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purple gelatinous cube o' Doom
2007-01-16, 11:59 PM
Anyone know how tall a thri-kreen is supposed to be? That along with stuff like age and such isn't listed in the entry in the MM II

Jack Mann
2007-01-17, 12:06 AM
It can be found in the Expanded Psionics Handbook. Unfortunately, Thri-Kreen (along with the giths) weren't made OGL, so I can't tell you.

2007-01-17, 03:58 AM
I can, since it's not forbidden by the forum rules.

Thri-kreen males are 5'2" +2d10" (so from 5'4" to 6'10", average 6'1"), thri-kreen females are 4'6" +2d10" (so from 4'8" to 6'2", average 5'5").

I guess that really is height, not length, but I'm used to my thri-kreen being way bigger, some 8-10' long from head to the tip of the abdomen. (The abdomen that, for some reason, they don't have in the illustration on page 13 of the EXHB!)

Sodding fluff changes between editions.

Jack Mann
2007-01-17, 04:06 AM
I can, since it's not forbidden by the forum rules.

Yes it is. It explicitly is.

Posting non-SRD Copy written content
Just mentioning a PrC or general mechanic that isn’t in the SRD isn’t a problem, but posting an entire stat block for a monster or class that has not been released under Open Game Content (OGC) is not allowed. It will be removed. Remember that, so far, only d20 products are published under the OGC.

EDIT: Changing this a bit so it isn't quite so harsh. Basically, by my interpretation of that rule, you should only post very vague descriptions of things, while posting mechanics (even fluff mechanics) that aren't in the SRD goes against that rule.

2007-01-17, 04:20 AM
"An entire stat block for a monster or class."

This isn't either. Posting individual pieces of information (such as what a specific weapon enchantment from book X does and costs) has been okay so far. If you think this is, indeed, "an entire stat block for a monster or class," do use the Report Post option.

2007-01-17, 10:02 AM
"An entire stat block for a monster or class."

This isn't either. Posting individual pieces of information (such as what a specific weapon enchantment from book X does and costs) has been okay so far. If you think this is, indeed, "an entire stat block for a monster or class," do use the Report Post option.

The rule is intended to avoid copyright infringement, which would generally mean a block of text that appears exactly, word for word, as it does in print. If you describe a mechanic/feat/ability/spell/PrC using your own words, then that should be okay.

Technically you could reproduce an entire stat block or PrC under a few "fair use" exceptions, such as educational purposes, critiques/reviews, or satire/parody, but you quickly get into legal grey areas where the highest-paid lawyer decides what is infringement. If you're posting an entire PrC so that someone else can avoid buying the entire book, then that's probably something where the copyright holder could sue for damages. For the most part, "fair use" is not a passive defense, it's an active defense that might have to be proven in court, which can quickly get expensive.

From a legal standpoint, a forum rule that says "no full stat blocks/PrCs/spells/feats" is good advice, as it prevents most infractions from getting to the "Cease and Desist" stage and going further than that.

2007-01-17, 10:16 AM
I could not be less concerned with the legal aspects, honestly. The forum rule is pretty clear (although I do, being a generous chap, assume that it implicitly covers entire stat blocks for races, too), and I presume is considered sufficient for legal protection by persons wiser in these matters than I. So far, we've had no issue from mods for posting weapon statistics from Sandstorm, etc.