View Full Version : Rise of the Lich-King [IC]

2013-12-08, 10:45 PM
Rise of the Lich-King

You stand in a great hall, with hundreds of people surrounding you. Stone pillars loft the ceiling above you, and light pours through the stained glass windows that depict the pantheon of this world. In front of you is the Council of Nine - the wisest, most powerful rulers in the world.


A gavel slams down; King Torin has called the Enclave to order. "Friends, citizens - it is with great regret that I have called this enclave. A grave threat has risen against this land. Our allies, the elves" with a nod to Queen Mithras "tell us that the Scepter of Air has been taken by an unknown force Their guards were overwhelmed, and the stench of death fills their temple."

He pauses, and a troubled look comes over his face. He gestures at Mortimer. "This....young man has come before us in these troubled times with a most disturbing tale. I ask that you share it now, with the council and all those assembled here."

Feel free to make any Knowledge, Sense Motive, or any other checks you might like. Also, remember that you can use Speak Authoritatively.

2013-12-08, 11:49 PM

Soosan think real hard about how this affect fire, and what fire do to help.
Knowledge(Arcana) to know of anything fire-related [roll0]

2013-12-09, 12:21 AM
A young human rises from the gathered crowd and turns to face the Counsel as well as the various representatives that are present.
He takes a breath and begins to speak.

"I would wish with you all a good evening, but if it was a good eve then we would not be here, or most of us at least. I have reason to believe that a Lich was behind, or at least related to the theft of the Scepter of Air. I am a...representative of a group who has spent the entirety of its existence trying to prevent what is happening now."

Mortimer winces and continues,"We've failed, which is why I'm here now."

"This Lich has under taken the goal of extinguishing all life and turning the world to Undeath under its domain. It plans to accomplish this by gathering together the Regalia of Elements and using their power to conquer this world."

"I have a small amount of knowledge of the Lich that I am able to provide and answer questions about, but time is of the essence."

2013-12-09, 08:16 AM
As the 'senior' member of the organization, Helios acts as liason between the Council of Nine and the Church of Pelor. He has an advisory role and no right of vote, meaning he gets to sit and listen unless directly questioned on a particular subject; add the fact that he is largely uninterested in world politics and trade regulations that tend to fill these meetings on normal occasions, that nightmares of shadows long past regularly trouble his sleep, and it becomes easier to understand why he always chooses the least prominent spot to sit and doze off until the end of the proceedings.

This time is different though. The mention of an attack shakes him out of his incipient slumber: it means he might be called upon with requests of a few extra healers as disaster relief, and it would not do to be woken by the priest of Obad-hai with a kick in the shins and no idea of what he was being asked. It get worse, as the details on the attack send a chill down his spine: undead, powerful enough to attack the Air temple in the Elven lands and get away with it. But when the young man speaks of the mind behind the theft, Helios cannot help but think about the enemy of old. That can't be! Unable to contain himself, he rises from his bench in the back and addresses the assembly.

"IMPOSSIBLE!" he screams vehemently, his voice booming in the hall and rattling the glasses in the windows "I recognize the man you are talking about: the necromancer of the North, the self-proclaimed Prophet of Nerull. Both the ultimate goal and the means to achieve it coincide perfectly. That man was vanquished centuries ago. I know it, I was THERE when it happened! Janus Steelheart, mightiest among the Lightbringers, sacrificed his own life within the spires of Shard'Honnais in order to bring him down, while the rest of us kept the armies of the dead at bay to give him a chance to duel unperturbed. We all witnessed their mutual destruction, and for all his talks of eternity, the necromancer had not made himself immortal at the time. Are you saying that it is not so? Or are you saying that someone ELSE, someone even darker and deadlier is enacting an IDENTICAL plan? Either hypothesis defies belief."
I want to try and speak authoritatively here, about the history, but I am unsure on how to proceed. I guess [roll0] (similar to bardic knowledge), or possibly [roll1]? What happens if I do not pass the check?

*Edit: considering my rolls, my tale is probably inaccurate (at best) tending toward complete BS (at worst)... :smallsmile:

2013-12-09, 09:50 AM
Leaning against a stone pillar Remi observes the gathering. He had wandered into town meaning to meet Helios, of which he had heard good stories through old man Smith. When he was told where to find him Remi was surprised at the sheer amount of people but moved in anyway, hooded and respectful hoping to find the cleric. The gavel made him stand and listen.
Recognizing Mortimer when he speaks Remi takes a bite of his beef jerky and muses to himself.
No wonder he sees the act of that which he has devoted his life to in this crime. It could be, or it couldn't. Still..
When the councilman's emotional outburst rings in the air his thought process changes a bit.
He speaks from his heart, this much is clear. A darker, greater threat? Shudder the thought.

