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2013-12-08, 11:43 PM
Emerald stands up with a very shaky body. She realizes that she very well can't support herself entirely, and settles down in a kneeling position. She starts rubbing her temples with her forefingers, and her eyes are clenched tightly.

"What..." She beings slowly, ""What the...Hell happened?"

Tobius looks to Killian with a dark expression, and makes a point to let the man know that he has a dagger resting in his hand. The boy keeps his distance from Emerald, though. He doesn't want to cause any unnecessary trouble.

Ariana slams her hand on the desk and says, "Not good enough. If someone doesn't help me right now, a girl dies. And I am willing to do anything to prevent that."

And now we're rolling intimidate. [roll0]

The gnome stares at Ariana with a nondescript face as she yells at him.

"What seems to be the problem here?" says a voice from behind Ariana when she is through yelling.

"Headmaster!" The gnome yells. "I was just about to come find you!" He then directs his sentences toward Ariana, "I will let you squable your problems out with Headmaster Larin, and I will return to my duties."

Headmaster Larin is a particularly tall elf with graying hair and equally gray eyes. You, as a somewhat experienced wizard, have heard of this person before, but his reputation as a charming individual serves him absolutely no justice. It is difficult to look into his gray eyes as you fear you would get lost in them. The elderly wizard is dressed in gray and blue robes, which contradict the norm of more bright colors by other citizens of Aundair.

He sets an unwavering hand on your shoulder, and gestures the other in an offer to lead you deeper into the College. "I would very much like to listen do your dillema, miss...?" He says patiently as he waits for you to answer with your name.

2013-12-09, 07:16 AM
Velka is still standing over Emerald. He is keeping an extra close eye on Killian and Tobius as it seems like a violent outburst is eminent.

2013-12-09, 07:59 AM
"My name is Ariana, sir, and a young friend of mine is in dire straits. She was stabbed by a dagger of powerful magic, and I was unable to identify the effect. Please, help me."

Why am I suspicious this sudden turn of good fortune means I will be unable to make it back in time to help.

2013-12-09, 02:11 PM
Emerald stands up with a very shaky body. She realizes that she very well can't support herself entirely, and settles down in a kneeling position. She starts rubbing her temples with her forefingers, and her eyes are clenched tightly.

"What..." She beings slowly, ""What the...Hell happened?"

Tobius looks to Killian with a dark expression, and makes a point to let the man know that he has a dagger resting in his hand. The boy keeps his distance from Emerald, though. He doesn't want to cause any unnecessary trouble.

I glare at Tobius. I draw my blade, but keep the point near the ground. Without taking my eyes off him, I say "An impostor pretending to be Cadeyrn stabbed you. He ran off, I gave chase, and Tobius tried to stop me. He defended the man who attacked you. If I were you, I wouldn't stand too close."

But then I notice the blade in his hand. He means to finish the job! "OH NO YOU DON'T", I shout, as I full-body charge Tobius, trying to get him away from Emerald.

I missed that he had a dagger, so I'm editing in the bull rush. I rolled a 17 on my CMB check in the OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16584081&postcount=877).

2013-12-09, 05:45 PM
Tobius' eyes are suddenly filled with terror, and he spikes the dagger he is holding to the ground in an instant when he realized that Killian is charging him. He holds his hands up in a manner to point out his obvious sudden defenselessness. "Killian stop- I can explain!" He yells in a panic as he flinches for an attack. He is hoping that his actions have at least spared him from the assault.

Ariana: Headmaster Larin looks at you in your eyes with his intense gray ones and calmly says, "Well, without the weapon or the patient in my presence, I am not sure I can be of much help." He places his hands on your shoulders to force you to look at him even more directly. "I need you to bring me what you can, so that I can use the resources I have here to ascertain what you seek. Can you do that for me, Ariana?"

2013-12-09, 07:29 PM
Ariana nods and says, "Yes, sir," and takes off running to retrieve Emerald.

However, before I do, Sense Motive! [roll0]. You've made me paranoid, Sam, so I hope you're happy.

2013-12-09, 08:10 PM
"Killian stop- I can explain!" He yells in a panic as he flinches for an attack. He is hoping that his actions have at least spared him from the assault.

I stop just short of ramming him, but I take out my blade and point it at his throat. I'm not interested in any excuses. "Talk. Now."

2013-12-09, 11:48 PM
Tears are starting to form in Tobius' blue eyes as he speaks. He continuously eyes Killian's sword that is just under his chin, and he keeps his hands up and out well away from his body and in plain sight."I had been spying on Cadeyrn for several days now, and I knew what he was. I tried to keep you from killing him because he would have been a valuable source of information about your enemies, no? And I had no idea what he had tried to do to Emerald, I swear!"

Ariana: Headmaster Larin is being a lot more supportive than the gnome was, and this guy seems like he is legitimately wanting to help.

2013-12-10, 01:30 PM
I don't know if I believe him. I use Detect Evil.

And Sense Motive. [roll0].

2013-12-10, 04:35 PM
I don't know if I believe him. I use Detect Evil.

And Sense Motive. [roll0].

He seems to be telling the truth, and you detect no evil.

2013-12-10, 05:35 PM
Wallel watched the exchange tensely, wary of Killian's state of mind. The continual assassination attempts must have been taking their toll on the Paladin, as he was becoming increasingly irrational. While Wallel understood Killian's intent, pointless violence was not going to help Cadeyrn or Emerald.

Wallel readies an action to grapple Killian if he attempts to attack Tobius.

2013-12-10, 11:07 PM
Something doesn't seem right, even though his story checks out. I look over at Wallel and Velka, and I'm shocked to see they're ready to attack me, not him. "You have to look at it from my point of view- Emerald was just attacked because I trusted the false Cadeyrn, so it's difficult for me to trust you around her. How do I know you're not a shapeshifter as well?"

I want to trust the boy, really, I do. But after Emerald nearly died because I decided to trust "Cadeyrn", I won't be trusting anybody for a long while.

2013-12-10, 11:40 PM
Wallel's face held a grave tone. Taking out his journal, the silent elf began writing in it. His penmanship was calm and precise as he recorded his message to Killian. Wallel handed over the journal, which read, "Blind naivety when the evidence was against this false Cadeyrn led to what is happening now. Blind paranoia, however, can only help the enemy. They want us to turn on one another; this will leave Emerald unprotected. Regain control of your emotions before you do something foolish."

2013-12-11, 03:19 AM
Emerald finally manages to get on her feet. It is taking a good bit of effort for her to do so, but she takes a few steps toward Killian...and positions herself between Killian and Tobius.

She rests a hand on Killian's sword, beckoning him to lower it from Tobius.

She faces Tobius, and says a few simple words in the most solid and commanding voice she has ever been heard with. "Tobius, you will leave. Now."

The boy's face now wears an expression of shock. "I am only trying to help.... I want to help save Cadeyrn."

"Your presence here is causing more damage than good."

Tobius ponders on her words for a few moments while staring into the eyes of his father's killer, then nods. "Yes. Perhaps you are right." With that, Tobius takes a few steps directly backward, pacing away from Emerald and Killian. He is purposely leaving his dagger on the ground where he dropped it, for he does not want any trouble.

Emerald turns to check on Killian, hoping that he has managed to calm himself down.


OOC Knowledge: "Your assassin failed. Tell me, why do I even bother having you send these imbeciles in just to fail?"

The drow elf stood with her fingers rubbing her temples. She hated being ridiculed, but what could she do about it? "He didn't fail completely, my Lord. He did manage to hide the scrying mark for us, so now we will always know where the girl is. Her friends won't be able to slip her into a random location without us knowing like they did with Fairhaven. Also he gave us some very useful knowledge about her... particularly that it will take a hell of a lot more firepower to take her down than what we have been using so far."

There is a tremendous sigh of frustration from the powerful dragon that seemed to shake the entire cavern. "You have one more chance to kill that girl before I start getting involved. Our enemies begin to unite against us, and she is still running rampant across Khorvaire."

Syree kept quiet. She knew that Grimnosh was already involved, particularly that that he had his only daughter shadowing their enemies. She kept the fact that she knew his secrets a secret, because she didn't want to deal with the full might of his rage. She already knew he didn't trust her, so she figured it best to actually take advantage of that fact and give him a real reason to not trust her.

At the same time, she couldn't shake the feeling that Grimnosh was successfully hiding something very, very important from her...

Her mind raced in an effort to plan her next attack, and a smiling grin formed across her dark face. "Don't worry my Lord. This time I plan on getting involved directly." With her final word, her fingers drifted down from her temples to the scar on her cheek. Soon, she will have her revenge...

2013-12-11, 08:41 AM
As soon as Tobius turns away, I sheath my sword and release a deep breath I didn't realize I'd been holding. My angry demeanor vanishes; I'm the worried parent again. "Emerald, are you okay? Oh, thank Boldrei, I thought I'd lost you." I look over the wound, but I can hardly see it any more. "It looks like Velka healed you up. Gods, Velka, thank you so much. I don't know what we'd do without you. I thought Emerald had died, and it was all my fault...but you're okay now. How are you feeling?"

2013-12-11, 06:02 PM
Once the situation was defused, Wallel looked around the Alley for where Arianna might be. Could she have given chase, and he didn't notice because of the mist cloud? No, he would have seen her when they found the half-elf. Surely she couldn't be kidnapped as well, with Velka watching. The silent elf began looking for traces of where she may have gone.

Survival for Tracking: [roll0]

2013-12-11, 07:22 PM
"I'm a bit shaken up...but otherwise I'm fine." She looks it, too. She is definitely shaking, but she is trying her best to keep it under control. As far as injuries go, there is no wound under her clothing's rip where the dagger pierced through.

"What are we going to do now? We need to...find...Cadeyrn." Her speech slows and her eyes widen in surprise as she realized what she is saying. "...Was that him? He wouldn't do that, would he? It couldn't have been him!" The hair on the back of her neck and on her arms stand up on end, and her body is shaking more noticably now.

Noticing that Alimov is trying to figure out where Ariana went, Velka informs him that she went to the Headmaster at the local Mage College, which is located several blocks away.

2013-12-11, 08:13 PM
Glancing back at Velka, Wallel gives a nod of recognition. That explained why she'd left, the group themselves would be unable to track down Cadeyrn or the assassin. With that mystery out of the way, Wallel returned to keeping watch with Velka. There was little he could do to calm Emerald right now.

2013-12-11, 11:02 PM
"What are we going to do now? We need to...find...Cadeyrn." Her speech slows and her eyes widen in surprise as she realized what she is saying. "...Was that him? He wouldn't do that, would he? It couldn't have been him!"

I pause for a second, as if for breath, but I just don't know what to say. Or how to say it. "It... It can't have been. There's no way he'd do that." I hope.

2013-12-12, 05:57 AM
Velka doesnt pay much attention to the conversation, as he is focused on the street and any nearby alleyways. The last thing he wants is another surprise right now.

2013-12-12, 04:21 PM
Soon after, Ariana finds the group's location again. She is out of breath due to running, but she seems to have her mind determined upon something.

2013-12-12, 04:36 PM
Ariana arrives, wheezing slightly. She says, "Headmaster...of the college...says he want to examine Emerald...I'm pretty sure he's a good guy..." She looks up, seeing Emerald has recovered and says, "Oh good...You can walk..."

2013-12-12, 05:34 PM
Wallel returned his sap to his belt, since he couldn't very well go through the streets armed. He exited the alley, waiting at the street for the others and watching the faces of the people going about their day. Hopefully this headmaster wasn't another Aden Hawk.

Sense Motive on passerby: [roll0]

2013-12-16, 07:28 AM
I'd rather Emerald be taken to a place of the divine, but the Mage's tower is open and nearby, and time is of the essence. "Good work, Ariana. Let's get Emerald there before we have any more surprises. Lead the way!" I follow her and escort Emerald to the Mage's tower.

2013-12-16, 10:37 AM
Wallel keeps to the back of the group as they proceed, watching their back and sides for anyone suspicious.

2013-12-16, 02:24 PM
Just after Ariana left the Mage College to find Emerald and the rest of the group, Headmaster Larin scowled and rubbed two fingers on the bridge of his nose between his eyes.

These people are becoming a damn nuisance.

"Is everything alright, Headmaster?" The gnome asked.

"Yes, everything is fine. When the girl shows up again, direct her to me in the Enchantments Wing, then contact me via my Whisper Stone."

"Yes, Headmaster."

Larin turned and walked briskly to the Enchantment Wing of the College. When he got there, he glanced around the room to make sure nobody was watching when he tapped a stone on the wall to open a secret door that led to a flight of stairs that descended to an unknown level of the College.

The Headmaster descended as the door closed back into what seemed like a normal wall again behind him. It was down here that he was in his natural element. The darkness, the pungent smell of decaying corpses, the squeeks and ruffling of rats, and the screams and moans of torture victoms.

He felt so much in his natural element that the Headmaster reverted to his true form- the form of a doppleganger. His entire body, to include skin, eyes, and hair, was dull gray. He walked with an eerie and confident stride.

The gray man walked passed several prisoners. Some were Aundair's enemies from the Last War, some were thieves attempting to steal secrets from the Mage College, and others were just poor men and women that got on someone's bad side and were removed from society.

Most of them were useless and the doppleganger walked past them without a second glance- if they even got one glance in the first place. But there was one man that the doppleganger had to stop and taunt. It just seemed too damn...right...right now.

He lifted his hand and slowly stroked the real Headmaster Larins cheek with and exceptionally soft gray hand. The Headmaster's hands were bound to a chain that was attached to the wall above him. His body was black and blue, and his eyes were bloodshot from his most recent punishment- a punishment for trying to escape from this dungeon.

The doppleganger's stoic expression did not change, but the Headmaster could tell just by looking into the creature's eyes that it was enjoying this moment. The Headmaster looked down at the ground in shame. There was nothing he could do in this situation. He already lost that battle.

The doppleganger continued through the dungeon. He found his goal: Ryol O'Mordha and Cadeyrn Erskine. Ryol was doing as the doppleganger expected. He was torturing the mind of Cadeyrn, who was bound tightly to a chair inside a cage. The man looked unharmed, but the doppleganer knew better than to figure the man was alright. He knew that his mind was going through unspeakable horrors even as he approached Ryol.

Ryol paused his mental attacks when he realized the doppleganger was standing behind him. He would have stopped sooner, but the doppleganger was so quiet that Ryol didn't realize that he was standing there. He had no idea how long he was standing there, just watching the activity of Ryol berating Cadeyrn's mind.

Ryol turned to look at the doppleganger. He was not a person the mind-mage wanted to see right now.

"We have a problem. Emerald isn't dead, and her friends are on their way here now."

So you decide to come here with your problems? Look, I did my part of the deal, and now I don't want anything to do with you anymore.

"It isn't me that has a grudge with you if Emerald continues to live."

Ryol thought about this statement for almost a full minute. He clenched his jaw, then continued, "So what do you want me to do?"

The doppleganger nodded at the unconscious body of Cadeyrn. "Get him on his feet. We are going to let his friends kill him for us."

Ryol couldn't help but smile....

Cadeyrn: You wake up. At least you think you do, until you realize that you are staring face-to-face with yourself.

This nightmare is different though, because this is the first one that you can actually sense Joshua's precense. That is the only thing making you wonder whether or not this one is real.

Ariana, Killian, Alimov, Velka, and Emerald: Ariana leads the group into the Mage's College. She is greeted by the same gnome that she met here about half an hour prior.

"Welcome to the Mage Gui- Oh its you!" He begins to greet with his quick-paced speech, but then stops himself as he sees Ariana again. He continues to speak very fast. "Headmaster Larin has informed me to inform you to go to the Enchantment Wing of the College. Now that you have been informed, take your newfound information and leave. If you have any questions, please find and follow a map for information. Please do not distract any of the students because they have much more important information to be learning about than helping a ragtag pack of outsiders."

He pauses for a few moments. If anyone tries to ask a question, he will forcefully wave the group away, "Begone!"

The doppleganger that has now assumed Cadeyrn's form once again, recieves a message from the gnome at the entrance of the Mage College. Ariana and her friends have arrived.

It was too fast! I need more time!

"Ryol!" The fake Cadeyrn yelled, "Go distract them and buy me as much time as you can!"

Without a word, Ryol turned to go up the stairs into the Enchantment Wing to find his rival's friends.

2013-12-20, 06:51 AM
Internal Monologue: hmm this seems slightly suspicious. why would the headmaster want us in the enchantment wing. this could be a trap...
Velka will be as alert as he can. After all of the surprises in the last few weeks he is on his toes when someone appears overly friendly or suspicious,especially when it comes to dealing with Emerald. Perception: [roll0] Sense motive when we come to the headmaster: [roll1]

2013-12-22, 08:03 PM
"Cadeyrn" looked at Cadeyrn, smirking.

"I'm sure you must be wondering what's going on. Too bad really, you're just a pawn in my scheme. You probably ought to know that I managed to turn your friends against you while I was with them. Not to mention I've worked too hard to insert myself into this society to let some little snippet of a sorcerer like yourself ruin everything. So, unfortunately at this time that means that I need to hurt myself."

Cadeyrn watched dazedly as "Cadeyrn" mussed up "his" hair. After completing that task "he" brought out the key needed to unlock the cage Cadeyrn was in. Once he had done so, "Cadeyrn" placed the key in Cadeyrn's hand while stepping inside.

"It's a good thing that your rival took care of your familiar earlier or this would likely destroy me. I'm strong, but not quite enough to defeat all your friends. Now I just need to get your posture and look right."

"Cadeyrn" then began altering his posture to look more like "he" had been the one to be tortured.

"And the final touch, Silent Image!" Cadeyrn suddenly began to look like he was untouched and had more energy, though there was a definite amount of stillness to him. "Cadeyrn" also had a hidden light in his eyes. "He" then began to moan and say "Please, don't torture me anymore. I just want to hold my little fox, Joshua? Where's my friend?"

At this point Cadeyrn "woke up" a bit more and began to gain a small grasp of what was happening.

"I'm the on that's been tortured, you idiot. What have you done with Joshua?! Where is he?!"

2013-12-22, 11:55 PM
"Ariana?" One of the students approaches and asks. He is asking whether or not you are the person he is looking for. He is tall and well-built for a human, but wears the traditional uniform of the Mage College. He has dark hair and equally dark eyes, and he has a calm, patient demeanor about him.

"My name is Ryol O'Mordha. Headmaster Larin has instructed me to bring you to him." He offers you his hand, but then he looks up and realizes that there are more people with you. He politely adds, "Ah... and of course your friends are welcome to join."

To all in conversation with Ryol currently: [roll0] Bluff. He is attempting to act casual. Go ahead and roll Sense Motives at this DC.

If your roll succeeds: You notice that he is eyeing Emerald suspiciously.

2013-12-23, 07:46 AM
Ariana nods and says, "Of course. Where is he?"

Sense Motive [roll0]

2013-12-23, 10:02 AM
Wallel eyed the man suspiciously, but couldn't find anything out of place. He let the others take the lead on this one.

2013-12-23, 11:55 AM
Velka hears what the man has to say, but is so focused on it he walks into the wall. Slightly embarrassed by this he just nods and goes along with what he said.

2013-12-27, 11:46 PM
He seems helpful enough. I give him a look and raise a single eyebrow. Is he trying to flirt with Ariana? Nah, he's probably just being friendly. Unlike that gnome. "Lead the way." I follow him to what I hope is the Enchantment Wing.

2013-12-28, 12:31 PM
Ryol leads the group to the enchantment wing, and instructs all of the students in it to vacate the room. When Ryol and the group are the only ones in it, he talks in a distinctly panicked voice, "There is more going on here than you know. Headmaster Larin, your friend Cadeyrn, and many other people are being held captive under this very school and are being tortured even as we speak. We don't have a lot of time, but if we move right now, we may have a chance to save Cadeyrn."

