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2013-12-19, 08:22 PM
OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=320638)

This has been a sketchy one since the beginning, even by the Kobold's terms. It's never endearing when given a mission where little to nothing is known about the target, but he was paid up front, so what choice was there, really?

All Shadowscale was given was a name and a city. The name is 'Elora Kindlebrush', and the city is Tarkarian, a poor town in the middle of the wilderness. It has the makings of what was once a large city, but that over time became less and less able to sustain itself, the buildings outside the walls having crumbled long ago, and the decrepit barriers now only shielding centuries-old shacks, a half dozen formed from each normal sized building, separated with shoddy carpentry and a prayer or two.

There's still a market, of sorts, but it revolves around the more dangerous individuals; those of any real character find it difficult to compete, and find their throats slit if they do too well.

Really, the only place not 'infested' by this economy is within the fortified castle itself, the only building still considered to be in good shape by anyone, where the few nobles that haven't set out to other cities live off of funds collected by the guards, levied as 'taxes' on the citizens, yet no official treasurer exists, and nobody's keeping count of who's giving exactly what.

The first thing he'll need to do is find a source of information. The name's one that's likely not duplicated, at least, so that probably won't be too hard, but he'll also need to avoid drawing attention to himself; while nobody here cares about Kobolds, he'd be easy enough to recognize down the line if he doesn't take precautions.

A friend of yours has a contact within this city that you can remember; a human by the name of Damry, situated close to the castle, in a small, easy missed building. Nobody else seems willing to force him to share it. He can probably help out.

2013-12-19, 11:15 PM
Shadowscale climbs quietly to the top of one of the buildings overlooking the square, to see the workings of the city. He snorts as he looks around this barely fortified dunghill that only a race as debased as humans could bear to live in. Well, or maybe goblins, I suppose. Filthy dirt monkey races, both of them.

A smile creeps across his face as he imagines the buildings toppling over, one by one, and taking all of the dirt monkeys with them. For a moment, he wishes that he'd learned the science of making explosives. No. Too loud and no subtlety to them. Fun, but too loud.

Information. Where to find it? The market, the castle, or a third option? He watches the bustle below, and then nods. The market. I will find my information there, and then perhaps my source will disappear. As sources often do in this town, I think. He watches the flow of traffic for a time, looking for someone on the edges. Not one of the major players. I want the dirt monkey to be hungry ... desperate. Yes. That one. Having made his choice, he drops down into an alley and makes his way out into the square.

Perception: [roll0]
Sense Motive: [roll1]

2013-12-19, 11:50 PM
It's easy enough to spot someone that looks desperate, hanging along the edges with little more than a shelf bolted to a wall, carrying some basic weapons (daggers and clubs, for instance) and little else, but at the same time, he doesn't seem the type to be relying solely on weapon sales, either.

The man is human, but not everyone here is. They're all humanoid though; humans are the majority, followed by half elves and halflings, with the occasional dwarf if one looks close enough. At least, in this area. While on the building, he would've noticed some goblins about in the outer areas, and even a pack of gnolls was camped near, but not quite within the town.

His hair is black, his face unshaved but more stubble than beard, and his clothing is a simple black robe covering what's more or less rags. He certainly LOOKS desperate enough.

Spotting the Kobold, he raises a brow, but then offers a smile, "Good evening, my reptilian friend! Anything I can interest you in?" he asks, eyes looking to almost be pleading that there is.

Sense motive was countered by a roll of 14, so your target isn't quite as desperate as you think, but you only barely missed.

2013-12-20, 11:54 AM
"Yes, you can help me, dirt mo-- err, human. I am a simple messenger, bearing documents for persons in this area." Shadowscale pats his haversack. "I am in need of a few things, however. Some traveling rations and a new waterskin, if you supply those things. Also, the location of an innkeeper who could find it in his warm, mammalian heart to accept a humble dragonkin such as myself."

As an afterthought, Shadowscale adds, "By the way, I believe I have deliveries for this area, but I am not sure of their exact addresses. Do you know if anyone by the name of Pippin Lockenstock, Elora Kindlebrush, or Biztril Ironhammer lives in this town?" Fang and scales, I hope those are plausible dirt monkey names.

Diplomacy [roll0]

2013-12-20, 07:33 PM
"A waterskin I can sell you, for just 5 gold, and as for the rations, you'll need to find someone else. Not really one to like restocking things like that," he says, reaching underneath the clutter to pull out a dusty but intact waterskin.

"As for the names, two of them I haven't heard of them, but I doubt that surprises you. What do you want with Lady Elora, though?" he asks, smirking. Clearly he's not fooled, but he doesn't seem offput by the attempt either, and the 'lady' title is a bit more information than Shadowscale had to start with, too.

2013-12-20, 09:39 PM
Shadowscale's eyes narrow, but he nods with grudging respect. Canny, for a dirt monkey. He knows I need information and he charges what he believes the market will bear. The Kobold begins fishing through his purse for coins. "Given her title, I would suppose that she resides in the castle. Where in the castle would I find her? And while we are trading, I find I am also in need of a flint and tinder, I think. Yes, that is what I have need of. The price for both should be no more than five gold, yes?"

2013-12-20, 09:43 PM
"Fine. 5 for both," he agrees, moving to look through a miscellaneous pile or two for that, finally coming up with a cracked piece or two, "The information, though, that will cost a fair bit more than five gold," he claims.

2013-12-21, 07:10 AM
Shadowscale looks levelly at the human. "Whatever price is named," he warns, "that price will include not mentioning my inquiries to anyone else. My employers want her delivery to be a surprise. They were quite explicit about that. And if I were unable to execute my duties in the most proper fashion, I would be ... unhappy."

Intimidate: [roll0]
Sense Motive to see if he's going to sell the info anyway: [roll1]

Heh, the drawback is immediately biting me in the backside.

2013-12-21, 07:19 AM
As far as Shadowscale can tell, the man's nod seems to be sincere, "Fine," the human says, "But I want 100 gold for the info, and I want you to swipe me some actually decent food from the nobles, deal?"

2013-12-22, 11:13 AM
Shadowscale's eyes narrow and he lets out an involuntary hiss. Is this dirt monkey trying to take advantage of me? I should give him a scar or two to teach him otherwise. No ... it does not matter. It would be worth the money simply to be able to fulfill the contract and leave this stinking termite heap.

