View Full Version : Raising the Black Flag

2013-12-08, 11:33 PM
The brig sways, it feels like a storm is coming on, but you can't see the sky, locked down in the permanently dark hold. Chained side by side via a bar running over your ankles are 5 of the most eclectic people ever, all bound by proclamation of the royal judges to short lives of hard labor on the plantations to the west.

As you hear the first cracks of thunder the guard comes in to check on you. As he bends down to check your chains the ship is jolted by a wave. He stumbles and falls, his head hitting the wall with a sickly crunch and he falls nearby, knock out or dead it matters not, all that matters is the brass key on his belt... just within reach.

As soon as one of you unlocks the giant lock at the end of the bar you all begin to pull it off and get up and stretch, then begin looking for weapons to make your escape with.

The room you are in contains the dead guard, who carries a shortsword, a standard pistol, and 6 reloads worth of ammo in paper cartridges.

Looking around the room you can find enough loose objects to make improvised clubs or punching daggers for everyone

2013-12-09, 01:08 AM
"I don't know about the rest of you, but I have no intention of remaining a prisoner." Jonah steps toward the guard immediately and begins stripping the guard of his possessions. He groups the pistol and cartridges together, and places them on the floor in the direction of the other prisoners. "If you are like-minded, arm yourselves."

He pulls the short sword and scabbard off the guard's belt, passing that towards the other prisoners as well. "Someone else can use this."

Jonah reaches up to a support on the ceiling he has been eyeing for many days. With a hard yank, he pulls two wooden beams and 2 iron spikes from the wooden structure of the ship.

He then points toward the guard on the floor. "One of you might also consider donning the uniform. Could make for a surprise in our favor," Jonah comments, as he scans the room again. His mind is on finding chemicals with which to begin working.

2013-12-09, 09:36 AM
The half bald woman finally opens her eyes. No, really. It looks like the front and sides of her head have been shaved and the back hangs free; all in all making one wonder if she'd been the victim of some cruel torture before this turn of events... though if true, she's been rather quiet about whatever wrong doings have placed her here, in a meditative, contemplative way.

That all changes when after briefly thanking some higher power wordlessly, she dives at the keys with grace betraying martial prowess and snatches up the key, stabbing it into the locks over her limbs one by one. Passing it off to the next one in line on the chain gang, she addresses Jonah in time to take the sword he passes.

"Well, you'll have my help," she offers, using the sword to shear off strips of either of her pants legs before passing it the way of the key. These are used to tie off her outfit to keep it from flapping about, the last being used to put up what exists of her hair into a long banner of a top knot.

"But I'm not guard material. The storm overhead gives us better cover to make alot of noise--and while I'm no tactician, either, I'd hazard a guess and say this means we need to take the whole boat rather than jump ship and take chances that the thunder and the sharks will be escorting us home." There's no humor, not a trace in what she says, despite appearing and speaking with a certain softness...

2013-12-09, 10:13 AM
Nathan will take the free sword that is being offered. I believe I remember how to use this.

2013-12-09, 10:59 AM
Nathan will don the guards uniform as well.

Oh giggity thats a natural 20. Boy i must look reall good and real convincing.

2013-12-09, 12:48 PM

The young blackhaired man grins as he sees the guard fall to the floor knocked out. After his chains have been removed, he gets up camly and begins looking around for a heavy wooden object he can use as a club. After rummaging through the brig on his knees for a while, he finds a suitably heavy plank to defend himself with.

He gets up and turns to Nathan. "Are you sure you can handle that? I'm not getting captured again because some small time criminal decides he knows how to wave a sword around."

Hero grins as Nathan dons the uniform. "Looks good on you. I'd almost mistake you for a real guard." After a short pause, Hero laughs. He calmly walks over to the guard, lifts his improvised club over his head with two hands, and brings it down hard on the guard's skull. A sickening crunch can be heard as wood connects with bone.

Damage (automatic crit): [roll0]

"There. He's not getting up again. I'm not taking any chances with half-dead guards. Oh, and I'll be taking the next sword we're picking up." He wipes his wooden club on whatever clothes the guard has left, switches it to his left hand, and extends his right hand to Nathan.

