View Full Version : According to the Abrupt Jaunt Entry...

2013-12-08, 12:43 AM
Page 68 of the PHB II says that the effects of the specialist wizard ACFs "last until the start of your next turn unless otherwise noted."

Does that mean that once you teleport out, you're gone until your next turn starts? What does that do to your situational awareness?

2013-12-08, 12:50 AM
Page 68 of the PHB II says that the effects of the specialist wizard ACFs "last until the start of your next turn unless otherwise noted."

Does that mean that once you teleport out, you're gone until your next turn starts? What does that do to your situational awareness?

More important what impact does that have on where you come back? When it was instant it could just be your destination. I have no idea how that functions after six seconds of the planet rotating and orbiting the sun. Well unless your destination picked relative to landmarks and there's auto-correct.... You're sure that ACF doesn't specifically state otherwise somehow? If not I'm confused.

2013-12-08, 12:51 AM
It seems like the very nature of the ability stops it from working like that. Counterfire is similar in that it having a duration makes no sense. Individual teleportations generally don't have durations. Even stormwalk, which is the closest to being what you're talking about, has an instantaneous duration, implying that the teleportation itself is not a thing with duration.