He nods sharply. "Twenty five for hearing your information. Twenty five more if it is worthwhile. Fifty after the delivery is complete, to ensure your silence in the meantime. This will be paid on my honor as a dragonkin. I cannot promise to acquire noble food, but I will see what I can do."

2013-12-22, 07:49 PM
"Fine, it's a deal," he says, waiting for the first bit of money promised. Assuming the Kobold pays the first 25, he'll pocket it and then begin to talk.

"Lady Elora's at the south side of the castle. The guards go by there about twice an hour. If you keep track of them you can get in unimpeded. Can't help much inside though, they vary that up too much. Just hope you're the canny sort," he explains, clearly figuring this isn't a perfectly on the level 'delivery'.

2013-12-23, 09:35 AM
Shadowscale snorts in irritation. "I hope that is not the extent of your information, or else we are both going to be very disappointed. What does she look like? Where is she during the day, in the castle or out of it? And at night, out or in? Is she a great mage or a mighty warrior, or is she simply a fat noble with a handful of guardsmen?"

2013-12-23, 09:41 AM
He sighs, "Fine, fine. Best I know, she's short, human, black hair, a little on the heavier side. Stays in the castle pretty much every day, has servants take care of things for her. Don't think she can do much, but that might just be that she doesn't because she doesn't HAVE to," he explains, holding his hand out for the remaining coin.

2013-12-23, 11:48 AM
Shadowscale sighs and proffers the remaining coin. "And her apartments? How many rooms, and how many servants?" After he drops the gold in the man's hand, he adds, "I remind you that if you are careless with the coin, it will attract unwanted attention. And if you attract unwanted attention, the least of your worries will be that you do not get the remainder."

2013-12-23, 07:32 PM
"I can't tell you everything myself. I don't know everything to begin with. Try bribing a guard near there," he says, swiping the coins and counting them quickly, "Don't worry, I'm careful with my coin," he claims.

2013-12-24, 09:17 AM
Shadowscale nods and strolls away. Like hell I will bribe another one of these stinking dirt monkeys for information. Now that I have a location, I will do the rest of this the proper way. He slides into the comfort of the shadows, then casts a quick glance back at the human. With a little luck, he will use that money to hire some thugs to try and relieve me of my equipment. That would be an enjoyable diversion, and I would get my money back.

Happy thoughts of dead dirt monkeys dancing in his head, he makes his way toward the south side of the castle to do a bit of surveillance.

OOCHe's going to set up at a good vantage point and study the castle for an hour or two. Afterwards, he'll find an inn and nap until midnight. Unless he finds a really nice nook on the rooftops, in which case he'll just bed down there instead.)

2013-12-24, 09:41 AM
Every once in a while, a guard gets lucky. Not even a kobold like him can avoid them every single time.

It's luckily not until a fair while after he's started. He's seen the guard rotations, able to place the entrances and exits they tend to come from. He's seen the movement of torchlight inside the castle itself. He's fairly sure he'd be able to get inside and avoid 90% of the guards, so long as he finds who he needs quickly.

But as he's getting ready to leave, several guards step out of formation from nearby, spotting him. At least two of them on this patrol, and there might be more within audible range. "Hey you! What are you doing out here?!" they call over, advancing on him.

I basically rolled your stealth vs random guard. You got a 2 and he had a 20 (Total of 20 and 23), so he actually spotted you.

Go ahead and roll initiative if you'd like to fight. Theirs is [roll0]. You don't need to fight if you'd rather try to talk your way out of this, but they're of an initially suspicious bent, so that may be difficult.

Also, give me a perception, so i can decide how well you'll have tracked where Elora probably is.

2013-12-24, 12:40 PM
Shadowscale curses silently before shouting in his most pathetic voice, "Please, no hurts me! No kickings me! Me only wants food for tummy!" Then runs with startling speed, before blurring into the darkness of a nearby alley. Fat, clunky dirt monkeys with their stupid heavy armor. Let them try to outrun a dragonkin.

Move 50', hide in plain sight

Initiative: [roll0]
Bluff to appear pathetic: [roll1]
Stealth/Hide in Plain Sight: [roll2]
Perception per request: [roll3]

2013-12-24, 09:53 PM
The two clearly don't buy it, and take off after the Kobold, drawing their swords as they head towards the alleyway that he's in.

However, once they get there, they look around rather blindly, furrowing their brows a bit, "Where are you?!" one of them calls out.

Your initiative, if you want to take it. They're of course flatfooted and can't see you.

As for the perception, you're fairly certain you can tell where the woman likely is kept, fairly high in the building on the south side, and could probably narrow it down to one of a few rooms once inside.

2013-12-25, 08:32 AM
Shadowscale does a quick mental calculation of two guards who disappear from duty versus two guards who return to duty talking about the one that got away. Stupid dirt monkeys. It would have been easier on them if they'd believed me. Or for that matter, if they'd never spotted me in the first place. How did that even happen?

He unlimbers his shortbow, tests the pull a few times, and lines up his shot with the throat of the more distant guardsman. With luck, the second one won't realize his friend is dead until an arrow is in his own throat.

OOCRanged attack: [roll0] for [roll1] + [roll2] plus 2 bleed. Targeting whichever guardsman is in the back, so he's not in immediately line of sight of the other.
Move and re-stealth (going more toward the mouth of the alley to cut him off): [roll3]

2013-12-25, 07:33 PM
The arrow not only sails past both guards, but causes them to look in his direction, catching sight of him for a moment and moving in his direction, but quickly losing track of him again.

Both ready their swords, going back to back, about 10 feet away at most, as they search for him.

Rolled your fumble confirm, you just missed normally. The text was more about your bad stealth roll. They still didn't see you though.

Their action is just a ready for each of them. Your turn.

By the way, if you end up wanting an actual map to work from, I have a google docs template set up for it I could grab. Not the most complex thing, but it works.

2013-12-26, 10:26 AM
The kobold stifles a groan that would give away his location. Instead, he nocks another arrow and lines up his shot. Lady of Darkness, whatever it is that I did to offend you, I apologize most humbly.

OOCRanged attack: [roll0] for [roll1] + [roll2] plus 2 bleed.
Move and re-stealth: [roll3]

I don't need a map, but I'd recommend ditzie.com for quick mapping, if you haven't seen it before. It has a bit of a learning curve, but once you've got past that, combat mapping is a breeze.

2013-12-26, 04:44 PM
The arrow lets loose, hitting the guard in the shoulder and causing blood to gush from the artery within, the human groaning heavily in pain as his partner loses his cool a bit, turning towards the same direction, still unable to find the kobold.