He smiles pleasantly. "Name's Hero. Who're you guys?"

2013-12-09, 01:24 PM
Nathan ignores the hand brought before him. Save the formalities until we are out of this situation. Nathan will take some of the guards blood and smear it on the side of his face, neck and shoulder. Hide on either side of the door ill try to convince another guard I was attacked by a prisoner and will have him come to help me beat some sense into them. You guys attack whatever guard or guards that follow

2013-12-09, 02:11 PM

Hero nods. "A man of business, I can respect that. You better be good with that sword, though." He looks at Nathaniel.

"I have a question, though. Why is the guy with the sword not attacking in this plan of yours?" Hero thinks for a moment. "How about this... You lure one guard in here, just one. I'll attract his attention while miss topknot over there slams the door shut, you put your sword in his kidneys."

2013-12-09, 02:30 PM

Hero nods. "A man of business, I can respect that. You better be good with that sword, though." He looks at Nathaniel.

"I have a question, though. Why is the guy with the sword not attacking in this plan of yours?" Hero thinks for a moment. "How about this... You lure one guard in here, just one. I'll attract his attention while miss topknot over there slams the door shut, you put your sword in his kidneys."

Sir it was assumed I would also attack. Now everyone hurry up and signal me quietly when you are ready for me to go.

2013-12-09, 02:48 PM
"I will be ready to act when the time comes, so you need not wait on me. But in the meantime, I will collect some... supplies." Jonah drags the guard's body into a corner out of sight from the door.

"I am not sure this man really needed to die," he says with just a tinge of regret. "But I can make use of this. Those of you with weak stomachs should look away."

The tattooed man uses an iron spike to open up the guard's body. It is apparent from his efficiency that this is not an improvised technique, but a practiced skill. He begins to search through the viscera, excising bits and pieces to use for alchemical components.

2013-12-09, 05:40 PM

Hero looks at Nathan and narrows his eyes. "Never assume. Always confirm. Best lesson ever when working with others."

He grabs his club tight in two hands and positions himself a few steps away from the door in full view, and yet as far as the small brig allows without putting his back against the wall. The black-haired young man takes on a threatening pose.

"I'm ready. What about the others? Topknot? Organfisher? Errr... Silver?" While speaking, he looks around at the other three, starting with Artei, then moving his gaze to Jonah and finally to Qairy.

2013-12-09, 06:35 PM

"If you give me a few minutes, I will have explosives and more at my disposal. So I would prefer to fight then rather than now," he says, continuing with his work in earnest. "The risk, of course, is that this man was expected back after a certain time. And his absence may raise suspicion if that is the case."

2013-12-09, 07:05 PM
Qiary Keen

She smiles as the pistol is left for her. She looks at it with curiosity and holds it like she means to use it on the wall. A glazed look come across her face as she plays a scenario in her mind.

The sound of someones neck cracking pulls her out quickly. "Yeah, right. Once I use this our element of surprise is gone."

When the list of names come out she says, "Name's Qiary Keen, the Amazing Qiary Keen. You can call me Qiary or Amazing which ever you prefer."

2013-12-09, 08:00 PM
Artei looks disdainfully at Hero's cruel dispatch, but doesn't speak out against it directly for a moment, waiting until the body is pilfered and unaware of what's obscenely being done to it, she addresses the guard's killer directly:

"That's not the proper way to secure a potential threat and I think you should know... if we kill everybody here, then who's going to pilot this vessel, let alone row it?" she asks with an eerie calm.

2013-12-10, 02:12 AM

He nods at Qiary with a grin. "That's a whole mouthful. I'll call you 'Amazing', then. I like it, very... confident."

Hero then turns to Artei and narrows his eyes. "In his condition, he wasn't going to do a lot of rowing. Not unless there is some sort of miracle healer on board this ship. Only thing he was going to do was shout for help. He was a threat, and the best way to secure threats is to remove them entirely."

He pauses for a moment, gripping his makeshift club even tighter. "Still, you have a point about the vessel. There's no way we're going to pilot it with the five of us. We should try to capture several of them alive to help us sail this thing. Or, you know... we could try to set all the prisoners free and escape in the chaos."