His interests peaked, he decides to follow the proceedings.

2013-12-09, 01:25 PM
Draegon shifts uncomfortably at the mention of sacked elven stronghold; remembering the devastation he found upon returning home.

If they were after the Scepter of Air in the Elven stronghold, they MUST have been after something when they sacked the Cabal’s fortress.

In the corner of his mind, he hears a familiar voice, “Draegon, pay attention, someone who actually KNOWS something is speaking,” again interrupting distracting thoughts, Baurshur, his psicrystal, forces his attention to the task at hand.

Draegon refocuses his attention
Apparently the destruction that befell my home is more widely spread than I first believed.

2013-12-09, 01:31 PM
Knowledge: history (Scepter of Air): [roll0]
Knowledge: Arcane (Scepter of Air): [roll1]
Knowledge: History or Religion (Prophet of Nerull): [roll2] (plus one if History)

2013-12-09, 02:34 PM
Council of Nine

King Torin regards Helios warily. The old priest has garnered much respect for his actions, but many people feel that his time is past and he's busy reliving the glory days. "Helios....Please...Be seated, and let this young man finish he story. He is the only lead we have so far on what has happened to the Scepter of Air. It can do no harm to hear him out."


Soosan know that Air Scepter is one of four...things. Flame Sword one other of four things. Lich have Flame Sword, much bad for fire.

2013-12-09, 06:29 PM
Phajrah Hardesh

The Scepter of Air, lost? Hmph. Trust the Off-Pathers to fail at safeguarding something so important. No doubt their guards were asleep, or too busy shoveling down their disgusting food and drink while it happened.

Phajrah Hardesh, the most-honored student of Hanupadi Shrantha, home of the students of the Rtra, stands with his arms crossed in the back of the hall. His face is one of boredom mixed with disgust and disdain.

He idly wonders why he is even here, and remembers the letter he received from his masters a fortnight ago.

Our beloved student Phajrah, it had begun, news reaches us that there is trouble in the Outer Lands; they say that one of the Four has been stolen...and the old fools needed someone to represent them, a pair of eyes and ears to have a better idea of what was going on. How convenient for them that he was already in the Outer Lands, wandering about in exile--

No, not exile. Pilgrimage. An honor bestowed on no other student, for only I am capable of handling the dangers and temptations of the Outer Lands.

Silently chanting a liturgy of focus to hone his concentration, Phajrah turns his attention again to the proceedings.

2013-12-09, 07:35 PM
Helios sits grudgingly, heeding the order of the King; he is accustomed to letting this kind of dismissal go unchallenged. Yet his demeanor is far removed from his usual self: his mouth is drawn in a thin line and holy fire burns behind his glacial stare, as he awaits the revelations this young man is supposed to offer to the council.

2013-12-09, 09:53 PM
Draegon perks up at the name of Helios, wracking his memory for the name, and it suddenly comes to him; Resonance levels in necromantically charged particles...that's it. That was some interesting research, and well written; this man is not to be dismissed...

Again, Baurshur chimes in Draegon's mind, You know...you could just listen attentively. You don't need to engage in hero worship.

Hush, this could be important..., Dragon scolds his psicrystal.

Manifesting Missive (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/missive.htm) (-1 PP: 40/41 remaining)

[Telepathically, in Helios' mind You wrote "Resonance Levels in Necromantically Charged Particles? Nod Please..." ]

2013-12-10, 12:43 AM
Mortimer starts at Helios's...forceful reply and the revelation of his name.

"Helios? Of- of the Lightbringers?"

Mortimer approaches Helios's chair and offers his hand.

"S-sir, to have fought against the waking dead for as long as you have, and for you to be here now. It's- it is an honor, sir."

After steadying himself, he attempts to share what he knows of the Lich.

"The exact origins of the Lich were lost to us some time ago, but the Lich has been seen wearing the garments of one of the priesthood of Nerull. I know some of the Lich's abilities, and while it possesses the common abilities that most Necromancers are capable of, perhaps if I described some of the Lich's more...specific abilities, you could confirm if this is in fact the same man who fought Janus."

Mortimer's voice becomes more somber as he begins.

"The Lich has drained the strength of dozens with a wave of its arm and summoned undead within its midst with the same motion. It has grasped the soul from the body of one who sought to slay it with blade and bound that soul to a gem."

"I've seen it create cysts within the bodies of allies, of friends and make them explode, spewing their guts all around, spreading an infection that we did not learn to cure until it was far too late for those who were infected, for those who perished."

"The Lich brought down hell upon us, upon everyone. And while it still exists it will be a blight upon everything because it will not stop, it has not stopped, until it has killed everything and turned it into a Undead creature in Nerull's image!"

