View Full Version : For Alcohol and Glory! [IC Thread]

2013-12-12, 08:39 PM

This sign was the first thing you each saw as you came into this fairly large trade hub in the kingdom of Tibis. While it may not be the capital, it is still one of the most important places for hundreds of miles around, a place where it is simple to find whatever you're looking for, from goods to employments to life and to adventure. Ratsting looms before you and around you, wide streets made with mosaic-like designs of stone and earth. Other than the typical smalls of cooking food and cut wood and other things that make up a bustling social center, there is also the smell of the sea, for Ratsting is the one and only major port in all of Tibis.

Each of you wanderers and adventurers have your own ideas and reasons for being here, but rest assure that anything can be found and gained here with some searching and persistence. Where do you wish to start your next journey?

Please pick one of the locations below, or PM me directly if there is something here I forgot that you would like to look into.

Ratsting's Grand Bazaar
The bazaar is naturally one of the centers of trade in the large town around you. It isn't much in the service of food and lodgings, but besides that there are plenty of shops selling clothes, supplies, rare items, furnishings, antiques, specific tools, arms and armor, and several things besides. The area is made up of a circular street with all of the tall and sturdy shop buildings lined up around it. The whole area is gated, with soldiers posted at the front of each one and many others patrolling the area beside, including several well-trained wizards. Theft is, naturally, highly discouraged. There is also a board posting requests for various goods and services as well, to take up on or to add your own.

Survival District
Perhaps something of an ominous name, but these couple streets with a variety of banners and decorations holds all of the towns inns, taverns, and restaurants. There is Haskill's Barony for those looking for excitement and unpredictability, The Driven Dining Hall for more cordial and controlled social gathering but much more variation and quality in food, Nathan's Board and Food for a conventional inn with several types of lodging and meals in a package deal, and about a dozen besides.

Port of Kittarg's Grace
An area of docks and ships for all the sea trade coming into the kingdom. This place is just as well guarded as the bazaar, with the addition of a number of frost wolves being led by certain guards, and a couple more mages. Other than the protection for the area, most of the people here are laborers, sailors, traders, and other minor service men and women.

Gateway of Adventure
This admittedly simple yet boastful named district is home to the few guildhalls of this city and the region at large. The Twinkling Cabal is a gathering area for arcane mages and students of the eldritch ways, Gorath's Bladehall is a chamber for martial training and other work concerning arms and armor, The Craftshall of the Emperor's Glory is the meeting place of the experts (and not so expert) of many different types of craft and trade, and a few small temples and altars to various gods (think the ones featured in the PHB mostly) in between them all.

Now would also be the time for any potential Knowledge checks about things in the town or region that you feel your character needs to know. Make them here or in the OOC thread, either way.

2013-12-12, 09:10 PM
Xera Wengor
AC: 20
HP: 25
status: little nervous

Pushing her way through the crowd, the huge woman stops at a sign detailing the whereabouts of major places. After consulting the sign for several minutes, the orc woman heads off to find this “Haskill’s Barony”, and hopefully a new job.
She wades through the crowd until she gets to Haskill’s Barony, keenly aware of her bag of coins, the last of her savings and whatever else she’s managed to earn along the way. Steeling herself in front of the door, the big woman takes a bold step inside.

2013-12-12, 10:53 PM
HP 28
Grothar entered the city and found his way to The Twinkling Cabal. He was hoping to make the connections needed for him to further his search into the truth of his lineage, and for that he needed to know the people who knew things and had access to the libraries. The shared profession in the eldritch and arcane didn't hurt anything either.

He didn't need food, money or shelter; magic took care of all of everything for him. What he needed was more knowledge, and that's what he was going to get. Besides, there were always ways to make a little gold when he needed to.
OOC: I think I should get a lore check for the names and locations of the libraries and the people I would need to talk to in order to get access to said libraries.

2013-12-12, 11:35 PM
AC 19, HP 44
Status: Relaxed and scheming a little.

The lesser (not that she'd appreciate you calling her that) Succubus known as "Lili" had scooted off for the bazaar. Her plans right now were very simple: Don't get in trouble until she was sure she could get away with something.

A pity, perhaps, but the Wizards around here would almost assuredly best her in a fight without the right scheme to ensure they wouldn't notice her. And she had Riko to worry about.

She didn't need much right now, anyways. A nice bath, a decent meal... Some work, maybe. She decided to go towards the job board.


[roll0] Knowledge: Local for more interesting tidbits about town in general - she doesn't have particular priorities here yet, though.
IF TIME ALLOWS: (Read: She needs [roll1] hours to do this.)
[roll2] Gather Information - as Lili goes over the job list, she'll also be looking for other interesting adventuresome rumors. (Like, say, interesting adventurers showing up around town...)

2013-12-13, 12:04 AM
Aurora grins as she leaves the bar she had been managing for the past few months, it was fun for the first month, then it just got tedious, but it did give her time to perfect her recipe. She'd just handed back said bar and was planning to see what she could do around town soon, it had been a while since she'd been in a proper fight, and the adrenaline buzz she usually got in her fights was something she missed. It was time to find it again.

2013-12-13, 05:27 PM
Reda stood in the 'Gateway of Adventure', watching some of the weapons drills being performed at Gorath's Bladehall. Maybe there was someone she could learn new tricks from. If not, then it would be time to go check the job board.

Either way...she was here for a challenge.

2013-12-13, 10:25 PM
Kobayashi Riko
AC: 18
HP: 35/35
Status: Calm and curious
A young girl with light purple hair followed Lili. Riko glanced around the area, and stretched. They had spent quite a while on the road and she was eager to get some actual rest.

She stares over her succubus friend's shoulder and asks, "Lili? Have you found any good jobs for us?"

2013-12-14, 10:05 AM
Abori Ganil
AC: 19
HP: 34/34
Status: Mischievous

Abori followed shortly behind Aurora, curious what she was up to today. She'd been getting antsy lately, and just finished with her newest recipe. It was possibly the most boring time he'd had in a long time. But he did drum up some business for the bar, at the very least. People tended not to go to places where they heard strange things and well, Abori couldn't help it if he went to other bars and maybe terrified some of the patrons. It was a weakness. He grinned to himself.

"You sseem a little more exscited today than you have in a while. Iss there ssomething sspecial happening today?" The problem with putting thoughts in peoples heads, you couldn't read minds. He really had no idea what she was up to.

2013-12-15, 04:37 PM
"It's been a long time since I've had a chance to travel, Abori, and I've been drinking a lot less lately than I normally do," Aurora replies. Abori had only seen her truly drunk once, and it was a sight when a guy tried hitting on her, he ended up on the roof of the building across the street, it was an impressive display.

"Now I can start up again, get into some fights, get my blood pumping again, with enough alcohol to make my breath flammable," she says while stretching, and likely drawing a couple looks.

"I'm going to go to the Adventurer's District to see if I can't find someone to help loosen my joints a little, I've gotten rusty mock fighting dummies and going through katas," she comments, "wanna come along for the ride?" Abori could hear the grin in her voice, doesn't even need to see her face.

2013-12-16, 04:33 AM
Rupert Cecil walked through the Grand Bazaar like a king in a pigsty. The problem was, he was the only one that could see it. The passersby, the moneygrubbing merchants, the hagglers and the fraudsters, they looked at him and they saw only his disguise, the outward appearance of two men in shabby clothes and downcast eyes. He preferred the sailors and prostitutes of the docks. They were no more vulgar and at least more honest about it.

