View Full Version : Stupid DragonMark Question

2013-12-15, 11:11 AM
Okay, I feel really bad for starting a thread on this topic which I would think would be fairly easy to google; but I spent like 30 minutes researching, and I have to go to work.

If y'all could oblige me... Do you have to be human to take human dragonmarks? I very badly wish to play a halfling with the passage dragonmark (so as to get the dimdoor)

2013-12-15, 11:30 AM
If y'all could oblige me... Do you have to be human to take human dragonmarks? I very badly wish to play a halfling with the passage dragonmark (so as to get the dimdoor)In 3e: Yes. For that matter you can't be a member of a human subrace, since you have to carry the bloodline of the dragonmarked house and they're standard humans.
In 4e: No, but your mark would be completely unique in history, and sages and dragons would be swarming over you trying to figure out how it's possible.

Maybe ask your DM if you can fluff a halfling as a human child, switching the (halfling) subtype for (human)? Use strongheart halfling and/or Human Heritage if that will help convince them.

2013-12-15, 12:10 PM
I have heard one exception (Though I forget who said it, and where it appears in the books): If you were reincarnated from a human into a halfling, you get to keep the dragonmark.

Though that's definitely a talk with the DM subject

2013-12-15, 12:22 PM
I have heard one exception (Though I forget who said it, and where it appears in the books): If you were reincarnated from a human into a halfling, you get to keep the dragonmark.That was just some guy called Keith Baker (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ebds/20051024a), but hey, what does he know of Eberron anyway? :P