The other guard quickly attempts to use a makeshift bandage to stop the bleeding, while the first pulls out a vial of swirling red liquid, blindly throwing it in the general direction he thinks the Kobold might be, an explosion of flames indicating its contact with the ground.

That's pretty cool. I'll keep that in mind.

D% [roll0]: If 51 or greater take 2 fire damage, and your next stealth will be at -5 because fire.

DC15 Heal Check to stop Bleed: [roll1]

2013-12-27, 09:37 AM
Shadowscale hisses as the liquid sears across his forearm, leaving a trail of smoke and a hint of cooking meat. Irritating but not life-threatening. Remain focused. He targets the uninjured guardsman. Die now, dirt monkey.

OOCRanged attack: [roll0] for [roll1] + [roll2] plus 2 bleed.
Move and re-stealth: [roll3]

2013-12-27, 08:05 PM
The arrow strikes, but unfortunately is simply lodged in the guard's armor, "Damn it! We can't fight this thing. Let's get you out of here!" the uninjured guard says as he yanks the arrow out, helping the other to move as both of them retreat out of the alleyway.

They're sprinting, up to you if you want to chase them or let them go for your own turn.

2013-12-27, 09:08 PM
Hells. Mother of Dragons, guide my hand. Shadowscale pulls a vial out of his bandolier and pours it over an arrow. Dropping the vial, he steps forward and lets fly at the uninjured guardsman.

OOCSo I think this is going to be two rounds' worth of actions for me, but Shadowscale will draw the Drow Poison from his bandolier, apply the poison to an arrow, move up 50ft, attack the uninjured guard. If the attack hits, DC 13 Fort or Unconscious. http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison/drow-poison

The hope is that the uninjured guardsman fails his save and drops, and that the injured guy bleeds out.

Attack: [roll0] for [roll1] + [roll2] plus 2 bleed

2013-12-27, 11:05 PM
The arrow strikes true, causing a gasp of pain from the guard, but while he does seem a little sluggish, he manages to pull through the poison. By that point, however, his compatriot is on the ground, unconscious, as he speeds off, hoping to find a spot to treat his own wound.

End init rounds. You can still try to track down the runner, of course.

Regardless, 500xp for the encounter.

2013-12-28, 07:54 AM
Shadowscale's eyes narrow as he calculates time. Forty heartbeats until he bleeds out. Eighty until he collapses from the soporific -- if it takes this time. Either way, it is likely enough to get him into plain sight. Damn. Ignoring the unconscious guard for now, he lopes off after the fleeing man, watching the trail of blood spilled on the cobblestones.

OOCShadowscale wants a clean disappearance. He'll track, watching in case the guard tries for a desperate ambush.

Survival to track: [roll0]
Perception to avoid possible ambush: [roll1]
Attack if necessary: [roll2] for [roll3] + [roll4]

2013-12-28, 08:24 AM
It's easy enough to trail the bleeding guard, who apparently didn't manage to close his wounds enough to cover that dribble of blood. He's hiding out behind a nearby building, and by the time he notices the Kobold, he's already letting loose the arrow that embeds itself firmly in the guard's skull, causing the body to go limp.

2013-12-28, 11:03 AM
Shadowscale nods. Finally. Thank you, Mother of Dragons. Approaching the dead guard, he quickly strips the body of anything of value, keeping an eyes out for keys especially, then covers the corpse with garbage. He will stink in a day or two ... but in a day or two, this city will be a day or two behind me.

Working quickly, he hustles back to the dying guard, drags him to an alley and repeats the process of searching and then covering the corpse with trash. He looks unhappily at the pools of blood and the drag marks. Not good, but it will be night soon enough, and the dirt monkeys cannot see well in the darkness.

OOCTaking weapons, alchemist's fire, coin, etc. and putting it into the haversack. Removing the armor will take too much time, so he's leaving that.

If everything goes smoothly, he waits until a few hours past dark to enter the castle.

Perception to search Body #2: [roll0]
Survival (?) to hide Body #2:[roll1]

Strength check to move Body #1: [roll2]
Perception to search Body #1: [roll3]
Survival (?) to hide Body #1 :[roll4]

2013-12-28, 07:18 PM
Shadowscale finds a total of 100 gold coins between the two bodies, another vial of alchemist's fire, two long swords, two daggers, a sling and twenty bullets, and a Potion of Protection from Evil.

The long swords are of masterwork quality

Much as it pains me, Hiding bodies is probably a facet of stealth, for moving undetected and all, heh.

Take an extra 200xp for taking time to make sure neither guard escapes and for hiding both bodies.

2013-12-29, 11:22 AM
Shadowscale smiles as he looks over the longswords. Fine quality. These should more than cover the cost of the drow poison and the dirt monkey's information. Not that I am any common thug, of course. But it is pleasant when these things work out for the best.

He takes a small taste of the potion to determine its composition, then hisses in wicked amusement. Protection from things that go bump in the night? Hah. They were right to fear the darkness. Unfortunately for them, I make very little noise.

He looks to the castle. Now ... wait for the night, then secure an entry, then remove the target, then leave. In the meantime, I have things to prepare.

Making Extracts: 2 Cure Light, 1 Reduce Person, 1 Negate Aroma, 1 Animal Aspect. Along with Alchemical Allocation, that's it for his extracts today.

Otherwise, waiting for a few hours after nightfall to enter.

2013-12-29, 08:44 PM
Nothing ends up bothering him as he prepares his extracts, and before too long, night time is falling more fully upon the area, the sky darkening as the clouds cover both the moon and stars that would normally be shining.

2013-12-29, 09:43 PM
Shadowscale smiles at the cloud cover. Sweet darkness, so very much like the Shadow Plane. This is a good omen. The kobold watches the guards rotate for a few minutes, counting down to an opportune moment. When it seems clear, he downs the extract which neutralizes his scent, followed by the one that allows him to scale walls more effectively. He winces slightly as suction pads grow on his fingers. Mother of Dragons, that is uncomfortable. He flexes his fingers. It will do, however.

Taking a final look around, he sprints to the wall and begins his ascent.

Once the patrol is out of sight for a few minutes, then drinking Negate Aroma (4 hr) and Animal Aspect (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/a/animal-aspect):Tree Lizard (4 min), which gives 25' Climb speed and +8 to Climb skill (from having a climb speed). Taking 10 on Climb check for 25 altogether.