2013-12-10, 03:19 PM
So my character is going to start walking down the hall with his hand held up next to the blood stained side of his face. When i get out of the cell what do i see.

2013-12-10, 03:19 PM
Removed because of a ninja post, pun intended.

2013-12-10, 06:39 PM
As Nathan goes out of the cell he finds himself in a short hallway. There is another cell door on either side of him, and three on the opposite wall. The hall takes a corner into another hallway on either end.

2013-12-11, 02:07 AM

Hero looks around him. "Well, I guess now we can only wait. Might as well pass the time. Topknot, Organfisher..." He glances towards Artei, then Jonah. "... What should I call you guys? Or don't you have names?"

2013-12-11, 03:26 AM
The man flashes an unseen slasher smile into the corner as he works. Organfisher..., he thinks to himself. An oddly amusing title, though unfortunately inappropriate for polite company.


"You may call me Jonah. I look forward to working with you..."

2013-12-11, 10:29 AM

As Nathan goes out, Qiary peaks out and decides to follow at a safe distance to cover him with the pistol.

2013-12-11, 10:59 AM
Nathan will continue his pace and ignore the others cell doors. It will slow down slightly to come around the corner.

2013-12-11, 04:47 PM

The young man nods, keeping his eye trained on the door. "Jonah. A pleasure. Looking forward to working with you too."

2013-12-11, 05:23 PM

"Hero. It is clear you have killed men before, and consider yourself good at the task. What were you before this?"

2013-12-11, 05:31 PM

Hero glances towards Jonah. "A soldier. Local militia. It didn't work out as expected. What about yourself?"

2013-12-11, 05:50 PM

"I worked with chemicals, medicines, drugs, explosives and the like. And sometimes that work required procuring corpses. Now, I never went out and produced my own corpses. But that's not a story the constabulary were inclined to believe."

He shrugs. "To be fair though, I rarely asked my suppliers how they obtained bodies. And money can drive men to unscrupulous things."

Jonah looks over his shoulder briefly in Artei's direction. "What about you, woman? You seem to disapprove of our actions. Why is an upstanding citizen such as yourself in such a place?"

2013-12-11, 06:19 PM
As Nathan rounds the corner he runs in two guards standing at ease at posts on either side of the hallway he just turned into, about ten feet from the corner where he stands. They look up over at him. "What happened to you?" One asks, noting the blood.

2013-12-11, 08:08 PM
Ug, was checking on the prisoners and one of them thought it would be funny to get a cheap shot on me. You wouldnt mind holding em steady so I can give em a proper beating?

2013-12-11, 09:40 PM
"What, are defenseless prisoners to much for your weak, bony arms?" One of the guards jests at Nathan's expense. Nonetheless they leave their posts and follow him to the cell and in.

Initiative guys. You get a surprise round. Not gonna map this one, just assume there are two guards, A and B, and you can get at them without problem

2013-12-11, 10:01 PM

As the guard's taunting carries down the hall, Jonah stuffs the gathered bits into a section of intestine, which he attaches to his belt. He gives a look to the others as he takes up a wooden beam in each hand, and readies himself into a throwing stance.

Initiative: [roll0]

2013-12-11, 10:04 PM
A cheap shot is a cheap shot and it gives me an excuse to work on my right hook. You guys go first hes the first one on your right at the backmost cell
(I assuming we are describing our cell if not ill withdraw and change to match however i need i to.)

2013-12-11, 10:12 PM
As the men come into the room, Jonah hurls the heavy piece of wood at the guards chest. I hope this works, he thinks to himself as it whirls through the air.

I should probably include the actual attack rolls and such so it doesn't take 2 posting rounds. Aiming at whichever I can hit without suffering an "in melee" penalty.

Attack and damage rolls for a thrown, improvised club, point blank shot:


Confirmation, if it crits (20):


2013-12-12, 04:12 PM

Hero grins as the guards come into view. He twirls his club around and tries to smile his best slasher smile. "Better hope you die quickly, scumbag. I'll make you watch as I peel off your skin and tear out your innards inch by inch."

