View Full Version : Please make A dream made Reality after Several years.

2013-12-18, 01:24 PM
I had a dream years ago that I am making into an adventure. I will give you all the overall and would love some ways to encorporate this into a 3.5 game.

THe scene is a rundown old mansion (picture Tomb Raider Laura Croft sized). The walls are faded and eggshell colored paint is peeling and patched my various stains and molds. The furnishings are a combination of rotted wood, and termite infested. THe upstairs is nearly inaccessable due to the advanced aging and rotting of the floors and stairs. Only a very ornate grandfather clock seems to have survived the passage of time unscathed and in near prestine condition.

THe time is stopped at 3:32 and the dials show it was am. Upon looking about the floor gives way and after a short fall, you end up in an old celler. Hundreds of wine bottles lay broken or littering the floor as the wine racks have decayed with age. Upon looking around there is a concealed door beyond one such rack.

You open the door which leads down a dark, dank roughly hewn passageway that reaks of old fungus and urine. THe passageway is only about 10 foot wide and every so often hangs old rotting torches which are useless and crumbling.

The passageway goes on and on with a downward slant for what seems a long time winding and twisting. There seems to be a gradual widening of the tunnels as now it is at least 15 foor wide. Upon the walls are old rusted chackles and partially destroyed pickaxes also unuseable.

After a bit longer of a walk you are mow hearing crunching sounds as you step which appear to be old whitish colored stones. Closer inspection shows they are bones. Soon the corridore begins drying and the smell is that of stale dusty air but old urine still lingers. The walls are now littered avary 5 foot with shackles attached by chains which are stained and rusted.

Skeletal hands soon are seen laying about and quickly thereafter skeletal arms legs skulls and eventually rag covered full skeletons. They all seem chained to the walls. Mining equiptment is seen with each body.
The passageway opens now into a large area about 20 foot high and 40 foot wide. A metal scaffolding encircles the room with a tall metal ladder going to the top.

Upon the catwalk above are the skeletal remains of 4 very large predatorial animals (hellhounds) and a humanoid skeletal body with what appear to be what once were wing protruding from her back. (perhaps demonic?) There is also a dull green orb transfixed in the wall, with no way to remove it. The tunnel continues to show dozens of large cages filled with humanoid skeletal remains and after a while the tunnel ends as proof that a cave in occured long ago.

An easily made spot shows a thick 3 inch vein of (rare valuable metal) about 12 foot long. At this point it occured that there is a mining town nearby where you can get mining tools to make some money. On the way back out they come to the room with the orb which now glows a bright green color.

You check it out and you see an image within it of the grandfather clock up in the mansion. It begins ticking until it hits 3:33am where it begins chiming. Moans are now heard all around as skeletons begin moving slowly. (not turnable by any means)

Now imagine Night of the Living Dead scene where the Tarman face melted. (Youtube it as it is awesome) Now picture that in reverse as slowly muscle blood organs and tissue begin regenerating on them all. They pickup their regenerated tools and begin working. Also the orb will show the mansion above doing a whole HArry Potter thing where Dumbledore repairs the muggle house.

The hellhounds and demonic creature also do this. The collapsed area resets into the ceiling and is reopened. As the demonic woman stands erect she peers at you with red serpentine eyes and begins cackling loudly.

This is where I woke up and wrote all this down. I thought it had been lost and forgotten but found it in an old 2nd edition dm folder in the attic. I just need some ideas of what all I can do with this. Any and all help is welcome, and thanks a lot.

2013-12-18, 01:32 PM
It sounds like you've got the dungeon more or less planned. An entry room, a trap that triggers to drop them to the basement... you'll want to figure out what happens if they disarm the trap.

You should probably have a bit of exploration go into the part where you describe the increasingly skeleton-laden basement area. Then there's a problem of skeletons animating to attack.

Your demon-woman is probably an Erinyes, Succubus, or Marileth.

You could probably introduce some puzzles relating to making time advance again. Perhaps this demon was time-locked to seal her up, or perhaps she has broken the time-seal and the PCs are here to stop her?

2013-12-18, 01:59 PM
Dream symbolism. Fun.

Lots of interesting things here, but no plot to really work around. Who is this demon lady? Why are they mining for ore? What's the significance of 3:32-3:33 AM? Why wander into a mansion, creepy as hell, and then decide to make some money mining ore?

Several ways, plot wise, you can go with this.

You could make her unequivocal evil. She's greed personified, and decides you're intruders in her mansion. Even if the party decides to leave in peace, she could attack then under the idea that they'll "tell others".

They could be trapped souls, mining the ore. With some horrible backstory about what happened in the mansion centuries ago. This makes the adventure more of a sandbox puzzle. Solve the riddle, the clues, with fights here and there, and the party is released to the open world again.

All in all, sounds like an interesting set up. Just make sure you don't force the PCs into any free willed actions (I.E. "You decide to go to town to get pick axes to mine ore with"). If you want them there, trap them. Physically, or psychologically.

I had a campaign in a different D20 world once where players had to role will saves constantly in one particular area. If they failed too many in a row, they became temporarily possessed. If they succeeded, then the DC on the subsequent roll was given +2, such that it would eventually be impossible to pass without a natural 20.

Given the psychological elements you mentioned, it might be interesting to incorporate that, minus the possession and adding a "shaken" or "fear" state instead.

2013-12-18, 04:11 PM
A first step for developing this into an adventure is setting the level. My general feeling is that 3.5 is more frightening at lower levels, so you might want to look for the minimum possible. The four hellhounds at CR 3 make that a little difficult, but you could have them split up to keep the encounter level low.

I'd also suggest no more than three combat encounters (preferably two and a running away encounter) if you want it to be a one-shot, because the adventure needs some quiet time to work its magic on the players.

2013-12-18, 09:33 PM
I have bn writing all day and doing some thinking. In response to the first question about the time significance of 3:32 or 3:33. 3:33 is a time in which is the true witching hour. And I agree the hellhounds make for a low encounter level. I hate splitting up the party unless it is a no other choice situation. The floor is not trapped per say, rather old and weathered and structually unsound. Hence too much weight would destroy the flooring.

The hellhounds could be another demonic pet or perhaps easily enough advanced to better suit the level of the campaign. I loved the time sealed idea quite a bit. Here are some things I wrote today in a nutt shell.

The reason that the players are going is to retrieve a series of tomes written by the infamous VanRichten, ie useing Ravenloft variation for various effects. Hidden within these tomes are supposed to be clues as to his discovery of an unknown creature of great power, which is known to this village.

The players will face off against this creature, and be defeated in their efforts as the beast seems impurvious to their attacks at the near beginning. It will be set so noone dies but will be injured gravely. Then they are told of the tomes and an idea of their location in the mansion.

They find the books are now ruined and of no use, until the seal is broken at which time they are restored. The ore found below is a rare mineral needed to open a permanate stable portal to the abyss, or negative material plane (havent decided which) That is why their is so much slave labor.

There is more I will post tonight but I need to get the kids to bed for school tomorrow.