Yes, his disguise galled him. He was a thing of beauty, magic and darkness, and no-one else could see it. He let his magical disguise slip, just for a moment, and one man he passed flinched back in sudden terror before the crowd swept him away. He wondered how the experience would affect that man's life. Perhaps it wouldn't. Perhaps he would retreat from the interesting, the mysterious, go back to a dull wife and a mediocre job and do his best to forget that there were interesting things out there in the world.

Someone called out, offering necklaces at a reasonable price, and Rupert quickened his pace. Cecil spotted a noticeboard around which a cluster of rather grubby men seemed to be gathered. He was aware of bizarre curiosity of the upper classes taking hold of him, looking at those of lower station like animals in a zoo, hardly realising that they themselves were no better. On a whim, he found himself peering closer, jostling against the throng.

2013-12-16, 09:54 PM
"Some potential stuff, but nothing too exciting that I'm sure is in our league. We'd probably have to find a group for some of the cooler stuff."

Waiting roll results before seriously advancing the conversation...

2013-12-17, 08:56 PM
Abori Ganil
AC: 19
HP: 34/34
Status: Mischievous

Abori nodded, mostly to himself, she had been pretty restrained lately. Not that it was a bad thing, in his own opinion, but for some people it was a struggle. Not that he wasn't prone to the occasional bit of... enthusiasm, but it was bad to do that in the middle of a job. So restraint is a key skill to have as a member of his profession. Shaking his head to himself, he patted his pockets. "Scertainly. I've got nothing better to do right now." Truth was, he hadn't done much of anything but drink since they'd come here. His coin was starting to run... a bit low actually. Looks like it was time to start taking on jobs again.

2013-12-21, 11:10 PM
Xera Wangor
Inside of Haskill's Barony the activities were at full swing, people drinking and eating and challenging each other to small contests and singing and overall mirth and excitement. It may be typical for most taverns in the world to be this way, but lately things in the region had been somewhat tense; the people here were clearly allowing themselves to let go more as a result.
A long-haired elven woman with a plate of drinks in hand noticed Xera walk in and gave a quick nod to her. "Take a seat anywhere! I'll attend to you in a moment." before going on. There were a couple of empty seats around, as well as a couple tables if Xera looked to speak to someone.

The Twinkling Cabal was a very tall building, easily at least 4 stories, painted in a bright blue with banners waving in the wind from every side. Outside the front of the place was a strange person in concealing green robes and hood, though enough of the person showed to reveal scaled multicolor skin. The scaled figure beckoned to Grothar and spoke in a low polite tone. "Please, come forward. Is there any way that I, Akarsis, Transmuter of The Twinkling Cabal, can assist you?

Well, you can make a Knowledge (local) check to know about any libraries in the city, though the cabal itself would have a good deal of books and research materials in it and be common knowledge to anyone with connections to the arcane. Otherwise, you could make a Diplomacy or similar check with Akarsis to try to get information that Grothar would need. I would prefer you to make rolls in the OOC thread please, though I won't be too harsh if anyone forgets and rolls them here.

Lili and Kobayashi
The Bazaar was at a fairly active time of day for it, with people hawking wares and haggling over prices, much as would be expected in a large trade city. The job board stood off toward the northern end of the Bazaar, and a few others were gathered around it too but not so many that they couldn't give it a look.

Most of them were small, typical townspeople matters; Bob Hammerstead needed a roof fixed, Colras the tavernkeeper was looking for possible trade offers for exotic or just different beverages, and similar things. There were two though that most stood out: one was a posting from Captain Brikes of the city guard, looking for mercenary aid in clearing a nearby abandoned fortification of thieves and highwaymen to obtain for the kingdom, and a message by Alvanhar of the Craftshall in clearing an infestation from his lab, though the infestation is left vague.

Well there is the adventure based rumors she finds, as for info on other adventures, none have been mentioned currently doing anything to grab attention. As for the general info about the town...I will post some in my next post. :smallwink:

Aurora and Abori/Reda
The town was bustling with activity right now, just as much so around the Gateway of Adventure, where all types of adventurers (however you define that job or role) were gathered. Some good places to go for sparring and fighting (other than more bars of course) were Gorath's Bladehall, and the small temple of Kord, were the servants there tended to worship with great combat, and any were allowed to participate.

Yeah, can't quite think of a specific challenge yet, just go to whichever of the areas sounds best and I will come up with something good next post. Directing this at all 3 of you since you are basically sorta looking for the same things.

Rupert Cecil
The jeweler in town was rather tall and had some very odd rough ragged traits to his appearance, yet not quite enough to be an orc. With his gruff but enthusiastic voice, he shouted to the crowd and offered his wares. Next to him was a sign with a list of standard prices.

Silver Necklaces: 20 gp
Gold Necklaces: 50 gp
Silver Rings: 10 gp
Gold Rings: 25 gp
Add Amethyst/Garnet: +100 gp
Add Rudy/Sapphire/Emerald: +400 gp
Add Diamond: +750 gp
He also had on offer some "rarer" pieces, only available on request.

The noticeboard stood near the job board, both filling only slightly different roles. The men were grumbling and cursing about a posted message about there being another calling for able-bodied men and women to be ready for war. The way a couple of them spoke, these were less calls and more like warnings of drafts. Aside from that, there were the typical postings on town laws: no violence outside designated sparring buildings, horrid punishments listed for thievery, murder, and similar crimes, penalties for attempted magic in the Bazaar, and other such things.

2013-12-22, 01:12 AM
"Hm, I think the Temple of Kord could be fun," Aurora says with a grin, "although, the bladehall probably allows for betting, which is always fun..." Aurora pulls a coin and flips it.

"Kord it is!" she says, stowing away the coin that had just landed on tails.

2013-12-22, 01:49 AM
Abori Ganil
AC: 19
HP: 34/34
Status: Mischievous

Abori just shrugged. "I'm certain I'll find someone to bet with no matter where we go." He thought to himself: Certainly easier when you're not at a temple, but still. He follows her towards the temple, slightly less bored than before.

With a small, wicked grin he picks out a random member of the crowd and uses his telepathy to whisper: Run, they're coming for you.

2013-12-22, 02:26 PM
Riko glances over to Lili, smiling. "I think we could handle any infestations, yeah? And if we can do it quickly enough, we might even be able to help with the other job too."

2013-12-22, 05:35 PM
Run, they're coming for you.

Reda paused, frowning.

"Odd. Where'd that come from?


Hm. Doesn't matter."

With a mental shrug, she set off for the temple. Obviously there was something odd about the Gateway. Maybe there'd be a job to deal with it, later?

2013-12-24, 01:54 AM
"That seems a good path, yeah. Though depending on the scale, a few associates may be ideal."

2013-12-25, 06:34 PM
Grothar paused for a moment as he discovered a break in his preparation. Growing up with Hobgoblins didn't make you the friendliest of people and while the tribe allowed Grothar to have all of the books they recovered from corpses, he was never able to talk to one while they were still alive so he never got to ask questions about where the people outside his tribe lived. He'd been relying on one of the many journals he'd read to have contained the information he needed here, but now that he was here nothing was clicking.