Initiative roll: [roll0]

Standard action to demoralize (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/skills/intimidate) nearest guard:

Intimidate: [roll1] (DC is equal to 10+guard's HD+his wisdom modifier)

2013-12-12, 05:35 PM
Nathan will stab the last one who walks into the cell room in the back

Damage including sneak atk

2013-12-12, 09:56 PM

As everyone moves past her she follows the others with the pistol in hand. She didn't really want to use the pistol, it might attracted unwanted attention. Instead she entered the room and pointed the weapon and growled, "Freeze!"

[roll0] +4 = 22

do I need to make an intimidation (+3) or diplomacy (+7) check?
[roll1] => 20 or 24

2013-12-16, 04:41 AM
As the guards step into the room Qiary yells at them to surrender, startingly them and making them pale a bit. Immediately after Hero tries to frighten them, but his threats don't seem to affect them at all. Artei steps in and catches one by the wrist, twisting his arm with an upward motion that results in a loud snapping sound and the guard crying out in deep pain. A moment later he lets out a dying gurgle as Nathan's sword passes through his ribs. Meanwhile his partner grunts hard as Jonah's thrown club hits him hard, cracking his ribs in the front.

Turn order:

2013-12-16, 02:21 PM
Jonah draws an iron spike into his hand as he readies to throw the club in his other hand.

If either guard is still conscious and hasn't surrendered, Jonah will throw the second club at the man.

Attack Roll:
Damage Roll:

Add any modifiers as necessary.

2013-12-16, 03:28 PM

Hero charges at the guard and swings at him with his improvised club.

Charge if guard is within charging range (unless the guard surrenders beforehand):

Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

Apply modifiers where necessary.

2013-12-16, 04:49 PM
When its Nathan turn he will attack the other guard trying his best to flank get into position for sneak attack damage.
Sneak Attack roll if it applies

2013-12-17, 01:07 AM

She had hoped that things would have been simpler, that the guards would have surrendered. Not really wanting to fire her pistol she yells, "Surrender, you're out numbered."

readies action: She'll shot if anyone comes at here.

2013-12-17, 09:20 AM
Nathan will look at Qiary with disdain. Shut your mouth idiot lest you get all of us caught.

2013-12-19, 02:48 AM
Qiary yells for the remaining man to surrender, leveling her pistol at him. He draws his sword and turns to stab the blade at Nathan, his sword thrusting of to the side of Nathan's head failing to even nick him. The guard seems to be suffering from Jonah's hit seconds before.

Hero rushes forward with his club, trying to attack the guard, but in his haste he swings wide, his club not even coming anywhere near the guard. Nathan's sword is far more effective, finding it's mark deep up into the guard's gut. The guard coughs, spitting up blood. He falls to the ground, unconscious, his breathe extremely shallow.

You each gain 160 XP for this battle

Each guard carries another short sword, another pistol, between the two enough ammo for 11 shots each, not counting the load already in each pistol. One of the guards also carries a cheaply made dagger in his boot.

2013-12-19, 03:54 AM
Jonah pulls one of the guards to the side and begins to strip him of his things. He puts on the guard's uniform, while taking possession of a pistol, 5 cartridges, a dagger, and the club from before. "I am not one for fighting hand to hand, so someone else can put this to better use," he says, passing the shortsword to whoever wants it.

Jonah does not have the fit and finish of a professional soldier. His shirt is only half-way buttoned, his belt is full of gathered weapons, and his stance is too casual to be a military man. With a wry smile, he asks, "How do I look?"

2013-12-19, 01:20 PM
Terrible, hand me that dagger and lets see if i can make you look more convincible.

2013-12-19, 01:51 PM
Jonah hands over the dagger and lets Nathan work over his uniform. "Hrmm... I guess it is a bit better. I'm still not sure it will pass inspection though. Oh well." He shrugs.

2013-12-19, 02:01 PM

Hero begins stripping the other guard and puts on his uniform.

Disguise: [roll0]

"There. How's that?"

Having said that, Hero grabs one of the shortswords and hangs it from the uniform's belt. He picks up the pistol and passes it on to whoever wants it. "Here. I don't need this. I'll make do with the sword."

