View Full Version : Mist Spire [Aesa's Plane]

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2007-01-15, 03:10 PM
Tucked away in the corner of the astral plane there is demiplane. This demiplane is Aesa's planar realm.
Though small, it contains a variety of terrain. There is a small wood, a lake covered with mist, foothills and the small mountain on which her tower has been built. A path leads up the mountain to Aesa's tower.
The realm is obviously real, but something about it seems insubstantial and not quite there. The feeling that you will simply wake up from a dream, or that you will pass through the ground, is easily ignored or forgotten, but never overcome. Its quite a pervasive and insistant sensation.
Storms and lightning continually flicker in the background, and a thin mist coils about the surface of the entire plane, adding to its surreal quality. The plane maintains a constant, cool breeze and slightly chilly temperature.
Anyone venturing here who has earned Aesa's ire or comes in an unwelcome fashion may find that the lightning is not just in the background, and that the mist is more than just a whispy thing around their feet.
The tower itself is fairly small, but not crampt. The first floor contains a desk, a large number of chairs around a table, a fireplace, and is in general a 'welcome' area.
The second floor is a small but comprehensive library.
The third floor is Aesa's private chambes. Enter at your own risk.
The only NPC on the plane is Libida, the succubus whom Aesa summoned and bound to her service.

2007-01-15, 03:12 PM
A portal opens, and Aesa enters her plane for the first time. She grins at it, watching the lightning strike in the distance.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 03:14 PM
Hiko enters afterwards. This... He looks around. Now this, is a demiplane! He grins, and leaps into the air, trying to take off without success. Dammit.

2007-01-15, 03:15 PM
Aesa chuckles at him. Should I take you up to the mountain and shove you off?

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 03:15 PM
Hiko grumbles. I can glide. I can't fly.

2007-01-15, 03:17 PM
Its a pretty tall mountain for being on a demiplane. Aesa muses, wondering how many tries Hiko could get in before he hit the ground.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 03:21 PM
Hiko shrugs. Let's go... This should be fun.

2007-01-15, 03:23 PM
Aesa grins at him. Ok then. I'll meet you at the top? She lifts into the air and begins leisurely flying towards the mountain.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 03:25 PM
Hiko rolls his eyes. Sure. He pulls out his sketchpad, and step on--then through it, appearing at the top of the mountain in a flurry of paper. His sketchbook reforms in his hands a few seconds later.

2007-01-15, 03:27 PM
Aesa sighs as she sees him teleport, then speeds up to her full speed to get to the top of the mountain in far less time than should be possible.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 03:29 PM
Hiko grins. That was quick.

2007-01-15, 03:30 PM
There are advantages to being as I am. Aesa takes his arm and looks over the edge. Thats pretty far down.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 03:31 PM
Hiko gulps, and nods. You're gonna push me, aren't you?

2007-01-15, 03:32 PM
Push? No. Aesa pulls him over the edge, falling off with him.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 03:36 PM
Hiko's eyes widen as the ground looms closer. He looks over at Aesa, then extends his wings, spins, and pulls out of the dive, though his wings seem locked as he begins to gain altitude again. I told you!

2007-01-15, 03:38 PM
Aesa chuckles, flying along beside him. I can stop you from hitting the ground, don't worry. Try flying.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 03:41 PM
Hiko unlocks his wings and rises a bit more before he plummets. Crapcrapcrapcrapcrap!

2007-01-15, 03:42 PM
Aesa watches him drop, waiting for the last possible instant.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 03:45 PM
Hiko lets out his wings again, locking them, and tries to pull out of the dive a bit to sharply, creating a sharp cracking sound wich resonates throughtout the demiplane. Hiko begins to drop again

2007-01-15, 03:48 PM
Aesa winces and then smirks as she creates a hand of pure force to snatch Hiko and hold him in the air.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 03:49 PM
Hiko groans, looking dowwn at the hand. That was a stroke of genius.

