View Full Version : Stormreach Harbor (IC): Clan 2

2013-12-12, 11:43 PM
Stormreach Harbor Adventurer's Hall, 18th day of Silversun, 10:30 am.

Registering for your mission is as simple as tearing the notice down and turning it in to the quartermaster (an elderly, but spry gnome perched on a tall stool behind the counter). He jots down your names and gives you the address of the Grayhollow embassy.

"Hmmm, caravan guarding, eh? We see these writs come up enough that I'd say they were routine, if not for the fact that these jobs never seem to go smoothly. Sir Eldridge'll be expecting you by the embassy at one o'clock. You've got the rest of the morning free till then."

Grayhollow is a neighboring kingdom, primarily occupied by humans. It's on good terms with the free city of Stormreach Harbor, but occasionally gets into some political spat or another with some of its neighbors.

2013-12-12, 11:58 PM
"It won't be a problem, I'm sure, we're quite capable of something this simple," Bensvelkilti claims as he memorizes the address of the place, before turning to the others in their newfound clan, "If you ask me, which I suppose nobody has yet, but if one did, I'd suggest we head there early, ask around a bit about previous jobs in the area so we know what to prepare for, and perhaps scout ahead a little," he suggests.

Intelligence check, since the DC is only 10: [roll0]

2013-12-13, 02:19 AM
Fei Yen

The blackhaired woman looks at the one who spoke. Bensvelkilti. She nods a little in agreement, thinking she has got to find a nickname for him. Ben, maybe. Bens. Benji. She looks at the others, trying to remember their names. It was certainly a diverse group. She grins, suddenly, then says:"I wonder what precious cargo we'll be protecting..."

(Local knowledge: [roll0]

2013-12-13, 03:03 AM

"Gems, maybe!" The eyes of the bald gnome shine with some emotion...greed perhaps? "Maybe they can even pay us in gems. But gold would be fine as well." He has a look at the note: "This embassy is somewhere downtown, I guess, or?"

2013-12-13, 03:25 AM

Kevril yawns and stretches as he stands from his seat at a nearby table. Tired from a night spent more at the forge than in bed. "Whatever it is they are hauling you can bet we won't get paid even a fraction of what it is worth." He grins at them and nods towards the front door, "Of course, they won't pay us at all if we don't get to work. We might also be able to satisfy that curiosity of yours before we leave town."

2013-12-13, 11:14 AM

"Gems, maybe!" The eyes of the bald gnome shine with some emotion...greed perhaps? "Maybe they can even pay us in gems. But gold would be fine as well." He has a look at the note: "This embassy is somewhere downtown, I guess, or?"

Overhearing your question, the gnome replies to you, "Yes, you should be able to make your way to the clocktower easily enough as it's visible from most places in town. Once you reach the square in front of it, take the west road and you'll reach it if you head far enough down."

2013-12-13, 11:36 AM
Fei Yen

Fei Yen nods to the gnome. "Thanks. I'm sure we'll find it." Turning to her spanking new clanmates, she suggests:"We could stop by the market first, if anyone needs to stock up on anything. Weapons, ammunition, food…" She looks at their tiny dragon, adding: "Livestock…"

2013-12-13, 06:51 PM

Pirka gives the Gnome a friendly nod, acknowledging his assistance. "I am fine, I think. I assume the caravan leaders will provide food for us. What about we hit an inn...have a few beers...eat some, and get to know each other, eh? I for one would like to hear about your stories."

2013-12-13, 08:03 PM
"I don't particularly need anything. The inn could work, though I still say we'll want to be early," Bensvekilti muses, "And I'd be more than happy to tell a story or two, but I'm not exactly the master of oratory."

2013-12-14, 03:38 AM
Fei Yen

"Allright, an Inn sounds fine. I could do with a meal before heading out to live on trail rations. Let's find one near the embassy, so that we won't be late." Fei Yen grabs her gear and waits for the others before heading out of the assembly hall.

2013-12-14, 05:56 AM

"I think I know a good one, follow me." The gnome also picks up his backpack and waits for the others to join him and Fei Yen.

Let's see if I know the best inn around that part of town. It needs to have good sleeping facilities, good food and drink, good atmosphere and perhaps some tables to play dice.

