View Full Version : Once Upon a Time

2013-12-16, 04:38 PM
This is a thread for fans of Once Upon a Time. Any discussion pertaining to the show is welcome here.

Let me start out this out with some concerns about the end of last nights episode.

Do the creators realize that the concept that Storybrooke never existed undoes everything(or nearly so) that has ever happened in the main timeline of the series? Unless there's some explanation early in the first episode of 2014, all the characters will be working from a point of view that involves, "Well that Curse was a major dud!," and in a few cases "Who are you, and how did you get here?", or "where did that guy go?"

Now, I do have some specific rants. If the Undoing of the Curse sent everyone back to where they came from did the Darlings, Wendy and her brothers, back to London and was it the Victorian or Modern day equivalent? Also, what will happen to Will Scarlett? He was in Wonderland when we left him last, and to my approximation his POV of the timeline says its in the second season of the original show. However, he was in Storybrooke when the White Rabbit came to get "help" with Alice.

Finally, what is Robin Hood, Mulan, and Aurora going to remember when the Storybrooke residents return? They weren't transported with the rest, but it wasn't as if the Curse didn't happen either. As Aurora was told the Curse rendered their existence stationary in a temporal way such that her prince couldn't rescue her. Thus, I find that the removal of Storybrooke is an even bigger anathema than its existence in the first place!

2013-12-16, 06:55 PM
Re concerns:

It seems to just be Emma and Henry who were reset by the curse. In the final scene Hook shows up and definitely remembers everything which has happened in the series so far, so I don't see any reason why the others wouldn't.

Personally I'm more concerned with the loss of one of my favorite actors on the show now that Gold/Rumple is gone an awful lot of the fun will be too. Regina is reformed, Pan is gone, Hook is reformed, Gold is gone, Cora is gone, they don't have any good villains left without introducing someone-something entirely new and I'm scratching my head wondering what they will be.

Maleficent - nope, they already used her. Ursula... nope already done that. Jafar is in Wonderland for some reason. I think that last night would make a wonderful and fitting final episode to the series, really not sure where they've left themselves room to keep going.

2013-12-16, 09:37 PM
Re: Concerns and spoilers:

It definitely seems that only Emma and Henry's memories are rewritten and not their actual past.

For those who saw the promos for the next episode, it seems the Wicked Witch from Oz would be showing up and probably be the new big bad. Also, Rumple returns. Not sure if want. I mean, sure I watch OUaT mostly just to watch Robert Carlyle act but Rumple's character arc is pretty much complete with his sacrifice, bringing him back is awkward story-wise.

Legato Endless
2013-12-17, 09:44 AM
Re: Concerns and spoilers:

I mean, sure I watch OUaT mostly just to watch Robert Carlyle act but Rumple's character arc is pretty much complete with his sacrifice, bringing him back is awkward story-wise.

Don't we all.

The Witch seems like a cheap attempt to cash in on the success of Wicked. Which is sort of why I'm curious if they aren't shooting themselves in the foot. She's already undergone a major reinterpretation in pop culture. Both her classic villain and anti villain persona's are well known. What are they going to do to make this incarnation stand out?

Arc finale was typical. Capturing Pan's shadow was way too easy. The blue fairy inexplicably returns because she was such a major part of the show to begin with. Some random artifact is found to make everything work. After Rumble dies everyone just sort of stands around and lets Baelfire and Bell stand there grieving. These people are soulless. Oddly enough, I sort of wish they hadn't switched Henry and Pan's bodies back. Henry was silly with his attempts at evil, but Pan was actually kind of charming as a nice guy. I would have been okay with them just leaving Henry's actor behind. Well, we'll see what they do now. I was slightly surprised they decided for two half season arcs.

2013-12-17, 11:40 AM
Don't we all.

The Witch seems like a cheap attempt to cash in on the success of Wicked. Which is sort of why I'm curious if they aren't shooting themselves in the foot. She's already undergone a major reinterpretation in pop culture. Both her classic villain and anti villain persona's are well known. What are they going to do to make this incarnation stand out?

Arc finale was typical. Capturing Pan's shadow was way too easy. The blue fairy inexplicably returns because she was such a major part of the show to begin with. Some random artifact is found to make everything work. After Rumble dies everyone just sort of stands around and lets Baelfire and Bell stand there grieving. These people are soulless. Oddly enough, I sort of wish they hadn't switched Henry and Pan's bodies back. Henry was silly with his attempts at evil, but Pan was actually kind of charming as a nice guy. I would have been okay with them just leaving Henry's actor behind. Well, we'll see what they do now. I was slightly surprised they decided for two half season arcs.

I can definately agree with your sentiments regarding the Wicked Witch. I mean they have Rebecca Mader, Lost's Charlotte Lewis to play the role. If that doesn't strike desperation I don't what does.

2013-12-18, 02:11 AM
This show stopped knowing what it was doing a long time ago, but I still keep watching it. I don't know why. XD