2013-12-28, 03:06 PM
Ariana sharply inhales, and then exhales slowly. She mutters to herself, "I am such an idiot," then turns to Emerald and says, "Run. Get out of here, now," as she casts Invisibility on her.

Cast Invisibility on Emerald.

2013-12-28, 05:28 PM
Emerald doesn't ask any questions as she turns invisible. The door behind her opens seemingly on its own. Then you hear quick, repeating, light footsteps as the girl leaves the room.

2013-12-28, 05:35 PM
"Nine hells! The mage's guild, a front for torture and assassins? We're in way over our heads." I take a deep breath to steady myself. "Still, we've got to do what we can. Lead on. Emerald is out of here safely, and- wait! What if there's another ambush waiting for her right outside?! She's invisible, but these are powerful mages, and that won't stop them. Should one of us escort her to somewhere we know we can trust? But we also have to go after Cadeyrn..."

I pause, looking for ideas from the rest of my party members. Should I just pick something now? A leader should be decisive. Still, decisive, not reckless. I look at Ariana- as the party Wizard, she should know the most about whether or not invisibility is an adequate defense.

2013-12-28, 05:43 PM
Ariana looks Killian straight in the eyes, and then sighs. She says, "I don't know. But I do know that it's a choice between possible ambush and bringing Emerald into a confrontation with someone who kidnapped Caderyn, and probably is behind trying to kill her. And we're going to need all the firepower we have if we run into this bastard."

2013-12-28, 05:45 PM
After just a moment of hesitation, I accept her plan. I don't want to leave Emerald alone again, but I don't think we have a choice. "Onward, then." Then, to Ryol, "Lead the way."

2013-12-28, 10:33 PM
Ryol led the group to another section deeper in the school. He presses on a stone on a wall and the wall opens to reveal a set of stairs descending into a dark dungeon.

He pauses, then looks back at the group. He gestures an invitation for somebody else to go before him.

2013-12-28, 10:42 PM
Ariana looks down the stairs, and shakes her head. She says, "There is no way I'm going first."

Thanks for giving me an excuse during the Aden Hawk fight to never, ever go first into a dungeon ever again, Sam!

2013-12-28, 11:12 PM
With a look and a nod at Ariana, I draw and raise my silvered sword. "I will lead the charge. It's time to end this. Light!" The blade illuminates the darkness in front of me as I step into the dungeon.

2013-12-29, 12:33 PM
Wallel placed a hand on Killian's shoulder before he proceeded, casting Guidance in case there were any traps waiting. The silent elf followed after the Paladin, leaving some space between them to avoid being caught in an area trap.

Wallel casts Guidance cantrip, +1 to Killian's next skill check/saving throw/attack roll.

2013-12-29, 01:58 PM
I look at the elf and give a silent nod as thanks before moving farther into the darkness.

2013-12-29, 06:32 PM
The group descends into the dungeon, with Ryol following just behind. It is dark and quiet.

Killian suddenly halts the group because he caught something moving ahead.

He realizes that it was a false alarm: It was only a rat fleeing from the party into a hole in the wall.

After a few minutes, the group makes it down the entire flight of stairs, and find themselves in a larger open room...

There are two Cadeyrns standing in the room. One of them looked weak and beat up, while the other looked strong and ready.

'Cadeyrn' notices Ryol had led his enemies straight to him, and mild rage boiled inside him. He was more than capable of preventing his emotion from reading on his face- he was too disciplined for that.

Cadeyrn sees his friends and cannot help but wonder whether this is just another trick...

I will let Falcon take it from here.

-If anybody wishes to cast a spell, it is a DC 21 Concentration Check to cast.
(A Concentration Check equals 1d20 + Caster Level + Casting Attribute)

2013-12-29, 08:22 PM
Drawing his sap, Wallel observed the two Cadeyrns with caution. When dealing with a shapeshifter it would be difficult to tell who was who, so a live capture was more efficient. For now he waited to see who would make the first move.

2013-12-29, 11:51 PM
Cadeyrn's eyes widened when he saw his friends. Uncertainty washed over his face. However, his head snapped back towards Cadeyrn when he started speaking.

"Are you all real? Or are YOU just tormenting me again? Please, I don't know anything about what you want, just let me goooooo" Cadeyrn spoke, groaning at the end, his voice trailing off.

Cadeyrn couldn't believe his eyes. His friends were back. He then looked at the situation in a different light.

"Don't...believe him. I'm the...real Cadeyrn...but are you real?" Tears were in his eyes. He stepped out of the cage, the key slipping from his hand, clinking loudly on the stone floor.

"Joshua...where's Joshua? I can feel him, I think...I need my friend Joshua..."

Cadeyrn groaned again in the cage, drowning out the mumbling of Cadeyrn outside the cage. "Please, don't torture me anymore. I know you took Joshua's life, I can't feel him anymore, just let me be with my friends again. Pleeeeaaasssse...." His eyes were wide with fright, a touch of insanity within them, his voice breaking at the end with a hiccup and a half sob.

2013-12-30, 12:47 AM
I stare down both Cadeyrns. "One of you is my friend, who's been horribly tortured and needs medical attention. And the other is a cold-blooded murderer who needs to die. But I know how to solve this problem. Detect Evil!"

But nothing happens. The magic just fizzles. "No spellcasting? What did you do?", I say, pointing at the Cadeyrn outside the cell. "No, you did this!" This time, I point at the one inside.

"Okay, it looks like we have to do this the hard way. We have to find something only the real Cadeyrn would know. What was the first spell- er, supernatural ability we saw Emerald use? And what did she do? If you've been in disguise for that long, you would have had plenty of opportunities to kill her since then. Real Cadeyrn", I say, looking between the two, "What is the answer?"

2013-12-30, 11:30 AM
Cadeyrn inside the cell began speaking. "She cast prestidigitation to..."

And was interrupted by Cadeyrn outside the cell "Turn a flower's....petals green...right?"

2013-12-30, 01:47 PM
Lifting his Sap to his mouth, Wallel bit down on it to hold it while his other hands were kept free to write. He held up the page to the two Cadeyrns, revealing the message, "What is my name?"

2013-12-30, 02:56 PM
Cadeyrn in the cage answered first.

"It's...Alimovvvv..." he groaned again at the end.

Cadeyrn outside the cage bit his lower lip. "Just because....I don't have...the energy...to answer that...quickly doesn't mean....that I don't know what your name is, Alimov, my friend."

2013-12-30, 03:54 PM
Returning the writing materials to his pack, Wallel removed the Sap from his mouth, readying it. He walked slowly forward towards the Cadeyrn on the outside, holding out a hand and motioning to move back. Once the silent elf was in front of the cell, he reached down and grabbed the keys from the floor in his free hand. It was only a hunch, but the Cadeyrn on the outside looked far too healthy for how exhausted his voice sounded, and it was unlikely the Cadeyrn in the cell could read Wallel's writing so easily from such a distance were he as delirious and in pain as he seemed. Those eyes looked wild and unfocused, yet he was so quick to answer. Still, it wasn't enough information to attack one or the other yet.

Wallel began to lock the cell door that the injured Cadeyrn was in, to see how the two of them would react.

2013-12-30, 04:31 PM
Ariana looks at both of them, and says quietly, "Emerald is dead, Caderyn, and, quite frankly, it's both of your faults. So, at this point, I don't care who burns first."

2013-12-30, 09:52 PM
Cadeyrn outside the cage fell to the ground, tears streaming from his face.

"No!!!!! Emerald!!! She can't be dead....this is another one of your tricks, isn't it, Ryol?! You would put a version of me into this dream world of yours...Please, just let me go. I'm sorry for killing your dog, I"m sorry for swearing revenge on you for destroying my left ear, I'm sorry!...Just...just let me go...." He continued to sob, weakly pounding the ground.

Cadeyrn inside the cage scowled and stood up. "Damnit! Damn you! Damn you all!" He realized he had allowed himself to be captured, and had no spells that would allow him to escape from the cage.

2013-12-30, 10:01 PM
Hearing Cadeyrn's statement about Ryol, Wallel spun around quickly to look for the man who had led them all down here. He was part of this plot?

2013-12-31, 12:36 PM
"No!!!!! Emerald!!! She can't be dead....this is another one of your tricks, isn't it, Ryol?! You would put a version of me into this dream world of yours...Please, just let me go. I'm sorry for killing your dog, I"m sorry for swearing revenge on you for destroying my left ear, I'm sorry!...Just...just let me go...." He continued to sob, weakly pounding the ground.

Ryol is looking very uncomfortable as Cadeyrn speaks.


Then when Alimov turns to confront him, Ryol turns to flee back up the stairs without a pause.

AoO's all around.

2013-12-31, 12:50 PM
As Ryol runs by, Ariana mutters "Not so fast." She draws her sword and makes a quick, half-hearted strike at Ryol as he passes. After that, Ariana smiles and says quietly, "Well, then," as she then walks over to the Caderyn. Once there, she whispers softly, "Don't worry," as she brings the flat of her sword around on the back of his neck.

First, rolling for my AoO, [roll0] and damage [roll1]. Then, I make a non-lethal Coup-de-Grace on the Caderyn outside the cage, dealing 16 non-lethal damage and probably a Fort Save to not fall unconscious. If he's the fake, great! If not, well, that's why it's non-lethal.

2013-12-31, 01:04 PM
My sword is already drawn. I was expecting something like this. Not from Ryol, but at least I'm prepared.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]+[roll2]+8 for a total of... 11? Really? That's it? At least I hit.

2013-12-31, 02:30 PM
Taking a swing with his Sap, Wallel aimed to smack the fleeing mage in the back of the head as he turned to escape.

Attack: [roll0] (+1 if he's being flanked)
Damage: [roll1]
Sneak Attack damage if the others are flanking him: [roll2]

2013-12-31, 02:40 PM
Cadeyrn cried out in agony at the blow to the back of his head.

"Please, Ryol! Stop it! Stop hurting me! I just want to be with my friends again!" Cadeyrn is now sobbing uncontrollably, his hands grasping Ariana's feet in a pitiful begging manner.

2013-12-31, 02:57 PM
Ryol turns to flee, but is surprised when he turns around to see the flat of Killian's silvered sword connect with his face. The attack left Ryol stunned and stumbling around, barely able to keep himself standing. In a half-lazy spin, he tries to find his balance...

Just to find Alimov's diplomace also connect with his face. The silent elf's attack hit the man with enough force to knock him unconscious.

2013-12-31, 03:12 PM
Arianna was dealing with the Cadeyrn outside, and the one in the prison cell was locked in for now, so Wallel searched Ryol's unconscious body for anything valuable. Or dangerous. Nothing worse than a prisoner with a hidden dagger stabbing you during interrogation.

Perception: [roll0]

2013-12-31, 03:28 PM
Caderyn's words bring tears to her eyes, but Ariana delivers another blow. As he slumps into unconsciousness, she says hoarsely "I am so sorry, Caderyn." She then turns to face the one in the cage, the Caderyn she's almost cartain is the fake, and says, with a fiery glare, "You. Will. Burn."

2013-12-31, 03:42 PM
"Will I?" Cadeyrn asks smoothly. "Perhaps I will. However, I do believe that Ryol and I have dealt the necessary damage." He has shifted back into his natural doppleganger form. He grins a ghastly grin as paces back and forth within the cage and watches Cadeyrn's bloodied body underneath Ariana.

Alimov: You do not find anything of particular value on Ryol, save for a coin pouch. (For future and simplicity's sake, it has 22gp, 34sp, 19cp)

2013-12-31, 03:59 PM
Stowing the pouch of coins in his own pack, Wallel stood up and tossed Killian the keyring he'd found on the floor. The silent elf gestured at the other cells, indicating the tortured prisoners. One of them may have overheard something important being discussed, so the paladin and cleric would need to tend to their wounds and get them in working order.

Meanwhile, Wallel searched the dungeon for some shackles to bind Ryol and the doppelganger.

Perception: [roll0]

2013-12-31, 04:04 PM
Ariana looks at him, looks at Caderyn's body beneath her, and then looks back at him. She then says quietly, and on the verge of tears, "I've been through so much...and now I finally have a chance at a new family...and you tried to take that away...You will pay."

2014-01-01, 03:31 AM
not sure how hurt Caderyn is, but i will start with my biggest and give 1 from each spell level (so moderate, then light, then minor)[roll0]+[roll1]+1 for a total of 23 There you go buddy, thats all i can do for you. Velka touches Caderyn twice in succession on the head healing him to the best of his ability.

2014-01-02, 03:07 PM
Alimov finds several sets of shackles to bind Ryol and the doppleganger. Neither one put up a fight anymore. The doppleganger has surrendered entirely and Ryol is unconscious.

The doppleganger was also wearing all of Cadeyrn's original clothing and gear. Everything is accounted for, but there are a few things out of place. Inside Cadeyrn's backpack is a large, leather-bound book, a small, perfectly round stone with an engraved symbol of wind on it, and the dagger that attempted to steal Emerald's life.

There are sixteen other prisoners in the dungeon, one of them being the real Headmaster Larin. They are all badly injured and are in no condition to talk right now.

2014-01-02, 03:51 PM
Sifting through the items added to Cadeyrn's belongings, Wallel casts Detect Magic to see if any of them bear magical properties.

He can't identify them, since he isn't trained in Arcana or Spellcraft, just tell whether they are magical.

2014-01-02, 06:23 PM
Ariana tries to open the cells and evacuate the prisoners. If the doors are locked, she asks Alimov for assistance.

2014-01-02, 06:26 PM
Wallel waves dismissively in Killian's direction when pestered about the doors, having given him the keyring. It may not have had all the keys on it, but the rest had to be around somewhere.

2014-01-02, 09:22 PM
Ariana then turns to Killian and asks, "Mind helping me get these doors open? These people need help, and the cells would make a nice holding area for these two," At the end of her sentence, Ariana gestures at the two captives.

2014-01-02, 10:33 PM
Ariana then turns to Killian and asks, "Mind helping me get these doors open? These people need help, and the cells would make a nice holding area for these two," At the end of her sentence, Ariana gestures at the two captives.

I raise a single eyebrow and give Ariana an are-you-kidding-me look. "These people have been stuck down here for who knows how long. They might not have seen the sun in years. I would more than 'not mind' leading them out of this hellhole."

With that, I take the key ring and unlock every door. I know the prisoners aren't really up to speaking, but I offer a reassurance to each one, like "don't worry, you're safe now" or "it's all gonna be okay." Once they're all out of their cells, I offer to show them the way out of the college.

2014-01-03, 01:14 AM
Most of the prisoners don't speak, but some of them do. "Thank you!", "We owe you our lives!", "Praise you!"

With the help of the others, Killian manages to escort the prisoners outside the College. Headmaster Larin needs to be carried out because he is in such a bad condition. Once outside of the College, the Aundairian Mage-Knights take custody of the prisoners and transport them to House Jorasco care. You notice that the Mage-Knights are also binding all of the prisoners, with the exception of the Headmaster, because they cannot be sure whether or not they can trust the prisoners.

The Mage-Knights also take custody of Ryol and the doppleganger. They inform you that they will question them and Headmaster Larin, once he has recovered, to figure out exactly what had happened at the College.

Ariana finds Joshua in the dungeon while the party is clearing out prisoners. He is found in a seperate room on his own, and he is in a suspended animation enveloped inside a small, purple haze that hovers a few inches in every direction from his body.

Alimov: You detect that the dagger, stone, and the book detect as magic. The book, upon closer inspection, is a wizard's spellbook.

2014-01-03, 09:04 AM
Ariana examines the haze carefully from a mundane perspective, and then casts Detect Magic to observe it with a magical lens.

Casting Detect Magic and making a Knowledge (Arcana) check to ID this stuff [roll0]

2014-01-03, 09:56 AM
Stowing the ring and book carefully in his pack, Wallel notes to have Arianna and Cadeyrn examine it once they are in a more private setting. The dagger seemed to have expended its charge, but he took that as well in case someone could still identify it. It did occur to him that perhaps it was coated in another magical poison, rather than being enchanted itself. He cast Detect Poison next to see if there were any traces left on the blade.

DC20 Wisdom check to determine type of poison if present: [roll0]

2014-01-03, 11:27 AM
Alimov: You detect no poison on the dagger.

Ariana: You detect magic from the exterior of the sphere itself, but nothing from the core. With this knowledge, you deduce that the sphere is a personal 'pocket plane' build for Joshua. It would prevent Cadeyrn from detecting Johsua on this plane of existance.

2014-01-03, 01:30 PM
Ariana frowns upon her examination of the haze as she realizes it's a pocket dimension, and then tries to hook Joshua with her bow and pull him out of the haze.

Please don't kill Joshua, please don't kill Joshua...It's going to kill him, isn't it...

2014-01-03, 10:34 PM
Ariana manages to pull Joshua out of the pocket plane that contained him. She cradles catches him and checks the fox over to find that he is unharmed. Joshua immediately jumps out of Ariana's arms and begins searching for Cadeyrn.

Between Velka's healing and the sudden reappearance of Joshua's presence, Cadeyrn regains consciousness.

2014-01-03, 10:57 PM
Cadeyrn slowly stood up, using Velka's proffered hand to steady himself. He finally felt Joshua's presence, fresh tears coming down his face as that sense returned to him.

"Joshua!!!! Where are you?!!" he cried out.

Hearing his friend's voice, Joshua immediately began running through the dungeon. When the fox saw Cadeyrn, he immediately jumped into the sorcerer's arms. Cadeyrn broke down, fresh tears streaming down his face, quiet sobs racking the young man.

Joshua...my good friend..." Cadeyrn held the fox in his arms closely, the fox whimpering and licking his face before snuggling close. Don't ever leave me alone again...I need you so much..."

It was several minutes before Cadeyrn was able to calm down enough to begin walking towards the stairs, slowly climbing then before following one of the guards helping to lead everyone out. Velka walked alongside Cadeyrn the whole time, keeping the guards from seizing him as well as guiding the young man outside.

I apologize for taking control of your character, Tauros, but Cadeyrn wouldn't have known which way to go, and it seems likely that Velka would do such a thing. The problem is that I don't know if I could have waited for you to post those things just for Cadeyrn to go outside. I hope this doesn't bother you.

2014-01-04, 10:12 AM
Ariana smiles at Caderyn's joy, but wordlessly follows the Mage-Knights with the intent to interrogate the doppelganger.

2014-01-04, 01:36 PM
Seeing as everyone else seemed to have forgotten about her, Wallel began searching for Emerald. He wasn't sure how far she'd have run, so he checked around the Mage's Guild first. If she was not there, he would go back to the inn to look for her.

2014-01-04, 03:49 PM
Killian and Ariana go along with the guards to escort the ex-prisoners, the Headmaster, the doppleganger, and Ryol to the Mage-Knight headquarters. The ex-prisoners and the Headmaster are given food and magical healing to help them recover, while the doppleganger and Ryol are locked away.

The Mage-Knight Captain informs you that you may speak with the doppleganger and Ryol as you see fit.

There is no sign of Emerald near the College, so Alimov decides to return to the inn with Velka and Cadeyrn. Once there, the group finds Baranin D'Orien sitting at a table.

"Emerald is safe up in her room." he says, "But she expressed very effectively that she does not wish to be disturbed right now. She was scared and panicked for some reason..."

Then he sees Cadeyrn. "By the Flame, what happened to him?" He immediately stands up and approaches in attempt to give a helping hand.

2014-01-04, 04:35 PM
Wallel makes a motion of handcuffs with his wrists, then gestures in Cadeyrn's direction to indicate he had been captured. He motions for eating food from a bowl - Cadeyrn would need to eat and rest to recover from his physical injuries. The mental injuries would be somewhat more difficult.

