View Full Version : @ Roland St. Jude - regards to search function

2013-12-09, 04:52 PM
I don't mean to offend or prolong a conversation with the issue at hand, I just would like you to read and reconsider.
You've said this in reply to making a sticky about the forum search being disabled on some other thread.
"Thank you for your concern. Yes, this has been suggested many times before. No, we don't believe it will help."

As someone newish to these forums, a simple sticky just stating the search feature was disabled would save me the headache of trying to figure out whats wrong. Hard to figure out if search is disabled or if I am having some odd issue when the search is disabled and no one makes a sticky note about it.

I hope you reconsider so people in a position like myself don't have to spend hours going through the boards and what not to find out the search is disabled.

As I said at the start, I don't mean to offend or anything. I just wish to share my frustration with the issue as a new person to the forums, please reconsider making a simple sticky post as I really do think it would help.

2013-12-09, 05:21 PM
The problem is partially the number of stickies we have already and partially the fact that so few people read the stickies before posting about it anyway.

In this forum, we already have 9 (!) stickied threads, which is far too much, and the more we add, the more we reduce usability and the more people ignore the important announcements.