2007-01-15, 03:52 PM
Aesa laughs at him. Maybe I can make you fly? Hm? She uses the hand to drag him up to where she is. Oh look! You're flying!

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 03:55 PM
Hiko grumbles. Heal me please. On closer inspection, Aesa can see that his wings seem to be dislocated.

2007-01-15, 03:56 PM
Aesa sighs and uses her Ring of Wishing to heal him.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 04:00 PM
Hiko sighs, looking up at her. Thanks. He then looks at the far away ground, and gulps again. So... This is far up...

2007-01-15, 04:02 PM
Mm hm. Thats a long way to fall. Aesa looks at him and then grins. I've got an idea...

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 04:08 PM
Hiko sighs. I sense I'll be feeling a falling sensation soon... Followed by a crushing sensation...

2007-01-15, 04:09 PM
Tempting, but no. Don't resist. Aesa uses a Dominate Person spell on him.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 04:10 PM
Hiko looses control of his own body. ...

2007-01-15, 04:12 PM
Aesa frowns as she takes full control of Hiko, then makes the hand of force vanish. She then forces him to fly for a bit before locking him back into a glide. You get that? She releases control of him.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 04:15 PM
Hiko raises his wings in attempt to flap but falls a few dozen feet before locking his wings again. I think it'll just take a bit... He barrelrolls and passes by Aesa again, grinning

2007-01-15, 04:18 PM
Aesa snickers, still hovering in place.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 04:19 PM
Hiko dives and falls around her a few times before trying to tackle her midair.

2007-01-15, 04:26 PM
Aesa dodges deftly out of the way and watches him.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 04:27 PM
Hiko twists in midair, dives, and use the momentum of the fall to shoot back up at Aesa agian

2007-01-15, 04:29 PM
Aesa grins and simply flies higher, moving quite fast and easily outpacing Hiko.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 04:36 PM
Hiko growls and flaps his wings to keep gaining altitude, an act he must have done subconsciously, because he didn't seem to have noticed

2007-01-15, 04:39 PM
Aesa flies just out of reach, but slows down, waiting to see if Hiko will catch up.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 04:44 PM
Hiko continues climbing, a predatory look in his eyes

2007-01-15, 04:47 PM
Aesa grins at him and slows down enough for him to catch up.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 04:53 PM
Hiko tackles her. Gotcha!

2007-01-15, 04:54 PM
Aesa grins and kisses him. You did. What are you going to do now?

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 04:56 PM
Hiko looks at the ground, biting his lip. He seems to be holding onto Aesa much tighter then he was before. Umm... Land?

2007-01-15, 04:58 PM
Oh but I thought you wanted wings, Hiko. And you seemed to be flying well enough while you were chasing me... Aesa grins at him.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 05:02 PM
Hiko sighs, letting Aesa go and droppping a few feet before his wings flap again and he becomes level with her again. He tries to hover, but isn't too successful, and instead just circles around Aesa

2007-01-15, 05:03 PM
Aesa chuckles as she flies over to Hiko and puts her arms around him.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 05:07 PM
Hiko grins. Can we land? I'm getting dizzy here...

2007-01-15, 05:08 PM
Aesa slowly pulls him back down to the flattened area where the building will be.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 05:10 PM
When Hiko touches down to the ground, his knees buckle. He rights himself quickly, and looks at Aesa. So... What now?

2007-01-15, 05:12 PM
Hmm... make the house and office, I suppose? Aesa looks over the area.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 05:14 PM
Hiko grins, pulling out his sketchbook again. Just tell me waht you want, and I can make it...

2007-01-15, 05:17 PM
Hm... Aesa looks the spot over. Actually, maybe a small tower would be appropriate? Dark stone, silver-colored doors... the first floor would be some kind of entrance area with a desk...

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 05:24 PM
Hiko begins drawing as soon as Aesa starts talking. After a while, he looks up again. Anything else?