Emerald did not want to be disturbed, but Wallel went to stand guard outside the door to her room. The group was scattered and panicked right now, it would be an ideal time for another assassination attempt.

2014-01-04, 07:04 PM
Ariana says to Killian, "We should interrogate both prisoners separately, and at the same time. It's a very effective psychological trick to make them think their partner gave something up, even if they didn't."

2014-01-04, 11:26 PM
I shrug, arms wide, and shake my head at Ariana. "Ariana, I'm a paladin of the Goddess of Community and the Hearth. Do I look like I know advanced interrogation techniques? Just tell me what to do and I'll follow your lead."

2014-01-05, 06:01 AM
Velka tries to explain [to Baranin] what happened to Caderyn, but he doesnt know all of the details. He leaves the part about the doppleganger for Caderyn to explain, if he chooses to. Velka walks to the bar and orders a mug of beer and 2 heaping plates of food for Caderyn, and a glass of tea and a small plate of food for himself.

2014-01-05, 08:45 AM
Ariana nods and says to Killian, "Take Ryol into a different cell and, well, ask him questions. Keep him off his balance, and make him feel like he has nothing to lose by talking to us. At the same time, I'll be talking to the doppelganger."

2014-01-05, 02:26 PM
Cadeyrn finally looked up, having walked to the inn in a daze.

"I was mentally tortured by Ryol O'Mordha. He was a childhood rival of mine, a sorcerer of equal strength to my own...

At his Cadeyrn paused before sighing.

"As much as I wish him to be hurt for what he did to me, that won't solve anything. He hates me because of what I did to his dog when I was a teenager...I killed it. I did so in revenge for him deafening my left ear. Surprisingly my right ear hears very well, but that's beside the point...interrogate him if you must, but don't torture him. Perhaps he will forgive me if we show him mercy..."

Cadeyrn sighed again. "I honestly don't know, he may need punishment, he might not. Right now I don't want to talk to him."

Cadeyrn then sat down at a table, pain in his eyes and his shoulders sagging.

2014-01-06, 08:14 AM
Killian enters a room with a Mage-Knight guard to interrogate Ryol. The imprisoned man paces back and forth across the room, causing the Mage-Knight to slowly and constantly shift his eyes back and forth to keep watch of him. To Ryol, it was a game to force the guard to inconveniently move his eyes so much.

Ariana enters a room with a Mage-Knight guard to interrogate the doppleganger. The creature is sitting directly in the center of the room, cross-legged with his arms folded. He is staring at the floor, and is obviously deep in thought.

Alimov: As you sit outside Emerald's room, you realize that she is inside crying.

2014-01-06, 11:19 AM
Hearing the girl crying, Wallel knocks gently on the door. He can't exactly give a speech or anything for emotional support, but he can let her know that everybody's alright... or will be.

2014-01-06, 12:05 PM
Outside the room, Ariana whispers to the Mage-Knight, "Please, wait here. Ignore everything you hear, and if anyone comes out of this door without saying 'I am the cynical Aundarian', kill them. Even if it's me...especially if it's me."

2014-01-06, 10:38 PM
I address the prisoner sternly. What was that phrase? Ah, right, "good cop, bad cop". We didn't need a good cop anyway.

I pull out my silver sword and rest it across my shoulder while addressing him. Given that he was found torturing Cadeyrn, I'm looking for an excuse not to kill him where he stands, so I cut to the chase. "Sit. Now. I don't want you pulling any tricks. You've got some explaining to do. You'd better get talking. Or else."

2014-01-07, 12:08 AM
Killian: Ryol stops at the small table in the center of the room and picks up an apple from the tray of food given to him. He cleans the apple on his shirt as he looks at you with focused eyes. "Now, you really won't have to beat anything out of me because I'm perfectly willing to talk." He says as takes a noisy bite out of his apple. He continues talking with his mouth full, pausing occasionally to chew or take another bite,"You will find- that- your friend Cadeyrn isn't exactly everything- you expected him to be. Everything I did to that man- is no less than what he deserves!"

Ariana: The Mage-Knights discuss the situation briefly before letting you in, then one of them clears you to enter the cell with the doppleganger. "We are here is you need assistance."

You enter the room. The ghostly, gray, natural form doppleganger is sitting in the center of the room, cross-legged and silent. The moment you enter, he opens his eyes to meet with yours, and he stands up in one, fluid motion without breaking eye contact.

Alimov: After a few moments, Emerald slowly opens the door. Her face is wet with her tears, her eyes are wide with fear, and she is brushing her arms with her fingertips.

She looks up at you with her dazzling green that are sparkling because of her tears. She is fighting to keep herself from crying. You have only ever seen the girl in this emotional state once before.

She stumblingly walks over to her bed and sits on the edge of it. She isn't shaking or making any noise, but tears are freely falling out of her eyes.

"Alimov, wha...wh-...what-..." She seems to be trying to say something, but she is breathing hard and can't get the words out.

2014-01-07, 12:34 AM
The silent elf stepped awkwardly into the room. Comforting and reassuring people wasn't exactly his specialty, but the girl seemed like she could use some good news. Pondering how best to communicate what happened, Wallel walked over to one side of the room. He passed a hand over his face and changed to an angry expression. He set down his Sap sideways on the floor in front of him, and stepped over it to indicate a boundary. He passed his hand over his face again and made a happy face. He turned and make a motion like locking a door, with the Sap acting as a placeholder to show where a door was. Stepping back over, he threw arms up in mock fury and silent shouting. Crossing back over, Wallel made a motion of helping someone walk, then pointed towards the tavern area of the inn and made a motion like he was eating. Wallel gave a thumbs up to finish the miming that Cadeyrn was okay and the imposter was captured, then picked up his Sap and returned it to its usual place at his belt.

2014-01-07, 11:30 AM
Ariana unflichingly meets the doppelganger's gaze. She says, "Hello. I'm here to interrogate you. Let's start with an easy question. What is your name?"

2014-01-07, 11:49 AM
Ryol stops at the small table in the center of the room and picks up an apple from the tray of food given to him. He cleans the apple on his shirt as he looks at you with focused eyes. "Now, you really won't have to beat anything out of me because I'm perfectly willing to talk." He says as takes a noisy bite out of his apple. He continues talking with his mouth full, pausing occasionally to chew or take another bite,"You will find- that- your friend Cadeyrn isn't exactly everything- you expected him to be. Everything I did to that man- is no less than what he deserves!"

"Oh, really? You mentally tortured Cadeyrn, to whom I owe my life, and you're saying he had it coming? You can see why I find that a little hard to believe. Given the state we found him in, I'm tempted to just execute you right now." Nevertheless, I step back and lower my sword, though I still don't put it away. "But what did you mean by him being not everything I expected?"

2014-01-07, 03:22 PM
Ariana: The creature hardly moves, and answers your question without delay. "I go by hundreds of names. Which one would you like to know?"

Killian: "The man is a killer, which is- which is why I don't feel bad- for what I did to his mind."

Ryol watches your expression as he finishes talking, then sets his apple down. "Look, I could explain everything, or I could just insert the information directly into your mind, if you will let me." He raises his hand in a manner to tell you that he can, in fact, instantly transport the information directly into your mind.

Alimov: Emerald smiles and even laughs a little during your performance. Her mood goes sour again when you 'mention' that Cadeyrn is ok.

"Why....why am I still-" She takes a long pause to give herself time to come to terms with what she is about to ask. Her eyes widen in fear, as if asking the question was an evil act in itself.

She darts her gaze into your eyes, as if she is waiting for you to say something.

2014-01-07, 03:26 PM
Ariana sighs, and says, "Here, let me lay down how this is going to go. You will answer my questions truthfully and simply, and if you don't I'll burn your eyes out. So, guess which name I want from you."

2014-01-07, 03:36 PM
Ariana: The creature assumes the shape of a familiar friend."Cadeyrn Erskine." He speaks the name using Cadeyrn's spiteful voice.

2014-01-07, 03:47 PM
Ariana sighs again, and says, "Fine then." She walks over to him, points her finger at his eye, and casts the Flamefinger application of Prestiditation.

2014-01-07, 04:05 PM
Wallel just gives an honest shrug in answer to Emerald's question. He as of yet had no idea what the enchantment on the dagger was, so he really couldn't explain why she survived.

2014-01-07, 10:47 PM
"The man is a killer, which is- which is why I don't feel bad- for what I did to his mind."

Ryol watches your expression as he finishes talking, then sets his apple down. "Look, I could explain everything, or I could just insert the information directly into your mind, if you will let me." He raises his hand in a manner to tell you that he can, in fact, instantly transport the information directly into your mind.

"Oh no you don't. I saw what you did to his mind, and I don't want you messing around with mine. Say it out loud."

2014-01-08, 12:05 AM
Ariana: "Cadeyrn" rolls with the blast and catches his eye with his hands as he stumbles back.

This is the most angry you have ever seen Cadeyrn. "(several explicit elven curse words!) Do you really think that you can do worse than what the dragon will do to me if I talk?! He recovers from your minor spell, and is standing face to face with you now. "By all means, please kill me! You will be sparing me of my lord's fury!"

Alimov: Emerald remains silent for quite some time. You aren't entirely sure whether she wants you to leave her alone or if she has something else on her mind that she wants to discuss. Perhaps she is silent because you have no way to verbally communicate with her, and she feels awkward? On the other hand, perhaps you are a much better listener because of your inability to speak?

It is so quiet that you can almost hear a tear roll down her face.

Killian: Ryol drops his hands and sits down at the table in the center of the room. "It began when we were little children. He was practicing his magicks carelessly, like he always has. A stray bolt of energy blasted my pet puppy, who died instantly.

I exacted revenge on him. I gave him a beating that he will never forget." Ryol looked down at the ground, deep in thought. He was reminiscing back to the days of his childhood.

"I remember beating him so hard and long that I thought he had died....but then I just kept hitting him over, and over.

Am I proud of what I did to him? At the time, yes. I was exacting revenge against him. Today, however, I feel terrible for what I did, especially after he exacted his revenge for what I did to him..."

He pauses for a moment, preparing himself to follow up with his next words. He winced, shut his eyes tight, and balled his hands into fists as he spoke the words, as if they were actively cutting him.

"Last year he...murdered my baby sister, Shaera." He leans back in his chair, exhales slowly, releases the tension in his hands, and opens his eyes.

2014-01-08, 12:24 AM
Wallel pulls up a chair near Emerald and sits down. He gestures at the girl, then at one of his ears, then gestures at himself and zips his mouth shut. Whatever she has to get off her chest, it's not like he's going to go tell someone.

2014-01-08, 06:05 PM
"I will kill you. That is not up for review. What is, is how painful I will make your inevitable death. Tell me what I want to know, and I'll give you a quick and merciful death. Don't, and I scorch every inch of flesh from your body. Slowly. Now then, tell me about this dragon."

2014-01-09, 10:21 PM
Ryol drops his hands and sits down at the table in the center of the room. "It began when we were little children. He was practicing his magicks carelessly, like he always has. A stray bolt of energy blasted my pet puppy, who died instantly.

I exacted revenge on him. I gave him a beating that he will never forget." Ryol looked down at the ground, deep in thought. He was reminiscing back to the days of his childhood.

"I remember beating him so hard and long that I thought he had died....but then I just kept hitting him over, and over.

Am I proud of what I did to him? At the time, yes. I was exacting revenge against him. Today, however, I feel terrible for what I did, especially after he exacted his revenge for what I did to him..."

He pauses for a moment, preparing himself to follow up with his next words. He winced, shut his eyes tight, and balled his hands into fists as he spoke the words, as if they were actively cutting him.

"Last year he...murdered my baby sister, Shaera." He leans back in his chair, exhales slowly, releases the tension in his hands, and opens his eyes.

I can't understand how this got out of control so quickly. I am literally incapable of comprehending why Ryol and Cadeyrn are ready to kill each other. I must be missing something important. "You deafened him in one ear, so he killed your dog. That's a disproportionate response, but it's not incomprehensible. But your dog died, so you beat him within an inch of his life and then some? That's ridiculous. But to take revenge for that, he killed your sister? That's even more absurd. And then, to avenge your sister, you tortured his mind for weeks on end. All because he lost his hearing in one ear." Then, just to make sure I'm not about to say something untrue, I use Detect Evil on him.

I try to show him the error of his ways. "Don't you see how far you've come? This petty cycle of revenge has destroyed both of you. You've lost whatever Good you had left trying to continue an increasingly dangerous feud! Don't you see that this has consumed both of you?

Diplomacy, if applicable: [roll0]

2014-01-10, 02:25 PM
Alimov: Emerald is silent for quite a long while.

Eventually, without a word, she decides to get up and leave the room. She Prestidigitizes the tears off her face, proceeds downstairs, sits at a table alone, independant from Cadeyrn, Velka, and Baranin, and orders a plate of food.

Ariana: "I won't betray my Lord so easily. You must realize that you cannot defeat him, because he simply cannot be defeated. Not even an alliance of elves and dragons were able to bring him down. Kill me if you must...just know that in the end..." Cadeyrn shifts into his natural stoic and gray form, "...My death will be to serve him."

Killian: (Ryol detects as Evil)

2014-01-10, 03:05 PM
Deciding that the girl wanted time alone, Wallel saw no reason to interfere further. Returning to his own room at the inn, he took some time to rest.

2014-01-10, 04:49 PM
At the doppelganger's words, she gasps, and her breath catches in her throat. She casts Scorching Ray at him in such a way that he would be alive for some time while he burned, and says, "Thank you. I know why, now," before backing out of the room, and saying, "I am the Cynical Aundarian," to the guards to confirm her identity.

Cast of Scorching Ray: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2014-01-10, 04:56 PM
After finishing his drink, Cadeyrn saw Emerald coming back downstairs and sitting by herself. A pained expression came over him before he stood up and walked over to her table.

"I'm sorry that I couldn't make it to your picnic. Ryol must have hit me on the back of my head...and then the other guy took my place."

Cadeyrn sighed. "I don't know what that copycat did you to while he was acting like me, but I'm glad that you are safe. Perhaps we still might be able to make it to a picnic again....?" Cadeyrn's voice trailed off at the end, the question hanging in the air while he waited in anticipation, a touch of worry showing on his face.

2014-01-10, 06:59 PM
Killian: Ryol's face turns bloodshot red as he talks through his teeth in anger, "I don't care if this destroys me, because I'm never getting my sister back! She was too young for her soul to consent to the most powerful ressurrection spells I could afford! This man- Erskine- took her life! He doesn't even have a real family to call his own, so there is nothing- nothing- that I can do to exact revenge on him! Am I becoming a monster? Yes, I am. I fully admit that."

Ryol's temperment balances out slightly as he calmly exhales. "But at least I'm not as low as Erskine is."

2014-01-12, 10:45 PM
Ariana: The guards let you out of the cell, but there are confused looks on their faces as they look to find the cause of the doppleganger's painful screaming.

Cadeyrn: "No."

That is the only thing Emerald says. She doesn't even look at you. She is staring blankly into her plate of food that a woman just placed in front of her.

There is a long, awkward and empty silence.

2014-01-12, 10:55 PM
Ryol's face turns bloodshot red as he talks through his teeth in anger, "I don't care if this destroys me, because I'm never getting my sister back! She was too young for her soul to consent to the most powerful resurrection spells I could afford! This man- Erskine- took her life! He doesn't even have a real family to call his own, so there is nothing- nothing- that I can do to exact revenge on him! Am I becoming a monster? Yes, I am. I fully admit that."

Ryol's temperment balances out slightly as he calmly exhales. "But at least I'm not as low as Erskine is."

"Don't you see what this is doing to you? It's destroying you both! If you keep fighting, the only way it can end is with one or both of you dead, and where will you be then? You've spent your entire life in a fruitless cycle of revenge, and the only way out is to..."

I take a deep breath here, reluctant to insult one of my friends.

"to prove that you're the better man by being the first one to make peace. That's the only way for both of you to make it out of this conflict alive.

2014-01-13, 12:35 AM
Cadeyrn dropped his head and sighed.

"Oh. I...see. I'm sorry for bothering you then."

Cadeyrn stepped away from Emerald before going to the innkeeper to get a room. Once he had acquired one, he retired there.

2014-01-13, 05:44 PM
Ariana sees the shocked looks on the guards' faces, but walks silently out and returns to the Inn.

2014-01-20, 10:34 AM
Velka sees that Caderyn is turned away by Emerald and that she clearly has a lot on her mind and that she could use a distraction."Baranin!", he pauses a moment to see if he has his attention, I have a friend who is in sore need of consolation. She had her eye on a particularly nice instrument. I am however, at this time, extremely short on funds. I was wondering if I could maybe call in a few favors and try to procure this instrument, and a few lessons how to play it, for her. If you could make this happen for me I would be extremely grateful, and indebted to you. Diplomacy: [roll0]

2014-01-28, 12:30 AM
"Don't you see what this is doing to you? It's destroying you both! If you keep fighting, the only way it can end is with one or both of you dead, and where will you be then? You've spent your entire life in a fruitless cycle of revenge, and the only way out is to..."

I take a deep breath here, reluctant to insult one of my friends.

"to prove that you're the better man by being the first one to make peace. That's the only way for both of you to make it out of this conflict alive.

Ryol says nothing to this. He clenches his fists and narrows his eyes. The Mage-Knights realize this, and ask you to leave to prevent the situation from escalating.

Velka: Baranin agrees with you. "Tell you what, cousin...you pick something out for her." Baranin hands Velka a pouch of 15 platinum coins.

Chapter 6
The Council of Twelve

-That night, the group rests up and reaches experience level 4. Please post any updates of your character sheets on the OOC.
-Don't forget to add two more Hero Points, one for a new level and one for a new chapter.

The rest of the week goes by rather uneventful, especially compared to the events of the previous few days. The weather is holding well, giving Aundiar a fair, cloudy sky for the remainder of the week. The temperature is dropping each day, though, marking the end of autumn and the beginning of winter.

The planned return trip to Karrnath is dwelling on everyones mind. With the thoughts of winter coming around the corner, the distasteful reputation of Karrnath's fiercely cold winters, the looming presence of Karrnathi necromancy, and the need to meet with the Council in the Karrnath's capital, Korth...it is all too easy to find something to enjoy in the fascinating city of Fairhaven until the time to leave for the Council arrives.

Emerald is as quiet as ever. The only other time she seemed this low was the day she was found at Perlexia. She is only saying a word or two to anybody that comes to talk to her, and smiles politely whenever she needs to. The only exception is when she is confronted by Cadeyrn. Whenever the man enters a room, Emerald manages to discreetly escape the room shortly after.

Alimov and Arianna spend some time identifying the magic gear obtained from Ryol and the doppleganger.
The dagger is a +2 Blood Dagger. When this dagger deals damage, it collects a number of Blood Points equal to the amount of damage dealt. (Only raw dagger damage applies to this, as in the dagger's 1d4+2. Other bonuses, such as from Strength, do not apply to collecting Blood Points) The Dagger may hold up to 20 Blood Points. Upon activation as a minor action, this dagger may be used to activate one of two powers.
-Its wielder may discharge any number of Blood Points to heal the wielder for a number of hit points equal to the number of Blood Points spent.
-Alternatively, the wielder may discharge any number of Blood Points to increase the amount of damage this dagger deals on its next attack before the end of the wielder's next turn by the number of Blood Points spent. The dagger can not collect any Blood Points from an attack modified by this ability.
(The Blood Dagger currently has zero Blood Points in it.)

The stone is a House Sivis Whisper Stone. The Stone may be used once per day to cast Whispering Wind as a 7th Level Wizard.

