View Full Version : Need help with a psionic gish

2013-12-15, 01:01 PM
Hello all, I'm planning out my first character with PrCs involved, and I need some specific help.

I am planning out a psionic gish sort of character, more for entertainment than for quality. I want an Elocutor-like character, but I know that Elocutor is sub-optimal and not what I am looking for anyway (I do plan on dipping a level for scorn earth). Another PrC I am looking into is Anarchic Initiate.

Most people seem to say that Wilder is a better base class for Gishes because of the 3/4 BAB and hit die bonus

The Problem: I find myself in love with the spells that are only provided by the Nomad(Psychoportation) Discipline Powers. They seem a lot of fun.

What is the best way to allow myself access to the Nomad powers without sacrificing power?