View Full Version : Dawn of Civilization

Malachi Lemont
2013-12-17, 11:55 AM
As many of you know, I've gone through several attempts at trying to create a civilization game, and this is my latest effort. I've made a change of plans. This one is going to be a fluff-only game: an exercise in world-building and creativity rather than strategy. We'll start in the year 1000 BC, and initially, each turn will be 100 years. Once the printing press is invented, the turn length will shorten to 50, and then to 20 once railroads are invented.

You will start the game by picking one or several of the cultural groups shown on the map. Each turn, you will describe what happens to that culture. It could include lists of monarchs and the quarrels over dynastic succession. Or it could be about the invention of a new musical instrument, the life of a famous artist, or the writing of an epic poem. Whatever you think might be noteworthy about a culture, feel free to include it. If you plan on conquering another player, it will be up to the GM to decide if you succeed or not. Everything else, for the most part, will be up to you. Any cultures that are not claimed by the players will be taken over by the GM.

Don't feel like you have to post a lot each turn. Just one or two events are fine. This is a collaborative project to create a seemingly alien world using the same building blocks of our own Earth. That means no fantasy elements or supernatural events, but you're not required to be realistic either. The more different from actual history, the better.

Please look over the cultures on the map and post your first choice. After a few claims have been made, then you can claim a second or third culture, if you want. There are a lot of cultures, so each player will be able to take as many as they want, but if you only want one, that's perfectly fine.

Good luck!


2013-12-17, 02:25 PM
ooh cool, now who do I want to fluff away?

I'll come back later with results.

2013-12-17, 07:44 PM
My first choice is Teutonic. I always told them the Swiss would take over the world, also when (real time) do we take turns.

Malachi Lemont
2013-12-17, 09:00 PM
My first choice is Teutonic. I always told them the Swiss would take over the world, also when (real time) do we take turns.

That sounds great. You can post whenever you're ready, the first turn will end sometime next weekend, or whenever we have 6 players.

2013-12-17, 09:25 PM
What is our starting technology level, and have we settled the entire area on the map. What is our population?

Malachi Lemont
2013-12-18, 08:29 AM
What is our starting technology level, and have we settled the entire area on the map. What is our population?

Northern Europe is in the bronze age, and is populated by small chiefdoms rather than kingdoms. The Middle East is in the iron age and contains larger kingdoms.

Right now, there are 4 levels of social organization:

Kingdoms (e.g. Egypt)
Chiefdoms (e.g. Teutons)
Unorganized Farmers (e.g. Tibetans)
Nomads (e.g. Australians)

Right now, the Teutons have a population of 470,000. The total world population in 1000 BC is 50 million, so the Teutons make up about one percent. They are not yet unified into a single tribe, but there is a minimal amount of social organization.

2013-12-18, 04:58 PM
I am the chief of a large southern tribe called the Russ. We have been swallowing up villages lately, many of which have done so willingly for protection and a few bronze tools. Our chief lets his sons rule small portions of land to teach them leadership.

Malachi Lemont
2013-12-19, 10:31 PM
Thank you for showing interest in this game. If you would still like to play, I think I am planning to run it on another forum, AlternateHistory.com. The game will probably start sometime this week. I'll let you know when I have more details.

2013-12-19, 11:31 PM
Could I try as the Hittites?

Malachi Lemont
2013-12-20, 09:56 AM
Could I try as the Hittites?

Sure! I'm glad you're interested.