View Full Version : Haven-verse (MSH - FASERIP)

2013-12-18, 08:42 AM
It is the early morning of a Wednesday in the middle of December and you are going about your normal routine. Whether that be preparing or traveling to work as part of your normal (secret) identity, being at home, or simply strolling about town. The city at large is going through it's normal routine, the major roads are packed with civilians trying to get to work, road crews are working on the highways, creating delays of their own, and all seems calm as the world anticipates the approach of Christmas when the tv (or radio) crackles and a special report blasts through, pulling your attention.

“This is Chip Chopper, high in the sky in the Channel Four Action News Copter!

“We’re broadcasting live from above the Somerset Bay Bridge, and I’m telling you it’s a madhouse down there! Take it from me folks, it’s going to be more than the usual rush hour slow down today!

“There’s a swarm of… what look like bugs, big metal bugs, crawling up out of the bay. Each one is as big as a car. They climbed right up the bridge tower, and now they’re spread out across the road, right in the middle of traffic. All lanes have screeched to a halt, and there are collisions and fender-benders everywhere!

“I can see something else moving down there, something bigger than the bugs... (Get me a close-up Fred!) … It’s striding among the smashed cars, now it’s stepping right over a jack-knifed truck. It’s big all right! It’s got long legs, and some kind of transparent dome at the top. I can see someone inside! Someone at the controls of that thing… Sorry folks >brrzzz< we’re getting a lot of >brrzzz< (Fred! Can’t you clean up that signal?) There’s some kind of interference… >brrzzzzzzzz<”

The news broadcast disappears in a wash of static, replaced by the blurry image of a man’s face.

“You think I don’t know? Do you think I haven’t heard, your mocking, your ridicule? As though even a single one of you were fit to judge to me, to fathom the depths of my brilliance. Oh how you’ve laughed, you petty insects.

“Will you still laugh when my Bugbot horde sweeps over this city? I think not. And this city is only the beginning, only the beginning. You have mocked me for too long. Now the day has come when you will pay. You will pay dearly.

“Let the world know, let all the world know, that the moment of their conquest is at hand! This day, Dr Null shall be your master!”

Thanatos 51-50
2013-12-18, 10:38 AM
Poor District: Haven

<We Should do something about that.>

The Tooth of Winter hummed in Jocelyn's ear even as her car keys left her hand and landed in the bowl on her computer desk across the room.
"Why did this have to happen now?" she complained in response, aloud, and seemingly to nobody in particular.
Her shoulders sagged the moment a loud, metal-on-glass tink filled the room to let Jo know she had hit her mark with the bowl, and her shoulders sagged.
She had been planning on just walking past the bowl and collapsing in her bed, but now she had to walk down there, pick her keys up, and turn around.
Wait, no, first she had to change.
The Tooth may provide her with a costume, but it's the height of uncomfortable to still be wearing a miniskirt underneath.
Dr. Null was going to pay for the crime of interrupting her designated sleep cycle.

<Don't forget all the civilians and the damage> the tooth hummed, as if to remind her that she had a job to do.
"I'm tired, and for some reason, drunk guys with hot wings didn't exactly make the best tippers tonight. I just want to go to sleep." she scolded the Tooth, even as she complied with its wishes, untying the apron around her waist and throwing it on the bed, and exchanging her skirt for a pair of light grey yoga pants, covering her work shirt with a hoodie such a light shade of pink that it was almost white.
It smelled like it needed a wash, too.
Ugh. Chores.

No helping that right now.

Jocelyn concentrated, and the black, ice-shod oaken staff that was how the Tooth of Winter presented itself in the material plane appeared in her hand, already covering her wardrobe choices with the signature garb of the Winter Witch.
Knees High black boots formed, and Jo picked up her keys.
As she stepped out the door and locked it behind her, tight-fitting white leggings covered her legs. The keys slipped inside her the pocket of her hoodie, held in place by a protective pocket of conjured ice, and the white top slipped over her upper body, gradually morphing into a black full face mask, leaving only her jaw and eyes exposed.
The eyes deadened in colour, becoming a pale shadow of their normal blue, and the skin around her mouth turned deathly pale, the lips shifting to the shade of purple seen in people dying from hypothermia.
A crystalline white cloak came into being over her shoulders, complete with a pointed hood raising up over her blonde hair and concealing her identity even further.

The Tooth of Winter couldn't resit emblazoning her chest with a single, bright blue snowflake, with a "WW" emblazoned over it in black ice.