Mortimer stops, suddenly hearing how loud he has become.

".... So if that describes the man with whom Janus Steelheart fought within those spires of Shard'Honnais, then I hope that nothing worse exists on this plane. For I doubt we would be able to stop it."

2013-12-10, 12:57 AM

Soosan raise mighty torc high in air. Wait patiently for called on, recognized by floor. Torc is hot and burns.

2013-12-10, 07:09 AM
No one had been taken more by surprise than Helios himself at the young man's sincere admiration and respect. He return the man's polite greeting and listen to his exposition without interrupting, noting that while the Enemy had not possessed such abilities, he had held the potential to achieve them. When a voice inside Helios' head ask for confirmation of authorship of an obscure work he wrote a hundred years past, his surprise doubles; he nods, looking around to see if he can spot the sender. It's only when he sees a burly orc raising a torch in the air as to politely demand audience that he starts suspecting he might have finally lost it.

2013-12-10, 11:26 AM
Council of Nine

The Council patiently listens to Mortimer's description of the Lich-King. As comes to a pause, the Council speaks quietly among themselves, ignoring the patiently raised torch. At last, King Toril speaks.

"That does indeed sound like the powers possessed by the infamous Prophet of Nerull. Helios, is there any possibility that he has somehow survived? Some black, necromantic magics that not even...Janus....was able....yes? What is it?"

King Toril's patience finally breaks a little as he points at Soosan, her torch still held patiently in the air.


Men talk long time, but no fire. Lots of talk for no fire. Other, grumpy old man start talking, say stuff about dead guy. Or not dead guy. Then get mad. Point at Soosan to talk instead so he don't have to.

2013-12-10, 11:33 AM

"Why no talk of other threats?? Dead man take Air, but Fire be worse. Fire burn hot. Sword also sharp. Fire Sword in deadman hand be hot and sharp and much damage to all. All four together all bad for all."

"No good worry bout who, but why. Prevent, not blame. LET US GO PROTECT THREE REMAINING, First Fire! More time talking is less time protecting sacred."


Soosan yell last, run out gathering plowing through many to reach door soon. Hurries home, grabs supplies. Soosan come back, torc burn bright, ready leave for all who come protect Fire Sword. ... all took 5 minutes. 55 minutes left. Fire still burn.

2013-12-10, 01:22 PM

Phajrah watches Soosan's display. His furred face is a mix of shock, dismay, and utter confusion.

Was...was that a torch? Indoors? Why? How?

...but more importantly; that...creature demands that we defend the Sword of Fire, the Brand Everburning. Madness. Once again, can't leave things to the Out-Pathers.

He raises his own fur-covered hand. The temptation to just speak out of turn and steer these fools from the path of madness is overwhelming, but decorum must be observed.

2013-12-10, 02:51 PM
As the rest of the assembly witness in disbelief the orc's unintelligible speech, Helios focuses inward in recollection. it's not hard: he's replayed that scene a thousandfold in his mind. As soon as the orc leaves the room, he open his eyes and answers the king at the best of his ability.

"I agree that the enemy was crafty indeed, seemingly always a step ahead of our hunt at every turn. In his many laboratories we found all kind of monstruosities, from orderly rows of caged rats with necrotic cysts inside their bellies to undead abomination hapazardly pieced together from many corpses. Yet, from what we could glean from the notes we found in such places, we were confident he was not close to achieving immortality, much less invulnerability.

The latter is important, as the way of his demise is known, and it was not simply Janus's blade doing the deed. That duel had been raging for some time within the tower, as the rest of us held the fell armies at bay just outside the entrance. Suddenly, a bright light pierced the gloom as a column of holy fire and radiance desended from the heavens to strike the top of the spire. That alone might have been enough to finish many an enemy, but it did not end there: the beams supporting the tower, apparently made of ice, cracked and snapped, toppling the top of the structure down into the adjacent chasm. On its way down, the tower top crashed on the side of the chasm, provoking an avalance that covered it in a layer of ice and snow as thick as hill. As the tower fell, his army ranks broke, and the vile creatures started to flee or fight among themselves, free of their master's control.

That was over two hundred years ago. Whether my tale makes it more or less likely that the necromancer survived to this day to plague us once again, I leave it to the collective wisdom of the council to decide".

2013-12-12, 11:05 PM
The Council of Nine

King Toril's face as Soosan runs out of the hall is priceless. Never before has he been spoken to in such a manner, much less in this ancient and long-revered court. He slowly regains some composure as Helios speaks, listening to the ancient priest's words.

