target attack that does 1d4 Wis Damage), Dimension Door once every two rounds, and a paralyzing claw attack. The listed CR is 3, but they are nasty little things.
A high security prison getting infested by meenlocks led to one of the most famous and popular adventures for 3rd Edition. The PCs walk inside suspecting nothing, and then the gate is locked behind them.
It's called "Escape from Meenlock Prison". (Duh! :smalltongue:)

2013-12-07, 09:34 PM
Dwarves can talk you into taking that prestige class that turns you into a dwarf (citation needed).

2013-12-07, 11:57 PM
Dwarves can talk you into taking that prestige class that turns you into a dwarf (citation needed).

Dwarves are the awesomes, everybody want's to be a Dwarf.

Well if you're keeping the body horror and Puppet masters vibe, there also dozens of monsters that posses or control people, effectively making them into servants, which is almost the same thing. Puppet Masters for example. Fiend of Possession, as another example.

There are also monsters that could create replica type copies, like Dopplegangers you could have the whole replacement vibe as well.

2013-12-08, 12:03 AM
Dwarves can talk you into taking that prestige class that turns you into a dwarf (citation needed).

are you talking about stoneblessed?

then the same could be said of gnome and goliath

2013-12-08, 02:05 AM
are you talking about stoneblessed?

then the same could be said of gnome and goliath

That's the one. I like to imagine that as you take the levels to become a dwarf you beard starts growing in fuller and fuller

2013-12-08, 07:03 AM
I know I've read about a humanoid critter that has bone blades for arms and feet that reproduces by snapping a blade off inside someone. I think they are called Blade Dancers and aare either from Bo9S or ToM.

2013-12-08, 09:15 AM
How about a list?

Chaos Beast
Morhg (As Zombies)
Red Slaad
Blue Slaad

2013-12-08, 09:30 AM
The Hivebrood from Creature Catalog

2013-12-08, 09:42 AM
Now throw high concentrations of all of the above into the same campaign. ALL the apocalypses!:smallbiggrin:

2013-12-08, 04:44 PM
Pison of Molydeus change creatures into Manes

Many of Elder Evils are able to change creatures into their servants:
Father Llymic - Brood Spawn
Ragnorra - Progeny of Ragnorra
Worm that Walks - spawn of Kyuss
Zargon - Whelp of Zargon