Knowledge (local)
[roll0] [roll1] +9 = 11

EDIT: Ok, this is so sad, it is kind of funny.

2013-12-14, 07:01 AM
"Hehehe. Let's at least try to not show up for work completely pickled only an hour after noon shall we?" Kevril chuckles as he follows along.

2013-12-14, 12:47 PM
Pirka points your group towards a nice half-elf run establishment on the way to the embassy that came highly recommended by a bard he'd met a few weeks ago.

It's a bright summer's day with only a few clouds lazily drifting by. Still summer, it would probably be uncomfortably hot if not for the chilled breeze coming in off the water. Soon enough you find yourselves at "The Lucky Limerick", a somewhat popular inn and restaurant. It's quiet enough to enjoy some conversation while you eat, though you do notice some of the patrons taking up a spot on the small stage on the back wall and reciting limericks, some amusing affairs that bring uproarious bouts of laughter, others fall a little flat.

It's only when you inquire about it, that your waitress informs you that in addition to coin, the price of a meal includes the delivery of one limerick by every patron who dines there...

Love those natural 1's

2013-12-14, 01:06 PM
Fei Yen

Fei Yen gives Pirka a stare. "Wonderful….How's that for local color…" She turns to the waitress. "Each one, or just one per group?" Shrugging a little, she gets up, having already finished eating. "No matter. I got one." She walks up to the small stage, and steps onto it, then turns to look at all the patrons. Then she smirks, and recites in a clear voice that's used to carry across a ship:

I once met a sailor in port
whose legs were surprisingly short
we tried for a dance
but he hadn't a chance
I said: Boy, you're too small to cavort...

The mischievous glint in her eye gives the verse a double meaning that she's fully aware of.

2013-12-14, 04:49 PM

Pirka grins. "Lovely, eh?" His mind races while he appreciates Fei Yens swift thinking. He applauds her when she is done and then climbs the stage.

"I once met a soldier for hire
But no weapons were in his attire!
But he was dragon,
So what do you reckon?
He roasted his quarry with fire!"

With a grin and a bow he leaves the stage. "One of the things I love about this place."


EDIT: You have GOT to be kidding me...is it going to be one of those characters? :smallbiggrin:

2013-12-14, 06:22 PM

"Interesting place..." he muses, raising a brow as it's explained what that additional requirement is.

Chuckling a bit, he shrugs and moves up to the stage, thinking a moment before delivering one.

"There once was a town with a gate
That a dire wolf charged at real late.
A hero charged out
But they then heard a shout
When it turned out it wanted to mate."

Grinning as he comes back to the group, he then orders something to eat and drink, not seeming too worried about all of this, "Interesting choice, at any rate."

Sense Motive: [roll0]

2013-12-14, 10:29 PM
The patrons clap at each of your Limericks, and Ben's elicit's more than a few snickers. The food and drink are all adequate; nothing amazing as it seems most patrons come for the humor, but nothing cooked poorly either. As you dine, you do catch a few expectant glances cast in Kevril's direction.

and Lyrese's as well, but if she doesn't make it we'll move forward on the assumption that she had a few errands to run in the city and will catch up to you at the embassy

2013-12-14, 11:17 PM
Kevril sighs and walks over to the stage. "This is a children's story my mam told me when I was little."

"Who is that who stands on the hill?
Gorgnak one-eye ready to kill!
Listen to the screams of the village town,
As Gorgnak comes forth to mow them down!
Gore covered axe, dripping with blood,
Watch the horde charge forth like a flood!
His axe severs the head of the short and tall,
as Gorgnak one-eye conquers them all!"

As Kevril exits the stage he raises an eyebrow at the strange looks he gets from the crowd. When he rejoins the group at their table he says, "It's like they have never heard an orcish children's tale before."

2013-12-15, 07:06 AM

Pirka smiles at Kevril. "Well, maybe they just don't understand Orcish. I for one don't speak Orcish. What was the poem about?"

2013-12-15, 11:32 AM
"I don't know some orc my mam wouldn't stop telling me stories of. I know his name was Grognak One-Eye, and he was some sort of orc war chief, but then again their isn't an orc leader who isn't a war chief so..." Kevril shrugs glad to have that lyrical nonsense settled so he can get back to his meal. The meal is a little bit frilly for his tastes (what else could he expect from a place that serves you by the song?) but he supposes it will sit light enough in his stomach that it won't slow him down in a fight.