"Perhaps some pupil of his, then... The rout of his armies makes it seem sure that he was truly killed by Janus. Regardless, Mortimer here tells a compelling tale. Our priests have determined him to be sane and honest - he has spent many hours being examined for enchantments of any kind before being brought before us.

Mortimer, how did this Lich rise to power? What did he do after stealing the Scepter of Air?"

2013-12-13, 01:11 AM
Short context from the OOC, at this point I'm presuming that the information that Mortimer is from the future has been shared and accepted, as that was indicated in the previous post and I have very little idea how to share that without holding up the adventure. If there's issue with this then I can edit to free up opportunity for reactions from people.

Mortimer takes a moment to recover himself after Soosan's...directness.
(Presuming five minutes have not passed)

"Our records ar-were, were dreadfully incomplete when it came to the Lich's origins, but we do know it spent a small amount of time gathering together its forces before attacking Kazad A Grungron* for the Armour of Earth. I do not know that orc's name, but I believe she has the correct idea."

"We need to determine what we can do and what forces we can gather to combat the Lich either before or during its attack on Kazad A Grungron, because if we do not act swiftly enough, the fortress is nearly guaranteed to fall and the Lich will be that much more difficult to defeat."

Roughly translates to 'The Fortress of the Forge'. If anyone knows better Tolkienian Dwarven, then please correct me.

2013-12-13, 09:33 AM
Growing more concerned by the minute as the implications of the events discussed here sink in, Remi tries to hold back a shiver when the Lich's rising to power is mentioned.
He nods agreeable when Mortimer supports the rather loud orc, which departed post-haste without seeming to even considering the danger to herself.

Clarity and decisive action is not something he expected to hear when the gathering started but he would be a fool to dismiss wise words, especially from a source so obviously unburdened by convention and procedure.

And fools we would all be, not to heed signs so obvious and threatening.

He mumbles quietly while stuffing his pipe with brown leaf tobacco.

2013-12-13, 11:49 PM
Draegon considers the words of the council, and of the very well informed man, raising his hand to gain the attention of the council.


"Excuse me....Forgive my impertince, My lords, and correct me if I'm wrong...Sir... Mortimer, but if you're suggesting we gather a group to try and thwart this litchs' plans, I would offer myself as a..." Draegon chuckles "...perhaps second volunteer. The Litch is apparently responsible for the destruction of my home, and the death of almost everyone I know and love, so; needless to say, he and I have unfinished business."

"I have devoted myself to the study of swordplay, and to the arts of meditation and the mind, but I cannot go on this quest alone, or...at least not alone with that Orc" Draegon laughs halfheartedly again.

Draegon lets his hand fall, and stands quietly once more, grim determination on his face.

2013-12-14, 12:22 AM
Mortimer nods to the illumian- Draegon I think he said his name was?

"My condolences for your sorrows. Your abilities would be well appreciated upon this quest, and the party shall be of three, at least, as I fully intend on actively working against the Lich."

2013-12-14, 12:28 PM

Hmph. I will not be outdone by these Out-Pathers.

As Mortimer finishes speaking, Phajrah steps forward.

"I have no personal connection to the Four, but their loss, and this...Lich, affects us all." Puffing out his chestnut-furred chest, he calls out, "I, Phajrah Hardesh, First Disciple of the Hanupadi Shrantha Temple, also volunteer to take action against this defiler."

2013-12-18, 12:43 AM
Mortimer nods to Phajrah Hardesh.

"Thank you, First Disciple, for showing the support of the Hanupadi Shrantha Temple."

Mortimer faces the rest of the assembly.

"Are there any others who would join in this quest to fight the Lich? I know that not every being is a warrior, but every hand and mind can do something against this menace. I ask all of you to take a moment and consider what you and the nations that you represent can do to combat this blight of undead, even if only to prepare yourselves to potentially help affected neighbors. If anyone would wish to request advice on potential safeguards, please feel free to pose any questions."

2013-12-18, 07:08 AM
After a short spell of uncomfortable silence in the great hall a small flame crackles when Remi lights his pipe. He does so quite unhandy and almost lights his beard on fire.

Theres a bit of smoke, and some coughing and it is only moments later he realizes more than a few eyes are on him.

"Yes well.. Aghem. Good sir, Counsilmen and women.. I aint much of the fighting type so I don't know if Ill be much use to you in the skull cracking department."


"But I know me the ways of nature and the out-doors better then most. Even believe I guided you through me own neck o' the woods once."
He says looking at Mortimer.
"I could accompany you to make sure you'll get where yer going fast enough. If thats of help."

"Could do with stretching my legs a bit, you see."

