View Full Version : [3.PF]Monsters that get stronger from eating/create spawn

2013-12-11, 08:55 PM
I remember reading about a number of monsters that either grew stronger as they killed/ate/consumed souls etc or possessed the ability to create spawn through means other than negative energy to make undead.
I know it's kind of a tall order, but is there a list of either of these or does anyone have them handy?
Any you could name off-hand would be fine too.


2013-12-11, 09:18 PM
No one has anything?

2013-12-11, 09:26 PM
Dusk Giant

2013-12-11, 09:34 PM
Barghest (http://http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/monsters/barghest)

Nabasu (http://http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/monsters/demon.html#_demon-nabasu)

EDIT: In "Demons Revisited" is feat "lmproved Death -Stealing" which allows nabasu to create stronger undeads with death-stealing gaze - ghasts, wights, wraiths, even juju zombie.

2013-12-11, 09:40 PM
That's the kind of thing I'm looking for.

Tessman the 2nd
2013-12-11, 09:50 PM
Player Characters? they gobble up monsters for experience

2013-12-12, 01:59 AM
There was a CR 16 Ooze from one of the monster manuals which gained hit dice from eating creatures, and then created spawn once it had enough hit dice. It also randomly warps creatures which gets too close. Very nasty if left in a large inhabited area unchecked. It's name escapes me however... Quin-something-ex?

2013-12-12, 03:46 AM
i think there is a monster called the soul eater out there somewhere (i don't mean the prestige class) that get's a bonus when someone dies within it's range.