The Doppleganger's spellbook contains: Magic Missile, Sleep, Silent Image, Protection from Good, Identify, Alarm, True Strike, Ventriloquism, Touch of Idiocy, Mirror Image, Arcane Lock, and Blur.

Arianna's dreams are still haunted by Erandis Vol. They seem to be becoming more real. Vol's laughter, her smile, her touch...its almost as if she is actually there while you sleep. But everytime you wake up, she is nowhere to be found.

Though he does not know it, Alimov is being thought of. Somewhere out in the wilderness of Khorvaire, Syree Shianna's scarred face smirks in the moonlight as she learns a piece of extremely valuable information from a drow spy that recently infiltrated a House Medani headquarters building.

Joshua and Cadeyrn are even more inseparable than they were before. Instead of nesting inside Cadeyrn's pocket, the little fox insists on perching on his master's shoulders. The fox is constantly nibbling playfully at his best friend's ears and yipping as if announcing that he hasn't gone anywhere.

Killian is torn between two individual trains of thought regarding the newfound information about his friend, Cadeyrn. Was Ryol telling him the truth or lying? It was impossible to interrogate the man further, because the Aundairian Mage-Knights prevented it. A few days later, Killian learns that Queen Aurala decided to interfere with the matter personally, which ended in Ryol requiring to pay a mighty fine and his permanent banishment from Fairhaven.

The Queen also decided to interfere with the matter of the doppleganger. She was much more upset with this creature than she was with Ryol's crimes, and so had the doppleganger executed by hanging publicly only two days after he was taken custody from the College. The creature looks even more ghastly now that it is lazily floating in the air by its neck.

The real Headmaster Larin has taken control of his college once again. The Korranburg Chronicles are filled with reports about how the Headmaster is vigilantly hunting down and snuffing out any corruption within his College.

Anderyn D'Medani reports to Killian Deckard that his airship, the Glint of Silver, will be restocked and prepared for departure much earlier than expected, just in case the group wishes to leave for Korth ahead of schedule.

2014-01-28, 09:19 AM
Velka notices Emerald's steadily deteriorating social skills and keeps an eye on her. One morning at breakfast, after watching for 3 days where he barely sees her say more than 2 words at a time to any person, he walks up to her and says: Emerald. How would you like to go and buy some things? My friend Baranin and I have noticed your mood, and we decided we would like to help you learn how to play a musical instrument. I heard from the others that you had been to the store and saw a few things you liked but didn't get anything. Once we get you an instrument you like I will go out and find you a tutor so that you can get good at playing. I would help you myself, but where I grew up it wasn't a big thing to teach kids to play music (since we had better things like church and school to worry about) so I am sadly lacking in that department. He then turns and extends the offer to help with shopping to Killian, Wallel, and Ariana. [the offer does not include Caderyn, as he has been the primary party member that Emerald has been hiding from.]

2014-01-28, 10:21 AM
For the days the rest of the party is resting, Ariana is nervous, never sitting still or resting. After the first nightmare, she tries to stay awake as much as she can, studying the Doppelganger's spellbook and, when that is exhausted, she spends as much time as possible in the library at the wizard's college, studying ancient dragon-marked lineages and fall of the house of Vol.

2014-01-28, 12:03 PM
The silent elf spent much of the downtime meditating in the city's parks or wandering through the streets, listening to the Whispering Lore throughout the city, eavesdropping on conversations, and speaking with the animals to learn anything interesting. A strange combination of the spiritual calming of his nerves and the practical gathering of information. He had become somewhat more adept at druidic magic through the practice, expanding his preparedness slightly.

Various rolls for gathering information:
Whispering Lore for Knowledge (nature) in the parks: [roll0]
Whispering Lore for Knowledge (local) around town: [roll1]
Perception to eavesdrop while hanging around in the tavern: [roll2]
Perception to eavesdrop in the park: [roll3]
Stealth to eavesdrop in the park without getting caught (buffed by Blend spell): [roll4]
Wild Empathy to Gather Information from animals in the park, asking about anything worrisome or interesting: [roll5]

In addition, Wallel had taken to carrying the Blood Dagger in place of his morningstar. His sap remained in case a live capture was needed, but magic weapons were overall more efficient than their mundane counterparts. Eventually he chose to exchange it for a shield, along with getting an armor upgrade.

Wallel is going to sell his Morningstar and Hide Shirt, then buy a set of Masterwork Hide Shirt armor and a Masterwork Light Wooden Shield. I'll wait to update inventory until I know the prices/reimbursement for my old equipment.

He's also going to pawn off the purple gemstone he stole at a shady pawn shop.

With his pressing business tended to, Wallel waits in the tavern for any news from the others. He decides to leave the Emerald situation to Velka for now.

2014-01-28, 12:17 PM
Anderyn D'Medani reports to Killian Deckard that his airship, the Glint of Silver, will be restocked and prepared for departure much earlier than expected, just in case the group wishes to leave for Korth ahead of schedule.

I'm about to respond enthusiastically, but I catch myself. "That's great! We'll set off in- a couple days, actually. It could take as long as a week. There are a few things I need to sort out with the rest of the party."

I walk back to the inn, thinking about how I'm going to breach the delicate subject with Cadeyrn. Though Joshua may be excited all the time, Cadeyrn hasn't been. I arrive at the inn in what feels like an instant, and even though I've been trying to prepare, I haven't been successful.

What seems to be just a moment later, I find myself outside Cadeyrn's room. I take a deep breath. knock twice on the door, and say "Cadeyrn? Can I come in? It's me, Killian."

Assuming he lets me in, I sit down across from him and get straight to it. "So, Cadeyrn, I, ah, I wanted to ask you about Ryol. He said he tortured you to get revenge. He told me you'd murdered his sister. But I know he's lied in the past, and I couldn't believe you'd do a thing like that. You're a good man.

I know that what he told me about the history between you two wasn't true, so I came to you to ask what the real story was." I look at Cadeyrn expectantly, waiting for a more believable story.

2014-01-28, 03:04 PM
Cadeyrn was sitting on his bed when Killian came into his room. He listened to what Killian had to say while looking at the floor. When he finally lifted his head, there were tears streaming down his face, pain clear in his eyes.

"My..." and here he breathed in an almost sob.

"My history with Ryol is a sad and pitiful story. It is likely that he told you the truth, at least mostly. He always was terrible when it came to telling the full truth, as was his memory for exact dates. He and I lived near each other in Western Aundair, near the border of the Eldeen Reaches. His parents were well known wizards from the area, as were mine own, albeit I was adopted. He was always better than me at magic, once we had both discovered that we could use it naturally. Because of my own jealousy, I taunted him with the fact that my parents were the better wizards. He naturally took offense to that and we got into a fight. During that fight he hit me repeatedly on my left ear, leaving me deaf in that ear. Some of our friends happened to be nearby and broke up the fight, but it was too late. My hearing was damaged. My parents felt it would be a good lesson for me, but I just hated Ryol. I simmered in my anger for about a year before he taunted me back, saying that his dog was a far greater companion than Joshua. I completely lost it and killed his dog. Following that he thrashed me to within an inch of my life. I now wish that I had never hurt his dog just because of how precious Joshua is to me. And...for another reason."

Here Cadeyrn paused to wipe his eyes.

"My parents gave me a serious lecture about what I had done, truly hoping that my rivalry with Ryol was over. It was my father that pointed out how I would feel had Ryol killed Joshua. It made me think about what the two of us had been doing, and made me feel shame. I apologized to Ryol, though he wouldn't have any of it. He sneered at me and told me that I wasn't worth anything and that Aundair would be better off if all Erskines were dead. Given that my parents were half-elves, as were my siblings, it's not really a surprise that my parents and his parents would be rivals of sorts themselves, though politically only." Cadeyrn sighed. "Naturally I got angry again and declared to him that I would become a greater sorcerer and a more politically influential individual than him. He scoffed at me and vowed that he wouldn't let it happen.

Our rivalry mostly halted for a few years, a few arguments with no physical altercations happening during that time. Unfortunately, news of our rivalry spread like all gossip does, and no one would hire me in the area. My parents' influence with the local politics along with their business was suffering because of my actions. When the fifth person turned me down for work, I declared to everyone within hearing range that I would go to Karnath and find work. I began preparing to leave, despite my mother's protests. My father agreed with me that it would be a good idea, though he asked me to at least wait until next spring, to which I agreed. Four days later we heard news of Ryol's baby sister being murdered. No one knows for sure who did it, though Ryol naturally blamed me. The investigation that followed found me innocent, but Ryol just believed that my parents paid off the investigators. I decided that it would be safer for me to go ahead and leave instead of waiting until spring, so I did. About a month after being in Vedykar without work, I signed up for work under the restoration act. That's when I met you all."

Cadeyrn paused and sighed as Joshua snuggled up to him, whimpering quietly. He petted his furry friend and held him. Cadeyrn then raised his head and looked Killian in the eyes.

"I do not know who murdered Shaera, nor would I know why, but I have assumed since then that someone did it to cause an out and out battle between our two houses. My parents and his are both from the nobility. I blame myself for Ryol's sister's death, because there wouldn't have been as much tension between our families had we not argued and fought. I was the one that instigated the rivalry to begin with, so I carry the burden of responsibility and blame. If there was a way for me to bring his sister back from the dead, I would. Truth be told, despite my desire to become a powerful sorcerer and to become politically influential, my greatest goal is to find a way to bring her back. She was very young when she died, so nothing short of a true resurrection or a wish will likely work. Thus my need to become strong. Those spells are legendary, so learning one or finding someone who can cast one isn't going to be easy by any stretch of the imagination. In some ways I feel like it would be easier for me to try to face Grimnosh right here and right now than it would be to get one of those spells."

Cadeyrn turned his faced upwards and laughed bitterly. He then turned back towards Killian, again looking him straight in the eyes.

"However, I will not stop and I will not falter until my quest is complete. I have said it once, but I'll say it again: I swear that I will bring Shaera back from the dead. One way or another, I will make it happen."

2014-01-28, 05:01 PM
Alimov: You can find a blacksmith that buys your Morningstar for 10 gold.

You find a leatherworker that buys your old hide armor for 15 gold. He also sells you a masterwork shield and hide armor for 180 gold total.

The shady dealer that you find to sell the gemstone to looks the piece over, and offers 50 gold pieces for it.

You are communing with the land, combining its knowledge of your gemstone with yours to try to figure out about how much it is worth. The land whispers to you that it is not a real gemstone.

Killian: Something in your mind is talking as Cadeyrn speaks.

Yes.... A man that gives into his anger when he deserves it. He obviously destroyed Ryol's sister, Killian. This is what you should strive to become...

Velka: Emerald forms a genuine smile on her face, and she can barely be contained anymore. She still doesn't say anything, but she quickly darts out of the tavern and proceeds to the musical district of Fairhaven.

Arianna: You find textbooks regarding the basics about the fall of House Vol. They allied with a flight of green dragons toward the end of the Dragon-Elf Wars. They were attempting to end the conflict by bringing the dragon and elven nations together. This resulted in a half-elven, half-draconic creature, none other than Erandis Vol herself.

The remaining dragonflights and armies of Aerenal saw this creature as an abomination and an insult to the world. The dreams of the green dragonflight and House Vol came true and the dragons and elves were united...unfortunately, it was to destroy Vol and the green dragons.

You remember the death and destruction. Powerful dragons from every dragonflight and deathless Aerenal warriors united to slaughter House Vol and their closest allies. Your family dreamed of the day that dragons and elves would unite, and was closely allied with House Vol because of it. You were killed this day at the hands of draconic and Aerenal forces. The specific way you were slaughtered is too brutal to recollect, so you continue reading in order to distract your mind from that particular event.

The leader of House Vol casted a curse on Erandis Vol that day to ensure the half-breed's survivability. Erandis Vol became a lich that day, and is now truly a true representation of evil in this world.

The green dragonflight and House Vol suffered countless losses. Its leaders were destroyed and the subordinate forces were scattered among Aerenal, Xen'Drik, and Khorvaire.

Although you know better. This textbook is wrong about the death of the green dragonflight's leader, because Grimnosh obviously survived, somehow.

House Vol survivors stole many bodies raised the dead from the battle into horrific undead abominations. Among them included you, and you were forced to walk the earth in the service of House Vol. For decades, the remnant forces of House Vol and the Green Dragonflight were hunted down by Aerenal's forces of deathless troops. Eventually, House Vol and its Dragonmark of Death were completely wiped out into extinction. The green dragonflight is now the most severely crippled of Argonessen, but it is now allied with the rest of the dragonflights once again.

It was a powerful cleric of Aerenal that resurrected you back into the physical form of a living, breathing elf. To this day, you do not understand why he did it, but at least you are no longer a member of Vol's dead.

Alimov: The gemstone is, in fact, a lesser Siberys Dragonshard, worth at least 3,000 gold.

2014-01-28, 05:19 PM
Wallel opts to also exchange his Sap for a masterwork variety as well while he is there, since the prices of the armor were not so high as he expected.

Pawn Shop
He also opts not to sell the 'gem' here. That said, he was not previously aware that he was carrying such hot property. The noble it was taken from would definitely not like losing it, and the silent elf hoped they would be going back to Karrnath soon, where he could sell it for more without arousing suspicion.

2014-01-28, 11:29 PM
"However, I will not stop and I will not falter until my quest is complete. I have said it once, but I'll say it again: I swear that I will bring Shaera back from the dead. One way or another, I will make it happen."

A tear forms in the corner of my eye. "Wow, Cadeyrn, that's... touching. I told Ryol he had to forgive and forget, but this isn't just forgiveness. Unlike him, you're atoning for your mistakes. You're moving forward and trying to make it right, even though it's not directly your fault. You really are a noble man."

"Thank you for telling me so much about the events of your past. I feel like I know you better now, and we'll be a stronger team for it. My story isn't as long or as dramatic, but would you like to hear how I became a Paladin?"

Something in your mind is talking as Cadeyrn speaks.

Yes.... A man that gives into his anger when he deserves it. He obviously destroyed Ryol's sister, Killian. This is what you should strive to become...

He led to her destruction, yes. He didn't kill her directly, but she was still probably killed because of his rivalry with Ryol. And because of that, even though her death wasn't entirely his fault, he's still trying to bring her back and end this awful cycle of violence. This really is what I should strive to become.

2014-01-29, 12:01 AM
Cadeyrn breathed deeply after speaking for so long. When Killian spoke, it was almost like a reprieve for the young mage."Someone else believes in me..." It was a very comforting thought, and Cadeyrn couldn't help the fresh tears from falling down his face.

He then considered Killian's response before replying in turn.

"I...I would Killian. Tell me, who are the Deckards? What is your story?" Cadeyrn leaned back against the wall, sitting cross legged and holding Joshua in his lap.

2014-01-29, 11:07 PM
I take a deep breath before beginning my story. "Well, I'm a Brelish farm boy, born and raised. I was content to spend my days on my farm, working on the year's harvest before bunkering down for the winter. It was a simple life, and compared to the life I live today it was boring, but it was fulfilling. That is, until the Last War came along.

When I turned eighteen, I joined the military as soon as I could. The only weapon I'd ever held was the scythe I used for cutting down crops, but I wanted to do what I could to defend my homeland. In that vein, I grabbed myself a tower shield and marched out to the front lines.

But war was nothing like I had imagined. It wasn't so much of a virtuous battle for justice as it was a slaughter. You saw those Karrnathi zombies; we didn't stand a chance. The rest of my squad was murdered, and I was just moments away from joining them.

But it was not to be. A great beam of light, shining from the heavens, came down from the sky. The undead were struck down, and I heard the calm, perfect voice of Lady Boldrei speaking to me. "It is not your time, Killian," she said. "You are fated for a grander destiny." After that, I made it back to command and withdrew from the military. I'd heard the call of divinity, and it was not my place to reject it.

And that was when I became a paladin. I wanted to dedicate my life to Lady Boldrei, who had saved me, but the ascetic lifestyle was not for me. I decided to put the combat skills I'd learned to good use by protecting the weak and impoverished. And that was how we met, on a supply caravan to Perlexia. The rest, as they say, is history. "

I pause before continuing to give Cadeyrn a chance to respond.

2014-01-29, 11:34 PM
Cadeyrn nodded along with the story Killian told.

"Do you have any family you left behind for the war and your calling? Like, siblings or parents?"

2014-01-30, 09:47 AM
Velka will follow Emerald as quickly as he can. when he catches up to her he will ask her to slow down, so that they draw less attention to themselves. he would hate for an incident like what happened before with the drow to happen again. [he does not bring up the incident, just asks her to slow down.]

2014-01-30, 11:27 PM
"Do you have any family you left behind for the war and your calling? Like, siblings or parents?"

"Not really, no. I was never married, so I don't have any kids. My parents were the ones who raised me in the faith, but I haven't spoken to them in ages."

2014-02-01, 10:31 PM
Arianna sighs, and thinks, Such bloodshed, and so needlessly shed at that. If only they had seen how powerful we were together...Then things would be different. But Vol went out of line, after we had been crushed. They now are more evil than any force, even moreso than division and hate. And I suppose it falls to me to stop this nonsense before anyone gets hurt...Or Emerald dies again. I'm sure she died when was stabbed. I'm just not sure how she was revived. She heads back to the Inn, shaking her head, and thinking about ways to deal with Grimnosh and Vol, now certain that they are related.

Just Ariana's take on current events.

2014-02-02, 10:31 PM
Emerald informs Velka that she insists on waiting for Killian and Ariana at the very least before going out to search for an instrument. She explains that she feels very safe around Killian, and that Ariana is like her big sister, and she wants them to help her pick an instrument.

She will also make sure that she is understood when she says she does not want Cadeyrn to go with. She won't explain why, but she is very adamant about him not going.

She doesn't mention Alimov at all. He may or may not attend, as he so pleases.

Emerald returns to the same store that Killian and 'Cadeyrn' brought her to less than a week before. She quickly spots the violin that she had once set her eyes on, and immediately picks it up and shows it to everyone. The violin is long and thin with wavy red and gold designs and has an Aundairian branding on it. Emerald picks up the bow of the instrument and begins playing a slow, relaxing elven tune. The girl is remarkably good with the instrument.

As she cradles the instrument into her neck and gently plays it, she speaks with the group. Her speaking does not hinder her musical talent at all. "Back in Perlexia, my mother taught me how to play music. Everyone in the village always wanted to hear me play. They all said that it helped calm their spirits after the Last W-"

Emerald suddenly stops playing the instrument when something catches her eyes. She gently sets the violin down and approaches another instrument. She bypasses everybody, not seeming to hear anything said to her. She approaches and carefully picks up a charcoal-colored wooden flute with green, thorny designs painted into it.

"I...I love it." Is all she says.

The storekeeper approaches, having noticed Emerald's glowing eyes set upon the instrument. She smiles at Emerald and says warmly, "My my! It seems like we have a match. A fine Valenar elven creation, if I do say so myself. I believe a discount is in order for you, little girl."

Emerald looks up at the storekeeper nervously, then bounces her gaze back at the flute in her hands. "That's... No, that's not necessary. Thank you, though. Really, thank you." Emerald places the flute back into the place that she found it. "I...don't know how to play it."

The group can purchase the violin for 120 gold, as before.

The group also has the option to purchase the flute for 90 gold.

2014-02-03, 12:02 AM
When the others went to purchase an instrument, Wallel decided to remain at the tavern with Cadeyrn. With the sorcerer still recovering from illusory torture, social isolation would be far from beneficial to his mental health. Sitting at the group's usual table, the silent elf waited impatiently for the group to be ready to go. He looked forward to getting out of Aundair.

2014-02-04, 07:08 PM
Ariana sighs slightly at the cost, afraid she's going to have to disappoint Emerald. She asks Killian and Velka, "Well...Do you guys have the money for this? Because I sure don't."