2013-12-18, 12:51 PM
"It goes without saying, but I my services are at your disposal for this endeavor." says Helios to Mortimer in a somewhat low voice "Your band of youngster will find ther's still one good fight in these old bones, and there's nothing than annhiliating undead to feel alive once angain"

2013-12-18, 05:45 PM
Council of Nine

King Toril listens to the proceedings gravely, watching every speaker with sharp eyes. At last, he speaks. "Then it is settled: A group of our finest heroes will journey to the distant dwarven kingdom to warn them of the danger and to guard the Armor of Earth against this Lich's grasping, withered hands. He will need its balance to hold the Scepter's chaotic power in check, I think.

Do we have any more volunteers for this perilous journey?"

2013-12-18, 06:16 PM

Phrajrah mulls over the king's words.

Defend the Armor of the Earth? A fool's errand. Better that we attack the Lich swiftly, before he can gather much power. Whichever Out-Pathers are my companions, I should persuade a different course of action...

2013-12-19, 06:35 PM
Great time pass for Soosan. Feel many hours burning waiting for puny helpers. Maybe 10, 20 minutes. Soosan poke head back in, see stronger punies raising hands, grabbing gear. Finally, old men speak fizzles to end. Meeting seems to wrap up.

Soosan, gear packed ready, stands ready for march outsude entrance. Soosan wait for punies to walk outside.

Minutes more pass. Soosan grow bored so Soosan draw picture in dirt with torc. Picture have big volcano shooting lightening at sun. Little dots. Very good picture. Soosan proud of picture. Soosan make picture in dirt in front of entrance so punies come out see picture first, be much impressed, be inspired. Soosan inspire courage for many punies.

Soosan think Soosan good leader, inspire followers.

2014-01-05, 12:31 AM
"Quite good, really. That sort of ideogram originated in the Oglam tribe, yes? Read an awfully nice account of the abstract meanings in the field journals of Segunium the Wanderer."

Knowledge (local): [roll0]
Knowledge (religion): [roll1]

The voice, though quiet, seems to startle the orc - especially as it's in orcish. He had been so engrossed he hadn't noticed the slender figure.

It's not hard to see why.

The elf is not too tall, and looks as if a strong wind could bowl him over, but also like if it did he might just drift away like a puffball seed - he's graceful like that. The lower half of his face is wrapped in a heavy silk muffler, but his grey eyes and cheekbones suggest the sort of prettiness common in his people.

"I'll be joining you. You follow fire, yes? Well then, think of me as the breeze to help feed your fury." There's a merry twinkle in the elf's eyes, and his quiet voice is warm.

2014-01-06, 05:23 PM
My lords, I feel I should excuse myself. We will need someone to gather supplies for this venture, and while I appreciate our vocal friend's enthusiasm, he may require some...help gathering the required resources.

As such, I will be conducting what business that I expect might be necessary, and wait in the town square for the conclusion of these meetings, which should be an acceptable meeting place for those of us joining the quest.

Draegon turns and leaves the proceedings, heading out into the town to gather supplies.

2014-01-06, 06:30 PM
Helios waits for the king to declare the meeting adjurned. Leaving before is not an option for him, due to his official function, and beside he has everything he needs already packed away... on second thought, perhaps the trail rations will need replacing after a couple centuries, but he's mostly ready otherwise.

2014-01-08, 07:21 PM
Draegon approaches the town square, seeking the strange orc that delcared defiance against the Lich King.

Addressing Soosan

Ah, there you are...'Mam. I'll be gathering my things and some supplies shortly, but I wanted to let you know we'll be joined by a few other adventurers in our quest.

Turning to the elf,

Who's your friend here?

Draegon nods politely.

2014-01-08, 09:30 PM

Noting Draegon's exit, Phajrah quietly slinks out of the chamber as well.

Hmm, if they are gathering supplies for the journey, I might as well follow. Out-pathers they may be, but they know where to find supplies in this town better than I.

He soon reaches the town square where the rest of what appears to be his traveling companions are.

"Hail," says the furred monk. "If I heard correctly during the meeting, it seems that we are charged with the duty of guarding the Armor of Earth, the Bulwark Unyielding. I cannot say that I...approve of this course of action, but even with my skills I doubt I can defeat the Lich alone, so here I am.

I am Phajrah Hardesh, First Disciple of the Way of Rtra. And you?" He glances as he makes a formal bow, his eyes settling on Soosan with barely masked confusion and disgust.

2014-01-08, 11:17 PM
Knowledge (local) to identify the Illumian and Hadozee races: [roll0]
Knowledge (religion) to ID the Way of Rrtra: [roll1]

The slight elf bows courteously to both, then addresses Draegon. "As yet, we are only acquaintances - but soon to be comrades, I hope."

