View Full Version : So it's going to be one of those weeks...

warty goblin
2013-12-15, 05:51 PM
Tomorrow I have a presentation, a project, a homework and a final. There's another final Friday. And a client meeting at some unspecified time this week, about a project I literally haven't thought about in three months.

Also the person I was hoping was interested in a romantic relationship told me today she isn't.

Life's just grand sometimes, innit?

2013-12-15, 06:19 PM
Some days you just have to laugh, because it beats crying. Sorry you're having a crappy week.

I do feel a little of your pain. We've been pulling overtime (4 - 12 hour days instead of 3) for the past month and will continue to do so for at least 6 more weeks.

I also just totaled (or nearly totaled) our new (well, 1 year old) car this afternoon. Fortunately noone was hurt.

As I always say, though, "Every day you wake up breathing on your own is going to be a good day." Things will get better.

warty goblin
2013-12-15, 06:57 PM
Some days you just have to laugh, because it beats crying. Sorry you're having a crappy week.

I do feel a little of your pain. We've been pulling overtime (4 - 12 hour days instead of 3) for the past month and will continue to do so for at least 6 more weeks.

I also just totaled (or nearly totaled) our new (well, 1 year old) car this afternoon. Fortunately noone was hurt.

As I always say, though, "Every day you wake up breathing on your own is going to be a good day." Things will get better.

Your week is officially worse than mine. You have my sympathies, and I'm glad nobody was hurt. Car accidents are scary as hell.

And really, in my case, it's not that this week is bad. Really, after tomorrow it's a cakewalk. I just feel rather exhausted by the last two weeks. Two projects to code and write up (one of them from scratch), two presentations (one of which was project sized), ongoing classes. I've stayed up until midnight writing code three times in the last two weeks.

But today? Today I'm feeling really pretty good now. Just another hammer blow, slowly beating me into shape.