Grothar shrugged and tried something bold. "My name is Grothar, I've been researching my lineage but have exhausted the resources at my disposal. I would ask for the conditions in which I would be allowed access to your libraries in order to further my research. I will return tomorrow at noon to hear an answer."

2013-12-26, 04:21 PM
Xera Wagnor
HP: 25
AC: 20
Status: more comfortable

The waitress is gone before Xera even has time to say anything. Well the place was rather busy, maybe her hopes of finding a job are better than they seemed. With confidence in her step, the big orc woman steps up to the bar.

“I’ll have an ale”, she says to the barkeep. “I don’t suppose you know where the owner of this place is?” she says after receiving the drink.

Totally didn’t see a new post, I’ll have to pay closer attention. Sorry for the lateness of my post.

2013-12-30, 01:29 AM
Aurora and Abori/Reda
The Temple of Kord was popular enough in this area to be fairly large, having a grand hall with multiple areas to speak to priests and priestesses as well as a number of battle pits in which to "worship". The priests and priestesses watched the pits if they weren't in them, watching to keep things as civil as possible and heal the injured. A few doors split off from there, mostly back to storage rooms or other places specifically for the priesthood. Enough attention to be fairly sized, but nothing compared to the palace-like buildings of certain other religions.

In the room here there were 4 medium-sized battle pits, each 30 ft. in diameter, 3 of them with groups gathered around already and fights being held, and 1 left solitary. One of the few other doors in the room also had a sign by it, signifying another area for combat-oriented worship.

Riko and Lili
While standing around the notice board they were also able to hear a bit more about occurrences in the region and around town. There were problems with one of the trade ships, a mention of marauders; pirates hasn't been seen in the area in years. Many people blamed the problems of pirates and highwaymen on the tension between Tibis and the arrogant warrior culture in the lands north of there, and the military focus on that as well as the rumors of conflict with Tiberoa to the west. Aside from that such grumbling, there was also an ongoing conversation about the strange new professor in town, Alvanhar, a researcher of things concerning blood and bloodlines, and how odd he seemed to be, even compared to the many adventurers who came through town. People say he did this research because he worshiped Elva'gar, the deity of blood and patron of their enemy nation Tiberoa, hence the suspicion on him.

Akarsis slowly nodded and looked at Grothar imploringly as he considered the request. "Very well...I assure you my associates and I could likely work out what the circumstances of you researching in our library would be within a matter of hours, but indeed we shall deliberate on it well. You can return for your answer at noon tomorrow. In the meantime, do you already having staying arrangements in the city?"

A rather plump human woman was at the bar, and gave Xera her ale after charging her 3 copper for the simple mug. Upon being asked she shrugged a bit and spoke in a slow voice, paced by her heavy breathing. "Moren likely..he'd be in 'is room here..at the top floor o' this place here, resting up for the night run. As per usualness I guess." After that she went off to attend to another at the bar with their drink.

2013-12-30, 02:11 AM
"This is a lot bigger than the temple back home, but it's not as cozy," Aurora comments, mainly to herself though partially to Abori, "I'm gonna see if I can't find someone that's wants to go a few rounds," she says then wanders around simply looking for someone to fight.

Gather Information if Needed: [roll0]
Luck Roll if Needed: [roll1]

2013-12-30, 09:37 AM
I do have arrangements made, but while they are adequate they are also meager and I would be willing to look into any suggestions you have.

2013-12-30, 12:20 PM
Abori Ganil
AC: 19
HP: 34/34
Status: Mischievous

Abori nods. He'd really avoided temples, never a good idea to try something in sight of the gods. "I'll take your word for it." He looks around at the people gathered. "I'm going to go find who's taking care of betting." With a grin at the back of her head he stalks off to find someone.

I assume I'll need some kind of roll? Or?

2013-12-30, 06:23 PM
Reda wandered somewhat aimlessly, peeking into the three 'active' pits as well as possible with the crowds.

Always something to learn. Let's see what the popular style is around here...

Any rolls to get around the crowd? Or is it not that big?

2013-12-30, 08:53 PM
Xera Wengor
HP 25
AC 20
status probably going to get beat up or worse
Zera drops a few coins on the table and watches them disappear as the barkeep delivers her ale. She takes a mighty swig, slamming the wooden mug down on the bar and wiping the froth away from her mouth.

Afterward, she raps the bar with her fingers for a few moments, weighing her options. She could wait for the owner to come down, she could go to him, or she could try to make an impression. They all had their own risks. She takes another swig of ale before making up her mind, then she finishes it.

She heads over to the edge of the bar and steps half way around it. Unslinging her pack, she says to the barkeep
“I have a silver piece for you if you make sure nobody touches this pack."

With that she’s gone into the crowd, looking for the biggest table in the room once she finds it, climbs up on top of it and says at the top of her voice,

I can’t sing, I can’t dance, But I can whup any SOB in the house!

2014-01-01, 10:15 PM
"This Alvanhar could be interesting," Lili declared. "But... For now, let's go find an inn. We can find associates for dealing with the infestation there..."

Wouldn't Lili know it, though, she was guiding herself and Riko directly towards where Xera happened to be looking to pick a fight...

For the sake of starting to get this group together, is all...

2014-01-07, 04:45 PM
Xera Wengor
HP 25
AC 20
status impatient

Xera stands defiantly atop the table, straight backed and her arms folded under her breasts.
“Well any takers?” she says as she glares out amongst the crowd.

2014-01-07, 05:32 PM
As Riko enters the tavern, she glances around curiously. "Wow, this place sure is busy..."

She places a few coins down and orders a mug of ale. Taking a surprisingly long drink for someone of her size, she places the half-filled container back on the countertop, glancing at Lili. "Would you like the rest?"

Riko wanders off around the tavern, her gaze sweeping the area dispassionately. As the loud voice sounds, she stares up at the large woman standing on the table. A few moments pass, and no one has yet to accept her challenge.

"I will accept your challenge." Her voice is quiet but calm, as she steps out of the circle and facing Xera."I will not aim to kill, and I expect the same courtesy of you."

2014-01-09, 05:03 PM
Xera Wengor
HP 25
AC 23 vs Riko, 18 vs everyone else
Status: fight’n time

Cracking her large knuckles, the large woman looks down at the challenger; a small frail looking elf dressed in robes. This elf is certainly not the typical sort that accepts her challenge; usually they’re big burly warrior types. Thinking she could take the puny elf, Xera deftly drops down from the table without so much as a thud as her feet hit the floor.

“Likewise,” she says as she loosens up her shoulder. “Suppose there’s more to you than meets the eye.”

As the crowd starts to form a circle around her and the elf, Xera takes up a martial arts stance and says, “Ready when you are”.

Initiative check

Activating stance of clarity, gives me +2 AC against 1 attacker, -2 vs others. I’m also assigning Riko as my dodge target. This pushes my AC up to 23 vs her and 18 vs everyone else.

2014-01-09, 05:28 PM
Kobayashi Riko
HP: 35/35
AC: 18
Flipping a single strand of hair back from her face, Riko allows a faint ghost of a smile to appear on her face. "Perhaps there is..."

An invisible wind ruffles through her hair and robes, and she settles down into a ready stance, drawing a paper amulet with one hand and a needle with the other. "I am. Let's begin."

Initiative: [roll0]

Riko's initial stance is Duplex Barrier, which gives +4 to Listen, Spot and Initiative (and a +1 to maneuver DC and IL and +3 to Sense Motive because of racial feature). On this note, it is the general assumption that Riko will always have Duplex Barrier on when not in combat.