It took a moment's concentration, but the Winter Witch looked at the air around her through magically-enhanced eyes, and saw the temperature drop low enough, and she rose into the air, through a column she had cooled herself, tracing a path into the clouds, and angling off. Towards the Somerset Bay Bridge.
<Let's get this done quickly,> she told the Tooth. <I have work tonight.>

2013-12-18, 01:41 PM
Just a few blocks from the Somerset Bay Bridge ...

Trapped in early morning traffic behind the wheel of his '68 Chevy Vega wagon, Oscar chugged lava-hot espresso and imagined having a driver's-side window to protect him from winter winds. The steam from his drink easily over-matched the Vega's elderly defroster, so every few seconds Oscar would have to wipe his windshield with a gloved hand in order to see.

See that he wasn't moving anywhere.

Leaning his head slightly outside, Oscar groaned at the near-infinite eternity of vehicles ahead of him. The light turned green but it was bumper to bumper. Looking at his fellow Havenites or Havenians or Haveners, Oscar watched people watching their mobile devices. He wondered if someone had just hit a new personal-best at "Free Cell", then sipped more espresso & sang a song in his head;

"Rust spots on rotors & potholes that glisten,
bad-smelling hobos & sidewalk musicians,
Metropolitan gridlock & the joy that it brings,
These are a few of my favorite things."

Wiping his window again, Oscar now saw people. Well, more people than the usual pedestrian throngs happily-skipping to work. These people were moving faster through the streets, sliding in-between vehicles at a hurried pace. They were listening to their phones and looked disturbed. Then, people started getting out of their vehicles and moving with the growing crowds, all of them striding away from the direction of traffic. People taking their kids out of childseats and bolting. People leaving their vehicles open with the engines still running. People climbing over vehicles to get to or out of the street.

"I'll bite", Oscar said and fished his cell out of a parka pocket.

Of course he dropped it on the floor, spills acid hot espresso on his jeans and lets out a small mangled shout that ends in a laugh. While pawing under the seat for his phone, the sound of footsteps running over his car hood startles Oscar and he twists his head up to see a teenager leap from his wagon roof to the street.

"Thanks!", Oscar yells, as the kid was paying him any attention. Finding his cell and clicking a 'news' app, the frantic local news report flashes on the small screen, with streaming audio of course.

Mist wafted from Oscar's mouth as he exhaled, accompanied by a picture-perfect jaw-drop.

"Great Scott!", he yelled and got out of his car, tossing the drink on the ground. Oscar looked around, seeing more and more people pouring away from the bridge area, which was only a few blocks away, but with this panicked mob, it would be like swimming against the current. And what in the name of scrambled eggs was he doing anyway? He wasn't a superhero or a cop or even certified to perform CPR, for that matter. This was DOCTOR NULL! It was serious! What could he......... well............

".....I do have these powers. Somebody--I have to do something! People are in danger! Chip and Fred need my help! I'm talking to myself in the middle of the street!" Oscar looked around and found his target amidst the psuedo-riot.

He bolted for a nearby alleyway, ducking, dodging, evading, and swimming ferociously against the swell of humans trying to get away from Dr. Null's Breakfast Party. A step from the alleyway, a dog wearing a hat and sunglasses rammed Oscar in the groin, then bolted away following the now-running crowds of Havenerites!

Oscar gathered himself, scowling silently at the canine and ducked into the dirty, putrid alley as people flashed by behind him. There was screaming and shouting now. It was getting real really really fast.

Squatting against a wall, Oscar snatched off his coat and wondered if he should take his boots off. This was going to ruin his favorite shirt, too. He realized he was breathing really fast and knew it was already beginning. It was like his blood was suddenly turning into pure rocket fuel!

He balled his hands into fists and felt the crack of bones as his body started to transform; his mass expanded violently while his skin went from warm and soft to dark and harder than a steel girder! His clothing ripped away as within seconds Oscar gained a full foot in stature and over six hundred pounds of bullet-proof muscle mass.

The psycho-chemical reaction made Oscar feel as though he was going a million miles an hour in all directions. The sensation of POWER! Looking at his transformed body he was glad he remembered to wear the black spandex-like undershirt & shorts. Fighting crime naked probably wouldn't poll well.

Oscar exited the alleyway and noticing the crowds were thinning some, he took-off sprinting for the bridge. Even from blocks away, he could hear the sounds of terror as Dr. Null turned up the volume .................