"Tamburlaine, of the Academy of High Arts. The society takes a dim view of former pupils mastering in the dark arts - I've been sent to aid in any endeavor to thwart him."

He nods at Phajrah. "The Way of Rtra?" His pronunciation is flawless. "I've read a fascinating treatise by your 348th Abbot on the cultivation of proper behavior and thought through mastery of disciplined movement. I confess I'm surprised to see a disciple so far afield."

2014-01-11, 08:11 PM
Ah, I apologize then sir.

Draegon smiles awkwardly.

My name is Draegon. This orc...Soosan, was it?...Phajrah, myself and some others are setting out to stop a force of powerful evil styling itself The Lich King. I take it by your speech you intend to join us?...

I was just setting out to purchase some supplies...I think we may need transport...

2014-01-11, 11:15 PM
The elf smiles - or so the friendly wrinkles by his grey eyes suggest. His mouth - and voice - are muffled by a warm, soft grey scarf.

"No apologies, master Draegon - a pleasure. If you will have me, I would join you. I must apologize that I have yet to unlock the higher mysteries of transposition - unless another proposes to move us by virtue of the higher forces, we must seek mundane transport." He makes a small, apologetic gesture with his right hand.

"But let us abide awhile till these others of a like purpose arrive. It would be well to know our strength before provisioning and seeking travel accommodations."

2014-01-14, 07:09 PM

He nods at Phajrah. "The Way of Rtra?" His pronunciation is flawless. "I've read a fascinating treatise by your 348th Abbot on the cultivation of proper behavior and thought through mastery of disciplined movement. I confess I'm surprised to see a disciple so far afield."

Phrajrah's eyebrows raise, his demeanor changing from one of irritation to sudden interest.

"Oh, you've read Revered-Ancient Urdeshna's works, have you? I'm impressed, Out-Pather, it's not often that others know of the Rtra outside the temple walls. I don't suppose you've heard of Revered-Ancient Hanuphatha's treatise on meditation techniques?"

2014-01-15, 08:45 AM
The elf nods.

"The elements of Zanshin - I've read more than a few references to it - a foundational work on basic mental discipline and practice, but surprisingly difficult to locate the original text. If you have had the privilege, I would be fascinated to learn the finer points of Abbot Hanupatha's work."

2014-01-17, 03:03 PM
The party slowly gathers together; assembling resources and contacts. The trek to the land of the dwarves will be long and arduous; more than five hundred miles separate you from them. The Dark Forest, shrouded in mystery and haunted by the ghosts of lost travelers, covers much of the distance between you. Even then, after you leave the forest, the dusty Wyrmfang Plains lie between the forest and the dwarven kingdoms. The plains were the site of a battle long ago, and now, arcane energies manifest in strange and terrifying ways there.

As the party gathers together, a merchant attempts to sell you discount meat and olives.

2014-01-17, 03:55 PM
Soosan excited for silly man. Olives and meet sound very good. Soosan talks bravely to puny merchant.

"Sound good. Buy Soosan need try first. Have sample olives? Soosan need taste olives. Olive oil nice too. Much flame from olive oil sometime."

diplomacy [roll0]

Soosan finish with blood curdling scream of rage right in face of merchant.

2014-01-18, 05:14 AM
"I don't always buy discount trail rations, but when I do, I prefer red herrings..." says Helios to the rest of the group, as the street merchant approaches Soosan in the plaza "Still, even if fully stocked, it might be worthwile to purchase some: you never know what you might end up needing on an expedition such as this..." Helios is cut off abruptly by the Orc's primal scream. The merchant pales and seems on the verge of abandoning his wares and run for his life.

2014-01-20, 07:32 AM
The elf nods.

"The elements of Zanshin - I've read more than a few references to it - a foundational work on basic mental discipline and practice, but surprisingly difficult to locate the original text. If you have had the privilege, I would be fascinated to learn the finer points of Abbot Hanupatha's work."


"Indeed, we should discuss this further. But for now...we should make ready for our journey. Supplies and such." Then he snaps around at the sound of Soosan's scream.

"What in blazes...?"

2014-01-21, 08:30 AM
-lands are distance X, with towns at points Y, Z, and Q. If we follow path G we might be able to-


Soosan's...enthusiastic bartering wakes Mortimer from his revery, "What in blazes?!?!"

Mortimer barks out something in Orcish,
"Soosan, take a breath! You'll give the poor man a heart attack."

then turns to the man and continues speaking.
"My apologizes, I've found that my companion is very enthusiastic about....things." *Sniff Sniff* "I say, is that vinegar?"

2014-01-28, 10:57 AM
Yes of course Mortimer, that path should work quite well, but I think we ought to purchase mounts for the journey.might we have enough for one each, and a pack house if we pool our funds?