2007-01-15, 05:27 PM
The second floor would be... a library? A study room and floor of some sort with an area for a summoning circle that I can draw in later. A third floor would be living quarters, and then there could be an exit to the top of the tower. Aesa obviously does not have a very specific idea in mind.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 05:32 PM
Hiko chuckles, continuing to draw. When he finishes he holds it up for Aesa to see. Is that good?

2007-01-15, 05:33 PM
Aesa nods. It will be fine.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 05:37 PM
Hiko nods. Stand back... He places his sketchbook on the ground, holding his hands on the cover, and begins to concentrate. paper begins flying iut of the notebook, and circles around the area as though caught in a powerful wind...

2007-01-15, 05:40 PM
Aesa moves out of the way in a leisurely manner, obviously not too afraid. She watches interestedly.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 05:45 PM
More and more paper spirals out of the book, to the point where Hiko once stood seems to have become a spiraling column of paper... Then the wind stops, and the paper falls, revealing a gray stone tower. Hiko is nowhere to be seen.

2007-01-15, 05:46 PM
Aesa looks around, then goes up to the tower.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 05:51 PM
Hiko is inside on the first floor, laying down on top of a desk. He appears to be asleep.

2007-01-15, 05:52 PM
Aesa walks over to him and shakes his shoulder.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 05:55 PM
Hiko wakes up. Whoops... He looks at Aesa and grins. Evening.

2007-01-15, 05:56 PM
Have a nice nap? Aesa kisses him.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 05:58 PM
Hiko grins. Considering it was only about 30 seconds, not really... But reality's given me better things better than my dreams have, so it's alright. He kisses her back.

2007-01-15, 06:00 PM
Mmm... Aesa breaks away from the kiss after a moment and looks around.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 06:02 PM
Hiko grins. Is this what you wanted?

2007-01-15, 06:18 PM
Aesa nods. Its quite good. Thank you.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 06:22 PM
Hiko grins. No problem. It's a rather large load to use that ability often though, so I'd prefer not to do it again that soon...

2007-01-15, 06:24 PM
Thats fine, I don't think I'll have call for many more towers... Aesa grins at him. Are you going to get off that desk, or keep lying there?

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 06:34 PM
Hiko grins lazily, curling up into a ball. Do you need it for someething?

2007-01-15, 06:35 PM
Not yet. Aesa sits down next to Hiko on the desk, tilting her head as she watches him.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 06:39 PM
Hiko grins. Just to say... I added a few things. Nothing major.

2007-01-15, 06:40 PM
Are you going to show me? Aesa smiles at him, giving him a slightly pleading and expectant look.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 06:54 PM
Hiko grins. You'll stumble across them eventually.

2007-01-15, 06:55 PM
That sounds like a challenge to me...

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 06:57 PM
Hiko grins. Might be payback for you turning me into a woman.

2007-01-15, 06:58 PM
Hey now, I gave you wings. Surely that makes up for it? Aesa leans against him and kisses him.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 07:02 PM
Fine, fine... But I never have gotten to create the mayhem thusfar... He lays his head in her lap. I also made you this tower.

2007-01-15, 07:05 PM
I'm getting this sudden image of having a pet ferret...

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 07:07 PM
A yes... I'm giving you ideas again.

2007-01-15, 07:09 PM
Aesa chuckles. So what do you say... pet or tour? Your choice.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 07:11 PM
Hiko grins. Either way... You're gonna have to use your magic.

2007-01-15, 07:13 PM
And? Is that supposed to be bad? Aesa twirls her magic rod.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 07:17 PM
Well here's your predicament: Pet or boyfriend?

2007-01-15, 07:20 PM
Aesa casts Polymorph any Object on Hiko to turn him into ferret.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 07:21 PM
Hiko makes a grumbling sound, looking up at Aesa

2007-01-15, 07:23 PM
Aesa chuckles and grins. Shouldn't have tempted me. She pats him on the head.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 07:25 PM
Hiko sighs, looks up at Aesa. He crawls up her arm and curls up around her neck

2007-01-15, 07:28 PM
Lets see if we can find these things you added... the faster I find them, the faster you get back to normal. Aesa stands up.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 07:30 PM
Hiko grumbles, digging his claws slightly into her skin.