2014-01-09, 08:36 PM
Lili waved off the booze... Then looked surprised as Riko challenged a large Orc to a fight.

"I don't think this is a-"

Too late. They were squaring off, and Lili was leaning away carefully...

2014-01-10, 12:59 AM
Xera Wengor
HP 25
AC 23 vs Riko, 18 vs everyone else
status lets rock

With a wink, Xera says “Here I come!”. Her voice is punctuated by a powerful right hand punch aimed straight at the elf’s head.

Well what do you know, I can do non-lethal damage at no penalty; which is what I’m doing
Also, initiating mountain hammer strike
Unarmed strike
Mountain hammer
Attack overcomes damage reduction and hardness.

wow terrible damage rolls; Riko is taking 11 points of non-lethal damage

2014-01-10, 03:11 PM
Kobayashi Riko
HP: 35/35
AC: 18

As the punch comes rocketing forward, Riko seems to flicker out of sight for a split second, flickering back as two wavering mirror images. The punch strikes one of them, shredding it into an explosion of cheap paper amulets.

Exposed, the real Riko leaps back, tossing the glowing needle from her left hand.

Assume all damage is nonlethal, because typing that on everything is a pain when you're using an iPod. :smalltongue:

Immediate: Initiate Instant Dimensional Rift, creating a double of Riko. Due to the roll in the OOC, the attack strikes the double, creating a barrage of amulets dealing damage equal to my Wis mod (3), with a Reflex DC 16 for half.

5' step away from Xera.

Standard: Throw a needle, using Persuasion Needle from the tactical feat Dichromatic Lotus Butterfly (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=4844.0), attack deals half damage, but gives you a -11 on Bluff, Disguise, Intimidate, Hide and Move Silently checks. It can be removed as a standard action.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: 2 piercing
Homing Amulet (from tactical feat Highly Responsive to Prayers)
Sense Motive vs Xera's AC. If it succeeds, the attack hits anyway. Costs 1 AoO. (4 total/round)
Sense Motive: [roll1]

2014-01-28, 11:30 AM
After a bit of time looking around Aurora finds another open pit, with but a few people standing around it. In this ring, a fairly burly human stands, taking in the cheers of the small crowd around him after having dispatched another challenger. He sees Aurora and smirks, beckoning to her. "Well, is another here to honor Kord with a great battle?"

It takes some time searching but there is someone gathered in a rather large crowd at the easternmost pit taking bets already. He would be the most likely to deal with, and he is taking efforts to be discreet since this is usually frowned upon in the temple itself.

For something like this no. :smallsmile:

Akarsis clapped his hands together and nodded eagerly. "The Guildhouse is willing to house any with magical ability for up to 3 days without any vows or job deals. The rooms are small but very clean, and food is provided as well as access to the more conventional tomes in our library. Does this appeal to you?"

Not in a noncombat situation, no. But if a fight breaks out in the crowd, then in parts of it the area counts as difficult terrain and other parts it requires a check to push through. But for now you are fine.

Among the fighting areas, another is set off a little away from the others, close enough to the other doors that it is probably considered a room for combat worship like the others. Here a tough-looking human dominates the arena, knocking foes to the ground with more complex techniques than befits someone with his appearance and behavior. Just now he called out to another in the area for a challenge.
Around the other main pits the fighting keeps going strong, with a fair number of people (worshipers and not) watching eagerly. Near on of the pits, a man is quietly wandering around and speaking to a few select people in hushed tones.

Riko, Zera, and Lili
The crowd and current bartender did not seem to take the sound of a potential dangerous fight well, but the pack was well watched and they did stand aside to allow room for the combat suddenly taking place before them. As the fighting started in full though, they cheered and oohed and aahed and placed bets on the two competitors, one direct and strong, the other flashy with some sort of magical talent.

2014-01-28, 12:40 PM
Aurora grins and pulls a grappling hook from her pack, hooking it on the edge and jumping down, spiraling down the rope attached to it to stand before her opponent, "I'm always game for a fight," Aurora says, giving the rope a flick and bringing the grappling hook down to her hand, which is little more than four broken crowbars tied together with elaborately knotted twine, and stows it back in her pack.

I'll roll Initiative now


2014-01-28, 10:03 PM
Reda looks down into the pit where the new challenger has stepped in.

"Two, even. Are free-for-alls allowed, or shall we take turns?"

2014-01-29, 09:54 PM
Lili sighed, looking at and sizing up Riko's opponent while considering her options. She also looked to see if any of the town guard - especially magewatchers - were in the pub, while sizing up potential ides of her own...

2014-01-29, 11:37 PM
Abori watches the man try to be secretive with some amusement before stepping over to him. He taps him on the shoulder and pulls out his gold. "25 gold on the one who just jumped in to win." He points to Aurora standing in the ring.

2014-01-29, 11:51 PM
Reda and Aurora
The tough-looking man looked at the two of them and grunted. "I didn't expect two challengers this way. I suppose we can all go at it." He smirked and cracked his knuckles. "But free for all, not all ganging up on me, or I'll call you out on it. So, you two ready then?" He took up his fighting stance, fist up, feet squared, keeping limber and focused.

The betting man glanced at Abori, then looked over the fighters for a bit and smirked. "Well it seems like another joined that ring. You want your money on the flashy one though? Fine enough then. I gauge them as all relatively equal in potential ability, so if she wins, you get triple your money." He took the coin from him and bowed. "Thank you for your business."

At the moment only a handful of guards are in here, people who were on break when this all started. And while none of them are moving to stop the fight, all of them have weapons at the ready.

2014-01-30, 01:21 AM
"I'm game," Aurora says as she pulls a flask and takes a quick drink, if she was fighting two people she may as well get the advantage early. She then draws her sword, which would probably draw a few raised eyebrows seeing as it looked like a piece of junk.

Then she entered her drunken trance, wide grin plastered on her face, swaying slightly, and seemingly in a very relaxed stance. Every now and then a giggle escapes from her mouth.

1 Alcohol Charge
+1 Bonus attack rolls, damage rolls and AC

2014-01-30, 02:32 AM
Xera Wengor
HP 25
AC 20
status impressed
ignoring the needle pokeing out of her shoulder muscle, The orc woman turn and says.
"Not bad, lets see how you handle this."

Xera then wades in throwing a quick combination, a single jab at Riko's head followed by a low kick at her knee.

Taken 5 points of non-lethal damage, twenty more and I’m done.
(I’m not sure if I’m close enough to do this, just let me know and I’ll edit the post and make new rolls in the OOC chat.)
Five foot stepping to Riko and activating flurry of blows.
Attack one [roll0]
Damage one [roll1]
Attack two [roll2]
Damage two[roll3]

2014-01-30, 10:26 AM
Reda slides into the pit, readying her rapier.

"Ready when you are."

Initiative: [roll0]

2014-01-30, 10:28 AM
Abori grins. And then turns towards the pit and sends Aurora a message. You better win, I just put my last coins on you. With that, he sits back to watch the fight.

2014-01-30, 06:29 PM
Lili looked towards the Guards cautiously, carefully slipping loosely in their direction, in case she needed to.... "Influence" their potential actions slightly. With the guards watching a fight like this, it was nigh-certain they'd jump in at some point.