If rolls are required, Stealth is +18 and Perception is +10.

I'll work on a mini-statblock for effects and stuff tomorrow when I'm more sober.

2013-12-29, 10:35 PM
He has little to no trouble scaling the wall with the help of his new suction cups, and his timing is perfect, getting him up towards a small window he can slip inside, something that'd likely be too small for a human to squeeze through. This puts him in a small storage room, with what looks like excess blankets, comforters, pillows, and similar things for the bedrooms on this floor.

Being sober is overrated.

Storage room is about 20 feet by 20 feet, door at the north end. He knows he'll need to go left once he leaves the room.

2013-12-30, 09:10 AM
Shadowscale looks around the room briefly. If a distraction is needed at some point during the evening's proceedings, some alchemist's fire among the highly flammable bed linens would probably work nicely. But for now, let's continue with Plan A: Stealth. He briefly considers drinking his shrinking extract but decides against it. It would make it much easier to sneak ... but much harder to reach doorknobs.

He listens at the door for a long minute before opening it and slipping out into the corridor. Left.

Perception to listen at door: [roll0]

2013-12-30, 07:38 PM
He can hear the movement of what sounds like another patrol of guards, one that he'd already essentially accounted for, though, and as the minute goes by it seems the patrol is as he predicted. When he opens the door, there's nobody there and won't be there for a decent period of time.

The hallway he's in is about 100 feet long, with 3 doors on each side, and then one up at the 'corner', where there's probably more space. He can bet that's going to be where she is.

Stealth roll, just in case you get a 1. And Disable Device rolls for any door you go to open other than the one you came out of; they're all locked.

2013-12-31, 05:56 AM
Before leaving the laundry room, Shadowscale withdraws a dark vial from his bandolier. He uncorks the bottle, and the inky black contents roil and seem almost to be trying to climb out of the container. He hesitates, for a moment. I dislike how jittery this makes me ... but if I need to escape in a hurry, best I have it in my system now, rather than trying to bolt it down while a pack of guardsmen are hot on my heels. He quaffs the mutagen and then groans softly as his scales grow darker, tougher ... and somehow less distinct.

The transformation complete, he creeps down the corridor, feeling in his haversack for his lockpicks.

OOCStealth: [roll0]
Disable Device: [roll1]
Mini StatsShadowscale (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16639503&postcount=2)

AC: 19 [+4] (19 [+4] flat-footed, 15 [+2] touch)
HP: 35/37
CMB: +4 CMD: 18 [+2]
Fort: +5 Reflex: +8 [+2] Will: +3 [-1]
Attack: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2) or Shortbow (+9/1d4+1/20x3)

Perception: +10 [-1]
Initiative: +6

Current Weapon: Shortbow (+11/1d4+1/20x3)
Current Conditions: Negate Aroma (4h), Shadowstuff/Dexterity Mutagen (40m)

Serenity: 11/11
1st Level: 0/4
2nd Level: 0/2
Extracts Prepared: Cure Light Wounds x2, Reduce Person, Alchemical Allocation
Mutagen Prepared: Dexterity

2013-12-31, 06:45 AM
The lock unfortunately doesn't give (Assuming he's going for his target's room), which means he's a minute or so off schedule; another guard rotation is likely to come around soon. He can try again, but if he doesn't get it right, he might be caught.

2013-12-31, 09:18 AM
I can get this! And if the guards come then I will kill them and feed their life-essence into the Well of Eternal Darkness where it -- Shadowscale shakes his head violently, disrupting the chain of incautious thoughts. Godsdamned mutagen ... makes it difficult to think straight. Caution. Caution and patience. Caution and patience and silence. He retreats down the corridor into the linen closet and waits for the guard to pass.

OOCStealth: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]
Disable Device: [roll2]
Mini StatsShadowscale (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16639503&postcount=2)

AC: 19 [+4] (19 [+4] flat-footed, 15 [+2] touch)
HP: 35/37
CMB: +4 CMD: 18 [+2]
Fort: +5 Reflex: +8 [+2] Will: +3 [-1]
Attack: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2) or Shortbow (+9/1d4+1/20x3)

Perception: +10 [-1]
Initiative: +6 [+2]

Current Weapon: Shortbow (+11/1d4+1/20x3)
Current Conditions: Negate Aroma (4h), Shadowstuff/Dexterity Mutagen (40m)

Serenity: 11/11
1st Level: 0/4
2nd Level: 0/2
Extracts Prepared: Cure Light Wounds x2, Reduce Person, Alchemical Allocation
Mutagen Prepared: Dexterity

2013-12-31, 09:26 AM
He manages to get out of sight and back into the closet as the next guard patrol moves through the area. The footsteps are loud and easy to track, since the guards don't expect to need to be dealing with anyone. Most of the riff raff never makes it past the outer patrols, after all.

As he gets back, he manages to get the lock undone, the door creaking open to reveal the darkened room where the woman is sleeping. It's a large bedroom, at least 40 feet long and 20 wide, with a four poster bed covered with silk curtains, obscuring her from view, but the light snoring makes it incredibly clear that she's in there.

2013-12-31, 10:42 AM
Shadowscale pauses for a moment to take one of the guard's longswords out of the haversack. He struggles with the oversized weapon, but gets a good two-handed grip on it after a moment. No reason not to throw a bit of misdirection their way. Before approaching the bed, he studies it from a distance to make sure there is one body, not two, and even then he looks to make sure the woman matches the description that the dirt monkey in the merchant's square gave.

Perception: [roll1]
Coup de Grace with longsword for [roll2] plus [roll3]
Mini StatsShadowscale (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16639503&postcount=2)

AC: 19 [+4] (19 [+4] flat-footed, 15 [+2] touch)
HP: 35/37
CMB: +4 CMD: 18 [+2]
Fort: +5 Reflex: +8 [+2] Will: +3 [-1]
Attack: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2) or Shortbow (+9/1d4+1/20x3)

Perception: +10 [-1]
Initiative: +6 [+2]

Current Weapon: Shortbow (+11/1d4+1/20x3)
Current Conditions: Negate Aroma (4h), Shadowstuff/Dexterity Mutagen (40m)

Serenity: 11/11
1st Level: 0/4
2nd Level: 0/2
Extracts Prepared: Cure Light Wounds x2, Reduce Person, Alchemical Allocation
Mutagen Prepared: Dexterity

2013-12-31, 07:36 PM
Sure enough, this is her, and Shadowscale's innately quiet movements have done nothing to stir her from her sleep. Using the guard's weapon will just make things that much more confusing for them, at least to the point of letting him get away.