2007-01-15, 07:31 PM
Aesa chuckles and pets him on the head. I've never had a ferret before. Should be interesting.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 07:41 PM
Hiko pokes her chin with his nose and sighs.

2007-01-15, 07:42 PM
Aesa begins to poke around the first floor, looking for whatever Hiko put in.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 07:50 PM
Hiko sighs, poking her with his nose again and then points at a door.

2007-01-15, 07:52 PM
Aesa grins at him and scratches his head as she walks towards the door.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 07:55 PM
Inside a room is a single hallway, much longer then should actually fit in the building. The walls are lined with incredibly detailed paintings of various landscapes, from jungle islands to barren tundras..

2007-01-15, 07:58 PM
Aesa looks at them, guessing that they are not just pictures.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 08:01 PM
Hiko crawls down Aesa and scratches the wall under a painting, one of a giant flying city.

2007-01-15, 08:04 PM
Aesa goes over to him and looks at the picture, then at the wall under it.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 08:08 PM
Hiko grumbles, jumping as high as he can, but only manages to scratch the bottom frame of the picture. He points at the picture and scratches the wall again

2007-01-15, 08:33 PM
Aesa picks him up and telepathically connects to his mind. Yes?

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 08:44 PM
Hiko grumbles. You've taken the fun out of this... But whatever... He points up at the painting. They're all portals to places I've been.

2007-01-15, 08:45 PM
I thought it was something like that. Aesa smiles at him innocently. And I think having a ferret is fun.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 08:47 PM
Hiko curls into a ball on the ground, sighing.

2007-01-15, 08:49 PM
Aesa sits down next to him and pets him, obviously enjoying herself.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 08:53 PM
Hiko rubs his head against Aesa's hand as it passes by

2007-01-15, 08:55 PM
Aesa chuckles. Hm... I wonder how long you'll stay like this.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 09:03 PM
Hiko raises a nonexistant eyebrow at her. Please... You wouldn't want to go antoher week without me being a human male again, would you?

2007-01-15, 09:04 PM
No, but I could stand a day or so... for having a ferret. Aesa smiles and pets him some more.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 09:15 PM
Hiko sighs. I had wings for half a day, could control chains for half a day... Yet I'm a woman for at least four and am going to be a ferret for at least 2 days. He crawls up Aesa again and taps her on the nose. I gave you medicine while you were sick, y'know.

2007-01-15, 09:18 PM
Hmm... ferrets are so cute. Aesa picks him up in both hands and smiles at him.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 09:21 PM
Ferrets can also bite.

2007-01-15, 09:22 PM
Try it, I dare you. Aesa grins at him.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 09:26 PM
Hiko grins, crawls down her arm, and nips her lightly on the ear

2007-01-15, 09:28 PM
Aesa doesn't even blink or react to the light bite. I've had swords hit me and do nothing. Do you think a mini ferret bite will hurt me? Aesa chuckles at him.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 09:40 PM
Hiko grins. I know, I know... He nips Aesa again.

2007-01-15, 09:43 PM
Aesa chuckles and pets him.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 09:50 PM
Hiko sighs. So... I'm a ferret now. Sigh.

2007-01-15, 09:53 PM
Blame yourself for giving me the idea and provoking me.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 09:59 PM
Hiko curls up around her neck again. At least you left my intelligence intact... But then again I bet that was so that I would know the predicament I was in...

2007-01-15, 10:02 PM
Aesa just grins at him.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 10:07 PM
Hiko pats the side of her head. Hey... I'm talking to you, Hawkwoman.

2007-01-15, 10:08 PM
I noticed. Aesa smiles.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 10:14 PM
Hiko sighs. This is gonna be a next wierd few days... He looks up at Aesa. Do I get out of this fuzzy prison early for giving you those herbs?