2013-12-16, 11:30 AM
Fei Yen

Fei applauds those reciting, then looks to the elf woman in their clan. "One to go..."

2013-12-17, 12:02 AM
The clocktower strikes noon. With Lyrese still missing, your group decides to carry on towards the embassy lest you be late and hope that she will catch up to you later. After squaring up your bill, you head on your way.

The embassy is about what you'd expect... fanciful stone and ironwork, lots of crests and insignias, guards who appear to be taking their duties very seriously, and so on.

You inquire with the guards if they've heard of similar caravan journies, and though polite, the best they can offer to any topical questions is a lot of "You'd have to speak with the ambassador about that"

1 pm rolls around soon enough, and the Ambassador comes downstairs to greet you. He's a short, squat man dressed in noble's attire, with a long, well-waxed, handlebar mustache. "Ah yes, very good very good! Please, step inside and we'll discuss matters further"

He ushers you upstairs and into a meeting room, offering you chairs around a large, finely polished wooden table. The chairs are plush, and paintings hang on the stone walls. He shoos the guards out of the room, and shuts the door behind them, offering a glass of wine to each of you as he speaks hastily.

"Impeccable timing, my good folks. We need to take care of this matter soon and I was beginning to worry no adventurers would find themselves up to the task. I am Sir Eldridge of Grayhollow, and I will hasten myself to the point. I think in most cases, caravan guards exist to ward off attack and protect valuable property while in transit. You folks will, if you accept, be doing the opposite.

You see, we have a refugee that we need to relocate. Word has come back to us that our plans are known, and all routes out of the city are being watched. What we would like to do... er... what we would like you to do... is travel incognito, disguised as our refugee. We will provide you with the carriage and the steeds, and would disguise one of your party to appear as our traveller. The rest of you would ride alongside the carriage as it travels. The goal would be to be inconspicuously conspicuous... covertly overt as it were... do a poor enough job being secretive that our enemies can see you, but good enough a job that they won't suspect you immediately of being a fraud.

It done properly, it's very likely that you will be attacked on your journey and will need to fend for yourselves, but as you clear the roads of these would be attackers, our real caravan can travel safely 1 day behind you until all of you reach Blackrock Keep. We would pay handsomely in coin for the trouble, and you of course may legitimately lay claim to any equipment these brigands try to use against you."

2013-12-17, 01:31 AM
Refusing the chair but taking the glass of wine Kevril listens to the man's speech.

"So instead of guarding you want us to pull off a bait and switch? Hehehe. That sounds a whole lot more fun then just sitting around listening to a fat merchant drone on about his wares." Kevril scratches at his chin for a while thinking that he likes this job a whole lot better. Plus the near certainty of loot and hazard pay. "My name's Kevril by the way. I will let the others introduce themselves, but what I am curious about is just who is so valuable that someone would order possibly multiple attacks to get them? Or is that information on a 'Need to know' basis and you think we don't need to know?"

2013-12-17, 02:21 AM
Fei Yen

Fei nods. "I am Fei Yen. Who amongst us is most like your refugee in stature and build? If we're to be mistaken for him, we should look the part. You have quite a few sizes to choose from here." She gestures to the rest of the group, smiling. "There's also a rather skinny elf woman, but she's not here yet."

2013-12-17, 02:59 AM

"Greetings sir, my name is Pirka." He nods as the others speak, and then adds: "Well, for sure it is important for us to know who we are and who we are pretending to hide from...if only because of a contingency plan should our attackers do something else than simply attack. They might capture one of us. The ruse must hold for one or two days, would you not agree?" He smiles a broad smile at the ambassador, hoping to get some more information.


2013-12-17, 03:15 AM
Lyrese was late, she had enjoyed last night a little too much and found it hard to leave this morning. She enters silently just after the others do, just before the door is closed. She tries to be inconspicuous, and from the words of the others she seems to have done decently. "I think that I am that elf, although I'm not skinny, maybe thin, but definately not skinny."