Draegon's conversion with the tipping man is hatled betty the orc's outburst.

2014-01-28, 11:13 AM
"Funds?" asks Helios while smelling suspiciously the newly bought rations before putting them away. "I can contribute with what I have, which isn't much I'm afraid. Can't the wizard make us mounts for the voyage?"
I was thinking of the spell Mount (http://dndtools.eu/spells/players-handbook-v35--6/mount--2412/) (1) and its mass version Regal Procession (http://dndtools.eu/spells/spell-compendium--86/regal-procession--4084/)(3).

2014-01-28, 01:43 PM
(Presuming the situation with merchant is either delayed or resolved and the merchant has moved on.)

"I may be able to assist with some transportation, though I warn you the means aren't quite....normal."

"In The Whole's battles with the Lich, we quickly tried to find ways to prevent our bodies from being turned into the undead. We found a way to do so that the Lich could not counter....but the means appear necromantic in nature and in truth are in a small way. And please allow me to explain."

"Everything, everybeing has a Truename. Some absolute designation within the world that will always refer to that one being. The Whole discovered a way to bind a being's name upon their death so that their soul could not be used by any necromancer in any fashion. It was discovered that with this binding, one could also call upon those bound to come again into this mortal plane, which in truth was a profound benefit to the Whole's combative efforts as we could bolster our troops with those who had died before while preventing the Lich from gaining more troops."

"You may ask how this is different from necromancy. There are many difference, but this is the most important. EVERYBEING I have bound with me, I have asked their permission to bind and no soul with me is unwilling bound."

"As to how this pertains to our requirements for mounts, I have several beings that are capable of holding riders that we can ask to carry us."

(I have 4 Skeleton Winter Wolves, 3 Zombie Griffons, 1 Skeleton Elephant, and 1 Zombie Juvenile Red Dragon. The rest are humanoids or Shadows.)

2014-01-30, 11:57 AM
A troubled look settles on Helios' face. There had been many in the past who had advocaded fighting fire with fire, death with death: a weapon, ANY weapon - they said - was only good or bad as the hand who wielded it. He did not agree.

"I'm sure your offer is... well-meaning, but I'm hoping for an alternative option, if at all possible.
I come from an order that took strength from its unwillingness to compromise on these matters matter of necromancy. Others did, and reaped other benefits from their choice. I'm not going to try and talk you of of it, and I'm sure you do not need to hear this, but remember that the moment you start relying on necromantic creations is the moment you make yourself vulnerable to the influence of the enemy, so thread carefully".

There: the best I could do considering backgrounds and the situation at hand. Don't say I'm not a team player....

I'm curious though: how did you get consent from the animals?

2014-01-30, 02:40 PM
Mortimer and Helios' debate is interrupted by a young-ish looking man, a tuft of messy hair atop his head and ragged clothes on his back. He's leading a half-dozen horses by the reigns.

"Excuse me? Sirs? The King has sent me with these horses for you. He says that they're some of his best. Uhm. Uh. Can the uh. Can the orc ride a horse?"

He says this last bit with an embarrassed look on his face.

The merchant stutters in the face of Soosan's rather politely-phrased question, clearly taken aback. Regardless, he offers Soosan a fine selection meat and olives, along with a bottle of olive oil.

Around you, the merchants of the city have ceased peddling their wares to gape at the...rather strange group composed entirely of misfits, apparently.

2014-01-30, 03:31 PM
Soosan try foods, find quite satisfactory to orcish appetite. Soosan feel happiness abound with memories of simpler times. Thanks man,

"Food is wonderful! Puny man be very proud of food so good! Soosan buy much. 50 golds, buy much food? Fill bags with all food can afford. Please."

And then, upon seeing many horses, Soosan proclaim, "More room for food! Take 500 golds, fill horsies with food!"

As Soosan make purchase, Soosan watch men fill horsies with loads of food. Tells friends "New friends share food. Soosan help much. Soosan friends have lots yummy food because friends, and Soosan no hungry ever anyway." as Soosan wave arms, revealing Ring of Sustenance on hand.

2014-01-30, 09:51 PM

Investigating the scream, Phrajrah arrives to see Soosan demanding that the horses be stuffed with food. He's not entirely sure if Soosan is being literal.

"Erm...I see...hail, all of you. I saw some of you in the hall earlier, when we were discussing the direness of the threat before us.

We are discussing logistics, I gather?" He glances at the horses and the foodstuffs. "I travel light, myself, but I confess that I have little experiences with...beasts of burden. What were these called, again? Horses?

In any case," here he shoots Soosan a look, "We should travel light, living off the land or alms. All the better to make haste--we cannot delay in bringing down this Lich."