2007-01-15, 10:17 PM
Maybe. I'll let you find out.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 10:23 PM
Hiko sighs. When you were like that... Did you mean what you said to me?

2007-01-15, 10:26 PM
When I was like what?

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 10:29 PM
Overworked? I don't know the proper term...

2007-01-15, 10:30 PM
I say alot of things, and I was 'overworked' for a while. You'll have to tell me what you're talking about.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 10:42 PM
Hiko looks at the ground. That... Well, coming from me again, it seems to loose it's meaning, but you said "You're something, Hiko..." Then you passed out. He looks at the ground. I liked it...

2007-01-15, 11:00 PM
Aesa turns him back to normal and kisses him.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 11:02 PM
Hiko grins and kisses her back. Thanks, hun.

2007-01-15, 11:04 PM
Does that answer your question? Aesa smiles at him and hugs him.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 11:08 PM
Yes. Yes it did. Hiko grins, laying his head in her lap again.

2007-01-15, 11:12 PM
Aesa smiles down at him, then looks around the tower. Hiko...

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 11:13 PM
He raises an eyebrow, listening

2007-01-15, 11:17 PM
Aesa looks back at him, then looks down. I-

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 11:19 PM
Hiko takes her hand, still waiting.

2007-01-15, 11:20 PM
Aesa just hugs him, deciding not to say anything.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 11:28 PM
Hiko sighs, and hugs her. You can tell me...

2007-01-15, 11:30 PM
Aesa holds him tighter, but says nothing.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 11:33 PM
Hiko sighs, resting his head on hers

2007-01-15, 11:37 PM
Aesa relaxes a little and smiles at Hiko.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 11:39 PM
Hiko smiles back. Is there anything else you want to do tonight?

2007-01-15, 11:42 PM
Mm hm. Aesa grins and stands up. Should we go upstairs?

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-15, 11:48 PM
Hiko grins. We should., He picks her up, and heads upstairs, where the camera/fellow poster will not follow.

2007-01-16, 06:38 PM
Aesa wakes up and grins, then gets up and dressed.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-16, 06:40 PM
Hiko looks up at her. Evening, gorgeous.

2007-01-16, 06:42 PM
Evening Hiko. What hell should we unleash today? Aesa grins back at him as she picks up her magic rod.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-16, 06:43 PM
Hiko grins. I have my sketchpad... You wanna summon some stuff?

2007-01-16, 06:44 PM
Oh my, you're actually going to try that challenge?

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-16, 06:47 PM
Hiko grins, gets up and gets dressed. I'm not gonna lose.

2007-01-16, 06:49 PM
Aesa smiles sweetly. Oh my, someone is a little cocky.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-16, 06:53 PM
Hiko grins. It's my craft. If I'm good at it, I have the right to be proud of it. He picks up his sketchpad, and walks over to Aesa again, and pecks her on the lips. Outside, then?

2007-01-16, 06:54 PM
Aesa smiles at him and vanishes.

Aesa reappears on top of her tower.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-16, 06:55 PM
Hiko grins and walks outside, looking up at Aesa. He beams. Ladies first.

2007-01-16, 06:59 PM
Aesa looks down, wondering what she should summon. After a moment she giggles as a ferret appears on Hiko's shoulder.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-16, 07:01 PM
Hiko flicks the ferret away and looks back up with a raised eyebrow. A ferret.

2007-01-16, 07:03 PM
What? Did you want me to start off big?

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-16, 07:09 PM
Hiko grins. I suspect an animal growth spell resulting from this answer... Yes. Yes I did. Hiko's eyes glow white and he throws a piece of paper onto the ground. It warps and distorts until a giant onyx hand rips through an invisible barrier, and a Marut claws its way out of the portal. Hiko looks up at the Marut, which is easily twice his hieght. He points at the ferret. Kill it. The Marut proceeds towards the ferret and attempts to stomp on it.