2014-02-04, 07:56 PM
Velka has 10pp on him for this expedition. It doesn't matter to me which we get for Emerald. She knows how to play the violin and doesn't know how to play the flute, but we have money to get her lessons, and she likes the flute a ton. So either way works for me.

Velka passes the pouch of 15 platinum coins along to Killian and Ariana.

"This money is a gift from my cousin Baranin for Emerald. Should we get the flute or the violin for her?"

2014-02-05, 10:35 AM
Having followed along at a discreet distance, Cadeyrn was able to overhear the dilemma.

He then strode forward into the room, not paying attention to the way Emerald glared at him before huffing and turning away.

"I know that my presence here may not be the most welcome...but I think I can solve your dilemma. You all have 15 platinum pieces and I have over 60 gold pieces. Together we can actually purchase both the flute and the violin. If...Emerald should wish it."

2014-02-05, 12:43 PM
Emerald is stunned and doesn't know how to react to the situation. Her mouth is completely silent, but her mind is filled with chaos.

Is Cadeyrn trying to get on my good side again? Of course he would be considerate enough to go all-out with buying me these gifts. He is a fantastic man like that.

On the other hand, I really don't need both instruments. But who am I to tell him no? I can't even look at him...Those eyes....

Emerald thought back to the incident in the alleyway, thinking about 'Cadeyrn's' soft, blue eyes that were filled with pure joy as they looked into her eyes as the man put a dagger through her chest.

I know he didn't do anything, and I know it wasn't really him...but I simply cannot stand to look him in the eyes. I know they weren't really his eyes, but they...simply were. All I can see when I look at him is him wanting to kill me.

Get a grip, Emerald! Be strong! He doesn't want to kill you! That was just some creature that stole his body and used it against you!

Even after everything he has been through- Ryol's Torture, Joshua missing, the last several weeks- ...Cadeyrn is still thinking of me.

Emerald's green eyes shine when a tear forms. She folds her arms across her torso and is shaking ever so slightly. She lowers her head to try hiding it, but can't keep herself from sniffling. She simply approaches Cadeyrn, without moving her gaze away from her feet, and rests her head against his chest.

2014-02-05, 03:04 PM
Cadeyrn is stunned at Emerald's open display, his mouth wide open in surprise. However, it only took but a moment for him to come to what he felt was the proper reaction. He hugged Emerald and kissed the top of her head.

"I am still sorry that that creature used my likeness to hurt you so much. But just because you have a hard time with me being around doesn't mean I'm going to shun you or be cruel to you. I hope in time you can forgive me for my weakness in not stopping the doppleganger when he attacked me. In the mean time though, you have your choice of instruments: the violin, the flute, or both if you would like."

2014-02-06, 10:35 AM
I'm touched by Cadeyrn's honesty with Emerald, especially in front of the rest of the group. I know I talked to him already, but I want to make my feelings completely clear to the entire party. I look very obviously at Cadeyrn, then at Emerald, then back to Cadeyrn. "It's okay, Cadeyrn", I say decisively. "I forgive you."

2014-02-07, 09:06 AM
I will modify this post later to show what you guys bought for Emerald, which will be decided in the OOC. For now, I want to continue this portion.

A few days later, the group meets up with Anderyn D'Medani at the port that his airship, the Glint of Silver, is docked at.

Anderyn clasps Killian's hand with a strong grip in greeting. The half-elf is in formal brown, tan, and silver civilian clothing. He wears a captain's insignia on collar of his brown coat, despite it not being a military uniform.

"Welcome aboard, Mr. Deckard! And greetings to you, friends!" He shakes every member's hand individually as he continues talking.

"The Glint is ready to accommodate to your needs. We plan to depart within an hour, and the trip should take only about six hours.

Please, help yourselves to anything you need, and don't be afraid to ask any of my crew for assistance. You folks are to be treated as if you were a part of my very own crew while you are aboard the Glint of Silver. You will find the galley on the second level, as well as individual rooms available if you wish to rest."

The ships crew consists of:
-Captain Anderyn D'Medani, the Glint of Silver's Captain.

-Catrinna Ne'Dolo, a middle-aged human woman that serves as the Glint's second-in-command while the Captain is away.

-Woodfist, the Glint's warforged security officer is very silent, but is always watchful.

-Yenara Ghallanda, the crew's young female halfling cook that is always found in the galley preparing meals.

-Telic D'Lyrandar, the crew's low-level arcane spellcaster that mainly serves the purposes of commanding the ship's fire elemental and divining the future's weather for ease of travel.

-Several young men and women, mostly human, that serve to operate and maintain the Glint of Silver.

Emerald is found at edge of the ship on the third and highest level. She is looking down at Fairhaven, waiting for the ship to depart.

2014-02-07, 12:02 PM
Wallel shakes Anderyn's hand as he comes by to greet them all, keeping an eye on the man's demeanor. After everything so far, he isn't so trusting of new people who claim to want to help them.

Sense Motive: [roll0]

Once they were aboard the ship, Wallel got to exploring it and memorizing the layout in case it became important.

2014-02-07, 12:12 PM
Wallel shakes Anderyn's hand as he comes by to greet them all, keeping an eye on the man's demeanor. After everything so far, he isn't so trusting of new people who claim to want to help them.

Sense Motive: [roll0]

Once they were aboard the ship, Wallel got to exploring it and memorizing the layout in case it became important.

Anderyn seems legitimate. He is a member of the Council of Twelve, and is a Dragonmarked member of House Medani, the house of detection.

As Alimov explores the ship, he is greeted by the ship's second mate, Catrinna. She has straight, black hair, and has a strange gadget that resembles a very small crossbow on her hip.


She examines you up and down with excited, dark eyes and a coy smile. "You have experience aboard and know your way around ships, don't you friend?"

2014-02-07, 01:00 PM
The silent elf gave a confirmatory nod, likewise scanning the woman for anything out of place. It seemed she some sort of hand crossbow much like the one he'd taken from the drow assassin back in Karrnath. Still, ranged weapons aboard a ship were not so uncommon. Lacking much to say that could be communicated through gestures, Wallel waited for the woman to continue the exchange.

Another Sense Motive roll: [roll0]

2014-02-07, 04:31 PM
Upon closer inspection, Alimov realized that the gadget on Catrinna's hip was much smaller and narrower than a hand crossbow. Like a crossbow, it had an identifiable trigger mechanism. However, it did not have the wooden shafts on the side or the bowstring in the back that would give it's projectiles a forward momentum. Instead, the weapon had a long, narrow metal tube facing laterally forward in its place. Alimov could not spot any crossbow bolts on the woman.

"You must be one of them strong and silent types." Catrinna pats Alimov on the shoulder with a wink, either not realizing or not caring that Alimov was investigating the weapon on her side. "Anyways, welcome aboard Glint of Silver."

2014-02-07, 04:50 PM
Shaking his head, Wallel made a zipping motion across his mouth and mimed throwing something away, indicting that we could not speak. He gestured at the strange weapon at the woman's hip, and gave her a questioning look. He'd never seen its type before and was curious how it worked. Some kind of magic-propelled blowgun to fire darts or bolts, maybe?

2014-02-07, 05:06 PM
Catrinna drew the weapon and spun it around so that the handle was facing the silent elf, offering him a chance to examine the weapon.

"This is a prototype dwarven invention, given to me by my step-father, who also invented the thing, during the Last War. Unfortunately, he was killed and all of his schematics that explained how the gizmo worked were destroyed. More of them like this and other more advanced pieces that he invented exist, but they are extremely rare now, and even then they are mostly owned by dwarven factions."

2014-02-07, 05:45 PM
Carefully taking the weapon and looking it over, he made sure not to point the business end at either of them. He had no clue how the inner workings operated, but it had a trigger similar to that of a crossbow. He carefully handed it back to Catrinna. He held up the hand crossbow from his own belt, as if asking whether it worked similarly.

2014-02-07, 06:01 PM
Ariana pulls Caderyn aside, and says to him, "Alright, Caderyn. I want to make a few thing clear to you, if you do decide to pursue Emerald romantically. I'm totally fine with it, however, if you hurt her, or if something happens to her again, I will hold you personally responsible. You can try to convince me you did everything you could, but you're going to have to talk quick because I will be trying to end you, got it?"

I've decided that Ariana's going to be playing the role of Emerald's Mama Bear.

2014-02-08, 02:59 AM
When Velka enters the airship he will go and look for the ships security officer, so that he can find out what precautions the ship has against Pirates and the like. Upon meeting up with the warforged he will introduce himself and ask for a tour of the basic defenses. Diplomacy if necessary: [roll0]

2014-02-08, 12:42 PM
"Welcome aboard, Mr. Deckard! And greetings to you, friends!" He shakes every member's hand individually as he continues talking.

"The Glint is ready to accommodate to your needs. We plan to depart within an hour, and the trip should take only about six hours.

Please, help yourselves to anything you need, and don't be afraid to ask any of my crew for assistance. You folks are to be treated as if you were a part of my very own crew while you are aboard the Glint of Silver. You will find the galley on the second level, as well as individual rooms available if you wish to rest."

I'm happy to reciprocate Anderyn's greeting. "Hello, Mr. Medani! I'm happy to be here. I'm honored to ride a House Medani private airship." While I'm in front of the rest of the party and crew, I try to play the role of the honored dignitary. If I can, I try to use Detect Evil on Anderyn without being noticed.

Once I get him alone, however, I get down to business. "Mr. Medani, as I said, it's great to be here. However, I also want to exchange information again in case something happens during the flight. Not that I believe your crew is anything less than the best, but I've learned the hard way to expect the worst. Since we made these arrangements, have you learned anything new about House Shianna or their leaders?

2014-02-08, 01:07 PM
Cadeyrn threw back his head and laughed while holding up his hands in a surrendering motion.

"Woah there, Nelly. Hold your horses. You've got this all backwards and wrong. Emerald is the one that approached me, not the other way around. To be honest, I see her as a little sister, not as someone to date. She's both way too old and way too young for me to do so. I mean, I would be old and then dead before she even makes it to middle age, for goodness sakes. If it makes you feel any better, I can make that clear to Emerald, or you can try to dissuade her yourself. But otherwise you have nothing to be worried about."

2014-02-08, 03:01 PM
Ariana smirks, and says to Caderyn, "Alright, then. And for the record, if you change your mind, I can help you with the age issue...Though what I just said still stands."

2014-02-08, 09:01 PM
Killian: Anderyn does not detect as evil, nor do you detect any evil aboard the airship.

Catrinna retrieves her 'crossbow' from Alimov. She looks at the real crossbow that the elf gestured to, and smiles. "This device works differently by a significant amount. I would teach you, but I never really understood my father's works. He was too much of a genius for the likes of me."

Woodfist gives Velka a tour of the Glint of Silver's defenses.
The Glint of Silver has:
Twelve ballistae, four arced forward, four to port and four to starboard. The siege weapons are equipped with two types of magical ammunition. One deals additional area-of-effect fire damage, designed to deal massive collateral damage to enemy airships, and the other deals additional cold damage and slows the target, which is designed to cause any flying creatures to lose their advantage in the skies. There are a sufficient number of trained crew members to man all the ballistae in a battle.

Also, every crew member is equipped and trained with swords and crossbows. During a combat situation, it is Woodfist's duty to rally and take charge of the entire crew. His top priorities are to protect the Captain, protect the ship (including the fire elemental), and protect the crew- in that order.

Anderyn speaks to Killian while checking in with the ship's crew about the status of the ship. "As far as House Shianna goes, I have learned nothing more than what I have already told you.

Is everything ready, Mr. D'Lyrandar?

Oh, and don't worry about House Shianna attacking us, Mr. Deckard.. I specifically planned this trip to take place in entirely daylight hours. If they plan to assault us in the skies during the day, the foolish Drow will be at a terrible disadvantage."

The crew's arcane adept responds with an acknowledgement to the Captain's question.

"However, Mr Deckard, I received word that the thirteen members of the Council of Twelve are on their way to Korth, and the meeting is on schedule. They are all very curious to hear what you and your friends have to say about House Shianna.

Prepare for departure, men!"

The Glint of Silver detaches from the Fairhaven docking tower and turns without a sound to the distant direction of Korth. The ship's sails raise, and give the airship a low, smooth velocity. The airship's magical soarwood, which has the unique property of being highly resistant to the effects of gravity, gives the airship its lift. The Glint glides through the air like a ghost, and when it has enough distance between itself and the docking tower left behind, Captain D'Medani gives the command, "Activate the fire elemental, Mr. D'Lyrandar!"

Telic D'Lyrandar activates a dragonshard embedded into the ship's bow with a command word and a spark of energy, and from it springs a rush of fire. The fireball quickly spreads around the ship until the fire elemental surrounds it from top to bottom and side to side as if the ship had its own gravity center. The living fire rushes around the ship hundreds of times per minute, turning it into a rushing wall of flame that gives the airship it's forward momentum.

D'Lyrandar, Woodfist, and several other crew members report to Captain D'Medani that the Glint of Silver is fully operational and the course to Korth is set.

"Very good, men!" Anderyn shouts. He then turns back to Killian and smiles while saying, "We shall be in Korth by the end of the day. Is there anything else you need, Mr. Deckard?"

2014-02-10, 02:40 PM
With a nod and a gesture to indicate he wanted to watch the takeoff, Wallel went back onto the deck of the ship. It felt like home being back on a ship again, even if it was an entirely different kind. The release of the fire elemental was a shock, and Wallel quickly backed away from the railing of the ship. He'd never seen anything quite like it before. The smoothness with which the vessel glided through the air was also a bit off-putting, as he was used to feeling the rocking of the waves against the hull. Still, it was good to be sailing again.

2014-02-10, 05:11 PM
Ariana forces herself not to applaud the glorious application of magic that is the start-up of an airship. Once the airship starts moving, she looks for Killian, and says to him, "Isn't this glorious?"

2014-02-13, 12:14 PM
Returning to Karrnath turns out to be a lot easier than it was getting out. Having Anderyn D'Medani, a member of the Council of Twelve on board, the Karrnathi airfleet lets the Glint of Silver pass without any trouble.

The familiar desparity and dread feeling that seems to loom in the very land of Karrnath itself returns to your spirits. In contrast to the colorful and joyful city of Fairhaven, Karrnath seems even worse this time around, despite being miles above the nation.

The Glint of Silver arrives at Korth later that afternoon. Instead of docking at the main airship port in the city, it rises higher into the air. It's destination is actually a floating castle that looms several miles above the highest of Korth's buildings.

The Castle of Twelve has thirteen towers, of which only twelve are actively busy. The House Vol tower is dark and untouched, and is only there to serve as a remembrance to the lost House.

The center of the Castle serves as the Council of Twelve's headquarters. This is the Glint's destination, as well as eleven other airships that are transporting the other elven members of the Council.

Anderyn D'Medani leads the group to the Castle's security wing.

"Hail, Counciller D'Medani." The captian of the guard says to Anderyn. The guard captian is wearing a royal gold and silver suit of plate armor, yet it looks powerful enough to sustain in a drawn-out fight.

"We ask that you remove all weapons, friends." He explains to the group as a whole.

2014-02-13, 12:57 PM
Removing the sheathed Blood Dagger from his belt, Wallel gestures to it and then around at the castle corridors surrounding them to ask where the weapons will be kept. It would be important to know in case of an emergency. He also points to his sap and raises an eyebrow questioningly, asking if the non-lethal weapon could be kept for self-defense.

Diplomacy to keep the Sap: [roll0]
If the answer is no, he'll hand it over without further issue.

2014-02-13, 03:02 PM
As the group enters Korth, Ariana shakes her head, and mutters to herself, "Funny. It seems to be easier to get into Karrnath than leave...I wonder why that is." As the group passes the Tower of House Vol, she eyes it suspiciously, but says nothing, and when the group is asked for their weapons, she gladly hands over her bow, confident that if something should happen, her magic will suffice.

Of course, now everything will happen in an AMF.

2014-02-14, 01:10 PM
Cadeyrn silently handed over his dagger, knowing that it wouldn't do him any good to hold onto it.

He was quite impressed by the castle, and the means to get there. He patted Joshua on the head before entering with his friends.

2014-02-14, 01:13 PM
I unfasten my sheath, reluctant to go unarmed. This weapon especially... I'd rather not part with it. I hold the sheathed blade out in front of me, looking from the weapon to which I owe my life to the expectant arms of the guard-captain. After a second of hesitation, I hand over the blade.

As soon as it's out of my hands, I realize I have an impression to make, and a sullen warrior who doesn't want to hand over his sword is not what I want to look like. "Thank you, good sir", I say awkwardly; I feel so out of place in this highest of courts.

2014-02-14, 03:16 PM
Alimov: The guard waves his hand toward himself, indicating for you to hand your sap over to him.

Killian: "We will take good care of your weapon, sir." The guard says comfortingly as he clasps his large hand on your shoulder and retrieves the sword with the other.

Velka lawfully surrenders his weapons without question.

Emerald raises her hands, indicating that she has no weapons to surrender.

The group is led to the center chambers of the castle. The center room is large and grand, and hosts thirteen chairs, one for each member of the Council. The chairs are aligned within the chamber so that their respective House Tower is directly behind them.

"This place is amazing. I've heard stories about it from travelers moving through Perlexia, but I never thought it would be this...big." Emerald says, almost without needing to. Her eyes are gleaming with interest and are saying the same thing that she is speaking.

The party is led to the center of the chamber, so that the thirteen chairs are surrounding them. Each chair is on a platform so that they are roughly ten feet above you, and floating above every council member is a magical symbol hanging in the air that displays the name of the representative and the House Crest of every respective House it hangs over.

Anderyn D'Medani breaks off from the group upon entering the chamber, and the half-elf seats himself at his chair as the Council of Twelve's representative for House Medani.

Aliquin D'Orien glares at his son, Velka, from his seat of power. Velka had no idea that his father was on the Council of Twelve, and Aliquin's presence here chills the son's spine.

A young elven girl sits at Phiarlan's chair. The symbol above her reveals that her name is Lumaria D'Phiarlan, a name recognized by Killian from a conversation with Anderyn.

The symbol above House Vadalis' chair reads "Alix Vadalis", indicating that the female human that is seated beneath it is the only non-Dragonmarked member on the Council, given that there is no "D'-" prefix to her name. She must be a political tyrant in order to be capable of being seated here.

Kul'Alduen D'Tharashk, a male human, is on the Council for obvious reasons. Unlike his half-orc relatives, such as Iso'Condee, this man has little to no orc features in his appearance, giving him a handsome advantage in the political scene.

Vallun D'Sivis, a male gnome, is busy taking notes on a piece of paper on his desk while glancing at the group quickly and repeatedly.

Kindrex D'Lyrander, a half-elven woman, sits patiently in her chair while she watches the group with narrow eyes and folded arms.

Jerrin D'Cannith is recognized for being a participant in the Carnival of Shadows. His mechanical cat sits on the desk and enjoys herself as her master strokes the metal behind her ears.

Aymee D'Ghallanda is a cheerful halfling that is distracting by talking with her neighboring Council member from House Jorasco. She is very excited and in depth with the conversation she is having with him.

Jasinn D'Jorasco seems like this life was chosen for him instead of the other way around. The halfling is pretending to be interested in whatever the Ghallanda Council member is saying, but he obviously doesn't care.

Karnov D'Deneith is a very large man that does not seem to be looking forward to the following meeting. Deneith are bred to fight, not to be in the political scene.

Rutgar D'Kundarak is not only the Council of Twelve representative for the dwarven House Kundarak, he is also a well-known military general for the Mror Holds. His rugged face shows that he has seen his fair share of battles during the Last War.

The chair for House Vol remains empty. It's House symbol looms hauntingly above it, but with a distinct lack of a name. The absence of a Vol representative seems to fill the room more than the presence of twelve Council members do combined.