The kill itself is easy, the longsword making short work of what essentially becomes a decapitation, the blade plunging through her neck and cutting off any hope of a last ditch scream before it can be done. Chances are, she won't be found for a while, but he does need to get out now without being seen at all, of course, for his deceptive tactics to work at all..

2014-01-01, 09:32 AM
The kobold nods his approval at his handiwork before dropping the longsword on the rug next to the bed. Then, while he waits for the next patrol to pass, he looks around the room for obvious valuables. No sense letting the opportunity to go to waste. And then they will wonder if the killer's motivation was theft, not murder. It will be such a mystery for their poor underdeveloped dirt monkey brains.

He listens at the door, and when the coast is clear, darts back down the hall to the linen closet.

OOCAppraise: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]
Stealth: [roll2]
Mini StatsShadowscale (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16639503&postcount=2)

AC: 19 [+4] (19 [+4] flat-footed, 15 [+2] touch)
HP: 35/37
CMB: +4 CMD: 18 [+2]
Fort: +5 Reflex: +8 [+2] Will: +3 [-1]
Attack: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2) or Shortbow (+9/1d4+1/20x3)

Perception: +10 [-1]
Initiative: +6 [+2]

Current Weapon: Shortbow (+11/1d4+1/20x3)
Current Conditions: Negate Aroma (4h), Shadowstuff/Dexterity Mutagen (40m)

Serenity: 11/11
1st Level: 0/4
2nd Level: 0/2
Extracts Prepared: Cure Light Wounds x2, Reduce Person, Alchemical Allocation
Mutagen Prepared: Dexterity

2014-01-01, 07:42 PM
Getting back to the linen closet proves no issue, thankfully, making this a fairly easy mission overall, given his propensity for stealth and subterfuge. There doesn't seem to be anything in the way of him simply going back the way he came, so far.

Although, he doesn't quite know where he's supposed to report that things are done. But hopefully that just means the problem is meant to resolve itself and he'll be found once news spreads.

2014-01-01, 08:46 PM
Shadowscale leaves by the window, scaling down the wall, confident that a potential fall won't be anything more than simply a bit painful. After this, one stop to make before I am out of this stinking dirt monkey city. Dragonkin pay their debts. Oh yes.

OOCClimb: [roll0] (Not terribly worried about falling damage due to the mutagen.)
Stealth: [roll1]

Going to visit the informant after this. Did Shadowscale manage to pick up any goodies out of Elora's room?
Mini StatsShadowscale (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16639503&postcount=2)

AC: 19 [+4] (19 [+4] flat-footed, 15 [+2] touch)
HP: 35/37
CMB: +4 CMD: 18 [+2]
Fort: +5 Reflex: +8 [+2] Will: +3 [-1]
Attack: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2) or Shortbow (+9/1d4+1/20x3)

Perception: +10 [-1]
Initiative: +6 [+2]

Current Weapon: Shortbow (+11/1d4+1/20x3)
Current Conditions: Negate Aroma (4h), Shadowstuff/Dexterity Mutagen (30m)

Serenity: 11/11
1st Level: 0/4
2nd Level: 0/2
Extracts Prepared: Cure Light Wounds x2, Reduce Person, Alchemical Allocation
Mutagen Prepared: Dexterity

2014-01-01, 09:31 PM
The climb down is a lot easier than up, so he manages not to fall or hurt himself in any way, past slipping a little at the bottom and stubbing his toe.

It won't be too difficult to find that informant again, though Shadowscale finds him 'packing up' for the night when he gets there.

Ack, sorry!

Shadowscale found about 500gp worth of Jewelry, and also 500xp since you defeated her and all.

Take 250 more xp, too, for not being discovered while in the castle. (So, 750 total)

2014-01-01, 10:21 PM
Shadowscale watches the situation for a moment, naturally mistrusting the dirt monkey. After a moment, he inhales and exhales ritually, and he feels the umbral currents settle around him. The passage of time seems to slow down, and he feels filled with a tremendous singularity of focus. It doesn't feel mentally exhausting at the moment, but Shadowscale knows that it is, and that there will be a price when he stops. But for now ... there is a safety in it.

Only when he's satisfied that there is no imminent threat does he hiss to get the man's attention. "Kss! Your money!" he says, throwing a pouch of gold at the man. "I trust our business is concluded satisfactorily?"

He waits for the man's answer, more than half expecting an attack.

Burning a couple rounds of Serenity because Shadowscale is a paranoid son of a bitch, and he's expecting a double-cross. (With the mutagen and Serenity both rolling, his initiative is +10.)

Perception: [roll0]
Sense Motive: [roll1]

2014-01-01, 11:03 PM
"Calm down, dragonkin," the human says as he notices how uptight the kobold seems to be right now. He takes the money, counting it out, before reaching into a jacket. Paranoid as he is, he can tell the man has no intention of hurting him, he's actually reaching for a scroll.

Handing it to him, he explains, "I was told to give this to you when I got paid back. Seems he knew you'd be good to your word. Didn't get a good look at the guy though," he explains.

Assuming he opens up the letter, after whatever checks for traps or tricks (There aren't any), it reads as follows:

The guards likely won't know what happened for a long while, thanks to your caution. Though, the murder of the first two is still under investigation. So far though, it seems they're worried about a coup, more than a simple assassination. As I had planned.

Still, I'd leave the town if I were you. I left a little bonus for a job well done about one day's travel east, at the Graybone caverns. Check under the third marked rock on the left side, buried 2 feet under. Your next job will be outlined there too.

One can only wonder how he learned of all of this so quickly, and why he needs Shadowscale if he's so knowledgeable and good at avoiding detection, but money is money.

2014-01-02, 12:15 AM
Shadowscale exhales and the world speeds back up to normal. With it comes the familiar crushing headache and the weakness in his limbs, but he tries not to let the dirt monkey notice. It will pass in thirty heartbeats.

The kobold tucks the paper away into his haversack, then begins counting gold. "Twenty-five more to tell me what the man looked like, who gave you the message. And anything else you remember about him, or that struck you as odd." He holds a claw up before the the man can respond. "If you wish to haggle, the price is not negotiable. I am fairly offering the full price of what the information is worth to me. If you do not wish to sell, then I shall be off." Since I doubt my contact will look the same way a second time ... but it might be useful to know, in case I am mistaken and he is careless.