2007-01-16, 07:14 PM
Aesa smirks at him as the ferret gets squished and then points a hand at the ground. A burst of flames marks the appearance fo a balor, which growls. Remove that metal monstrosity from my plane. The balor grabs for the construct.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-16, 07:19 PM
Hiko grumbles. You're no fun, you know that? Give me a second. He banishes the Marut, and summons a pit fiend much in the same matter. Better?

2007-01-16, 07:20 PM
Somewhat. Aesa amuses herself by flinging pebbles at the pit fiend.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-16, 07:23 PM
Hiko looks at the pit fiend, his eyes glowing white. Kill the balor. The pit fiend grins and leaps at it's target, aiming to rip out its throat

2007-01-16, 07:27 PM
The balor's thick scales deflect the claws, but the still pierce and draw blood. However, the balor lashes out with its sword and whip, trying to trip and decapitate its foe.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-16, 07:31 PM
The whip catches one of the pit fiends arms, but he manages to duck under the blade before it does any serious damage. The pit fiend attempts to rip the whip from the balors grasp. Ug'hra mek rah! Hiko leaps into the air and settles down next to Aesa. Having fun?

2007-01-16, 07:32 PM
The balor lets go of his whip and punches at his opponents face while also trying to chop off a wing. Aesa grins at Hiko. Of course, but summoning a single creature can hardly be a sign of prowess.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-16, 07:36 PM
Hiko shrugs. What can I say? I'm a sucker for duels. The pit fiend's wing membrane is bitten into deep, but he manages to catch the blow to his face, and tries to flip the balor up and then smash it into the ground. Igra mac'hesch!

2007-01-16, 07:38 PM
The balor falls to the ground and shoots a fireball in the pitfiends face- not to hurt him, but to blind him while the balor tries to trip him up. Aesa grins at Hiko and watches the fight.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-16, 07:44 PM
The pit feind takes a few steps back after being hit in the face, out of the balor's blade's reach. He roars, and dissipears. Hiko grins. Watch this.

2007-01-16, 07:46 PM
The balor's eyes suddenly glow purple as it brushes off its shoulders. Aesa chuckles.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-16, 07:49 PM
Suddenly, a rain of black orbs smash into the ground, and explode, spraying acid all around the creature's viscinity.

2007-01-16, 07:51 PM
The balor roars as it begins to melt away. Aesa forces it to stand still, grinning evily as she watches it.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-16, 07:54 PM
The pit fiend reappears next to it, grinning at it's plight. It looks up at Aesa. You wanna give it the command, dear? Hiko grins

2007-01-16, 07:55 PM
No. I can do it myself. Aesa's eyes gleam, and the mist that creeps along the ground suddenly writhes and swallows the balor. When it goes back to normal, all thats left is a bit of blood.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-16, 07:57 PM
Hiko sighs. So much for ripping it's heart out. He looks down at the pit feind, raises a hand, then twists it. The beasts head follows the hand's motion, and the creature's neck snaps.

2007-01-16, 07:59 PM
I just had to test out the... wards on my new plane.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-16, 08:00 PM
Hiko grins, poitning to the body of the pit fiend. That thing's gonna be real pissed off when it regenerates... So you might want to work those things again.

2007-01-16, 08:02 PM
Aesa looks up at the sky, and suddenly a lightning bolt of massive proportions streaks down and slams into the devil, also leaving behind a rending blast of thunder.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-16, 08:05 PM
Hiko grins as the pit fiend is incinerated. He looks back up at Aesa. That was fun.

2007-01-16, 08:06 PM
Mm hm. Aesa kisses him. Anything else?

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-16, 08:14 PM
Hiko returns the kiss. In the matter of summoning? Loads. But I don't want to go boring you with the same things over and over agian...

2007-01-16, 08:16 PM
Well I was just wondering if you could actually top me. Aesa smiles at him.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-16, 08:18 PM
In summoning? I thought I just did...