2014-01-30, 11:17 PM
Kobayashi Riko
HP: 35/35
Nonlethal: 5
AC: 18

Watching the fist, Riko twists her head to the side, but dodges directly into the follow-up kick. She hops back again, a faint smirk on her face. "...that kind of hurt..."

"...ASCENSION!" She leaps up and over Xera, her foot sticking out and coming down with a tremendous crash, swirls of flitting amulets surrounding her.

5' step backward.

Full-round: Initiate Ascension Kick. Move through the air and over you, landing on the other side of you. DC 14 Reflex negates the damage.
Damage: [roll0] nonlethal

Swift: Enter stance Boundary - Duplex Damage Bounded Field. All enemies adjacent to me take 3 points of nonlethal damage (Reflex DC 16 negates). This can happen 1/round at most.

2014-01-31, 12:51 AM
HP 25/25; 14 nonlethal
AC 20; 23 vs Riko

Xera’s eyebrow raises in surprise as she watches the elf make an impressive acrobatic leap. She takes a foot to the face and comes up with a bleeding lip. rubbing the blood away with the back of her hand, she says,
"That kinda hurt" and leads in with a side kick aimed at Riko's abdomen.

Reflex saving throw (DC 14)

Reflex saving throw (DC 16)

Spinning around to face enemy, standard melee attack.


2014-01-31, 08:51 AM
Kobayashi Riko
HP: 35/35; 13 nonlethal
AC: 18
Riko gasps as the kick strikes her, stumbling backward. She throws out a pair of amulets behind her and groans. "Tch... it was supposed to!"

Duplex Damage Bounded Field is still active, so if you become adjacent to Riko again, you take 3 damage (Reflex DC 16 negates). Also, isn't your AC supposed to be 23 against Riko? With the stance and Dodge and all?

5' step backward.

Swift: Throw an amulet (Rapid Shot feat).
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: 4
Sense Motive (in case of miss): [roll1]

Standard: Throw an amulet.
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: 4
Sense Motive (in case of miss): [roll3]

2014-01-31, 12:44 PM
"That would be wonderful, thank you." Grothar quickly agrees and after the SP tour he eagerly started looking through the open library for books on the planes that he hadn't read yet.

2014-01-31, 07:03 PM
HP 25/25 17 nonlethal
AC 24; 27 vs riko
With a twist of her body, dodges both of the thrown amulets, she then moves in and throws a double roundhouse kick combo, one at Riko’s side, the other at her head.

Yeah, I forgot to put my AC vs riko. I’ve edited my post.
Eating 3 non lethal for moving close; note to self, find maneuver that grants reach…
Activating zypher dance on riko’s turn, grant me +4 to my AC; putting me at 27, both the attacks and the sense moves miss unless I’m missing something. I would totally switch to pearl of black doubt. But unfortunately, I can’t do an immediate action and a swift action one after the other, wish I had realized that before I picked my maneuvers. Otherwise my crazy defense combo would work.

Five foot step forward (eating the three damage), and flury of blows again:
Attack s

2014-01-31, 07:07 PM
Reda and Aurora and Abori
The Kord worshiper cracked his knuckles and grinned. As he took up a defensive combat posture he beckoned to his two opponents then lunged in, ready for glorious battle!

Initiative: [roll0]
It is unlikely that he will go first here. If he does, then I will post his action in my next response.

Xera and Riko and Lili
The patrons of the tavern whooped and cheered for the fighting pair, while the bartender shook her head and continued working. This would help with business and she would be grateful, if the two didn't go the way of most fighters here and wreck the place more.
Out of the group of out-to-lunch guards that were there watching, 4 cheered with the rest of the tavern while enjoying their meal and a show. One was much gruffer and serious, watching with his hand constantly teetering around his sword. And yet there was no reason to pull it yet. He muttered under his breath. "Adventurers..."

The place was of a fair size, with business areas mostly on the first and second floor, rooms for visitors and lower-ranked members on the lower floor, and rooms on the second and third floors for higher-ranked members of the guild.

Would you like to make a check to research anything here in the library?

2014-01-31, 09:53 PM
Reda grins briefly before rushing between the two others, then turning to strike the other challenger.

Movement with Tumble check to prevent AoO: [roll0] vs. DC 15

Auto-success, in absence of critical mishap rules.

Attack [roll1]

Includes a -4 to deal nonlethal damage. Speaking of:

Rapier damage: [roll2]

Skirmish damage: [roll3]

I didn't see a rule that Skirmish cannot be done nonlethally. If the DM holds that Skirish only works with lethal attacks, ignore that.

2014-01-31, 11:08 PM
I'll do a Knowledge(Nature) for any types of fire oriented fey that I haven't heard of before. [roll0]

2014-01-31, 11:30 PM
Counterattack AoO
Tumble only blocks AoOs from movement, this is in response to your attack with a feat. I take a -4 penalty because you hit me.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Crit Confirm: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Aurora is hit but makes an attack of her own just as Reda makes hers.

Whether the attack hits or not, she grabs her flask, and chugs another gulp before making two drunken slashes with her sword then stumbles backwards a step.

Use potion belt to use Drink Like a Demon as a Swift Action. Confirmed this with Hal before the game started.

2 Alcohol Charges
+2 Attack, Damage, and AC

Attack Roll: [roll3]
Crit Confirm: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Attack Roll: [roll6]
Crit Confirm: [roll7]
Damage: [roll8]

5 foot step backwards.

2014-02-01, 02:24 PM
Reda and Aurora
The other man chuckled and rushed the two. "Good moves, but you are aiming for the wrong target!" He neared the two of them and did a low sweeping kick at Aurora. Nearly simultaneously, quick as a steed in motion, he launched a heavy punch at Reda.

Move to wear they are as a move action with Tumble to prevent AoO: [roll0]

Attempting to trip Aurora, has the Improved Trip feat
Melee Touch Attack: [roll1] does not provoke AoO
Strength Check to trip: [roll2]
Attack on Aurora if trip succeeds: [roll3]
Crit Confirm: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5] nonlethal

Using class feature to make an attack on Reda as an immediate action
Attack Roll: [roll6]
Crit Confirm: [roll7]
Damage: [roll8] nonlethal

The library does have a great many books on various things, though most of its research on the fey is based on the most commonly known fey, or else theoretical. There is a passing mention to a type of fey called a Domovoi that is rarely heard much of. There is also a brief few pages of writing about a type of fey known as the Calientos. But that is all that could be found concerning fire-based fey.

2014-02-01, 04:01 PM
"Yahoo!" Aurora shouts as she jumps over the sweeping kick, making a counterattack of her own.

Attack: [roll0]
Crit Confirm: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2014-02-01, 04:26 PM
"Hmp. If you insist."

Reda shifts around the two again, trying to keep her movements unpredictable, focusing on defense.

Skirmish, Combat expertise 5. AC is now 27.

Tumble: [Not even rolling]

Nonlethal rapier against the monk (Guessing): [roll0]
Confirm critical: [roll1]

Damage: [roll2]
Extra damage if critical: [roll3]
Skirmish damage: [roll4]

2014-02-03, 06:41 PM
Looking completely fresh despite the earlier hit, Aurora twists around, ending up between Reda and the other challenger, and spins, striking both with her sword.