Mini StatsShadowscale (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16639503&postcount=2)

AC: 19 [+4] (19 [+4] flat-footed, 15 [+2] touch)
HP: 35/37
CMB: +4 CMD: 18 [+2]
Fort: +5 Reflex: +8 [+2] Will: +3 [-1]
Attack: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2) or Shortbow (+9/1d4+1/20x3)

Perception: +10 [-1]
Initiative: +6 [+2]

Current Weapon: Shortbow (+11/1d4+1/20x3)
Current Conditions: Negate Aroma (4h), Shadowstuff/Dexterity Mutagen (30m)

Serenity: 9/11
1st Level: 0/4
2nd Level: 0/2
Extracts Prepared: Cure Light Wounds x2, Reduce Person, Alchemical Allocation
Mutagen Prepared: None

2014-01-02, 12:40 AM
The man was indeed about to try haggling, frowning a moment as he says the price isn't negotiable, "Fine. But this isn't one of those 'if I like the info' deals. We both know there likely wasn't much to see," he claims.

"Was shorter than me, but taller than you, somewhere in the middle. Wearing gray, had at least a half dozen concealed weapons. Thin build, didn't get a look at any skin. Humanoid, didn't see any tails or anything extra, but it could've been hidden."

2014-01-02, 09:01 AM
Shadowscale pauses before handing over the money, then adds another handful of coins to the payment. "That there wasn't much to see was why I offered what I did ... and why you accepted the offer. Still, your information exceeded my expectations," the kobold says grudgingly, obviously disliking having to give an honest compliment to a dirt monkey. "That being the case, I will pay a fair price. Now, I think our business is concluded. Good evening."

Shadowscale disappears into the darkness, zigzagging down several alleys before leaving town to the north. Only after an hour or two does he turn east and finally bed down for the remainder of the night, drinking one of his extracts before he turns in.

Hidden weapons, grey clothing, slight build. I wonder... he thinks as he falls asleep.

OOCShadowscale will bump the payment to 40 gp. That the merchant spotted a bunch of concealed weapons impressed him a little bit.

I (as a player) have two or three guesses as to what the guy is. I also think Shadowscale would be thinking of one of the guesses in particular given that he's familiar with the Shadow Plane and has ranks in K:Planes. So ... is it possible that Mr. Johnson is a fetchling? [roll0]

Shadowscale will head to the place marked on the map, just not exactly in a straight line if he can help it, because paranoia. Especially since his contact is almost certainly scrying him.

Oh, drinking a CLW extract to take off the 2 fire damage before bedtime.

2014-01-02, 09:30 AM
"Anytime, dragonkin," he says with a warmer tone, given the extra gold. He counts it out, out of habit, before giving him a wave as the kobold heads on his way.

The trip north brings him through a lightly wooded area, a sparse forest that can easily be traversed, and that makes it fairly easy to find a cozy spot to settle in. Further east, he knows it'll eventually change into hills, large ones, since the Graybone caverns aren't the only ones in the area.

It's possible that it's a fetchling, but you can't really know until you learn more about them.

Anyway, give me a Perception roll, and a Survival roll, to help determine relative safety of where you fall asleep.

2014-01-02, 10:12 AM
This should be a good enough place...

OOCPerception: [roll0]
Survival: [roll1]Mini StatsShadowscale (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16639503&postcount=2)

AC: 19 (19 flat-footed, 15 touch)
HP: 37/37
CMB: +4 CMD: 18
Fort: +5 Reflex: +8 Will: +3
Attack: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2) or Shortbow (+9/1d4+1/20x3)

Perception: +10
Initiative: +6

Current Weapon: Shortbow (+11/1d4+1/20x3)
Current Conditions: None

Serenity: 9/11
1st Level: 0/4
2nd Level: 0/2
Extracts Prepared: Cure Light Wounds, Reduce Person, Alchemical Allocation
Mutagen Prepared: None

2014-01-02, 08:14 PM
With his scouting as good as it is, Shadowscale gets a good night's sleep, and wakes up unhassled, including having time to prepare whatever extracts he decides upon for the day.

While doing so, though, he spots a large Black Widow spider in a tree nearby, probably having spun a web in the middle of the night but not having spotted Shadowscale himself. There's currently a dead goblin in it, looking desiccated and dry, wrapped in a cocoon of webbing.

He can probably sneak away if he wants, but that goblin's cocoon has a noticeable bulge in the side, where there's likely a fair bit of coin. Right now, it's probably about 70 feet away.

Shadowscale knows that spiders like this can detect vibrations in the ground, trees, and nearby in general. He'll want to keep his distance if he plans to use stealth to his advantage

The poison of this particular spider is incredibly strong, capable of slowly killing even fairly strong warriors if they're unlucky.
(Bite—injury; save Fort DC 17; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d3 Con and staggered; cure 2 saves.)

The good news is that it can be fairly easily extracted from a corpse, and what freelancer can't make good use of strong poisons?

The webs of large spiders like this are incredibly sticky and hard to break (DC19, 5hp). Another reason to keep one's distance.

2014-01-02, 10:16 PM
Shadowscale retreats a dozen paces and sits down, studying the creature. So ... I can walk away and be no worse off than I am. Or I could kill the beast and earn whatever the goblin was carrying and some rather excellent poison. A risky proposition, to be sure.

He spreads out much of the contents of his pack. The grenade will not kill a beast of that size. I could try getting the spider to bite it ... but that would destroy its precious venom sacs. The blue whinnis is formulated for a much smaller creature. I suppose could use the alchemical grease and take a dose of antitoxin and fight it hand-to-hand, but that would be stupid. Vermin repellent ... good for mosquitoes, but not effective against larger vermin. So, I appear to be left with two choices.

He touches the bow briefly before putting it away. I cannot reliably hit its vitals from this range ... and I would be in trouble as soon as it charged. No, I think I can safely put aside subtlety for the time being. He gathers his equipment carefully and puts it all away -- everything but for one flask.

He approaches back to seventy feet and calls the shadows to him once more. He focuses on the spider, moving ever so slowly at the center of its web, and then lets fly with alchemist's fire, but he is retreating even before the flask lands. Let's remove the webs first, then see what we have to work with.

OOCActivating Serenity
+4 BAB +6 Dex +1 Throw Anything - 6 Range = +5 to hit
1d6 base + 2 Throw Anything damage
Going for a direct hit on the spider, and hoping the webs catch.