2007-01-16, 08:20 PM
Aesa smiles sweetly. Take a look around and think again.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-16, 08:21 PM
Hiko grins. Don't make me resort to the final measure, m'dear.

2007-01-16, 08:22 PM
Final measure? Why do I see this ending up in the bedroom? Aesa laughs at him.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-16, 08:28 PM
Hiko grins. You wish as much as I do... He looks down across the plane again. I've got something that can destroy this plane, but I'd prefer not to use it.

2007-01-16, 08:29 PM
Do you now? Would it hurt your plans any to know that this plane is an illusion? Aesa grins at him.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-16, 08:31 PM
Hiko frowns. Oh really? Then why did it take such a massive amount of your eergy to create?

2007-01-16, 08:34 PM
Its... not entirely fake. Do you think illusion could swallow a balor whole? How can you walk on illusion?

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-16, 08:35 PM
Hiko grumbles, looking down at the far away ground. Forgive me if I don't get it.

2007-01-16, 08:37 PM
Just look at it this way. Its going to exist unless I do not want it to. Then it will be illusion. Aesa grins at him.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-16, 08:40 PM
Hiko nods. Oh... Okay. He looks up at her again. I could still summon something to destroy it, though. But I still don't want to.

2007-01-16, 08:41 PM
Because then you'd be out in a void and probably slowly dying while I watched? Aesa raises an eyebrow.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-16, 08:43 PM
Hiko drops his gaze, a bitter look on his face. Forget I brought it up.

2007-01-16, 08:44 PM
Oh don't worry, I wouldn't let you die. But after going through the pain of creating this place I sure as hell wouldn't let you just blow it up and get away with it. Aesa flicks her wings back, obviously quite oblivious to his discomfort.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-16, 08:51 PM
Hiko looks up, clearly ticked. For. Get. About. It. I'm not summoning anything, and I never was going to in the first place.

2007-01-16, 08:54 PM
Aesa gives him a funny look. Whats wrong with you?

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-16, 08:55 PM
Hiko mumbles something, looking away again.

2007-01-16, 08:56 PM
Fine then. Aesa goes back inside the tower.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-16, 09:01 PM
Hiko sighs, staying outside for a few minutes before going back in himself. He goes into the bedroom and laying down, rubbing his eyes

2007-01-16, 09:02 PM
Aesa seems to have vanished somewhere.
((I REALLY need to go for a while. Later.))

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-16, 11:42 PM
Hiko wakes up after awile and begins looking around the tower

2007-01-16, 11:43 PM
Aesa does not appear to be in the tower.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-16, 11:46 PM
Hiko sighs. Dammit all, you couldn't just shut up. He looks outside, hoping to spot her somwhere on the demiplane

2007-01-16, 11:49 PM
If she is in the demiplane, she is hidden. Considering the amount of mist, the trees, and the distinct possibility that there are hidden caves in the mountain, it wouldn't be too hard for her to hide.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-16, 11:58 PM
Hiko grumbles, pulling out an old picture of Aesa he had drawn and concentrates, casting greater scrying in an attempt to find Aesa.

2007-01-17, 12:03 AM
Apparently she is drowing in mist, because mist is all Hiko can see. Or it could be one of the security measures she put on her plane.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-17, 12:15 AM
Hiko sighs, looking around, then yells out at the top of his lungs, AESA!?

2007-01-17, 12:17 AM
Aesa's voice comes out of the air beside him. Quiet down or you'll damage your throat.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-17, 12:21 AM
Hiko sighs in releif, but doesn't turn around. Hey... Where'd you go?

2007-01-17, 12:22 AM
The woods. I'm still down there actually.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-17, 12:23 AM
Hiko nods. On this plane, or the material one?

2007-01-17, 12:24 AM
Here. Otherwise I would not have known you shouted.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-17, 12:28 AM
Hiko grins slightly. Mind if I join you?

2007-01-17, 12:30 AM
Yes. Don't ask.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-17, 12:31 AM
Hiko steps through his sketchbook and appears in the woods in a flurry of paper.