Whirlwind Blitz

Target Reda
Attack: [roll0]
Crit Confirm: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Target Kord Priest
Attack: [roll3]
Crit Confirm: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

These are lethal attacks, but I'll be switching to nonlethal when HP starts getting low.

2014-02-03, 07:02 PM
Reda and Aurora
The worshiper takes a heavy hit across the chest. He collapses in the center of the fighting area, a fair amount of blood spreading from where he lay.

While in the middle of his research, Grothar is approached by a somewhat fidgety little human. "Ex-excuse me good s-sir, but d-do you by any ch-chance know of anyo-one in mercenary work? I b-beg pardon, but you look n-new hear, and I h-have already asked m-muh-many townspeople about it. The need is r-rather urgent, you see." He only then noticed what Grothar was doing and shrieked. "Oh! I-I am s-sorry for interfering in y-y-your reading. Perhaps I sh-should go..."

2014-02-03, 07:20 PM
Kobayashi Riko
HP: 35/35; 13 nonlethal
AC: 18
Dancing backward from the kicks, Riko tosses out two more amulets that curve around, attempting to catch Xera in a pincer.

Reflex DC 16 or take 3 nonlethal damage from Duplex Damage Bounded Field if you enter a square adjacent to Riko.

5' step backward.

Standard: Throw an amulet.
Attack: [roll0]
Sense Motive (in case of miss): [roll1]
Damage: 4

Swift: Throw an amulet.
Attack: [roll2]
Sense Motive (in case of miss): [roll3]
Damage: 4

2014-02-03, 07:22 PM
"Ne ne," Aurora shouts in elven, "can someone take him out of here before he bleeds out?" she says while standing on her hands, apparently not paying attention to Reda in any way.

2014-02-05, 12:21 AM
Don't worry about my reading, this was just to pass the time. Why don't you tell me about your problem, I can't say that I can solve it for you but if I can I would be happy to. I could use some of this country's currency." Grothar smiles and puts his book aside.

2014-02-05, 12:36 AM
Xera Wengor
HP 25 17 nonlethal
AC 16 vs everyone else,19 vs riko
status: rumble in the... bar...

Xera lets out a low growl as she steps forward and dodges the two thrown amulets they clang together and they impact each other.

“I’ve gotta finish this quickly, she’s got me on a string like a kite” she thinks to herself, deciding to go all out, Xera switches up her hands, going from fists to an open palm technique, her fingers spread but curled and her stance becomes wider, more aggressive.

She dashes forward, and thrusts forward with her clawed hand, aiming for Riko’s chest.

Move to melee range

Reflex save

Activating rabid wolf strike, gain +4 to attack roll and +2d6 damage, suffer -4 AC for one round.

2014-02-05, 01:27 AM
Kobayashi Riko
HP: 35/35; 32 nonlethal
AC: 18
The lightning fast blow strikes Riko fully, and she barely has time to react as she staggers backward, eyes widening in pain and surprise. She struggles to focus herself, then leaps back into the air. "That blow almost finished me... I need to end this now."

Hovering for the briefest of moments, the shrine maiden unleashes several multicolored orbs at Xera. They speed forward, swirling and curving toward their target.

Reflex DC 16 or take 3 points of nonlethal damage if you become adjacent to Riko.

5' step backward.

Swift: Throw an amulet.
Attack: [roll0]
Sense Motive (if needed): [roll1]
Damage: 4 nonlethal

Full-round: Initiate Fantasy Orb. Throws a glowing projectile that deals normal damage plus Wis mod, ignoring penalties to attack. Can reroll the attack roll and ricochet to nearby targets (latter is irrelevant).
Attack: [roll2]
Reroll (if needed): [roll3]
Sense Motive (if needed): [roll4]
Damage: 7 nonlethal

2014-02-05, 09:43 PM
Xera Wengor
HP 25; 24 nonlethal
AC 20, 23 vs Riko
status: fighting unconsciousness

Xera dodges the initial amulet, but gets caught full on by the glowing orb. The blow staggers her a bit but she remains on her feet. The world goes blurry as she fights unconsciousness.
“Gotta win this, rep on the line.” She thinks. When things focus a bit better, she moves in throwing another power blow.

If i fail my reflex save, i go down. if i don't then i'm activating Bonecrusher strike, I gain +4d6 damage and If I hit, you make a DC 17 reflex save, if you fail, I get a +10 to confirm a critical hit against you (assuming i crit you that is). Granted if I hit you at all, you go down, unless you have some sort of trick. Either way this goes, I think this fight’s about over.

Reflex save


Extra damage

well that about does, it missed it by one.

as she steps forward, the big woman hits the elf's shield and slumps to the ground in a heap, her fist, inches away from her target.

2014-02-06, 11:35 PM
Ignoring me? Or taunting me? Either way, bold of her...

Reda continues to focus on defensive maneuvers as she attacks the acrobat.

Still Skirmishing, still nonlethal, still Combat Expertise.

Rapier: [roll0]
Confirm Critical: [roll1]

Damage: [roll2]
Extra damage if crit: [roll3]

Skirmish damage: [roll4]

2014-02-06, 11:43 PM
Kobayashi Riko

With a shuddering sigh of relief, Riko stares at the fist for a few seconds. Then, she dismisses the whirling barrier shield around herself with a slight grin on her face. "Heh... I did it..."

"Ah..." She looks to Lili and nods. "Could you help me carry her to our room? Speaking of rooms, could your rent one? And procure some sort of healing for us...?"

2014-02-07, 04:00 AM
Aurora suddenly moves, shifting the balance on her hands and swings her own sword up in a counterattack, getting a minor cut in the process as she transitioned to a standing position.

She then followed up with an overhead strike, aiming for nonvitals even in her inebriated state before jumping backward.

Attack: [roll0]
Crit Confirm: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Standard Attack
Attack: [roll3]
Crit Confirm: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Then a five foot step backwards

EDIT: And I think that's my win, 17 nonlethal -2 from DR +4 from existing nonlethal brings it up to your current HP total.

2014-02-07, 09:58 AM
Nope. AC was 27 from Combat Expertise, neither attack landed.Now I'm thinking we need some excuse to cut this short, or we'll be here for a month.

Reda managed to block two attacks, watching the acrobat move.

"Heh! Good balance you got there. Never seen anyone fight drunk and still be a threat...Love to see what you can do in a real fight. For now, maybe we should stop at next blood. I don't want to be here all day."

Reda keeps pressing, moving side to side to make it hard to fight back.

Still nonlethal, still Skimishing, still Combat Expertise.

AC is 27.

Rapier: [roll0]
Crit confirm: [roll1]

Damage: [roll2]
Crit damage: [roll3]

Skirmish damage: [roll4]

2014-02-07, 12:59 PM
Aurora steps aside, easily dodging the attack, making a counter attack and a two more quick swipes.

You know you just multiply the damage by the critical multiplier right? You don't roll it again.

Attack: [roll0]
Crit Confirm: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Drunken Frenzy
Attack: [roll3]
Crit Confirm: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Drunken Frenzy
Attack: [roll6]
Crit Confirm: [roll7]
Damage: [roll8]

Here's hoping for a critical.

2014-02-07, 03:25 PM
Reda parries all three attacks harmlessly.

"That sounds like no."

She rolls her eyes, continuing the maneuver...

...Right. Yes.

Skirmish, CE, Nonlethal.

AC is now 27.