[roll0] for [roll1]

Shadowscale will retreat back another 30 ft as soon as he throws the flask.Mini StatsShadowscale (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16639503&postcount=2)

AC: 19 (19 flat-footed, 15 touch)
HP: 37/37
CMB: +4 CMD: 18
Fort: +5 Reflex: +8 Will: +3
Attack: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2) or Shortbow (+9/1d4+1/20x3)

Perception: +10
Initiative: +6

Current Weapon: Shortbow (+11/1d4+1/20x3)
Current Conditions: None

Serenity: 10/11
1st Level: 4/4
2nd Level: 1/2
Extracts Prepared: Alchemical Allocation
Mutagen Prepared: Dexterity

2014-01-02, 11:18 PM
The vial hits squarely where aimed, suddenly catching fire to the spider and lighting its webs up with it.

Mindless creature that it is, it lets out a horrible clicking, screeching sort of sound, unsure what it can do to stop the pain as it looks around confusedly. Eventually, instinct takes over and it manages to put itself out with no small amount of effort and dirt-tossing, but it can't seem to do much else in that time period.

Additional damage from the web burning (Just going to treat it like the spell:) [roll0]

Initiative: [roll1], though either way its first turn is putting itself out, since your attack was a surprise round.

2014-01-03, 01:13 PM
Hells. I was hoping for more ... fireworks. Moving on to plan B and probably C and D, then. The kobold retreats another dozen paces, watching to see what the spider does. He fingers his haversack impatiently.

OOCShadowscale is going to retreat and watch the spider and watch to see if it comes over to investigate or attack. If not, he's going to cover himself with alchemical grease and dip an arrow in blue whinnis. If he gets lucky, that'll end the fight.Mini StatsShadowscale (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16639503&postcount=2)

AC: 19 (19 flat-footed, 15 touch)
HP: 37/37
CMB: +4 CMD: 18
Fort: +5 Reflex: +8 Will: +3
Attack: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2) or Shortbow (+9/1d4+1/20x3)

Perception: +10
Initiative: +6

Current Weapon: Shortbow (+11/1d4+1/20x3)
Current Conditions: None

Serenity: 10/11
1st Level: 4/4
2nd Level: 1/2
Extracts Prepared: Alchemical Allocation
Mutagen Prepared: Dexterity

2014-01-03, 07:49 PM
The spider does start to investigate, but it has no real idea where the bomb came from, not really smart enough to track something like that. Thankfully, with him not moving, it never manages to spot him using its tremorsense, though it does cover about 40 feet, ending up that much closer to him.

It's essentially readying an attack, but it probably won't be able to see you in time to deliver it. Roll Stealth when you do let loose the arrow.

2014-01-04, 04:35 PM
Shadowscale slowly reaches for his haversack, never taking his eyes off the spider. Stay still ... stay very still. His fingers find the hard, round shape of a grenade, and he closes his hand around it. He brings it out cautiously, lights it, and heaves with as little noise as he can manage. It lands not too far away from the spider. Yes! Go bite it you foolish beast!

OOCAiming for a square next to the spider (AC 5), so that it senses the movement of the grenade and hopefully attacks just as the thing goes off. Even if it doesn't, will the bang disrupt tremorsense?

Burning a round of Serenity

Attack vs. AC 5, -2 range, +1 T.A., +2 Serenity: [roll1]
Fuse length: [roll2]

2014-01-04, 07:43 PM
The spider does indeed move towards the grenade, rather than where it came from, Shadowscale managing to toss it without a clear arc for the Spider's senses to follow. Rather than simply biting into it, though, it shoots a web over the object, trapping it like it's some minor bit of prey.

Go ahead and roll its damage on your turn, even though it won't go boom until the turn after. I'd say it'll disrupt tremorsense for long enough for a single turn's movement.

2014-01-05, 04:36 PM
Shadowscale waits for the bomb to explode, coating an arrow with blue whinnis poison in the meantime. Not good enough. There will be combat.

OOCBurning another round of Serenity in the meantime.

Damage: [roll0] Fire + [roll1] B + [roll2] P
Stealth [roll3]

2014-01-05, 10:43 PM
The bomb explodes, knocking the spider back, and with its webs burned and the attacker not in view, it starts to run off in a random direction along the forest floor, not knowing what else it can do.

Sprinting 90 feet away. However, it doesn't know where you are to go exactly in the opposite direction, so, given a random roll, it ended up at about 160 feet away.

2014-01-06, 11:50 AM
Hells. There goes my poison. Shadowscale trots off after it and fires off a poisoned arrow at the beast. Mother of Dragons, grant me luck. Not a lot of luck, just a little luck.

OOCMove 50' forward, keep Serenity, fire the poisoned arrow.

Attack (-2 range): [roll0] for [roll1]Mini StatsShadowscale (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16639503&postcount=2)

AC: 19 (19 flat-footed, 15 touch)
HP: 37/37
CMB: +4 CMD: 18
Fort: +5 Reflex: +8 Will: +3
Attack: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2) or Shortbow (+9/1d4+1/20x3)

Perception: +10
Initiative: +6

Current Weapon: Shortbow (+11/1d4+1/20x3)
Current Conditions: None

Serenity: 8/11
1st Level: 4/4
2nd Level: 1/2
Extracts Prepared: Alchemical Allocation
Mutagen Prepared: Dexterity

2014-01-06, 08:29 PM
The arrow strikes through, and what's better, he can immediately see the Spider tremble a bit. It continues forward for a few seconds, and then collapses onto the ground, unconscious. An easy kill for the alchemist.

Combat rounds over, obviously. I'll assume you can just kill it, if you want, while it's unconscious, no need to roll a coup de grace and the like.

Harvesting poison will be Craft (Alchemy) DC17. Could also call it Survival but I know as an alchemist the former is higher for you anyway.

2014-01-06, 11:55 PM
The kobold walks forward with a disgusted look on his face. He draws his kukri and dispatches the beast with perhaps a bit more violence than is absolutely necessary. He begins harvesting the poison, muttering to himself. "First the fireflask. Then the pellet bomb. Those don't work, no. Of course those don't work. But poison ... poison works. Not even good poison. Not even expensive poison. On a beast that carries enough liquid death in it's fangs to wipe out a whole tribe of dragonkin." By the time he's finished, he's covered in spider gore up to the elbows. "Note to self: Use the godsdamned poison first next time. And make more of the drow poison and the blue whinnis. Hells. Look at this ... all the godsdamned hair is burned off. Not that spider hair is good for much, but it would be good for something if there were any left."

