View Full Version : DnD 5e - Rise of the Dragonarmies

2013-12-09, 11:50 PM
Payers please wait until I've had a chance to okay your character sheet before posting here.

We were hired to defend Stannisburg after the King's Men switched sides and joined the Mer God's seige of the city. Foreigners, orcs, and frakking ogres fell as Death's Shadow Corps marched to the rescue. And we made almost made it to the walls.

We were defending civilization itself, we were told. Whitey, our commander, told us that. He's dragonborn, but it was the first time we'd seen him so worked up about honor and justice and the like. It didn't last long.

From the top of the hill, the ruin is a maze of broken walls, overgrown. The locals say there is a lot more of it underground. And they say there are ghosts.

"Spy it out," Whitey tells your little team. "We need somewhere to dig in. We can't keep running. If the Baron won't deal with us, this winter is going to eat us alive."