He looks their most recent victims over and rubs the bridge of his nose with his right index finger. "So, does anyone want to check if they're still alive so we can gag em and chain them up, or shall I 'check' them." He picks up his makeshift club and eyes it critically.

2013-12-19, 11:01 PM

She takes a short sword and swings it in the air once and then twice. "This'll do fine."

Looking at the prone guards, Qiary moves to check them for breath and ties those up. "I say lets start free the other prisoners."

2013-12-19, 11:20 PM
Agreed.Nathan will point towards Hero.You and me are the best dressed lets scout ahead and just check the situation out a bit better before we act.

2013-12-19, 11:59 PM
"Well, if the two of you are going to take some time, I might as well return to work." Jonah goes back to harvesting materials for the violence to come.

Harvesting catalyst for bombs, materials for mutagen brewing later, and preparing extracts of Cure Light Wounds (2) and Expeditious Retreat (1).

2013-12-20, 04:03 PM

Hero looks at Qiary tying up the still living guard. ((If any of them are still alive))

"You might want to gag him in case he starts shouting. Or d'you want me to remove his tongue? I can do that."

When Nathan points towards him, Hero raises an eyebrow. "So you're the captain of this escape attempt, then? A'right. I'll join you so you don't get eviscerated."

He grins at Jonah, then at the ladies. "Have fun then, organfisher. You two come up with a back-up plan. We'll need one."

2013-12-20, 07:29 PM

"I see a few possibilities. We take over this vessel, we try to hijack one of the escort ships, or we steal a rowboat and make for land somewhere. While you two are out, see if you can find out how many prisoners are aboard, as well as the size of the escort ships. And if we are close enough to land to simply slip away during the storm."

2013-12-29, 05:11 AM
Hero and Nathan set off to get the lay of the ship. As they wander they can hear movement and voices in about a total of twelve of the ship's twenty cells. Lanterns on the walls keep enough light to see by in this lower deck. They find there are three guard checkpoints in either hallway to go out of, one every two hundred paces or so. The first one in the right hallway of course has already been taken out. Both hallways meet up again to form a rectangular area in the center. Heading upwards in the hall on the opposite end of the ship from the cell is a double wide ramp. The rest of the area that isn't cells seems to be storage for extra cannons and food stores.

2013-12-29, 07:15 AM

Hero quietly walks besides Nathan, trying to remember as much of the layout of the ship while keeping an eye on his companion. He keeps one hand on the hilt of his short sword at all times, ready to draw it if need be. Better keep an eye on this one. He's a bit too rash for my tastes.

Once they reach the ramp, he looks at Nathan and whispers. "Right, I count about twelve cells full of prisoners. No way we're going to arm them all and stage an organized attack. We'll just need to let them out to cause as much chaos as possible so we can slip away. Want to press on, or shall we alert the others?"

2013-12-29, 09:30 AM
Perhaps we give one group of prisoners some inspiring speech about how they can take the ship unlock their cells and give them the keys and step out of their way.

2013-12-29, 05:34 PM

Hero nods. "Good plan. And while they're getting themselves slaughtered by the guards we try to get to another ship."

He ponders for a moment before continuing. "I'm not opening the doors in this uniform though, they'll rip us apart. Also, do we even have the keys somewhere?"

2013-12-30, 07:46 PM
As Hero and Nathan debate things at the ramp the others hear a guard coming through and start yelling for the two missing guards at the guard post nearby. Soon he stops yelling and starts checking the locks on the cells, starting at the end of the hall.

2013-12-30, 08:27 PM
Jonah sighs deeply. "Another meddler, eh? It seems we do not have time to spare here. As soon as he gets near this cell, we should charge him. We cannot let him make off with news of our escape." He readies himself for another round of combat, listening for the guard's lock-checking to come nearer.

2013-12-30, 09:30 PM
Artei nods to Jonah and silently moves beside the door, preparing to open it when the guard nears.

2014-01-01, 06:39 PM

Once she ties up the guards and gags them she rejoins the others. "So what's the plan? Let the others out and start a riot, right?"

Qairy picked up a short sword. Who else picked up stuff? I just don't want to leave anything behind.

