View Full Version : Spear Combatant

2013-12-19, 05:37 PM
So I was looking through the Tome of Battle, and I had an idea: Variable Spear (I saw it somewhere, spear that changes lengths) with swordsage focus on Desert Wind. My cinematic combo would be Burning Brand (+5ft reach) into Desert Tempest. Charge through a group of soldier mooks and leave a flaming 35ft field of death.

Other combos to go with the reach that I had in mind: Combat Reflexes + Great Cleave (Mook clearing, if you've seen DotA 2, call me Axe), and then some of the standard reach shenanigans.

So does anyone have any advice? I was thinking start off with Kobold (web enhancement version) Fighter 2 (grab the racial sub at 1). One question I have is does anyone know if the web enhancement is a full replacement? Do they still have the stat mods normally used?

2013-12-19, 06:04 PM
I don't know about this Variable enchantment. All I know if the Sizing weapon enchantment (MiC), and that just changes size category, and the Variable shield enhancement which lets a shield turn into a different type of shield (buckler, light, heavy, tower).

I think that a Morphing Longspear could turn into other weapons of the same size and type, including an Awl Pike (dragon magazine, exotic, 15ft reach). That has a Standard action activation, however.

Normal Kobold stats are listed here (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/kobold.htm).

2013-12-19, 06:13 PM
I know normal kobold stats. I don't know how the web enhancement (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20060420a) is factored in. My friends and I have read as "medium with slight build counting as small", but if that isn't the case then they are "small with slight build counting as Tiny".

As far as the variable spear, I swear I saw a spear version of the variable shield that switched between short, normal, and long.

2013-12-19, 06:17 PM
they are "small with slight build counting as Tiny".

This is the case. Nothing in the web enhancement changed their size.