2014-02-01, 07:42 AM
"Praise Pelor, for He, in his infinite wisdom and compassion, has provided His humble servant with a chance to keep true to his beliefs!" declares Helios at the sight of the horses.

To the stableboy he says: "The orc is quite capable, I belive, though whether or not he will decide to actually ride rather than skip merrily at its side it is impossible to anticipate. Just make sure some the horses' burden is kept light enough for the rest of us to ride upon them".

As the boy scutters away, the group is approached by yet another volunteeer. He looks downright exotic, but his words are polite and his demeanor appears friendly. "Hail to you, friend" answers Helios redily "Yes, we were discussing logistics, though I believe we're almost done and ready to set forth. Indeed, we'll travel light" he continues, noticing the telling glance "though it makes sense to bring some provisions with us: the horses can carry them easily enough, and some of the places on our journey offer little in terms of food. And finally," concludes, his voice dropping a notch "when travelling with a group such as this, it is best not to hurt anyone's sensibilities if it can be helped at all".

Stuffed horses! :smallbiggrin:

2014-02-02, 02:01 PM
The stable boy nods his head in obedience, and begins directing the filling of the horses. Fortunately, he's not overly literal when following the orc's instructions, and the horses soon have their saddlebags packed with massive amounts of food and olive oil.

The group sets out; headed for the distant dwarven kingdoms. The city is quickly left behind as you cross the plains and farmland.

2014-02-02, 05:46 PM
Tam is quiet until those in charge seem they've made their decisions, and introduces himself when time permits. He reveals a detailed knowledge and genuine admiration for and of Helios, and a surprisingly well-informed and balanced understanding of Mortimer's order.

As they pass the town gates, he pulls aside Helios.

I'm gonna try Speaking Authoritatively to get things rolling. RFLS, lemme know if you'd like me to RetCon any of this or don't fancy it - I'll edit it out if it doesn't work for you!

Know (local): [roll0]

"Master, unless I'm mistaken, I believe there is a swifter route than the standard available to us. If we wish to make haste, the troubled lands of Calhannon and the forests of Narth offer the most direct route."

His soft voice, muffled by his scarf, carries a note of caution. He is clearly choosing his words carefully.

"Such an advantageous path, of course, attracts attention, and the terrain is amenable to ambush and treachery. I've heard, of late, that lawless banditry has taken root there and flourished, thanks to a lack of landed nobility, the safe environs of the forest, and possible supernatural influences. I've no hard facts - only rumors and hearsay - but merchants out of Narth have been few for such a swift passage between the Dwarven Kingdoms."

His large grey eyes smile, suddenly, and he waves a hand at the company.

"Of course, with such a force of heroes assembled, it should prove no difficulty, yes? After all, if we cannot push swiftly through mere bandits, what hope have we of defending the Hammer of Earth?"

2014-02-02, 06:02 PM
"Quick way sound good. Soosan need know, do bad bandits deserve bad death? Death by fire long, slow... very painful. Soosan should know if people deserve slow painful death.

If not, Soosan aim to cripple permeently. Then slow painful death happen at other hands." Soosan smile at more orderly folk, as if Soosan make them happy with Soosan changed tactics. "Soosan care much for clean man high ethic codes! Not let Soosan enjoyment cooking ruin new fwenship!"

2014-02-03, 08:59 AM
"Please, friend, I am no one's master, just an humble servant to the Cause. Or at least, that's the idea - he adds - I'll admit that in my zeal I tend to get carried away with my opinions. Still, I prefer to think of this group of a band of... equals - he does not say 'brothers', not yet anyway - where everyone contributes to the best of their abilities. Why, it might turn out that you are the man most suited to bring us to our destination, perhaps with the druid over there to help you find the way you describe.

Helios jumps visibly on the saddle as the orc barges into the conversation from outside the man's field of vision. This is going to take some time to get used to, if ever.

"I.. ah... yes, I agree with both of you. On the opportunity of taking this shortcut, that is. Time is short and shan't be wasted.
Regarding the bandits, I would actually welcome the opportunity to see how we work together as a team before taking the Enemy's forces head on. As for the manner of their death... Soosan, isn't it?... you may resort to the method you find more expedite, as long as you choose your targets with care, and I thank you for your... consideration in this atter".

2014-02-03, 07:19 PM
"Of course, with such a force of heroes assembled, it should prove no difficulty, yes? After all, if we cannot push swiftly through mere bandits, what hope have we of defending the Hammer of Earth?"


The First Disciple rolls his eyes. "One hopes so. Indeed, if nothing else this is efficient--we can test our mettle against these bandits, and get a better sense of what each of us are capable of in battle."