2013-12-18, 03:58 PM
Haven Gym

Two women are fighting in a friendly match boxing ring. The one in blue, 16 year old Catherine, is currently not doing so well. She gets hit with a right uppercut followed by a left hook. Her face is bruised. "You want to give up, Cath?" says the other woman. Catherine smirked "Why stop having fun?" she replies. Catherine dodges a left jab and counterattacks with an uppercut. She then goes on the offensive, sending two more strong punches and dodging another. She counters again with one, final uppercut before the ref calls Catherine the winner before her opponent could get majorly harmed.

Afterwards she heads to her locker and sees the news report. She grabs her prescription medicine and takes an extra dose. Her bruises rapidly heal and her physical capabilities increase. She heads out the back exit after putting on her clothes, but she gets out, she takes the off again in a secluded area, revealing her super heroine outfit (http://imageshack.us/a/img10/981/6ch6.png) minus her gloves and headpiece, which she puts on. She heads to the bridge asap.

2013-12-19, 11:10 AM
Corbin was feeling half-dead as he sat on the bus, squinting in the early-morning light. He'd taken the night shift at a holiday party for some company or another, and that night shift had turned into an early morning shift when loadout had taken three hours. The bus he'd been counting on had left by then, so he'd given up and waited at a nearby coffee shop for public trans to reopen. He was footsore, eyesore . . . every kind of sore known to man, really.

Still, he liked taking night shifts. Overtime pay was always lovely, and it would give him a chance to do a little vigilante moonlighting once he was out. Better yet, it meant he could sleep through the day and avoid talking to people. The last time Agent Vincent had called him, he'd expressed the hope that maybe, just maybe Corbin might consider getting a day job, which would maybe help him adjust to his retirement-in-all-but-name, but Corbin was having none of it. He'd been cut loose; he felt entitled to a good wallow.

His half-awake thoughts were disturbed by the radio announcement. Immediately, he began rationalizing with himself:

This isn't my problem, right? I mean, they're robots. I don't do robots. There really wouldn't be much I could do . . .

Damn it. Fine, conscience! You win this one . . .

One irate conversation with the bus driver later, and Corbin was running for the bridge, swearing repeatedly under his breath with every footfall.

2013-12-20, 01:01 AM
Haven diner

Sam was enjoying a breakfast in his favorite diner outside the heart of downtown Haven. He was recounting the uneventful evening patrol he had finished a few hours earlier, the rumors of the 6th street gang seemed to have been false, The city had been oddly quiet . . then Sam noticed the TV footage over the counter. The volume was too low for him to hear at his booth but he could make out enough to drive him out into the cold air once more, slinging on his backpack as he went.

Slipping down a nearby alleyway and out of sight Sam slipped off his shirt and jeans to reveal his dark blue bodysuit. He pulled his boots, gloves and mask out of his pack and put in his street clothes. Finishing donning his costume quickly, and rising into the air, the hero Indigo, now surrounded by a glowing blue-black plasma, takes flight towards the bridge and a confrontation with the horde of Dr. Null.

2013-12-23, 12:51 PM
The Bay Bridge is a major two-tower suspension bridge. It is a busy commuter conduit, connecting the downtown area with the more suburban boroughs on the far side of the bay. Three traffic lanes run in each direction, separated by a yard high retaining wall to prevent head-on collisions. There are no pedestrian walks as foot traffic is normally not allowed on the bridge.

Lanes leading up to the Bugbot swarm are choked with cars, but the lanes leading away are clear, except for a few panicked collisions as drivers sped away from the trouble erupting behind them. Eastbound lanes are blocked traveling away from the city, westbound lanes blocked coming towards the city.

The position of cars and trucks on the road is more chaotic the closer you get to the center of the action. Traffic farther back came to a controlled stop, but drivers near the Bugbots swerved, veered, and panicked, leaving a tangle of crashed vehicles even before the Bugbots swarmed in and began taking them apart.

The Bugbots are mostly located between the eastern tower and the center of the bridge. Clusters of four or five Bugbots surround cars which are being taken apart piece by piece by the clanking mandibles. A few crawl up and down the tower and the suspender cables, cutting chunks of valuable metal out of the bridge.

Dr Null’s tripod walker paces around at the center of the action, looming over the terrified commuters and broadcasting booming tirades over the loudspeakers on the control pod.