2007-01-17, 12:33 AM
I'm telling you, Hiko, come any closer and I am going to put a pitchfork through your eyes and turn you into a ferret. The mist suddenly has become very thick.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-17, 12:56 AM
Hiko complies, not saying a word.

2007-01-17, 12:58 AM
Better. Now why don't you just go back to the tower?

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-17, 01:01 AM
Hiko's brow furrows as he scans the darkness. I wanted to talk to you...

2007-01-17, 01:03 AM
The mist writhes a little, and Hiko can see the prongs of a pitchfork sticking out of it. Not. Now.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-17, 01:06 AM
Hiko takes a step toward her. Aesa... Please...

2007-01-17, 01:07 AM
The pitchfork jabs towards his shoulder.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-17, 01:10 AM
Hiko grasps his shoulder and falls to his knees. What the hell?

2007-01-17, 01:12 AM
I'll go for the eyes next. Now LEAVE. Aesa is still unseen.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-17, 01:20 AM
Hiko growls, taking a step closer to Aesa. What's happened to you, Aesa!?

2007-01-17, 01:24 AM
NOT. NOW. The pitchfork does indeed jab for Hiko's eyes.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-17, 01:25 AM
The last think Hiko sees are the points of Aesa's pitchfork before his mind tumbles into darkness...

2007-01-17, 01:29 AM
Three swift spells are cast, and Hiko ends up healed, bound, and teleported back to the tower.
[hr]Much later, Aesa appears in the tower, a few whisps of white magical energy trailing from her. She gives Hiko an irritated look and decides he can say bound for the rest of the night. Off the bed. So she promptly shoves him off and gets in the bed herself.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-17, 05:41 PM
Hiko wakes up, and begins trying to slip his way out of his bonds.

2007-01-17, 05:44 PM
They are very, very tight. Its a bit surprising his circulation didn't get cut off, actually. Its hard to get out of them, but he makes a little progress. Aesa sleeps soundly on the bed.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-17, 05:45 PM
Hiko looks around. Aesa? Are you here?

2007-01-17, 05:47 PM
Shut up, I'm trying to sleep. Aesa's voice is slightly muffled, since she is facing the opposite direction.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-17, 05:51 PM
Hiko grumbles. Fine, sorry. He tries slicing off the bonds with part of one of his blades

2007-01-17, 05:52 PM
Aesa matches his grumbling and goes back to sleep, flicking her wings irritably.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-17, 05:59 PM
Hiko cuts through the bonds on his hands, and draws his blade, slicing through and on his feet with a single swipe. He gets up and raises an eyebrow at Aesa.

2007-01-17, 06:00 PM
Aesa is sleeping on the bed, obviously not suffering from any sort of guilt at all.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-17, 06:03 PM
Hiko grumbles, leaving the room, and heads outside. He travelss in the direction of the woods.

2007-01-17, 06:05 PM
Aesa opens an eye and watches him go, then shrugs and goes back to sleep.
The woods are misty and filled with trees.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-17, 06:07 PM
Hiko tries to find the area he found Aesa last night

2007-01-17, 06:11 PM
After a while of searching, Hiko comes across a small clearing. Runes hang all through the air, some in patterns and some in random locations.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-17, 06:13 PM
Hiko sighs. Not this again... He searches the clearing a bit, and if he doesn't find anything, begins sketching the runes.

2007-01-17, 06:14 PM
The clearing seems to be normal, except for the runes, which hang in the air, glowing softly.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-17, 06:16 PM
Hiko sighs and heads back to the tower, sitting down on the bed next to Aesa

2007-01-17, 06:19 PM
Aesa sighs. I'll just give up on sleeping then.

Takehiko the Marooned
2007-01-17, 06:26 PM
Hiko scowls. So sorry to disturb you.

2007-01-17, 06:30 PM
Aesa gives a 'hmph' and flicks her wings again.