View Full Version : Ways to fake full BAB?

2013-12-19, 03:27 PM
What are ways to be treated as full BAB regardless of your actual BAB (for the purpose of accuracy and iteratives rather than prereq's)? Divine Power and Transformation immediately jump to mind, but are there others? Also, a pity Divine Power can't be made into a potion, though it would be a tad expensive for a potion.

2013-12-19, 03:34 PM
Wand of Divine Power. It's a fourth level spell, so you can do that.

2013-12-19, 03:39 PM
Wand of Divine Power. It's a fourth level spell, so you can do that.
Right, yeah. I should have mentioned that, I guess.

I'm looking for other means than Divine Power and Transformation. Still, thank you.

2013-12-19, 03:41 PM
I know it isn't full BAB, but it is easy and the potential for abuse in intriguing to me. Skilled item enhancement treats you as if you had a 3/4ths BAB and proficient with the weapon. So on a 0 BAB progression class (i.e. the only one I know of, that is War Hulk, who gets +2 str every level) is fun. That one will also qualify you for pre-requs I do believe

2013-12-19, 03:51 PM
I know it isn't full BAB, but it is easy and the potential for abuse in intriguing to me. Skilled item enhancement treats you as if you had a 3/4ths BAB and proficient with the weapon. So on a 0 BAB progression class (i.e. the only one I know of, that is War Hulk, who gets +2 str every level) is fun. That one will also qualify you for pre-requs I do believe
And Survivor from SS.

I was planning on using this on a Totemist, but hey, that's a good one.

2013-12-19, 04:59 PM
If a party member pulled some shenanigans and became a cleric with the Spell Domain, have him use his Anyspell to cast Quick Potion (SC) and dump a Divine Power in it, and give it around to the party. Only works once per day, and only costs a reusable empty flask!

2013-12-19, 05:18 PM
You could also end up with zero BAB through extensive multiclassing. As long as you never take a full BAB class, or the second level in any class, your BAB will remain zero.

2013-12-19, 05:35 PM
You could also end up with zero BAB through extensive multiclassing. As long as you never take a full BAB class, or the second level in any class, your BAB will remain zero.

Such a character would wind up with an obscene Will/Reflex save though.

2013-12-19, 05:40 PM
Also, a pity Divine Power can't be made into a potion, though it would be a tad expensive for a potion.

2000 GP is about right for a 4th level/CL10 single-use item (4 x 10 x 50).

Check Magic of Faerun p. 160 under "Heart of the Beast".

2013-12-19, 06:10 PM
Well, the capstone for warchanter gives the highest bab of the party to every partymember, so all you need is a figher (or other full bab class) next to you and the war chanter with the capstone

2013-12-19, 06:13 PM
Pretty sure that there's a Druid spell that bumps up BAB among other benefits. Megalodon Empowerment maybe?

2013-12-19, 06:22 PM
Fun fact: Divine Power increases your base attack bonus to your character level. This is not capped, meaning you gain BAB even for epic levels. And since base attack bonus is an entirely different thing than epic attack bonus (the epic version of BAB), that means that they stack.

A level 100 character would have anywhere from a +10 to +20 BAB, and a +40 EAB, but if you cast Divine Power, even from a minimum-level wand, you have a nice +100 BAB that stacks with your +40 EAB.

2013-12-19, 07:21 PM
Knowledge Devotion can get you there with a skillful character. A Rogue with Education @ level 1 (all Knowledges are class skills), Skill Mastery @ level 10 ("take 10" on mastered skills), and Savvy Rogue @ level 12 ("take 12" instead) can get +4 to hit and damage every type of D&D creature, without rolling. That makes their adjusted AB higher than full BAB.

2013-12-19, 10:31 PM
Pretty sure that there's a Druid spell that bumps up BAB among other benefits. Megalodon Empowerment maybe?

It does a number of things, including setting your base attack equal to your character level, like divine power

2013-12-19, 11:07 PM
The Frenzied Hunt feat, from whichever Dragon mag talked about the Wild Hunt, does this for a Turn use (plus some Dex and skill boosts). Also, it's described as a frenzy, which qualifies for a number of rage abilities.

2013-12-19, 11:20 PM
Pathfinder monks have medium BAB, but often pretend to have full base attack bonus. (whenever they use flurry of blows)

2013-12-20, 12:07 AM
Sanctum spell says hello for letting assertive players make potions of 4th level spells.

2013-12-20, 12:51 AM
Alternatively, Skull Talisman's from Frostburn are what Potions wish they were, while Masters of the Wild 3.0 Infusions allow higher than 3rd level.

2013-12-20, 05:56 AM
Master Alchemist from Magic of Faerun is able to make potions of up to 9th level spells.

2013-12-20, 07:09 AM
Chameleon with Combat Focus gives a weird competence bonus that tries to make up for medium BAB. The actual bonus is higher than full BAB, but doesn't grant iterative attacks.

2013-12-20, 07:21 AM
Fun fact: Divine Power increases your base attack bonus to your character level. This is not capped, meaning you gain BAB even for epic levels. And since base attack bonus is an entirely different thing than epic attack bonus (the epic version of BAB), that means that they stack.

A level 100 character would have anywhere from a +10 to +20 BAB, and a +40 EAB, but if you cast Divine Power, even from a minimum-level wand, you have a nice +100 BAB that stacks with your +40 EAB.

As a level 100 who cares about melee (which already sounds crazy to me), shouldn't your turns already consist of "I hit it, it dies. Its immediate family also dies. Their badly bruised souls are furthermore admitted to the outer planes mumbling something about how they fell down the stairway to the afterlife. And then their bodies explode in enchanted, nutritious, non-cavity-forming candy which I use to feed orphans."

2013-12-20, 04:25 PM
Such a character would wind up with an obscene Will/Reflex save though.

I had a friend who did this. His entire build idea was 1 level of everything