Thanatos 51-50
2013-12-23, 01:21 PM
Bay Bridge

The Winter Witch halted her beeline for the suspension towers the moment she spied bugbots crawling up the supports, opting to instead find the he's chopper and ensure its saftey.

How many of these "car -sized" bots are there, approximately? Is the chopper still in the air and safe? If so, are they recording?
Also: I'd like to make a Power Feat for thermal vision to see if the robots are being controlled by IR. I assume that's a roll you want to make in secret.
Of course, you can always rule that there is no way Jo would think of that, which is fine.

2013-12-23, 01:46 PM
The Bridge:

Oscar reached the bridge with a speed rivaling a Olympic track star, his super-powered leg muscles and mutant stamina driving him towards the disaster scene. Even from far off, Oscar could see Dr. Null's walker stalking over the area, as huge metallic crawlers clamored over the bridge---eating it?

"Whoa. Yeah, that's unusual. Deep breaths, Oscar."

Oscar catches a glimpse of another person flying into the area, as well, while he ran towards Dr. Null's carrier. If he could target the madman and put him down quickly, the crawlers might go down as well. At least, that's the plan.

Oscar darted in-between vehicles and past people, telling anyone who was still on the bridge to get away asap! The mutant hero kept his eyes open for any civilians in direct danger of being chewed-up or squished by the invaders.

2013-12-23, 02:14 PM
Also: I'd like to make a Power Feat for thermal vision to see if the robots are being controlled by IR. I assume that's a roll you want to make in secret.
Of course, you can always rule that there is no way Jo would think of that, which is fine. [/spoiler]

Try as hard as you might, you are unable to see any signals in the IR band.

Oscar darted in-between vehicles and past people, telling anyone who was still on the bridge to get away asap! The mutant hero kept his eyes open for any civilians in direct danger of being chewed-up or squished by the invaders.

Darting between cars, Oscar sees three children who have their faces plastered to the windows of a minivan, staring in amazement at the Bugbots surrounding them. Their mother frantically locks the doors, unaware of the Bugbot about to cut through the roof with its arc welder.

Thanatos 51-50
2013-12-23, 06:31 PM
Sommerset Bay Bridge

Content that the reporters were safe, The Winter Witch repositioned herself directly above the viewdome here Doctor Null sat, controlling his swarm of bugbots.
<Ready for the attack?> The Tooth hummed in the Witch's ear, as she turned around in the air, extending her at full arm's length, poised to transfer all of her energy towards the tip.
"Let's get this party started."
With that, the Winter Witch accelerated, aiming directly for Doctor Null's head through the protective dome, concentrating to summon a protective ward of ice, as thick and jagged as she could possibly make it, to shield her from the force of her own impact, straight into the enemy.

Agility Feat to Aim the dive: [roll0] -- Yellow, if I understand the rules correctly
Power Stunt (Body Armour) in Ice Generation. -1 CS [roll1] -- Red (Again, if I understand the rules correctly)

2013-12-23, 11:13 PM
Indigo zooms towards the bridge taking note of the activities of the bugbots and the people rushing to get out of their way. He zeroes in on Dr. Null's battle suit and watches the evil doctor as he flies over to the top of one of the towers where the bugbots are working on the structure. Without landing Indigo concentrates his energy, a sudden buildup of elerctrical charge causes his right forearm to blaze brightly just before the pulse of energy explodes towards one of the bugbots. A crackling arc of lightning lights up the early morning sky.

Ranged Attack (Rm) Marksman: 1d100 [56] Green

2013-12-27, 12:46 PM
On the bridge:

Oscar bolts for the family trapped in the vehicle & seeing the crawlers dangerously-close to the minivan, launches an attack!

"Get away from them, you over-grown cockroaches!"

Using Blunt Slugfest/Fighting for Multiple Attacks; Oscar is looking to smash as many of the crawlers as are around the minivan. I take a -4CS penalty to my single roll, but I'm using Karma to hopefully get a SLAM result.

The roll wont post here so I'll post it OOC.

2013-12-27, 02:08 PM
Brawl Girl looks around for any civilians.

2014-01-02, 01:59 AM
Corbin runs up, panting and swearing at himself internally. He's affixed his catering vest as a makeshift bandana around his mouth to avoid recognition.

Why'd this yutz have to attack after I worked a formal event? These are my only good slacks! Couldn't he have waited until my McDonalds shift? . . . I need to get a costume or something . . .

Ok, focus. This is just another militia. A robot militia. With bugs. A buggy-robot militia.