2014-01-01, 07:05 PM
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Initiative if it goes beyond the surprise round: [roll2]

2014-01-08, 09:21 PM

Hero nods. "Good plan. And while they're getting themselves slaughtered by the guards we try to get to another ship."

He ponders for a moment before continuing. "I'm not opening the doors in this uniform though, they'll rip us apart. Also, do we even have the keys somewhere?"

I believe one of the others have the keys that freed us earlier. We should stay dressed like this and have one of the others start freeing the others.

2014-01-08, 09:35 PM
Artei opens the door as the guard nears to test the lock and grabs him by the scruff of the neck. She knees him hard in the groin and throws him to the ground in front of Jonah and Qiary. Jonah tries to attack the guard but misses as the guard flies past just below his attack.

2014-01-08, 09:42 PM
Jonah curses and hurls another plank of wood at the guard.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2014-01-09, 10:12 AM

Seeing the guard on the ground she stabs at him with her short sword.

I don't have access to my sheet at work (damn firewall).
I'll do the rolls once I get back home, unless the GM wants to do it for me.

2014-01-09, 02:26 PM
I believe one of the others have the keys that freed us earlier. We should stay dressed like this and have one of the others start freeing the others.


Hero nods. "Sounds like a plan. Let's head back and rally our cellmates. I want to get out of here as fast as possible, cap'n."

2014-01-09, 02:31 PM
Nathan will start walking back with Hero's towards the others.

2014-01-10, 02:39 AM
Artei spins and kicks the guard hard in the ribs. A loud cracking is heard as they break and he gasps from breathe before passing out. She has him tied and in the back when the others return. She looks at them expectantly.

Artei, Jonah, and Qiary each get 133 XP

2014-01-11, 05:07 AM

Hero follows Nathan back to the others, nonchalantly trying to strike up a conversation. "So... how'd you get in here, then?"

2014-01-11, 10:09 AM
I killed a city guard when he asked me to many questions.

2014-01-11, 12:58 PM
Jonah looks at Artei. "Though you might find it hard to believe, I have no particular bloodlust. It does not appear that he will be recovering anytime soon, and we should be long off this boat by then."

Jonah does, however, begin to look through his possessions as well.

2014-01-12, 09:08 AM
"I'm glad" Arei says to him "There has been enough killing of the defenseless She says, about Hero's earlier action. The guard is carrying the same equipment as the others. A shortsword, a pistol, and 5 rounds of ammo. He also has a flask of rum hidden in his boot. His uniform is in a bit better shape than the others, without even a hint of blood stains or rips.

2014-01-12, 09:52 AM
Nathan heads back to the others shortly after the fight happens. He sees a new body and points to it Was that there when we left?

2014-01-12, 12:25 PM
"No. I have the suspicion that they'll just keep wandering in. And sooner or later someone will start to miss them. Did you two figure a way out of here?"

2014-01-12, 04:49 PM

"It's good to see you people aren't just messing around. Better be sure he's not getting up anytime soon, though."

He straightens his uniform. "Here's the plan. We found a few cells with other prisoners. All we have to do is let them out and convince them to fight their way outside. While they're fighting, we sneak off using our disguises and make our way to another, smaller ship. Mind you, someone'll have to disguise themselves after letting out the prisoners. I don't think they'll listen to someone in uniform telling them anything. I know I wouldn't."

He looks at the others one by one, ending with Nathan. "That sound about right to you?"

2014-01-12, 04:56 PM

"It's good to see you people aren't just messing around. Better be sure he's not getting up anytime soon, though."

He straightens his uniform. "Here's the plan. We found a few cells with other prisoners. All we have to do is let them out and convince them to fight their way outside. While they're fighting, we sneak off using our disguises and make our way to another, smaller ship. Mind you, someone'll have to disguise themselves after letting out the prisoners. I don't think they'll listen to someone in uniform telling them anything. I know I wouldn't."

He looks at the others one by one, ending with Nathan. "That sound about right to you?"

Yeah it should do. We must be careful thoguh that they dont turn on those of us who are disguised.