Rapier: [roll0]
Crit confirm: [roll1]

Damage: [roll2]
Skirmish: [roll3]

2014-02-07, 03:50 PM
The man looked around nervously for a bit then nodded and stepped somewhat closer to Grothar. "Y-yes, problem. Well it c-certainly is one. I am a researcher, and have been re-researching a certain c-creature I discovered outside of t-town, at m-my home. And...well th-they got loose. It is t-terrible!" He exclaimed, then quickly quieted down. "Ap-pologies again sir. But..I h-have no clue wh-what these things may do to my h-h-home. They need to be gotten r-rid of, somehow. I have them l-locked in my basement c-currently, do you th-think you can help?" With that last request he sat down, having wore himself out with his worrying.

Xera, Riko, Lili
A lot of tavern patrons cheered the exciting fight, and then most of them went back to food and chatter. The person managing the bar rolled her eyes a bit and returned to cleaning a few mugs. Meanwhile, the serious guard from before approached them. "Shall I assume you two won't be making any other trouble? At least you didn't break anything here or kill anyone, thank Cuthbert. That one's not dead, is she?" He glanced over at Xera.

Aurora and Reda
It took some time but eventually one of the priests managed to get down and grab the other fighter, and healed his wound shut. The others kept watched this continuing struggle and cheered the two on, while the tough brawler looked down into the ring, dazed and upset.

2014-02-07, 04:10 PM
"But this is fun," Aurora moaned childishly as she swayed just out of range of the sword attack, "and Abori would be disappointed if I lost," she continues, then a lightbulb goes off, she reaches into her pack and pulls out round ceramic pot sealed with some kind of putty and haphazard metal strips, "This should finish it!"

Use Junkheap to pull a Tanglefoot Bomb (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=212714)

Note: I can target the square Reda is standing on to use this thing, which is AC 5. This is quite literally my game stopping move against a single opponent.

2014-02-07, 05:29 PM
Grothar looks around his area and grabs an inkwell, pen, and paper that were provided for those using the library. With that he dipped the pen and began writing. Before I agree I have some questions. These creatures, how many of them are there? What are their characteristics? How do they fight? Do you know of any particular weaknesses? How big are they? Do you want them dead or just subdued? What can you offer as payment?

2014-02-07, 08:32 PM
Lili sighed, walking up towards Riko. "Good job, I guess? Still not sure what the point of that was..."

2014-02-07, 11:01 PM
Let's do something interesting, then.

Reda glance at the jar, bemused.

"Hey, why not share?"

Skirmish, Combat Expertise, AC 27.

Not nonlethal, because I'm not aiming for Abori...

Rapier attack to jar: [roll0]
I doubt crits really apply to something like this. Roll it anyway. [roll1]

Damage: [roll2]
As with crits, Skirmish probably does apply, but why not? [roll3]

2014-02-08, 12:00 AM
Aurora pulls back, grins and throws the grenade right at Reda's feet, where it explodes into a sticky mess of pale green strands, "tanglefoot bombs are fun," Aurora says right after the bomb goes off.

Attack: [roll0] if this turns up an 8, you get a DC 16 Reflex save to avoid being caught.

2014-02-08, 02:59 PM
Kobayashi Riko

Riko gives Lili a faint smile, still a bit unsteady on her feet. "Does there need to be a point? She offered a challenge, and I accepted."

"And no, she's not dead. Merely unconscious." She nods to the guard.

2014-02-09, 12:20 AM
Reda pulls at the strands experimentally.

"...I don't share that viewpoint.

Anyway, this stuff is binding enough that you could probably win before I could get clear. Can you melt it?"

2014-02-09, 12:42 AM

"... I guess not. But then, unneeded fighting isn't my thing so much - you know that."

Lili sighed, stretching one arm over her head. "Anyways. We still need to figure out what's next after this. There's a lot of potentially profitable rumors to track, after all."

2014-02-09, 12:44 AM
"Um, I think a bit of weak acid or fire would loosen it up enough to get you out of there, let me see if I have anything," Aurora says before going through her pack, and sticking her arm in way too far for it to be a normal bag, "Hm, nothing..." she says then looks up at the spectators to see if there are any priests about, "anyone have any vinegar or something? Would help dissolve this stuff."

2014-02-10, 09:49 PM
Kobayashi Riko

"Yes, we should." Riko nods and gestures at the unconscious body of Xera. "We should deal with her first though. Help me move her to a room."

She crouches down and places a hand under Xera, glancing up at Lili to see if she would help. "As for the topic of rumors, there are always those two jobs we saw earlier..."

2014-02-11, 09:30 PM

"True enough," Lili stated, moving to help Riko do so. "Both sound like they could be at least decent money."

2014-02-12, 04:05 PM
Reda and Aurora
There was some murmuring conversation after the fight, then one of the priests came forward. "Indeed, we keep a bit around for cooking. How much is needed to loosen the bonds?"

The bet-taker nodded and started giving out coin to the winning betters. He went to Abori next. "So, how much coin did you put on the drunken one again? So many bets placed. Your payout is triple." He had a head for some details at least is seemed.

Xera, Lili, and Riko
The guard leader looked somewhat put out and only getting that little response from Riko. "Very well then." With a curt bow of his head he returned to the rest of the guards, most of whom then left the tavern.

The man nodded, expecting a few questons, and folded his hands. "W-well let's see...there are 6 in there that I had captured, until 2 broke out, by now there are all likely free of their confines. They are about the height of the average elf, covered in dirt and moss. N-Not as in th-they are dirty, literally m-made of dirt and moss it s-seems. With elongated h-heads. I h-had only just begun m-my studying of them, s-s-so I do not know much to t-tell you. They are able to ch-change their colors to hide, and sp-spit small but th-thick bit of wood, that is how the f-first two escaped the cages. I w-would prefer them captured or unc-concious, but if they m-must be slain so be it. I will offer t-twenty five dinalla (coin in this kingdom, equivalent to 5 of the standard gold coins) for each o-one slain, and fifty d-dinalla for captured ones. Oh, I c-can also offer discounts on the scrolls I p-produce. Is th-there any m-more I can answer?" Though just the talking so far seems to be making him more and more nervous.

2014-02-12, 07:31 PM
"I put 100 gold crowns down on her. I'm not foolish enough to bet against her." Abori says, glibly lying to mans face. The odds of him seeing through the ruse was minimal at best. He grins down at the pit. He knew she was good in a fight, but not so resourceful. That was something to worry about in the future, if she turned on him. But that was the future.

Bluff: [roll0]

2014-02-12, 10:26 PM
"Um, I think we'd just need enough to coat what's on her, it'll weaken it enough for her to break out of it easily, so maybe a quart or half a gallon," Aurora says, already knocking off her buzz so she could think more clearly, which was evident in her speech pattern taking on a more mature tone, "standard white vinegar would do, but if you use that bring a rag, I don't think she'd appreciate having that dumped on her, it tends to smell pretty bad."

2014-02-12, 10:40 PM
"No, no, dumping is fine. Just get the stuff off, already..."

Reda pauses a moment before realizing how that probably sounded.


2014-02-12, 11:26 PM
Grothar nodded as he took notes. Your terms are agreeable, lead the way. While we're walking you should tell me about the room you have them trapped in; are the contents valuable? What are the walls and floor made of? How big is it and what shape? How will I be entering and are there any other ways in or out?