Wait, that's funny. They're buggy robots. They have bugs. Cause they're machines. Heh. You're funny, Corbin.

Thanks, Corbin!

Anyway, militia! And like all militias, ya just gotta go for the head . . .

Focusing, Corbin tries to shoot out one of the tripod legs, with the intent to bring the tripod down or unbalance it in some way.

Ok, so tell me if I'm doing this right. Pardon my noobishness . . .

With a Telekinesis rank of Good . . .
Shoot out the leg (http://orokos.com/roll/157956): 1d100 97

Edit: Eyyyyyyyyy.

2014-01-07, 02:17 PM
The Winter Witch lines herself up with the dome of Dr. Null's walker and launches herself at it. Connecting with the transparent material, she hears a loud thud followed by maniac laughter of the mad doctor as she bounces off the canopy without so much as cracking the machine.

Indigo sends an arc of electrical energy into one of the bugbots. The bot stops in its tracks and shakes to and fro as the electricity arcs all across its shell, finally collapsing while black smoke wafts up from it.

Oscar bolts towards the van, jumping at the last second to land on the closest bugbot. The impact as he lands crushes the bot and brings it to a halt. Springing off the bot, Oscar leaps into the next nearest bot, leading with his fist, crushing the "head" of the robot and bringing it to an end as well.

Brawl Girl stops and takes a look around the scene. There are a number of people panicking and scattering for whatever passes as protection. Even with the number of people safely scattering, there just as many trapped in the cars, unable to flee from the metal insects. The majority of these are closer to the center of the bridge where the bugbot climbed up from below.

Corbin uses his telekinesis to force one of the tripod's legs out from under it and destabilizes the entire machine, however the effect is short lived. Jet trails become visible from under the pod at the top of the legs, giving the walker a moment to stabilize as the errant leg latches on to the suspension cables and steadies itself.

From within the pod, Dr. Null again addresses you. "You super-powered buffoons have no idea of the power I wield. You think to swat me out of the way, but it is you who are the flies here. Flies I shall crush without some much as a thought."

A humming begins to be heard which quickly builds up in strength till a bright beam of light stabs out from the walker and lances at The Winter Witch and Corbin.

laserbeam cannon at Winter Witch [roll0]
laserbeam cannon at Corbin [roll1]

Meanwhile, the bugbot press forward, most continue to "eat" the vehicles and suspension lines. A few near the vehicle though stop and turn their attention on Oscar and Indigo. Brawl Girl is oddly ignored.

flamethrower at Oscar [roll2]
flamethrower at Indigo [roll3]

2014-01-07, 02:23 PM
Both the Winter Witch and Corbin are tagged by the auto laser cannon as it tracks them across the bridge.
40 points of damage each minus armor or other defenses

Indigo is able to dodge out of the way as the one bugbot spews fire across the bridge where he was standing but Oscar is not as lucky as he finds himself directly in its path.
20 points of damage minus armor or defenses

Thanatos 51-50
2014-01-07, 03:35 PM
In the Thick of It

The Winter Witch grins as the light strikes the hard, jagged ice casing protecting her.
"And you, 'Dr. Null' need to learn to build a laser gun that actually does something." she boasts, safe underneath the magical frost, whipping the Tooth of Winter around her body to point it at the canon itself.
"This one is no good."

Amazing Ice Armour is worth 50, which beats 40 points of damage without flinching, even *if* it's fire damage.
In the Mean Time: here's a Monstorous Ice Generation roll to attack the Laser Cannon.
[roll0] Yellow
And an Agility FEAT to hit it.
[roll1] -- Throwing Edged gives me... A "Kill" Result.
Good thing I'm targeting a robot!
That's... um... 75 points of Edged Cold Damage to the laser cannon, if I read the rules right

2014-01-07, 05:03 PM
Corbin takes a moment as various multicolored streaks come rushing in. Huh. Impromptu teamup! If only he knew who they were . . .

Unfortunately, he was still acting through a haze of exhaustion and coffee jitters. It therefore did not dawn on him that the tripod might have more weapons beyond obvious heft when he tried to trip it up.

"Oh wait crap no laser laser laser DRESS SHIRT OWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!

Abruptly on his back and hurting immensely, he glances down to see what remained of his white dress shirt covered in multiple varieties of dirt.

The world stops, turns red, and then resumes. Corbin rises from the ground, slavering at the mouth with equal parts spit and long-buried Appalachian rage.