Lumaria D'Phiarlan stands from her seat. "Fellow Council members," she begins with a gesture to the Council, "invited guests," she gestures politely to the party in the center of the room, "I have organized this Council of Twelve meeting to discuss a brewing situation that involves the uprising of the dark-elven House Shianna."

There is discomfort throughout the Council members, except for the Phiarlan and Medani representatives, upon hearing the words 'House Shianna'. Some members whisper to each other in hushed tones while others shift uncomfortably in their seats.

"We have before us a team of adventurers that have been targeted by House Shianna assassins at least twice now." Lumaria D'Phiarlan looks down upon the group. "Would you care to explain your sitation dealing with House Shianna?"

Emerald then looks up at the Council with terrified eyes. She is speechless.

2014-02-14, 05:43 PM
Cadeyrn took a step forward and bowed lowly before raising himself up and speaking.

"Our story starts in a humble manner: four of us, Killian Deckard, Arianna, Alimov, and myself, Cadeyrn Erskine, found work in the restoration project." At this Cadeyrn pointed to each person whose name he spoke.

"We were taking supplies to Perlexia in Karnath. Before we arrived, there was a great storm that prevented us from continuuing. During the storm we heard explosions and great lights coming from the direction of Perlexia. When the storm let up and we arrived, we found the town destroyed, a deep green fog hugging the ground. While I am by no means an expert on all things magical, there was a footprint in the town that appeared to me to be that of a dragon. Continued inspection of the town allowed us to find one survivor: Emerald. We found her taking shelter in the basement of a house. We took shelter in the town for the night before returning to Vedykar where we were commissioned. While staying in the city we met Velka who had a small task for us, if we were willing to help. We took care of the situation and then visited the carnival the next day. We chose to entere into the games and competition. During Emerald's and my performance, she was struck by a throwing star. Some sort of magical darkness immediately fell upon the outer edges of the crowd. This was our first direct encounter with the house Shianna's assassins.

Here Cadeyrn paused to get a quick feel of the council.

"We managed to capture one of the two dark elves that attacked Emerald. Interrogation allowed us to find out that they claimed to be from the house Shianna. During this time Emerald had been taken to the local chapter of the house Jorasco because of the poison that was upon the weapon that struck her. Further interrogation led us to find out that they might be about to strike at a nearby town. Because of Emerald's humble birth and what happened to Perlexia, we could only presume that the dark elves were somehow connected to what happened at Perlexia. We subsequently made all haste to previously stated town after we sent Emerald to Fairhaven where we believed that she would be hidden from the dark elves influence and knowledge. Fortunately and unfortunately what we found at the town wasn't an attack. Instead we found that the local law enforcer had subdued the townspeople and was raising the dead using necromancy in order to search for an airship that supposedly had fallen nearby during the great war. He decided that we needed to be added to his miniature army, so we fought back. After the battle we questioned the man's son, from whom we found out that the necromancer had made a pact with the house Shianna. It was for them that he was searching for the airship."

Cadeyrn paused to catch his breath.

"Because we had no more leads, we left for Thaliost where we could take a train to Fairhaven. It was at Fairhaven that we encountered a new assassin: a doppleganger. The creature, in concert with an old aquaintance of mine, knocked me out. The doppleganger subsequently took my place in our group where he managed to put himself into a place where he could kill Emerald. I, unfortunately, was held captive during this time, so Killian or Ariana would be more knowledgeable of what exactly happened during this time."

Cadeyrn stepped backwards while bowing again, this time not quite as low.

2014-02-14, 06:28 PM
We were taking supplies to Perlexia in Karnath. Before we arrived, there was a great storm that prevented us from continuing. During the storm we heard explosions and great lights coming from the direction of Perlexia. When the storm let up and we arrived, we found the town destroyed, a deep green fog hugging the ground. While I am by no means an expert on all things magical, there was a footprint in the town that appeared to me to be that of a dragon.

The Council, for the most part, is surprised. They remain relatively silent, however, and they continue listening.

Continued inspection of the town allowed us to find one survivor: Emerald. We found her taking shelter in the basement of a house. We took shelter in the town for the night before returning to Vedykar where we were commissioned. While staying in the city we met Velka who had a small task for us, if we were willing to help. We took care of the situation and then visited the carnival the next day. We chose to enter into the games and competition. During Emerald's and my performance, she was struck by a throwing star. Some sort of magical darkness immediately fell upon the outer edges of the crowd. This was our first direct encounter with the house Shianna's assassins.

"Yes, I remember this." says Lumaria D'Phiarlan, "My House Shadows told me of the events on this night, as well as Mr. D'Cannith, who was also present." She gestures toward the Cannith Council member.

"We managed to capture one of the two dark elves that attacked Emerald. Interrogation allowed us to find out that they claimed to be from the house Shianna. During this time Emerald had been taken to the local chapter of the house Jorasco because of the poison that was upon the weapon that struck her. Further interrogation led us to find out that they might be about to strike at a nearby town.

"What led you to believe this...town would be attacked? Where exactly did this-" Kul'Aldeun D'Tharashk asks.

"Silence, Mr. D'Tharashk. Let the man finish, and then we will ask our questions." Lumaria inturrupts. She then beckons for you to continue.

Kul'Aldeun rudely grunts, but remains silent otherwise.

Because of Emerald's humble birth and what happened to Perlexia, we could only presume that the dark elves were somehow connected to what happened at Perlexia. We subsequently made all haste to previously stated town after we sent Emerald to Fairhaven where we believed that she would be hidden from the dark elves influence and knowledge. Fortunately and unfortunately what we found at the town wasn't an attack. Instead we found that the local law enforcer had subdued the townspeople and was raising the dead using necromancy in order to search for an airship that supposedly had fallen nearby during the great war. He decided that we needed to be added to his miniature army, so we fought back. After the battle we questioned the man's son, from whom we found out that the necromancer had made a pact with the house Shianna. It was for them that he was searching for the airship."

Kindrex D'Lyrander speaks, "You don't speak of the Soaring Eagle airship, do you? And what of this necromancer's son? Where is he now?"

"And I still remain curious as to where and why you went to defend a town. You must have had more information about this supposed drow attack than you lead us to believe." Flared Kul'Aldeun at Cadeyrn.

"Mr. D'Tharashk, you will show proper respect to our guests. Understood?" D'Phiarlan scolds. D'Tharashk seems to ignore it, however, and is watching the group with curiousity.

"Kul'Aldeun raises a good point, Lumaria." says Aliquin D'Orien. "There was a necromancer possibly working with House Shianna, we need to know where that occurred so that we can prepare for it in the future."

2014-02-14, 07:35 PM
Cadeyrn nodded.

"Indeed, it was the Soaring Eagle that he sought after. My companions and I decided that it would be worth an hour of searching the nearby countryside to see if we could find it ourselves. We thought that with our meagre skills in magic and our ability to detect magic that we would have a greater chance of finding the ship than someone just sending out corpses blindly into the area. Naturally we were unsuccessful.

As to the town itself, it was Vergenslye and the necromancer called himself Aden Hawk. I apologize for not saying that at first, I couldn't remember the name of it. Tobias fled the town, saying to us that he would not be welcome where his father committed atrocities. I last saw him in Thaliost.

As to your question, Lord D'Tharashk, I asked the very same question of my peers. At this point Cadeyrn frowned at Killian and Ariana pointedly before turning back to the council.

"They believed that the possible danger that the town Vergenslye was in was of greater importance than securing full knowledge of what was going on. Since I was outvoted and since we do not have an official leader in our group, we rushed off to Vergenslye with the intent of either halting or preventing a possible catastrophe. Instead we found that the town already had an agent of Shianna there, if only by alliance."

2014-02-14, 08:45 PM
Ariana, accepting that maybe the sorcerer should be the one doing the talking, nudge Caderyn and whispers to him, "You forgot the ring we found in Vergenslye, and Grimnosh, and House Vol's involvement."

2014-02-14, 09:43 PM
Cadeyrn held up a hand to the council members.

"My apologies, I forgot to include a few facts that have happened to Ariana personally. Ariana, if you could please share about the dreams and visions you have had?"

Cadeyrn leaned in to her and then said quietly, "Say nothing of the map or ring."

2014-02-14, 09:52 PM
Ariana looks completely shocked when Caderyn puts her on the spot, and gives him a dirty look before saying, "Ehm...Well, in my past I have a...rather intimate connection to the lost house," She gestures to the empty chair before continuing, "The details of which are unimportant. However, recently, I've been having rather disturbing dreams about the fall of the House of Vol, and, further more, visions of Erandis Vol herself and an entity calling himself Lord Grimnosh, who I believe to be her draconic progenitor. These visions, as well as being quite disturbing, have also contained the phrase 'My Death to Serve You', something the doppelganger repeated when I attempted to interrogate him."

2014-02-14, 10:11 PM
Vallun D'Sivis suddenly chimes in. "It would seem that we have a dire problem here. Allow me to fix this."

The gnome channels his Siberys-level Dragonmark into a blank piece of paper that he holds up. The paper duplicates itself so that two complete sheets of paper are floating in front of Vallun. Each of those sheets copy themselves again, and every new sheet copy themselves again. Quickly enough, there are more than a dozen sheets floating in front of him.

The gnome flicks his fingers in an outward manner as if commanding the papers to disperse. The papers obey and fly around the room so that one piece finally rests on every Council member's desk and in every party member's hand.

He then floats a feathered pen in the air and delivers it in the same airborne manner to Alimov.

"Compliments of the Scriber's Guild, good sir. Anything you write on that piece of paper shall be instantly transcribed to it's sister papers so that you may communicate with the Council. Just brush it with the feathered end to erase any writing on the papers to start again fresh."
Ariana looks completely shocked when Caderyn puts her on the spot, and gives him a dirty look before saying, "Ehm...Well, in my past I have a...rather intimate connection to the lost house," She gestures to the empty chair before continuing, "The details of which are unimportant. However, recently, I've been having rather disturbing dreams about the fall of the House of Vol, and, further more, visions of Erandis D'Vol herself and an entity calling himself Lord Grimnosh, who I believe to be her draconic progenitor. These visions, as well as being quite disturbing, have also contained the phrase 'My Death to Serve You', something the doppelganger repeated when I attempted to interrogate him."

"Grimnosh?!" D'Phiarlan exclaims in a fit seemingly uncharacteristic of her.

The rest of the Council is busy muttering among themselves in panicked voices. Their voices are quiet again when D'Phiarlan begins speaking again, but the panic remains on their faces. "Grimnosh is Erandis' father, and was slain along with the eradication of House Vol. It is very curious indeed that you are having visions of him."

"Visions of the past, perhaps. Nothing to fear because Grimnosh is long dead. At least we can say that it gives further evidence of our suspicions of Erandis Vol being involved in this whole matter." D'Medani inputs.

Rutgar D'Kundarak speaks with a deep, rugged voice,"What of Perlexia? We all heard of it's complete destruction, and Mr. Erskine mentioned that Perlexia had noxious gas and a dragon print in it! Though Erandis is powerful, we all know that she does not have the ability to wipe a village off the face of the map so quickly and efficiently! Emerald winces at D'Kundarak's blunt statement of her home. We cannot dismiss the possibility that Grimnosh is out there."

The Council explodes in panic once again, and once again it is D'Phiarlan that calms the Council, this time by simply raising her arms into the air. "Ariana, would you care to go more in depth on the visions you have seen?"

2014-02-14, 10:53 PM
Ariana, for her part, is just as freaked out as the rest of the Council. She mutters, "By the Host...This is very, very bad," before addressing the rest the council again, "I have had only one significant vision of Grimnosh. However, it was of him debriefing the assassin that attempted to kill Emerald, leaving no doubt in my mind he is very much alive to this day."

2014-02-14, 10:55 PM
The entire Council is stunned with silence.

2014-02-14, 10:58 PM
The silent elf had been watching and listening quietly, when D'Sivis performed his dragonmark magic. Reaching out to accept the pen and paper from the air, he wrote, "Thank you, sir. This does make it much easier to communicate." Erasing the message once it was read, he proceeded to write further.

"I scarred the face of one of the two drow assassins who attacked us at the House Phiarlan contest, the one who escaped (and the same one from the vision Arianna just mentioned). I suspect the assassin will attempt to take revenge at some point in the future, given the embarrassment it must be for a drow woman to be so injured by an elven man. Setting a trap to capture her may serve to provide additional information. I also have a suspicion that a half-orc named Iso'Condee of House Tharashk, whom we met alongside Velka, knows more than he told us. Evidence so far points to him being an enemy of House Shianna. If he knows more, contacting him may be beneficial. These are the two best leads of which I am aware."

2014-02-14, 11:25 PM
"Iso'Condee has already shared all the information he knows. In fact, he is the only reason we were able to locate you and summon you to this meeting." D'Medani explains.

"This is true." D'Tharashk adds in, "Iso'Condee is also away dealing with a personal matter and is unavailable at this time."

"A trap to capture a member of House Shianna? This sounds like an idea. I like the way you think, sir." D'Medani compliments Alimov.

"Have you gone mad, Medani?" D'Kundarak replies with a rude absence of the honored "D-" prefix title. "Capturing a Shianna will spark open war with the drow, a war that we could not win so close after the end of the Last War!"

2014-02-15, 12:00 AM
Wallel nods to himself at the confirmation that Iso'Condee was an ally against Shianna. If he knew more, though, he wasn't willing to tell the council. Either way they'd be getting no more information from him.

The silent elf answered, "What is stopping Grimnosh and House Shianna from instigating a war as things are? I doubt the drow would need an excuse beyond 'these guys are politically divided and militarily exhausted, we should go enslave them and take their stuff'. Way I see it, we should strengthen our position and make the first move, or we'll just be caught off-guard and picked off nation by nation."

Looking like he was about to finish writing, Wallel then continued further.

"We know that this little elven girl is Grimnosh's primary target, what we don't know is why or how she managed to survive. The dragon must fear her for some reason, and we need to find out what that reason is. If there are any suggestions besides capturing this Shianna agent, I'm all ears."

2014-02-15, 01:13 AM
D'Phiarlan speaks in a frightened tone, "If it is true that Grimnosh is alive, then he had succeeded thousands of years ago in becoming immortal. This means that there is only one way to kill him: by collecting the Artifacts of Shianna and using them to slay Grimnosh.

You see, during the Dragon-Elf Wars, House Shianna were powerful allies to the elven forces of Aerenal. Shianna created a set of powerful Artifacts that were specifically designed to slay dragons.

When House Vol and the green dragonflight led by Grimnosh united, House Shianna allied themselves to them as well. Then House Vol and Grimnosh were wiped out by the remaining dragonflights and Aerenal- or so we thought in Grimnosh's case.

There are Phiarlan scholars that had predicted that Grimnosh managed to use the power of the Artifacts of Shianna and the spirits of the many dragons they had slain to cast a ritual to make him immortal. Until today, thanks to Ariana, we had no hard evidence whatsoever of this theory.

The Artifacts were what may have brought Grimnosh immortality, and they are the only way to remove it from him. I believe the best course of action right now is to collect the Artifacts and slay the dragon while the Twelve organize a militaristic defense against House Shianna."

The Council explodes in argument. Some agree with D'Phiarlan while others oppose.

D'Orien stands from his seat and speaks over the rest of the Council, who are mostly bickering with neighbors at this point, and directs his words at D'Phiarlan, "A respectable plan, Lumaria...but how in Khyber are we going to find the Artifacts? No one knows the locations of the Artifacts, and even if we did, we have no time to go on a scavenger hunt for them while Shianna is rising to power! We don't even know for certain that Grimnosh truly is alive right now, after all!"

"That is not true, Mr. D'Orien. We know that the Artifacts are at least in Khorvaire. After the fall of House Vol, House Phiarlan started a guerilla war with House Shianna over the Artifacts. Needless to say, the Shadow Dragonmarked House won.

Unfortunately, the Artifacts were later given to the human nations as gifts, and most of their locations were lost from there."

"Aye! House Kundarak still holds the Sword of Shianna safe inside the Mror Holds. Blasted Karrns can't keep track of an Artifact if it were infused in their face.

I agree with hunting down the remaining Artifacts, but disagree with starting a war with Shianna. We have no might and would be slaughtered!"

2014-02-15, 02:26 AM
After considering what D'Phiarlan was saying, Wallel stomped his foot to get the council's attention end pointed at the sheet of paper in his hand. He wrote, "We possess a map and ring which may be related to the Artifacts of Shianna. We can search for them and prepare a trap for this agent of House Shianna while the council deals with political and military preparations. In order to form a stronger defense against House Shianna, I suggest enlisting the naval aid of the Wind Whisperers and other reasonable members of the Lhazaar Principalities. The Aerenal elves may also be willing to help if they learned that Grimnosh and House Shianna were again active. It would provide an opportune chance to remove one of their enemies."

2014-02-15, 03:34 PM
"A map?" D'Phiarlan says with intrigue. She looks toward the seat that holds Anderyn D'Medani. "Could it be that they have acquired the Map of Shianna? The very map that is capable of tracking the Artifacts of Shianna?"

"I can acknowledge this, D'Phiarlan. They do indeed have the Map and the Ring of Shianna." D'Medani says.

"It is settled, then. We shall locate the remaining Artifacts just in case Grimnosh is actually still alive today. In the meantime, The Council of Twelve will exhaust it's resources to find as many allies as possible, starting with the Deathless Court of Aerenal."

"If I may, Lumaria." D'Orien, still standing, continues. "I do not believe that this is the wisest course of action. As General D'Kundarak mentioned, Khorvaire is very weak. We cannot afford to start a fresh war so shortly after a war that battered the Four Nations forces down to nothingness over a hundred years."

"I suggest that we give House Shianna what they are looking for." D'Tharashk says as he looks directly at Emerald.

Emerald gasps audibly as her gaze meets D'Tharashk's, and she begins shaking with fear.

"One simple sacrifice will appease our enemies, and our problems will be solved."

2014-02-15, 04:14 PM
The silent elf quietly and stoically scribed his reply to surrendering Emerald to House Shianna, "D'Tharashk displays a misconception on the nature of a predator. Grimnosh and House Shianna are predators stalking Khorvaire. The moment we display fear or weakness, they will not be appeased; rather, they will take advantage of that weakness and strike. The unfortunate fact is that we are weak, and so we must exercise tactics if we hope to survive. Grimnosh fears this girl on the same level that he fears the Artifacts of Shianna. To surrender that advantage is a fool's errand no less than showing our throat to a hungry wolf."

2014-02-15, 04:26 PM
Cadeyrn looked back to see what Alimov was writing. Nodding his head, Cadeyrn agreed with his friend's statement.

"Indeed. Out of curiosity, how many forces have EVER stopped pushing and fighting for greater power and control when their opponents surrender a valuable person to them? On the contrary, when success is presented to someone, they will continue, not stop, in their ambitions.

Barring that you'd have to take Emerald over my dead body if you truly wanted to surrender her to that pack of demons."

Joshua jumped down and crouched in front of Emerald, barking as if in agreement.

2014-02-15, 04:26 PM
Ariana steps in front of Emerald and says directly to D'Tharashk, "No. I will not let that happen, no matter the consequences."

2014-02-19, 10:27 PM
I too step in front of Emerald, so I'm shoulder to shoulder with Ariana in front of the girl. "And neither will I," I declare. "Not only is it morally wrong to sacrifice someone innocent in a doomed attempt to appease the enemy, but as Cadeyrn pointed out, doing so has also never been successful in history. Ever."