2013-12-17, 03:30 AM
Bensvelkilti listens carefully to the Ambassador, tilting his head a bit at the somewhat unexpected twist they're being offered. But the others already seemed to have asked most of the important questions. Whatever the case, he does glance back to the elf when she finally joins them, offering a friendly smile before turning to the ambassador himself.

"So long as we're paid well, sounds like an exciting opportunity, though I must mirror my companions' concern about who this individual is and why we're certain an attack is the expected response," he mentions.

By the way, forgot to mention, my Blood Quickening for the day is Astilabor, gives me Eschew Materials and a +3 to Appraise

2013-12-17, 05:06 AM
Fei Yen

Fei turns to look at Lyrese as she speaks up, then half smiles. "It's all a matter of point of view, I guess." She looks back at the Ambassador, awaiting his responses to their questions.

2013-12-18, 08:59 PM
Sir Eldridge is happy to respond to each of your questions in turn.

To Kevril: "One of you will be impersonating Lady Morganna of the Emerald Isles. I'm afraid it's not her person that's invited misfortune, but rather her upcoming marriage. Our intelligence suggests that some of Grayhollow's enemies seek to way lay her en route and hold her for ransom."

To Fei Yen: "A woman would have the easiest time passing, but not strictly required as we have individuals here familiar with her appearance who will assist you with preparing an accurate disguise."

To Pirka: Anyone who had opportunity to study her mannerisms probably would have tried to take her closer to home. I doubt you'll have much trouble convincing these ruffians as long as you don't do anything too out of character. I would introduce you to her, but for her own safety we're secreted her away for now."

2013-12-19, 02:19 AM
Fei Yen

Fei Yen looks at the others. "Perhaps two of us should impersonate the lady. That way potential kidnappers will think we're trying to fool them, but that the ruse is that there's two Morgannas. And if they manage to take both, the fake won't be alone."

2013-12-19, 03:00 AM

Pirka nods friendlily at the ambassador in acknowledgement of his openness. He remains silent when Fei Yen makes her suggestion, waiting for the ambassador to respond. In the meanwhile, his mind races.

I'd like to make a knowledge check (local/nobility&royalty/history...all three are at +9) to see if this story makes sense. Does such a lady exist, are these types of bethrotals common and/ or are feuds concenring them, etc?

[roll0] [roll1] +9 = 20

2013-12-19, 03:54 AM

Listening to Fei Yen's plan, Kevril scratches his skull. "Seems needlessly complicated to me, but what do I know. I liked the plan where we lured them into attacking and took them down. We would be in trouble if we were caught instead of clearing the road wouldn't we? Once the Lady gets to her destination safely they will have failed and give up, right?" Kevril shrugs and helps himself to another glass of wine, it was alright, but he would have preferred something a little less fruity. The ambassador seems to know his business. They were just hired muscle, talented muscle perhaps, but muscle nonetheless. If the ambassador has a plan it would probably work as well as anything they could think of.

2013-12-19, 04:18 AM

"I could try to play the lady, but I fear that my appearance will not fool any attacker. Although, it could be possible to remain partly obscured while travelling."

2013-12-19, 04:21 AM

"I'm not sure the double trick is necesarry. It might actually be more trouble than it's worth," he mentions, shaking his head a bit.

2013-12-19, 05:15 AM
Fei Yen

Fei shrugs. "Just an idea. I can dress up fancy to, but knowing what the lady looks like would be helpful."

2013-12-21, 11:37 AM
Pirka gives matters some thought.

The story seems reasonable enough. The Emerald Isles are a real place, though the lady isn't someone so notable for you to have heard of her. Marriages like this are commonplace among nobility, and ransoms are one of many ways that feuding countries war with eachother politically.

Sir Eldridge studies the two women who volunteered, his hand to his chin. Finally he nods his head at Fei Yen "Though either of you could fill the role fine, you are probably a little closer to her build." He opens the door, and a handmaiden enters the room. On the ambassador's instruction, she escorts you deeper into the embassy "If you'll follow me, miss."

You're ushered into a small room where three handmaidens dote over you. First, and most unfortunately, they help you out of your studded leather and into an elaborate grown (medium armor, +1 AC, +3 Max Dex, -5 armor check penalty, -8 stealth penalty). After taking care of some accessories, they bring out a small kit of makeup and putty, applying it to fill out your cheeks, conceal some small scars, re-shape your nose and so forth. After tucking your hair beneath a wig of silky red hair, they open a chest and withdraw a man's tophat and a portrait of a young noblewoman seated by a fountain.