"YA $&%* %&$* @#$& $&%*ING %&^*$&%*^*!!!! I'M GAWIN'A ^*%& YOUR %&$ WIT' A GIANT %&$*, YA ^*%($**^$ER!!!"

So shrieking, a thought occurs to him: The tripod is probably armored up as all %&$&, but what about the asphalt upon which it stood?

"GANG UP'N TH' LEG!" he shrieks at whoever might hear it. He takes a shot at the asphalt beneath the leg, shielding up in the meanwhile to hopefully avoid any further wardrobe destruction.

If I'm doing this correctly, again:

Shielding up: Shield Roll (Poor) (http://orokos.com/roll/158631): 1d100 70

Green result . . .

Blasting at the asphalt (ostensibly a Good quality material . . .)

Blast the asphalt under the leg of the tripod (http://orokos.com/roll/158632): 1d100 61

Green result again . . .

2014-01-07, 07:49 PM
Near the minivan

"Yeeeoowwww!!! That hurt like heck!!" Oscar is rocked by Dr. Null's attack momentarily, but his superhuman stamina keeps him going. He also notices more unusual people in the area & most of them are making the madman madder!

Oscar checks around to see the family is unharmed, but the mecha-bugs were still coming, while the other fighters targeted Dr. Null's walker.
"Bystanders or bad guy --- bystanders or -- the others can probably handle Dr. Discoball, gotta help these people!"

Oscar gathers his strength and relaunches his offensive on the robotic roaches!

OOC roll to attack any droid attacking civilians

2014-01-12, 10:14 AM
Indigo smiles under his mask as the first bug bot bursts into flames. This is going to take a while, one bot at a time . . . Indigo then looked over the sight of the bridge looking for other options but blasting another bug bot trying to eat the bridge.


2014-01-12, 12:10 PM
Brawl Girl notices Dr. Null and says to herself "Cut off the head and the body dies" and tries to get to his' pod to strike it.

2014-01-17, 09:27 AM
The Winter Witch focuses her attack on the laser as a spray of ice assaults the weapon. Coating the ice in a thick barrage of ice, the metal is unable to endure the beating and the barrel breaks off from the extreme cold and heavy weight of the ice. Sparks and electricity ark over the remains of the laser.

Corbin focuses his telekinetic might at the asphalt underneath the tripod and smiles with satisfaction as asphalt cracks and separates reveling the reinforced deck beneath. The tripod stumbles under the shift but is able to quickly right itself using the bridge's own suspension cable.

Meanwhile, Oscar continues to battle the metallic bug-bots swarming the cars. Using his prodigious strength, he is able to take two more bots out of commission, giving the stranded family the opportunity to escape from their min-van and flee the bridge. Surveying the area for more stranded civilians, Oscar notices two of the bug-bots nearby have stopped "eating" a vehicle and appear to be recycling the metal into some sort of construction. Blasting another bug-bot from the cables, Indigo notices the same thing, only this behavior is exhibited by a different set of bots.

I'm not clear as to what your action is.

2014-01-20, 09:34 AM
Oscar watches the family dash away down the bridge and the little boy waves at him before disappearing in the distance. Oscar felt a rush of something good, then turned his attention back on the walking trash cans.

"What in the name of Letterman are they doing? If you guys are doing Origami I'm gonna be disappointed!"

Oscar reaches to grab a nearby car to toss at the bugbots, but pauses when he realizes the vehicle is a new BMW convertible and looked in the driver's side window.

"OMYGOD. Hi. Wow. Custom shifter. Wine fitted-leather bucket seats. Voice-activated nav. And I would kiss your tranny. So beautiful. Don't worry I'll keep you safe."

Looking around, Oscar found a big SUV and tossed it at the bugs.

Throwing Blunt FEAT = [roll0]

Thanatos 51-50
2014-01-22, 11:46 AM

With a smug grin, the Winter Witch lifted off the ground and soared upwards to one of the support pillars, hopefully that would put her out of reach of Dr. Null's ears.
"Boy blue!" she shouted across to Indigo. "If you'll look down where that laser cannon was, you'll see I've opened some of the wires up for you to hit. Take 'im out. I'll keep the bugs off you."

With that, the Winter Witch put action to word and blasted a bugbot eating the suspension cables with a spear of ice.

Another full-strength (Monstorus) Ice Generation Attack against a bugbot
Edit: I read that as a Green Result and, thus, a hit.