View Full Version : Mental Ability Penalties.

2013-12-12, 09:33 PM
One of my games was really being messed up by us, the party.

We initiated a war between two countries, that was actually part of our stupid evil alignment, our DM was so angry, that he had to finish the session. Anyway, the GM said that some of our future actions may influence our mental ability scores, because of the desicions we were taking. A party member of ours, with a score of 20+ got reduced by 1 because of logic fails on his desicions.

So, maybe, just maybe, our characters may be doing stupid stuff with no apparent reason, however, our ability score should be enough (either wis or int) to reason logicaly and not do ''that'' kind of things.

What do you think? Int penalty until you realize what you just done, and figure out how do your character realizes the mistake with no metagame~~

2013-12-12, 09:38 PM
Are you guys bored with the story the DM has come up with? If so, it might be a good idea to talk with him about it and see what you can do to make it better rather than set everything on fire and run.