One of the handmaidens places the tophat on your head, "This might seem strange, but that hat (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#hatofDisguise) is magical. Please concentrate on trying to look like this woman here". After they hold up a mirror next to the portrait, you do as they ask, and your features seem to magically re-shape themselves to match those of the woman in the portrait. The tophat reshapes itself to the form of a silken hair ribbon. When you touch your cheek you can still feel the putty there, but to the naked eye your disguise looks flawless.

About thirty minutes after Fei Yen left, there's a knock on the door, and a redheaded noble woman enters, smiling coyly...

2013-12-23, 07:26 AM
"Hello," the noble woman says. "Are you my escort?"

2013-12-25, 06:12 AM

Pirka peers at the noble woman with his keen dragon senses and produces a broad smile. That is a good job, would've fooled me. He bows elegantly: "Why yes, milady. And you must be Lady Morganna. It is such a pleasure to escort you on your travels." He grins as he looks around the room. Pretending, make-believe and theatre are right up his alley, and the Gnome obviously looks forward to the job.

2013-12-29, 10:33 AM
Fei Yen

The noble woman inclines her head slightly at Pirka, the corners of her mouth curling upwards. "Wonderful. When do we leave?"

2014-01-05, 12:46 PM
Sir Eldridge clears his throat. "As you can see (he gestures towards Fei Yen) we have some talent with disguises. We have some stores of basic supplies on hand here, like rations, arrows, and so forth if there is anything you wish to acquire before setting forth, but otherwise we have the carriage prepared and ready to depart as soon as you are. The chocobos have driven the route several times and shouldn't need much guidance to reach your destination. Unless you have any other questions, I'll take you to it."

2014-01-05, 03:16 PM

After taking enough rations for the trip there and back, Kevril follows Eldridge to the carriage. There he marvels at the Chocobos until it is time to leave. Look at the size of those drumsticks!

2014-01-05, 04:26 PM

"A few days of rations can't hurt, I guess. Otherwise I am fine, I believe." He smiles a broad smile in anticipation of the adventure. "Ready when you are."

2014-01-05, 04:45 PM
Fei Yen

Fei Yen also stocks up on rations before leaving. She climbs easily into the carriage, mentally preparing for her role.

2014-01-05, 10:47 PM

The spellscale grins a bit, looking the disguise over, "Definitely impressive," he agrees, shaking his head regarding the need for any supplies, "I've got everything I need, I believe," he muses, following the others to the carriage.

2014-01-06, 05:20 AM
Lyrese goes ahead of the carriage, looking for the certain traps on the way, so they can be prepared when the attack comes.

2014-01-09, 09:24 AM
The carriage is a large, ornate affair, drawn by four well groomed chocobos. It looks like it could hold two medium sized creatures comfortably on the inside, and there are two additional seats outside on the top front where a driver could sit, and a bench at the rear bottom for yet two more. It's not required that everyone sit on the carriage itself, but there is sufficient room so that if no one has their own transport that all may ride on the carriage itself.

Eager for adventure, and perhaps a bit of action, you head on your way...

Sorry for the delay, work got a little crazy. Please let me know how you'd like to arrange yourselves (who will be travelling on/in the carriage and who will be off of it), and what other precautions you'll be taking if any on the journey

2014-01-09, 10:41 AM
Bensvelkilti will sit on the top, near the driver, so he has a good view of everything and can utilize his magic as best as possible if anything makes itself known.

2014-01-09, 10:58 AM
Fei Yen sits in the carriage, not surprisingly. She has her weapons within reach, although not strapped to her back like before.

2014-01-10, 02:55 PM

Pirka adresses the noble lady with all the regards necessary: "Does milady fancy privacy in the carriage, or would she appreciate the company of a man such as myself to guard her and entertain her with a good conversation?" Of course it is not necessary right now to act like this, but it seems the Gnome really enjoys the theatre.

2014-01-10, 04:33 PM
Fei Yen

Fei Yen, looking very much the part of Lady Morganna, smiles at Pirka. "How about taking turns riding in the carriage and riding outside? The more eyes on the surroundings, the better."

