View Full Version : The transitional planes, for dimensional travel.

2007-01-16, 02:02 PM
Well, to travel between dimensions means you need planes that connect them, there are a couple of ways.

The plane of shadow
This is a long and stretched plane connecting many dimensions directly by being coterminous to all. This plane hasn't blocked teleportation through it.

The maze planes
The maze planes, of which there are a lot are supernatural mazes, they also tend to change and block teleportation through it. I will list a couple of them here

The eternal staircase
The eternal staircase is an infinite amount of platforms connected by stairs, the path through them is never the same twice. The only way to enter or leave this plane is through the portals on the platforms. No teleportation possible, it can be entered from the astral plane through spiraling red/green pools, some of the portals lead to the eternal staircase, not all of the eternal staircase is directly connected.

The mirror halls
The mirror halls look like a conventional mirror maze, but it changes and blocks teleportation. there are portals leading to other planes scattered through the mirror halls, it can be entered from the eternal staircase and leads to all kinds of planes. The mirror halls are devided into multiple sections.

The misleading deserts
While initially this doesn't seem like a maze plane, the deserts play tricks on your eyes making you think you're going in the correct direction while you're in fact wandering about randomly. Now and then there are tents, these tents can't be entered as they're indestructible and their entrance is a portal to either another maze plane or a normal plane. The misleading deserts are devided into multiple desert planets.

The misty swamps
Not only can't you see further than 10 feet even by magical means or blindsight, but the misty swamps are dangerous as well, many a traveler has drowned here, looking for a way to his destination. There are huts sometimes which function similarly to the tents in the misleading deserts.

((More to come, if you don't want the hassle of maze planes, either PM me with a new method or assume Shadow plane linkage.))

2007-01-17, 01:39 PM
{Eternal staircase}
Karsen and Voxendi fall out of a portal onto one of the platforms. It's eastern stair leads up, it's northern stair leads down, there's nothing in the south and the portal is in the west.

There's one problem on this plane, it's changing to be precise, you never know where you're going to land if you wander around here.

2007-01-17, 01:42 PM
Karsen nodds.


2007-01-17, 01:43 PM
When I came here I spend most time going down, so perhaps going up is our solution

2007-01-17, 01:45 PM
Karsen nodds.

"You lead, I'll get lost."

2007-01-17, 01:49 PM
After wandering for about one hour they end up at an end which only has a portal and a way back.

Let's take this one, okay?

2007-01-17, 01:49 PM
Karsen smiles.

"Urm... ok."

2007-01-17, 01:55 PM
As they walk through the portal they end up in the

{mirror halls}
Good, this is the place I came through before I entered the eternal staircase.

2007-01-17, 01:57 PM
Karsen nodds.

"Ok then..." He looks around.

2007-01-17, 01:59 PM
I barely remember anything of my directions on this plane, so we should just wander about till we're there, stay close to me though, it's easy to get lost here.

With that Voxendi wanders of.

2007-01-17, 02:00 PM
Karsen tries to stay near Voxendi, as much as he can.

2007-01-17, 02:01 PM
After another hour they arive at a dead end with a portal in it.

Can't hurt to try.

2007-01-17, 02:06 PM
Karsen smiles.

"If you say so."

2007-01-17, 02:10 PM
They walk through the portal and appear in another thread (which I have to make first)