"Instead, let us examine the situation as it stands. While House Shianna is pursuing Emerald, they have been reluctant to start an all-out war. Therefore, it stands to reason that as long as we keep Emerald from them, they will not launch a full attack. However, if we hand her over, that might change. And as you," here I gesture to all the collected council members, "correctly noticed, if they do start a large-scale war, we are ill-prepared to fight them off. Therefore, not only would it be immoral to hand over Emerald, but it would also be a strategic blunder that could cost us all our lives."

2014-02-20, 05:48 PM
"Very well. We will not give up the girl." D'Tharashk announces in a surrender as he lets himself fall into his seat. Emerald sighs a relief.

"I still cannot recommend that we begin preparations for a war." D'Orien continues. "Given its proximity to Xen'Drik, House Shianna will know if we arrive to council with the elves of Aerenal."

"And given our proximity to open war already with Shianna, we can't afford not to call upon allies." D'Medani counters with a calm, fierce tone.

The Council members begin discussing individually among each other about which side to take, D'Medani and D'Phiarlan's or D'Orien, D'Kundarak, and D'Tharashk's side.

Lumaria D'Phiarlan then stands, "The Council's decisions are split. We shall put the matter to a Council vote. Should we seek military aid from other nations, such as the Principalities and Aerenal against Grimnosh and House Shianna? We have the Map of Shianna and know the locations of their Artifacts and with that, the only means capable of destroying Grimnosh. Some military support will give our heroes time to find the Artifacts and slay the beast."

Rutgar D'Kundarak stands to represent his side of the debate, "Or should we not foolishly dive into a new war so shortly after the Last War? We don't know the strength of House Shianna, which is frightening as is. But we do know at least a portion of the capabilities of Grimnosh, and the might of the Four Nations, regardless of the support from pirates and elven-witch allies, cannot stand up to him."

D'Phiarlan looks down at the group of adventurers in the center of the room,"Before we begin the vote, do you have anything else to add?"

D'Kundarak, D'Orien, and D'Tharashk exchange annoyed glances with each other at D'Phiarlan's latest advance, but patiently wait for Killian, Ariana, Velka, or Cadeyrn to say something and watch for anything to be written from Alimov.

2014-02-20, 05:59 PM
Ariana gulps nervously and says, "What about the dragons from when Grimnosh was defeated the first time? Surely most of them are still alive, and would not wish to see their old foe rise again."

2014-02-20, 06:14 PM
D'Phiarlan answers Ariana's question, "The dragons of Argonnessen believed that Grimnosh was dead just as much as we did. Even if we were on good enough terms to speak to them, they wouldn't believe us. Unfortunately, as it stands, speaking about what they believe to be a long-time dead rogue dragon would simply anger them, and we would be opening a third faction in this brewing war."

Out of reflex, D'Tharashk stands to counter D'Phiarlan's point. However, he finds that he has nothing to say as he holds a finger up in the air and narrows his thoughtful eyes. He slowly sits back down while nodding in agreement with D'Phiarlan. The Council is silent.

2014-02-20, 06:19 PM
Cadeyrn then spoke up.

"Is there any way to prepare for war without alerting Grimnosh to everything that we are preparing? The artifacts of shianna may be the only way to defeat him, but he is doubtlessly plotting strategies that don't involve his direct command or presence. Anything we can do to prepare for those possibilities without alerting him to our exact plans could at least give us the advantage of surprise. Otherwise searching for the rest of the artifacts post haste would probably be wise."

Joshua jumped back onto Cadeyrn's shoulder and yipped in agreement, as much as he understood.

2014-02-20, 07:27 PM
"I have nothing to add beyond what I've already said. If we do not begin to act, we will be unable to react as effectively when House Shianna inevitably makes a move," the silent elf stated via the communicative parchment. He wasn't much of a diplomat, so he'd leave the speeches to those more capable.

2014-02-20, 07:36 PM
"Naturally, we will do everything in our power to prevent Grimnosh from watching us. This very Castle, for example, is enchanted with several anti-scrying defenses. I can assure you that no scrying magic on Eberron will penetrate through the defenses this Council has to offer." D'Phiarlan explains.

Rutgar D'Kundarak of the Dragonmark of Warding nods in agreement with D'Phiarlan.

2014-02-20, 07:51 PM
Cadeyrn nodded.

"I figured as much, but it seemed worth mentioning. The only other thing I can think of is quick transportation to the next target. The sooner we can acquire the next artifact, the sooner we will be equipped for dealing with Grimnosh. If any of the council members could lend us such speed, I believe it would be greatly appreciated by all here."

Rolling for diplomacy [roll0] I'm gonna go ahead and us a hero point here. If we can get Velka's father to teleport us to our next destination, it'll be faster action for us all.

2014-02-20, 08:14 PM
This time, Kindrex D'Lyrander stands up. The half-elf, in response to Cadeyrn's question, addresses D'Phiarlan, "I believe it is time to use it, Mrs. D'Phiarlan." she says.

D'Phiarlan seems like she is hit with a gentle rush of air, as if D'Lyrander's words physically pushed her subtly. "Are you sure, Miss D'Lyrander?"

"I am sure. These heroes have proven that they are more than capable of using it."

D'Kundarak fiercly jumps out of his seat in a rage. He slams two fists into his desk, setting loose a loud crack throughout the Council Chamber. "I object! This is a Council secret! We cannot risk using its powers like this! What if it would fall to the enemy?!"

"Calm yourself, D'Kundarak. The passing of these secrets are not yours to surrender. The choice is D'Lyrander's alone. Besides, these heroes have staved off not one, but two assassins to protect Emerald, and this can only aid them in their quest to obtain the Artifacts, after all."

Aliquin D'Orien waves a palm at D'Kundarak, indicating for the dwarf to calm his rage. Unhappy, D'Kundarak forces himself to sit. He knew this would be a futile argument.

After another minute of silent contemplation, D'Lyrander finally speaks again."Leave the acquisition to your transportation method to me, Mr. Erskine. See me personally after the Council meeting and I will provide you with not only the exact location of the Soaring Eagle, but a means to get her airborne again."

2014-02-20, 09:06 PM
Wallel was surprised to hear that D'Lyrander had the location of the Soaring Eagle, but more so that she was willing to let them use it. For once, however, it was a pleasant surprise. The idea of having his own airship thrilled him, and the idea of piloting one was especially exciting. For now he quelled his enthusiasm and listened to see what the council's vote would be.

2014-02-20, 09:34 PM
Cadeyrn is stunned for a moment, his mouth hanging open and his eyes widening significantly. He then bows lowly.

"I am humbled by your generosity. Should you lend it to us, I will do my utmost to keep it safe and in working condition until and after the completion of our quest."

2014-02-20, 09:37 PM
Ariana just smiles happily and says nothing, while her internal monologue is mostly shouting YES! YES YES YES! on repeat.

2014-02-20, 10:55 PM
Every Council member is given a moment to cast their vote and explain their reasoning one at a time.

Anderyn D'Medani begins the voting session with a thumb pointed up, indicating that he was supporting the decision to go to war. "House Medani once swore an oath to protect Galifar. Nothing will break that, not even an immortal dragon."

Rutgar D'Kundarak follows up, thumb pointing downward, indicating he was against going to war. "We are too weak as a nation. As my grandfather said at the beginning of the Last War, 'The best offense is a great defense.'. We hold the Sword of Shianna deep within the Mror Holds, and we can fend off any Shianna foolish enough to attempt a clash with the dwarven kingdoms!"

Lumaria D'Phiarlan speaks with a powerful presence and an upward thumb, "House Phiarlan was the among the first to suffer from House Shianna back in Aerenal. It is time we paid our dues."

Kul'Aleun D'Tharashk speaks with a downward thumb, "House Tharashk, the orcish tribes, and their allies have always been content with staying inside its own borders. They are doing their best to recover from the Last War, and still have the border of Droaam to worry about. With the other Nations always having been content with letting Tharashk deal with its own problems, so too is Tharashk content with the Nations dealing with Shianna."

Jerrin D'Cannith speaks next, "House Cannith is suffering under the weight of a three-way civil war. I'm afraid there is nothing the Builders can do to support this conflict." His thumb is pointed down.

Kindrex D'Lyrander says, "The dark elves are a blight upon Eberron, and I have long waited for the day to see the Soaring Eagle in action again. Grimnosh and Shianna must fall." She holds her thumb up high.

Vallun D'Sivis says, "I cannot, morally speaking, cast a vote that may send so many off to death. Not if there is another possible solution. Hasty decisions are what lead to the Last War over a hundred years ago. We must learn from history and learn to not make the same mistakes." He says with a shaking downward thumb.

Alix Vadalis says, "If we don't bring the conflict to Shianna today, they will bring it to us tomorrow. Let us have the initiative and the upper hand against our enemies." The girl raises her thumb with pride.

Aymee D'Ghallanda speaks, "House Ghallanda has no military might to speak of, and the halflings are among the closest to Xen'Drik. We would suffer the worst." and holds a confident thumb down.

D'Ghallanda's vote surprises Jasinn D'Jorasco, who casts his vote with a thumb up, "You must be joking, Aymee! The halflings of the Talenta Plains have been enemies with the drow for generations! We must fight back and defend our people!"

Karnov D'Deneith doesn't even say a word. He simply raises his fist and casts a thumb up with a stone cold determination in his war-torn face.

Aliquin D'Orien looks down at his son Velka with icy eyes. He stretches his arm out and points his thumb to the ground.

2014-02-21, 06:42 PM
"A tie." D'Phiarlan exclaims. "This hasn't happened since before the beginning of the Last War.

No matter. You all know the procedure in this case. We must begin the ritual to summon the spirit of Minara Vol, the last living leader of House Vol so that the Thirteenth Dragonmarked member may cast a vote on the decision on whether or not to go to war with Grimnosh and House Shianna."

"Is that wise, my lady?" D'Medani asks. "The Dragonmarks of Death were allies with Grimnosh. We cannot possibly expect their vote to be unbiased!"

"This is the Dragonmarked Council, Anderyn D'Medani!" D'Phiarlan counters with the most dominant authority in her voice to be heard yet. "Tradition is law, and tradition states that all thirteen Dragonmarked Houses have a right to vote on Council matters. Since the eradication of House Vol, their leader's spirit is only summoned to vote in the case of a tie."

Anderyn gives in. He understands honor and tradition, and knows that he cannot change the laws of the Council. "Yes, my lady. I understand." He says with a slight bow.

"Let us begin the ritual."

The twelve Council members stand and begin chanting an ancient arcane ritual. (Anyone that understands Draconic and has ranks in Knowledge: Arcane will recognize it as a Dragonmarked Council version of Speak With Dead, except that it is arcane and much higher than a 3rd level spell.)

As the Council members chant in unison, the lights within the chamber dim to almost nothing.

Cadeyrn: Emerald reflexively grasps the closest hand to her out of fear for comfort. The hand she grabs happens to be yours.

A thousand ghastly, whispering voices can be heard dancing around the chamber.

Killian: A very dark, evil spirit is being ripped into this world from the afterlife. Watch yourself, Killian.

An intangible figure begins manifesting in House Vol's seat. Above it, where the name of the Council member belongs, forms the name, Minara Vol.

Alimov: Whatever is being summoned is completely unnatural. Your new Druidic senses are telling you that this...creature...is immensely powerful.

The apparition takes an identifiable, yet still see-though, off-green, and incorporeal form. Vol is wearing loose robes over a set of metal armor, which would probably be House Vol's colors of black, grey, red, and green if it wasn't monotone-colored in its off-green spiritual form. Vol also wears a stone mask with a draconic face that covers Vol's actual face. The mask is reminiscent to the masks that the drow assassins wore in Vedykar, except that specific House Vol designs can be seen on this one and it is large enough to encompass Vol's entire head at once, fitting more like a helmet than a mask.

The Twelve cease their chanting. The ritual is complete. The representative of House Vol has been summoned.

Ariana: You know what House Vol members were capable of in their time. The idea of summoning the undead spirit of their previous leader chills you to the core.

Vol speaks in a shrieking, wavering, unholy voice. The figure casts its gaze into each and every set of eyes in the room at one point or another while it speaks. Its masked face pierces through every set of eyes it looks into, just as easily as everyone's gaze pierces through its spiritual form.

Vol's vote is finally cast: "The beast is powerful.

And it is cunning.

But it has a weakness.

That will keep it running.

The beast has many allies

And united, have a goal.

But they trust each other none.

Not even their very souls.

To wage a war.

Against the beast.

Would aid you none.

Not in the least."

Vol's body dissipates, originating at the chest. The dissipation extends to the legs, arms, and head and continues spreading. The last ghastly body part to dissipate back into the afterlife is Vol's downward pointing thumb.

Light returns to the chamber as it was before Vol was summoned. The remaining Twelve Council members slowly retake their seats. None of them speak. It seems like everyone, even D'Phiarlan and D'Kundarak are waiting for someone else to speak first.

2014-02-21, 06:58 PM
Ariana takes a couple of gasping breaths once the ritual is complete. She then stands and says, "Well...We know something now, at least. Even if bound by Council law, this was a vote to go to open war against Grimnosh, correct? But we now know that there are fractures between him and his allies. Is the council bound by this vote to not exploit that and, while not openly going to war, attempt to fracture and fragment his allies against him?"

2014-02-21, 07:16 PM
Shuddering and shaking himself from his stunned silence as the Vol spirit vanished, Wallel wrote a new message, "It is decided then, I suppose. Does this also mean we are not to capture the assassin?"

2014-02-22, 12:39 AM
Lumaria D'Phiarlan answers Alimov's question, "The Council's vote was whether or not it should build allies to confront Grimnosh and House Shianna. We have no authority over your actions.

The Map and Ring of Shianna are not property of the Council, and as such we have no say in what happens to them. Do with them what you will.

This Council meeting is dismissed."

With that, the Council members disperse from the chamber.

Anderyn D'Medani and Kindrex D'Lyrander catches up to the group as the gate guards return your weapons to you.

The group can see Aliquin D'Orien and Rutgar D'Kundarak leaving the Castle in a heated temper.

2014-02-23, 09:13 PM
Ariana looks behind her for a moment and sees D'Medani and D'Lyrander running to catch up. She says to the party, "We should probably wait for those two," as she gestures behind her.

2014-02-24, 01:07 AM
Kindrex D'Lyrander takes the Map of Shianna and inscribes it with a cantrip. A mark appears to the east of Korth in the center of the Nightwood.

"This is the location of the Soaring Eagle. During the Battle of Korth about twenty-five years ago, she suffered critical damage and landed in the Nightwood. House Lyrander immediately sought her out and safeguarded her location until a time became necessary to reveal her again. Now is that time."

She returns the map, then holds up two rings. "Each of these is charged with an elemental capable of brining the Soaring Eagle to the skies again, but the ship can only support one elemental. Which would you prefer- the Fire Elemental to maximize the Eagle's speed, or the Air Elemental to increase her maneuverability?"

The Fire Elemental will give the Soaring Eagle a massive speed bonus.

The Air Elemental will increase the Soaring Eagle's Fly skill drastically.

Anderyn D'Medani looks to the group with apologetic eyes. "I am sorry the Council meeting didn't go in your favor. The best thing you can do now is hunt down the Artifacts of Shianna since the Council has no authority over you. I'll remain here and see what I can do to fight the political battles that need to be fought." He nods in such a manner that says, 'Good luck'.

2014-02-24, 09:57 AM
Cadeyrn nodded in thanks towards D'Medani before turning towards D'Lyrander.

"I vote for the air elemental. We will undoubtedly find ourselves in a fight while on the ship eventually and having the ability to outmaneuver our opponents would be a great boon. This will be especially true if the enemy has any kind of teleportational abilities as that will negate any advantage we have in speed."

Cadeyrn then turned towards his fellow adventurers.

"What do you all think?"

2014-02-24, 10:57 AM
Wallel makes a swirling gesture with his finger like that of a tornado and points to the air elemental ring, in agreement with Cadeyrn.

2014-02-24, 01:08 PM
Ariana nods and says, "Indeed, the ability to maneuver seems best here."

2014-02-24, 04:12 PM
"Very well." D'Lyrander says as she hands over the Air Elemental ring.

"Where do you plan on going now, so that I know where you are in case I need to contact you?" Anderyn D'Medani asks.

2014-02-24, 05:53 PM
Accepting the ring, Wallel turned his attention to Cadeyrn, who he assumed still had the Map. He couldn't quite recall all of the locations lit up, so they'd need to look it over and decide where to go.

2014-02-24, 06:23 PM
The Map of Shianna currently shows (In order of proximity):

One light in Korth, Karrnath, representing the Ring of Shianna currently in the group's possession.

There is an inscribed House Lyrander mark left on the map by Kindrex D'Lyrander in the center of the Nightwood to the east of Korth in Karrnath. This represents the location of the Soaring Eagle.

One light in what used to be Eston, Cyre, but is now the dreaded Mournland. This may very well be the most dangerous Artifact to retrieve.

One light in Korunda's Gate, Mror Holds, representing the Sword of Shianna that Rutgar D'Kundarak was referring to that the dwarves defend.

One light currently in Wroat, Breland, which is the only light- besides the Ring- that has moved since the acquisition of the Map. It has been seen traveled to Sharn, Breland and Korranburg, Zilargo in the past.

2014-02-24, 06:43 PM
Ariana examines the map over Caderyn's shoulder and says, "Well, I believe our first destination, the Soaring Eagle, is obvious. After that, I believe we should travel to the moving Artifact. It is the only one that potentially holds an ally, and should be the easiest to obtain, even if the holder is hostile."

Famous last words, right here.

2014-02-24, 06:43 PM
I think we should go for the one in Korth first, since it's closest.

In all seriousness, Wallel points to the one currently in Breland. If the Artifact is moving around that means someone has it, and it might be another agent of Shianna. Best to deal with them before they spread more trouble.

2014-02-24, 09:51 PM
Cadeyrn nodded and agreed with Alimov.

"Exactly. The artifact in the mountains held by the dwarves is likely more safe with them than with us. The Artifact within Cyre..." and here Cadeyrn ran his hands through his hair.

"I have no idea how we'll get within Cyre...though if we are incredibly lucky, whatever caused Grimnosh to become immortal will have been the self same effect that destroyed Cyre. If so, it might be reversible. I know, I know, it's a long shot. But back to the map, if the artifact on the move is being held by a potential ally, then they may be interested in assisting us on our quest. And if they are an enemy, then we have a chance to set up an ambush. So, for the sake of speed, yeah, I say the Soaring Eagle ought to be our first goal followed by the moving artifact.

What do you say, Killian?"

2014-02-25, 07:02 AM
I look over the map, pondering for a moment before answering. "Actually, I think we should go to the Artifact in Cyre first. You were right about the dwarven Artifact; it's probably safer with them than with us. However, there are only two possibilities for the bearer of the Artifact in Breland: either they are an ally of House Shianna, or they're not.

If they are, then that Artifact is already lost. They could put it into a well-defended House Shianna vault, but they've been moving it around, so it's unlikely they'll do that in the future. As is, we are unequipped to deal with a fully functional House Shianna agent.

But if not, then they've held the Artifact for this long and defended it from, in all likelihood, several drow attacks. If they've held out until now, they will probably be able to thwart one or two more attempts to steal it while we rush to Cyre.

In other words, the Breland Artifact is either lost or it's not. We don't know which, but its fate is already sealed. The Cyre Artifact, on the other hand, is up for grabs. It is, as of now, unclaimed, and we want to make sure we get to it before House Shianna does. Therefore, I suggest we go there first, retrieve the Artifact as quickly as we can, and then rush to Breland."

I realize I've just been talking for the better part of several minutes, something usually only Cadeyrn does. I look around the rest of the group to gauge their reactions.

2014-02-25, 10:03 AM
Cadeyrn bites his lip before speaking.

