View Full Version : The Unseen Carriage

2013-12-15, 12:22 AM
Greetings! A player in my group wishes to purchase a carriage...and cover it with lead.

I know the price for a carriage, but what would the additional cost for bathing it in lead or attaching lead over every square inch up the cost by? Naturally, this is to prevent scrying techniques over him and the party- although he will have 4 warhorses pulling the carriage and I doubt those will be lead covered (I hope at least)

Any ideas and suggestions are most welcome.

2013-12-15, 03:10 AM
How much lead? A thick paint job? Then the price is some percentage of the price of a carriage - say 50% to 1000%, or possibly just the flat 300 for a MW item. In a typical feudal setting, the price will heavily depend on the buyer's ability to pay.

If you're thinking the traditional 1" thick lead sheeting, the price is irrelevant, since the carriage would collapse under that much weight.

2013-12-15, 05:07 AM
How much lead? A thick paint job? Then the price is some percentage of the price of a carriage - say 50% to 1000%, or possibly just the flat 300 for a MW item. In a typical feudal setting, the price will heavily depend on the buyer's ability to pay.

If you're thinking the traditional 1" thick lead sheeting, the price is irrelevant, since the carriage would collapse under that much weight.

I believe the fastest and best solution would be a paint job.

But wouldn't that much lead force a fortitude save of some kind?

2013-12-15, 06:15 AM
I believe the fastest and best solution would be a paint job.

But wouldn't that much lead force a fortitude save of some kind?

Do the characters have pica?

Lead isn't harmful to be around, only ingest.

So the character is trying to make a divination proof carriage without using magic? A thin coat should work. Lead can be used in the manufacture of glass, so windows aren't an issue. Up to the DM how to adjudicate gaps or scratches though.

2013-12-15, 06:20 AM
Do the characters have pica?

Lead isn't harmful to be around, only ingest.

So the character is trying to make a divination proof carriage without using magic? A thin coat should work. Lead can be used in the manufacture of glass, so windows aren't an issue. Up to the DM how to adjudicate gaps or scratches though.

However there is no amount of lead that is safe to ingest. And it is extremely likely that some particulate may accidentally be ingested when coating the carriage, which of course is what summoned monsters were invented for.

2013-12-15, 06:23 AM
You misspelled cheap peasant laborers.

2013-12-15, 09:28 AM
Why hello Personman, hope the game is going well. And yea its the only way I can get my party to NOT teleport everywhere missing a lot of major things.