2014-01-20, 05:13 PM
With their carriage prepared, the group moves onwards.

Fei Yen and Pirka both enjoy the comfort of the carriage interior. The seat cushions are plush and do much to take the sting out of bumps in the road. The carriage doors are made of sturdy wood, and the windows can be shuttered if needed.

Ben and Kevril both ride at the carriage front. Neither knows too much about handling chocobos, but fortunately the roads, as promised, are well travelled and the birds require little instruction to follow it.

Lyrese moves a fair distance ahead of the carriage on foot, her lithe elven legs carrying her along at a similar pace to what the carriage maintains.

The first two days journey pass fairly uneventfully. The weather is calm, the roads well maintained, and passersby friendly. On the third day, as the carriage makes its way towards a section of road where forested hills rise from both sides, Lyrese spots some movement in the overgrowth.

Peering into the woods, she can make out some humanoid shapes skulking around a large tree. Ropes are tied to the lower limbs and the trunk has been cut, as though prepared to be brought down across the road. Those in the carriage are still unaware as the chocobos merrily pull it further up the road.

Lyrese is about 300 feet in front of the carriage and is the only one that currently sees the figures in the trees. The carriage is double moving at 80 feet per round (currently 300 feet back from her current position).

2014-01-21, 03:52 AM
Lyrese sees the shapes in the woods and for a moment she thinks about what to do. An encounter such as this can lead to a deadly fight if she doesn't warn her companions, but she can't expose herself to their attacks by shouting. Then she thinks back to the ancient elven warning. She takes one of her blunted arrows, to make sure that she won't harm anyone, and turns towards the carriage. She doesn't have the time to write a warning, but this should put them on alert. From the bush where she is hiding she lines up her shot, they should hear the impact against the carriage. Then she looses the arrow.

Basically I am launching a blunt arrow against the carriage, which is an inanimate object(-2 ac, probably very low dex). I don't try to do damage, so basically it will be a touch attack. I take an action to line up the shot which gives +5 to hit, but due to range I suffer another -4.

[roll0] vs very, very low ac

2014-01-21, 05:07 PM

During the trip, Bensvelkilti would change up his meditation, sticking to an invocation of Bahamut, (badly) sketching out the various metallic dragons on whatever's available and placing them in an order that seems to have some significance to him, his scales swelling a bit with energy to help him work against evil entities they might encounter. Granted, whomever they face might not be evil but it seems like the best option.

"When he casts a spell, he can choose any creature targeted by or within the area of that spell. If the selected creature is evil, the spell deals 2d6 points of damage to it in addition to the spell’s normal effects." (3 per day)

When the arrow hits the carriage, he suddenly turns, looking to it. Since it's not immediately followed by a hail of other ones, he figures it's either their scout or a warning shot from the enemy. Either way, he says "I think we have company," loud enough for the others inside the carriage to hear it, but not shouting out an alarm, as he checks the area up ahead as best he can, getting on alert.

He then quickly casts Guidance on himself, a bit of preparation in case of a surprise attack, trying to be subtle about the casting

+1 on a check, save, or attack in the next minute

2014-01-21, 05:12 PM
Fei Yen

Fei Yen looks at Pirka when there's a thud on the roof, then glances out the window at Ben's warning. "Time to play…" She makes sure the bundle hiding her scimitars is within reach.

2014-01-22, 02:46 AM

"Nice..." The gnome starts making gestures and chanting as if he is praying for a good result, but he is actually casting a spell. "Well, have fun, milady." Pirka smiles.

Casting Expeditious retreat.

2014-01-22, 06:17 AM
From her hiding place Lyrese observes the figures in the woods, trying to discern their numbers and whereabouts.
spot: [roll0]

2014-01-22, 12:18 PM

Since Ben was too busy praying, or sleeping, or whatever he was doing. Kevril was taking the reins for most of the trip. They were making pretty good time, but for some reason watching the Chocobos run made Kevril salivate uncontrollably. When the arrow thuds nearby, Kevril grumbles irritably, "Was that from that bloody elf? She could have taken my eye out! Hopefully she found someone else for me to take my annoyance out on!" Thus said, he takes the reins in one hand and draws his Bastard sword with the other, though he does lower it next to him so it is less obvious that he is armed.