Knowledge(Nature) to see if the description rings any bells [roll0]

2014-02-13, 12:20 AM
"Better bring a jug then, it'll be easier to get her out with that," Aurora says, no longer sounding drunk or childish in any way. She turns to Reda, "might still be a good idea to get cleaned up after this, the stuff stinks like Baator and it's very hard to get the smell out of your hair once it's set in. If it's anything like ale it'll make you easy to track for a month."

2014-02-19, 03:30 AM
The man sorta stared hard at Abori for awhile then grudgingly counted out his coins and handed them to him. "Well, then you betted wisely. Good day." He walked off after that, put out somewhat.

Reda and Aurora
The priest looked somewhat off at being commanded but decided helping was just the best thing to do. He walked off and returned shortly with a jug full of vinegar which they applied to Reda and all the tanglefoot substance.

The man got up weakly and proceeded to walk slowly from the building with Grothar following. "Hmm w-well let's s-see...yes th-there are a number of v-valuable items in th-there, so do b-be careful, though th-they may have br-broken things, in which c-case I shall not b-blame you. The basement is t-twenty by fifteen f-feet in size, stone w-walls and floor but w-wooden ceiling unfortunately. Th-there is only the one door f-from the kitchen into th-there unless you have magic, th-though it is teleport p-proofed." As they spoke he continued with Grothar down the street.

2014-02-19, 11:44 AM
"Is the door at the top of the stairs or the bottom? How is the lighting?" Grothar asked his last questions then began discussing his plan with his familiar.

2014-02-19, 12:05 PM
Aurora tests the strands, and snaps one with a gentle tug, "alright, you can just walk out now."

2014-02-19, 06:24 PM
"Yes, thanks.

That was an...interesting fight. I've not fought anyone who fought that effectively while drunk. Is it a trick you learned or a talent?"

2014-02-19, 10:17 PM
"First time I got drunk in my life I sent someone through a window for groping me," Aurora responds rubbing her head, "I only had minimal combat training before that actually. Most of my time went to things like that tanglefoot bomb, that's one of the strongest ones I can make without putting any magic into it."

2014-02-25, 02:14 AM
Riko (presumably with the help of Lili) carries Xera up to a small room in the inn, laying her down on the bed. "Mm... perhaps we should wait for her to wake? I would feel a little guilty if we were to just leave her here..."

2014-02-25, 03:57 PM
"Pleasure doing business with ya." Abori half bows to the man. Not the sharpest sword, but an honest one at least. Good thing that Aurora won that or he'd be completely copperless. He keeps an eye on her, but keeps in the background while she talks to her opponent.

2014-02-25, 04:37 PM
The man thought a bit more, at this point rather flustered from all the questions. Sure it was part of the job but the man here was definitely of the shy sort. "I-I think...y-yes, bottom of the st-stairs. As in, th-the door in the c-center room has stairs l-leading down to it, th-then the d-door is on the s-same l-l-level as the fl-floor of the basement. And th-there are lanterns on th-the ceilng, l-lighting the chamber. Th-the glass is sturdy, s-so as long as they are n-not directly attacked, th-th-they will not break." By now they were outside the house, so he took a seat in a chair out front, trying to control his breathing.

The man grumbled a bit at Jacior's good fortune, and walked away after that.

Aurora and Reda
A few people offered up hands and staffs to help the two climb up out of the fighting pit. Quite a few people were excited by how the proceedings went.

Riko, Lili, Xera
Sorry, but until you all decide on some action or another, I got no clue what to do here with you 3 other than a random out of the blue ninja attack. :smalltongue: Somehow doesn't seem fitting here.

2014-02-25, 05:46 PM
Wonderful, you stay here and I'll take care of everything.

Grothar made sure that See the Unseen and Entropic Warding then cast Mage Armor and Shield on himself and his familiar(share spell) before entering the building. From his pack he drew two flasks of oil and a Tanglefoot bag, giving one flask and the bag to his familiar as it took to the air.

He snuck down the stairs as quietly as he could (I'm hoping for a surprise round).

On the next turn(the surprise round?) he opened to door(move action), immediately followed by a casting of [i]Slow[i] on five of them(standard). His familiar flew through the doorway(move) dropping the flask of oil just inside the door(free) and lobbing the tanglefoot bag at the one that wasn't targeted(standard).

Grothar AC: 21 with a 20% miss chance for ranged attacks.
Familiar AC: 25
Move Silently [roll0]
Slow DC: 20
Tanglefoot attack roll VS touch AC: [roll1]
Initiative: [roll2]

2014-02-25, 11:57 PM
Reda grins.

"I'm kind of the opposite. I learned to fight, first...learned some interesting things later."

She ignores the offered hands and runs up the wall.

"So, I've had a good warm up. I'm going to hit the job board. You?"

Blade Talent: Spidercat's Grace
Can stand on walls and ceilings without penalty.

Just to be clear that wallrunning is an explicit ability of hers.

2014-02-26, 01:24 AM
Aurora climbs up, "I think I'll join you after we get healed up, just give me a sec," she says, then looks around for the hard-to-notice assassin, "Abori, we're heading to the job boards, meet us over there!" she calls out.

2014-02-26, 08:49 PM
"I'm not sure we should bother," Lili continued. "If she's going to be fine, there's not much point sticking around, in my book. We should go."

2014-02-26, 09:42 PM
Riko hesitates for a moment, then nods. "Ah, if you say so..."

She gives Lili a ghost of a smile, then turns to leave. "And in that case, we should get going, yes?" Opening the door again, she heads outside, walking to the Craftshall.

2014-03-02, 04:02 PM
Abori shrugs as he pockets the money. "Today is a good day." He grins to himself as he slips the coins into his pouch. He stretches and then slinks through the crowd towards the job board.

2014-04-02, 08:17 PM
The 5 sprite-like creatures moved in alarm at the sudden entry and assault. 3 had been slowed by the spell, but 2 were able to resist and not happy to be targeted by magic. But Grothar and his familiar had acted fast, too fast for the creatures to do much.

Alright 3 are slowed, one is tangled, and that was the surprise round and you won initiative. You act again, and tell me in the OOC if you have any questions.

Reda, Aurora, and Abori
The hall was full of excitable people as they left. A small group stopped them as they left the temple, mostly a few energetic women but also a couple guys with them. They spoke eagerly to Reda and Aurora, gushing about their combat skill and asking for tips as well as offering congratulatory handshakes. The job board was still where it was, in the town market area, no different from earlier.

Act out this bit of rp however you wish, then you can all discuss the jobs on the board. They should be on the first page of the thread, and I don't feel up to rewriting the details.

Lili and Riko
The Craftshall was a rather tall building that looked nearly like a large shell and boasted a very unique sort of architecture compared to most of the city, with tall and oddly-shaped windows, ornate doors and carvings along any portion of wall that didn't have some sort of painting. While not many people were outside the building, the inside bustled with activity. People walked all around, discussing ideas for new crafts, inventions, and art forms.

2014-04-02, 09:05 PM
Aurora doesn't have much to give in the way of pointers, most of her combat abilities were instinct mixed with crafting skills.

2014-04-03, 01:40 AM
Round 1: Raven flies to Grothar (Move), Grothar casts sudden extend Kelgore's gravemist(standard) Raven closes door (move) Grothar moves back up the stairs(move) and drops oil in the space in front of the door(free).