"Um...Killian. You DO realize that no living creature has managed to pass the barrier of Cyre since the end of the war....right? Eventually we do, of course, have to retrieve that artifact, but without a way into Cyre we are literally stuck. I'll be honest, as unequipped as we are to fight another Shianna agent, we are even less equipped to enter Cyre. The former is just a battle. The latter is a mystery that even the greatest mages and minds from the five...four nations haven't been able to solve."

2014-02-25, 10:59 AM
Cadeyrn bites his lip before speaking.

"Um...Killian. You DO realize that no living creature has managed to pass the barrier of Cyre since the end of the war....right? Eventually we do, of course, have to retrieve that artifact, but without a way into Cyre we are literally stuck. I'll be honest, as unequipped as we are to fight another Shianna agent, we are even less equipped to enter Cyre. The former is just a battle. The latter is a mystery that even the greatest mages and minds from the five...four nations haven't been able to solve."

Well, he does have a point... still, we can't risk House Shianna getting there before we do. I double down.

"There are scavengers who go into the Mournland; we could do whatever it is they do to get in. Besides, I think Eston's on the edge, so we wouldn't have to go too far in.

However, the more important point is this: You're right in that no living thing survives for long within Cyre. However, we don't know about nonliving creatures- that is to say, the undead. They might be just fine in the Mournland, which is exactly why we need to beat them to it." I look around the rest of the group, especially to Ariana, our other magical expert. "Don't you think so?"

2014-02-25, 11:15 AM
Well, he does have a point... still, we can't risk House Shianna getting there before we do. I double down.

"There are scavengers who go into the Mournland; we could do whatever it is they do to get in. Besides, I think Eston's on the edge, so we wouldn't have to go too far in.

However, the more important point is this: You're right in that no living thing survives for long within Cyre. However, we don't know about nonliving creatures- that is to say, the undead. They might be just fine in the Mournland, which is exactly why we need to beat them to it." I look around the rest of the group, especially to Ariana, our other magical expert. "Don't you think so?"

Ariana shakes her head and says, "It would probably be more efficient, and likely safer, to enter the Mournlands on a return trip from Breland. The mark is right on the edge between Breland and Cyre, and it would be easier and safer to pass into the Mournlands briefly than travel across them from Karrnath. As well, we don't know where the person carrying this Artifact is going to go next. What if he were to enter the Eldeen Reaches, or Droaam, or travel off the map? Anything that is moving unpredictably is much more of an immediate issue that needs to be dealt with than something stationary, even if we're on a timer to reach it."

2014-02-25, 12:34 PM
Cadeyrn shrugged.

"Ok, so I might have overreacted about how difficult it is to get in to the mournlands, but Ariana has a point. We can't guarantee that the person holding the artifact on the move won't just simply leave Khorvaire. For all we know the person may be gathering the necessary equipment to teleport over to Xendrik. And, as I said before, if they are a potential ally against house Shianna, then it would more greatly benefit us to bring the person into our group. Then we would have six combatants to fight any agents of shianna instead of five.

At least, that is my opinion."

2014-02-25, 01:06 PM
Wallel nods in agreement with Arianna and Cadeyrn.

2014-02-25, 01:11 PM
I shrug. "Well, okay then. It looks like I'm outvoted. Besides, I haven't been back home in ages. To Breland!"

2014-02-25, 04:57 PM
"Right after we get the Soaring Eagle!" Cadeyrn exclaimed with a bit of mischief.

"Teasing you, Killian, will never get old, hahaha," he said, a smile on his face and a twinkle in his eye.

"We need to get the Soaring Eagle first since we are practically right next to it. Then we can head to Breland. We just have to go through the..." and here Cadeyrn checked the map.

"Through the nightwood to get it. Then it'll be just a hop, skip and we'll be over to Breland. We'll even get to Breland faster by going after the Soaring Eagle first, I would imagine."

2014-02-25, 05:04 PM
"Breland!" Emerald exclaims excitedly. It seems like she has already pushed the events of the Council meeting out from her mind. "I've always wanted to see Sharn! Can we visit Sharn while we are there?

And I can't wait to see the Soaring Eagle! I wonder how long its been since anyone has set eyes on it? I wonder if there are any survivors we can rescue, just like you guys rescued me! I wonder why couldn't Aden find it when it was practically on his doorstep? He must have been really stupid. I wonder what kind of animals are in the Nightwood?"

2014-02-25, 05:44 PM
Ariana shakes her head and says, "I'm sorry Emerald, but you're not going into the Nightwoods. Aureon knows what we'll find there, and you'll be safer staying here with D'Lyrander."

2014-02-25, 06:01 PM
"What?! Emerald snaps at Ariana."You can't leave me here! I can help you guys! How would you like it if we abandoned you here in Korth, Ariana?"

2014-02-25, 06:15 PM
Cadeyrn laughed.

"Only you would wonder what kind of animals live in a place called nightwood, Emerald. Before we leave, I need to pick up a couple of things, so I'll meet you at the eastern gate in say...an hour."

And with that said Cadeyrn strode off.

I'm presuming that we have already been given transport to ground level and that alchemist's fire in Korth is the same as the listed price in the ultimate equipment book (20gp per bottle).

2014-02-25, 06:27 PM
Ariana shudders, and says, "Frankly, if it weren't for some of the rumors I've heard, I'd be staying here too. Trust me, you'll be far, far safer here. And anyways, we know where we're going. It won't take us more than a day to get there, get the Soaring Eagle flying, and get back."

2014-02-25, 10:34 PM
"Trust me, you'll be far, far safer here. And anyways, we know where we're going. It won't take us more than a day to get there, get the Soaring Eagle flying, and get back."

"Actually, I'm not so sure about that. Cadeyrn, Ariana, can I talk to you a second?" Before stepping away with them, I lean down to give Emerald a conspiratorial wink.

"Okay, you're the ones doing most of the planning, and you're the ones to tell me when my crazy ideas are crazy. So here we go: I think we should take Emerald with us. What, don't give me that look! Judging by that council meeting, there are at least a couple representatives who would like nothing more than to steal Emerald from under our noses and deliver her to Grimnosh. What better time than while Emerald is at their mercy and we're away! We should take her with us so we can keep track of her ourselves. What do you think?"

2014-02-25, 10:51 PM
Ariana gives Killian a Look, and says, "Killian, you know as well as I do what are going to be in those woods. I don't want Emerald walking into that thinking they're just going to be normal woods, and then suddenly a zombie pops out of nowhere and scars her for life. At least in Korth, she can be kept with D'Lyrander who is definitely on our side, and who, I would assume, most certainly not going to let her go without a major incident."

2014-02-25, 11:17 PM
Gesturing at Killian, Wallel nodded supportively to indicate he agreed with bringing Emerald with them.

2014-02-26, 01:03 AM
Cadeyrn heard Killian calling for him to come back, so he listened to what Killian had to say.

"Sorry to break the news to you, Ariana, but Emerald's innocence is a luxury we can't afford. I agree that she shouldn't have to be scarred by the experience, but if she goes in willingly and knowingly that there are zombies and all sorts of other undead in the forest...well then she'll prove to you that she's braver than she looks. And Killian's got a good point about us having political enemies here. We don't exactly have the power to stop our enemies from even making up false charges against any of us. So, really, the sooner we can leave and get our own place to stay, the better.

However, I don't want to go in unprepared, so I was going to go get some alchemist's fire. It's not as good as holy water, but I don't think I could find any of that here in this city."

2014-02-26, 10:02 AM
Giving Cadeyrn a brief look of concern, Wallel took out the linked parchment and drew an image of a burning tree, indicating concern that the use of splash fire weapons could cause a forest fire. That would both give their political enemies something to use against them if it spread, and go against what he'd read of the druidic tenets.

2014-02-26, 10:27 AM
Cadeyrn waved his hand in front of himself in a placating manner.

"Don't worry, I'll be careful where I throw it. However, if I don't have the alchemist's fire, I'll have to stick to just my torches which take longer to light. The problem essentially is that I don't have any spells that will help us significantly if we battle the undead, and you know that I'm not really any good at fighting with my dagger. No, I need something to help out in the fight.

Speaking of putting out fires, though, you could just cast create water now and we could all carry flasks of it to throw at the fire in case it does get out of hand...right?

2014-02-26, 11:30 AM
Cadeyrn heard Killian calling for him to come back, so he listened to what Killian had to say.

"Sorry to break the news to you, Ariana, but Emerald's innocence is a luxury we can't afford. I agree that she shouldn't have to be scarred by the experience, but if she goes in willingly and knowingly that there are zombies and all sorts of other undead in the forest...well then she'll prove to you that she's braver than she looks. And Killian's got a good point about us having political enemies here. We don't exactly have the power to stop our enemies from even making up false charges against any of us. So, really, the sooner we can leave and get our own place to stay, the better.

However, I don't want to go in unprepared, so I was going to go get some alchemist's fire. It's not as good as holy water, but I don't think I could find any of that here in this city."

Ariana sighs and says, "You know what, fine. I'll go along with this. But if something bad happens to Emerald, I will never forgive myself, or either of you."

2014-02-27, 01:28 AM
The group finishes their business in Korth, and prepare for the journey into the Nightwood for the Soaring Eagle. Anderyn D'Medani will supply the party with food, water, traveling clothes, basic weapons, and other similar basic supplies as needed free of charge.

It is calculated that it will take one entire day to travel to the airship, so the group departs early the following morning.

Emerald fills her backpack with food, torches, canteens full of water, notebooks, ink vials and pens, her green dress, her new flute, and a small bag of candy leftover from Fairhaven. She ties her long blond hair up in a ponytail so that it won't get snagged on any foliage. Her hair is tied just right so that half of the green streak in her hair falls across her face, while the other half is tied back with the rest of it. The elven girl dons her backpack, a green traveling vest, a new pair of traveling boots, a pair of trousers, and a walking stick.

"Let's get moving guys! This airship isn't going to find itself!"

The trek through the Nightwood is harsh. It is very much a stop-down from traveling on summoned horseback, airships, even dirt roads. Here you have to watch your step and keep your eyes peeled for dangerous creatures of the forest. The fact that Shianna Agents have countless places to hide in this terrain lingers in the back of everyone's mind.

Several hours into your journey into the Nightwood, the group is taking a quick ten-minute break.

Perception Checks:
Cadeyrn: [roll0]
Alimov: [roll1]
Killian: [roll2]
Ariana: [roll3]
Emerald: [roll4]

Cadeyrn and Alimov: You two have an uneasy feeling that you are being watched or followed. On one hand, you do not detect any hostile creatures in the area. On the other hand, that may be a bad sign.

Emerald is exploring the immediate area identifying random plants and herbs, then turns her attention away from the ground and announces that she spots a bird up in the sky.

2014-02-27, 12:13 PM
Taking out the linked parchment again, Wallel drew an image of a bearded man in a robe and large hat, with a bird in the sky above. He added squiggly lines between their heads to indicate telepathy. The silent elf suspected this bird Emerald saw might be a familiar or animal companion spying on them.

2014-02-27, 12:37 PM
Emerald points the bird out to the group, and with closer inspection the group can locate the bird that she saw.

High above the trees soars a single, spiraling bird. The bird temporarily disappears inside a cloud, which it is then noticed that the bird is much, much higher than what it had at first appeared to be. The sheer size of the bird gives the illusion that it is close, but it is perhaps several dozen miles above the ground and is flying among the clouds. It must be extremely large indeed to appear so close, yet fly so high anyway. The creature reemerges from the other side of the cloud. It has a massive, beautiful golden-brown fully spread wingspan and a distinctive yellow-beaked, angular golden-brown feathered head.

Alimov: Your bond with nature is instinctually telling you that this bird of prey is watching your group.

2014-02-27, 01:28 PM
Cadeyrn whistles appreciatively.

"Woooooooow, that is one REALLY big bird! I wonder what kind of bird it is..."

Rolling for knowledge arcana if appropriate: [roll0]

(knowledge nature is more likely to work, but I don't have any points in it, sooo, yeah.)

2014-02-27, 02:16 PM
Ariana looks suspiciously at the bird and says, "That thing looks bad...Maybe we should move?"

2014-02-27, 06:11 PM
With a nod to Arianna, Wallel adds on his parchment, "I think that is a giant eagle. Emerald should be covered or hidden from its view if possible; she would make a tempting target to swoop in and grab. The symbolism of a 'soaring eagle' is not lost on me, either. It may mean we are close." Putting away the parchment once the message was received, he readied his dagger and shield in preparation to move on. He didn't want to be caught off-guard.

2014-02-28, 08:23 AM
"Wow, that's huge! I've never heard of a bird that big... You're right, Wallel, that can't be natural. I wonder, is it something more?"

Knowledge:Religion [roll0]. Mythweavers is blocked on my school's wifi, so I can't find my modifier, but add it in to the roll.

2014-02-28, 08:49 AM
The eagle continues circling in the sky high above the group. Emerald will listen to Alimov's advice and attempt to hide. Luckily, her tendency to wear green things help her blend in with her surroundings.

A small winged creature lands on Ariana's shoulder after several flaps of its wings and looks at the sky. The psuedo-faerie dragon seems to have come from nowhere at all. Like Emerald, he blended in with the forest, except that his skin naturally adapts to his surroundings and he is much, much smaller. "What are we looking at?" The curious creature asks as he hangs off Ariana's shoulder and tilts his head.

Knowledge: Arcana and Religion are both inappropriate for identifying any facts about the eagle.

Nobody in the party rolled high enough Perception to detect Rossal. This was his surprise round.

Emerald's stealth check:

2014-02-28, 09:54 AM
Ariana is surprised when a weight suddenly lands on her shoulder, but after a brief moment of panic and terror she realizes it's Rossal, smiles, and says, "We, Rossal, are looking at a huge bird that may or may not be marking what we're looking for. How've you been?"

2014-02-28, 11:58 AM
Rossal is speaking quickly, as usual. "I have been content watching people come in and out of my home. I have to say that I didn't expect you to be back here again.

Why are you looking for a 'huge bird'? Do you mean Incalasance's friend? I didn't know you knew Incalasance. I guess thats why you're here? That bird isn't very nice, she tried to eat me yesterday. I had to remind her that her master and I are best friends and that friends of friends don't eat each other. I think and really hope that she was just playing around." Rossal forces a smile, but audibly gulps his fear away.

The dragonling shifts around momentarily and relaxes on Ariana's shoulder, then takes a more comfortable skin-tone before he continues talking. "Speaking of food, do you guys have any food I can have? I really liked you guys before because you gave me your apples. You are all such nice people." He bares his sharp teeth with a dragon-equivilant smile at the word 'apples'.

2014-02-28, 12:10 PM
Ariana tilts her head a little and says, "Oh? Who's Incalasance? And who's the bird's master?"

2014-02-28, 12:15 PM
Cadeyrn's eyes widened.

"So we've got, what, a druid that is friends with that bird? Or is that bird Incalasance itself? Because if that bird is a friend of a druid...then we just might have a...sticky situation on our hands, if you catch my drift. C'mon, let's keep moving."

2014-02-28, 12:18 PM
"Incalasance is the eagle's master."

Rossal pauses before answering Ariana's other question.

"The eagle's master is Incalasance."

2014-02-28, 01:07 PM
Searching through his bag of supplies, Wallel couldn't find any apples, but he did have an orange. He took it out and offered it to the little dragon.

If there was a druid here, that might be interesting, so long as they weren't with one of the more fanatical factions.

2014-02-28, 01:20 PM
Velka will point out that the giant eagle, that may or may not be an animal companion to a fairly powerful druid (who may or may not be spying on them) is still overhead and that it would be a good idea to keep moving or risk the chance of an ambush while they ponder on the significance of the big bird. "We should keep moving." he rummages through his own bag and digs out some dried meat and a single small apple, which he offers to Rossal. "But since we are taking a break I think we should eat something, and have some water, as there is no telling if or when we will have time to do so later. Also we should keep an eye out for a stream to refill our water supplies. Once we are in the air ship it could be a few days before we are able to land and restock."

2014-02-28, 01:21 PM
"Incalasance is the eagle's master."

Rossal pauses before answering Ariana's other question.

"The eagle's master is Incalasance."

"Can you tell us about Incalasance?"

2014-02-28, 01:34 PM
Rossal takes the orange from Alimov, takes a bite (skin and all), and spits it out. "I didn't say an orange!" He then takes the apple from Velka and quickly gobbles the fruit up.

"Can you tell us about Incalasance?"

Rossal nearly chokes on his apple at the question. "What? Incalasance? Um. I don't. Um. I may not be. Err... I mean to say...I don't think she would want me to...You see...uhm."

Rossal scratches the top of his head with a single, tiny claw in thought. "Well...let's just say there is a reason a massive hungry eagle is watching you. Incalasance doesn't want to be found, and with good reason."

2014-02-28, 01:42 PM
Ariana shrugs and says, "Well, we're not looking for her. We're looking for an airship that supposedly is in these woods. I just thought she might want to help us, or at least call off her eagle." Ariana thinks for a second and then continues, "I wouldn't be all that surprised if she's listening right now, actually."

2014-02-28, 01:59 PM
Wallel shrugs and eats the remaining half of the orange. No point in wasting it.

2014-02-28, 02:20 PM
"Airship?! How do you know about the airship?!

No, you know what? It doesn't matter, because she won't allow you to find it anyway! She can keep mindless Karrnathi abominations from finding it, she can most definitely keep you lot from finding it!"

Rossal literally clasps his mouth shut with both of his clawed hands. "Hm hummk hm hmphkhg hmm hmmk.", which sounds a lot like, 'I think I'm talking too much'.

2014-02-28, 02:30 PM
Ariana sighs and says, "We know about the airship for two reasons. The first is that we killed a Bone Knight by the name of Aden Hawk who was searching for it. The second is that the Council of Twelve, and, more specifically, Kindrex D'Lyrander, granted us use of it to hunt down powerful artifacts."

2014-03-01, 08:02 PM
Rossal slowly uncovers his claws from his mouth, as if he was hit by a revelation. He speaks slower now, and in a more serious tone."Kindrex gave you permission to use the Soaring Eagle? This is more serious than I thought...

Perhaps Incalasance will allow you to find her after all."

Rossalucharonelsix detaches from Ariana's shoulder and flies ahead into the forest. "Come with me! I will show you to her!"

For the next half hour, following Rossal becomes increasingly difficult. The forest underbrush eventually becomes so thick that even simply walking becomes a hindered task.

Along the way, corpses of undead soldiers are spotted hanging from, pinned to, impaled by, and ripped apart by various tree throughout the forest. Some undead are still unconsciously flailing and moaning, attempting with very little success to escape and continue on with their mission. The farther the party travels, the more undead soldiers there are around them. Insignia located on the undead's armor reveal them to be Aden Hawk's militia.

Rossal does not slow down. He is very small and is used to travelling through underbrush, and as such he continues travelling at full speed. "Come on! Come on! Keep up with me! We are almost there!" The little dragon calls out to the group as he glides through the forest with ease.

The only member capable of keeping up with Rossal is Alimov because of his druidic powers.

Emerald is only slowing the group down. She seems to be getting exhausted quickly trying to keep pace with Rossal, yet going slow enough to maneuver through the underbrush. The undead in the trees are not helping the situation, either. The girl is proving to have courage, though. She is forcing herself to not look at the undead, watching the ground that represent the placing of her following footsteps, and continues on through the forest.

The forest counts as difficult terrain.

Rossal is moving at a base speed of 30, which is the fastest he can go without absolutely leaving anyone behind. He will not slow down for anyone.

Alimov is capable of moving at a base speed of 30 because of his Woodland Stride.

Killian, Cadeyrn, and Ariana are capable of moving at a base speed of 15 due to the thickness of the forest.

Emerald is moving at a base speed of 10 due to the difficult terrain and her fatigue.