View Full Version : A Desperate Situation

2013-12-19, 12:02 AM
Greetings! Currently, the group i'm DMing for is involved in a large scale battle in a village against hill giants. The party is ECL 11 and they are handling the giants rather well.

The problem are the giant's generals.

One is a Protean Scourge who has so far managed to seriously injure the party's wizard, but he is still alive and the village has FH 10, so they should be fine.

The other general- far more dangerous- is a nymph rogue/caster.

The party's paladin/cleric, aware that dealing with a bunch of giants, a protean scourge and a nymph (they had encountered her previously), decides to lure her into a trap and sends her and himself to the Abyss using Planeshift.

Both arrive in the first layer and a very large pack of Nashrous (MM4) are imemdiately drawn to them, forming a circle around them, but staying a prudent distance away, waiting to see who the weaker one will be and then pounce on the injured one and tear him or her to shreds.

The nymph opens up with GDM and Blinding Beauty, taking away his buffs and effectively leaving him blind.

The paladin has readied an action to attack anyone that comes in, expecting one of the Nashrous.

However, the nymph wants to have some fun first- basically, disarm him. She does not have the imp. disarm feat, but she has a good chance of succeeding- if miss chances apply to the AoO due to the pally being blind.

My question is: Should the nymph suceed and disarm him, causing him to drop his blade on the ground in his square, as per the Disarm Rules, is there an action the nymph could do- maybe an AoO when the paladin tries to reach for his blade to kick it away? Perhaps an extra square?

The paladin can survive this encounter, oddly enough. He just needs to buy his party members time in the Material and keep her away as much as possible. But like the title in the thread says- it is a desperate situation, and I would like to capitalize on it within the rules to make it that more memorable.

Thank you very much in advance.

2013-12-19, 12:23 AM
If I were you, I'd let it go do DM fiat to deside that. No, really. The rules don't have a situation like this, so I'd add a high bonus to the Nymph's "Disarm check" and do an AoO against the blade to kick it 5 or 10 feet.

Also, that battle sounds badass. Helm's Deep badass.

2013-12-19, 12:28 AM
I don't see a problem with ruling either way, but be sure that you remember your decision. The players are likely to act based on what they see here.

2013-12-19, 12:31 AM
However, the nymph wants to have some fun first- basically, disarm him. She does not have the imp. disarm feat, but she has a good chance of succeeding- if miss chances apply to the AoO due to the pally being blind.

You don't get to take AoOs vs. targets with full concealment so it's only the readied action, and even that only if he's able to detect the enemy. Reference: Concealment rules (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/combatModifiers.htm#concealment)

"You can’t execute an attack of opportunity against an opponent with total concealment, even if you know what square or squares the opponent occupies." (being blind, everything has total concealment from you unless you have Blindsight or such)

My question is: Should the nymph suceed and disarm him, causing him to drop his blade on the ground in his square, as per the Disarm Rules, is there an action the nymph could do- maybe an AoO when the paladin tries to reach for his blade to kick it away? Perhaps an extra square?

By RAW she probably couldn't kick the weapon away with an AoO but it seems sensible enough. It might also require a full-round action or something for the Pally to find his sword if he cannot see it. Actions in combat (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/actionsInCombat.htm#moveActions) for reference. However, this assumes you can detect your weapon. Disarm also has some options on where you can have the weapon go, here (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/specialAttacks.htm#disarm).

"If you beat the defender, the defender is disarmed. If you attempted the disarm action unarmed, you now have the weapon. If you were armed, the defender’s weapon is on the ground in the defender’s square."

Most relevantly, since she's probably unarmed she can take the weapon in her hands and then e.g. throw it away if that's what she wants.

2013-12-19, 12:50 AM
Also, that battle sounds badass. Helm's Deep badass.

Thank you! The party has 3 stone golems (built in the village years ago) and have been activated by the major (a ranger type NPC who is flying thanks to the party's mage and is dropping a giant/turn)

Then there's the paladin's wife- an npc Mighty Contender of Kord, who has been leap attacking and cutting giants left and right- all these are being used by the players, so they each control more than 1 character.

Most relevantly, since she's probably unarmed she can take the weapon in her hands and then e.g. throw it away if that's what she wants.

The nymph is TWFing. She used a Stilled GDM to remove his buffs and a free action to blind him.

I'll check the rules linked here and see what the options are for the kicked weapon. Thank you very much!