2014-01-13, 05:34 PM

Hero looks expectantly at the others. "Does that work for you guys?"

2014-01-13, 07:15 PM

"Sounds like a plan to me. But do we have enough outfits?" she asks as she is obviously not dressed as a guard.

2014-01-13, 07:19 PM

"Sounds like a plan to me. But do we have enough outfits?" she asks as she is obviously not dressed as a guard.

There will be more bodies in the future.

2014-01-13, 08:29 PM
"Hm... well it seems I make a most unconvincing guard anyway. Shall I be the one to talk to the other prisoners?"

2014-01-13, 10:55 PM
"Or perhaps one of us ladies" Artei suggests, looking over at Qiary "Did any of you see any female guards while out and about? We certainly haven't had any visit the cell."

2014-01-14, 01:59 PM

Hero nods. "One of the ladies would be best. Even better if organfisher here loses the uniform and helps her out. Nathan and I'll keep an eye out for guards."

2014-01-14, 02:40 PM
"Yes, that sounds like a good idea. We shall approach them together." Jonah changes back into his more ragged prisoner garb, but retains the useful belt, boots, and weapons. He also picks up the keys from before. "We'll have to find out if this works on all the locks, rather than just ours."

2014-01-14, 05:04 PM

Hero nods. "One of the ladies would be best. Even better if organfisher here loses the uniform and helps her out. Nathan and I'll keep an eye out for guards."

Nathan will start heading out. Agreed lets get this done, sooner than later would be best.

2014-01-15, 11:22 AM

She grabs the guard's jacket and shirt from Jonah. They were more comfortable than what she was wearing. "Let's go see the other prisoners."

2014-01-16, 04:04 PM

Hero follows slightly behind the others, so as to keep an eye on all of them.

2014-01-16, 05:13 PM
Jonah walks up to a nearby cell and tries the key on the door.

2014-01-26, 03:51 PM
The other prisoners are all to happy to take their shot at freedom. They follow behind the group until they are all released, then surge up on the higher decks, taking the sailors by surprise and taking them down aggressively. The group makes it's way to the top deck with little trouble as the sounds of battle grow around them, sailors and prisoners screaming out in pain, weapons crashing together.

As Jonah sets foot out on the deck a bullet wizzes past his head, followed by another one. Following the path of the bullet the group can see the captain standing about 40 feet away, putting two pistols back into his brace of pistols and drawing to more. Beside him stands a burly sailor holding a boarding axe and looking dangerous.

2014-01-27, 07:47 AM
Nathan will put up a hand signal for our group to hold them cry out loud while pointing at the captainDeath to the slaver captain!

2014-01-27, 11:45 AM
Rolling initiative, since it will really matter for me when I'm going. AoE and all.


That's pretty good, I'm going. :smallamused:

2014-01-27, 11:56 AM
Jonah walks forward while digging through the entrails at his belt, and then throws up a vile concoction that seems to light itself ablaze as it flies through the air.

Jonah walks toward the captain and bodyguard, so as to be within 20 feet. He then throws a bomb at the bodyguard.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage to bodyguard if hit (against touch AC, fire damage): [roll1]

I'm pretty sure that's a hit. So since the captain is next to him, the captain will have to make a DC 15 reflex save for half damage (6 damage, or 3 damage if saved).

2014-01-27, 03:22 PM

Hero looks at his companions and facepalms. He silently mouthes the word "disguise" in Nathan's direction, before he notices Jonah charging at the captain. He draws his blade and mutters. "So much for misdirection."


2014-01-27, 03:34 PM

Hero looks at his companions and facepalms. He silently mouthes the word "disguise" in Nathan's direction, before he notices Jonah charging at the captain. He draws his blade and mutters. "So much for misdirection."


Nathan whispers backI was hoping to rile up the rest of the prisoners against the captain so we can escape but it looks like its fight or die.

2014-01-27, 06:48 PM
Jonah glares back behind him.

"Are you serious? He just tried to take my head off, and you think the plan was going as expected? We have to adapt or die."

2014-01-28, 05:52 PM

Screaming a ballyhoo she fires her pistol at the captain.

[roll0] to hit
[roll1] dam
[roll2] init