After he's collected as much as possible, he turns to the goblin corpse. "And what do we have here?"

OOCWould prefer to take 10 if possible. If not, Alchemy is a base +9, but there's a +4 bonus if it's actually 'making stuff' (as opposed to being able to use it to ID potions? the rule doesn't make a lot of sense to me) and an additional +1 if the masterwork kit applies. Seeing as I don't know what counts, I'll just roll the base.

Alchemy: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]
Appraise: [roll2]Mini StatsShadowscale (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16639503&postcount=2)

AC: 19 (19 flat-footed, 15 touch)
HP: 37/37
CMB: +4 CMD: 18
Fort: +5 Reflex: +8 Will: +3
Attack: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2) or Shortbow (+9/1d4+1/20x3)

Perception: +10
Initiative: +6

Current Weapon: Shortbow (+11/1d4+1/20x3)
Current Conditions: None

Serenity: 8/11
1st Level: 4/4
2nd Level: 1/2
Extracts Prepared: Alchemical Allocation
Mutagen Prepared: Dexterity

2014-01-07, 12:06 AM
The poison is easy enough to extract, and he gets a good five doses of it before it becomes a little too difficult to force any more out.

Once he cuts the Goblin out of the webbing, he finds 713 gold, spread amongst platinum, gold, and silver coins, a small steel mirror, a dagger (masterwork), the remains of a broken hand crossbow and about ten bolts for it, a Black pearl (234gp), a Brown-green garnet (53gp), and a handful of other minor stones in another pocket (about another 100gp worth).

The goblin's armor is leather but beyond repair at this point, and anything else on it didn't survive either.

Taking 10 is fine. And yeah, i think it's meant to represent an Alchemist's knack for creation over anything else.

Feel free to integrate the gems as just more gold on your sheet, it'll be assumed you can 'sell' them to whomever you trade with that you'd need gold for.

2014-01-07, 10:58 AM
After removing everything of value from the desiccated goblin, Shadowscale stops to wash the filth off his hands. "At least the waterskin has come in useful," he mutters, still in ill-humor after killing the spider. Taking the compass from his haversack, he gets his bearings and starts walking east, detouring slightly to deliver a final parting kick at the beast's corpse.

OOCSurvival w/ compass: [roll0]Mini StatsShadowscale (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16639503&postcount=2)

AC: 19 (19 flat-footed, 15 touch)
HP: 37/37
CMB: +4 CMD: 18
Fort: +5 Reflex: +8 Will: +3
Attack: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2) or Shortbow (+9/1d4+1/20x3)

Perception: +10
Initiative: +6

Current Weapon: Shortbow (+11/1d4+1/20x3)
Current Conditions: None

Serenity: 8/11
1st Level: 4/4
2nd Level: 1/2
Extracts Prepared: Alchemical Allocation
Mutagen Prepared: Dexterity

2014-01-07, 11:23 AM
There's no further interruptions as he makes his way in the direction of the caverns now. It's not too long before he's out of the forest and into the hills, smaller caves dotting the cliff-sides of some of the larger ones.

However, when he does arrive at the cavern, he spots a pair of ettercaps almost seeming to be patrolling outside of it. The marked rocks can be spotted from a distance, though, and he doesn't seem to be seen yet.

Oh right, XP for the spider: 800

Stealth needed if you approach the area, obviously.

Ettercaps are spider-attuned aberrations that love making traps. You'll want to continually be on the lookout for them in and around the cave.

They're poisonous, but unlike spiders, don't have any sort of tremoresense or additional senses in general; sneaking up on them SHOULD be pretty easy, whether to bypass them entirely or what have you.

2014-01-07, 12:15 PM
Spider people? What in the hells is this? I do not think I like this much at all. And I have no idea what in the hells they're capable of. But I would appreciate my payment, as much as I don't appreciate the games this man is playing. Still hidden, he reaches into his haversack for a vial of green fluid and a jar of thick, greyish grease. With a grimace, he begins smearing the grease on his body and his armor. Once that's accomplished, he tips back the vial of green fluid, suppressing a gag. Mother of Dragons, what a horrible taste. And the wintergreen I added doesn't help at all. I'll need to try something different for the next batch.

Satisfied that he's as prepared as he can be, he begins making his way toward the ettercaps.

OOCShadowscale does not have K:Dungeoneering, so he's not sure what those are other than they're spider-looking. But given that they're spider-looking, and he's applying alchemical grease (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/goods-and-services/herbs-oils-other-substances#TOC-Grease-Alchemical) and drinking antitoxin (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/goods-and-services/herbs-oils-other-substances#TOC-Antitoxin).

Stealth: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]Mini StatsShadowscale (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16639503&postcount=2)

AC: 19 (19 flat-footed, 15 touch)
HP: 37/37
CMB: +4 CMD: 18
Fort: +5 Reflex: +8 Will: +3
Attack: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2) or Shortbow (+9/1d4+1/20x3)

Perception: +10
Initiative: +6

Current Weapon: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2)
Current Conditions: Antitoxin (+5 vs. poison), Alchemical grease (+5 Escape Artist/CMD vs. grapple.)

Serenity: 8/11
1st Level: 4/4
2nd Level: 1/2
Extracts Prepared: Alchemical Allocation
Mutagen Prepared: Dexterity

2014-01-08, 01:14 AM
The ettercaps are entirely clueless that anyone's around. This close, the things are rather intimidating, gross looking, and given the size business, well, it's just good that he's so easily able to slip out of sight most times.

If he didn't know already, he at least knows now they lack the tremorsense of a spider, because they don't even realize there's movement, let alone where it's coming from.

2014-01-08, 11:14 AM
Shadowscale relaxes somewhat as the ettercaps don't react to his footsteps, although he remains deeply cautious as he skirts around them toward the marked rock. So ... while I would like my money, it occurs to me to wonder whether this is an attempt on the part of my employer to get me killed, thereby avoiding the whole issue of payment altogether. It seems unlikely that the ettercaps moved in so quickly after he placed the payment here. Is it a trap? Is it a test? He looks at the ettercaps. I find it difficult to believe it's a coincidence. These couldn't possibly be his guards, could they? Gah, let's save the speculation for the time being. It gets me nowhere.

OOCStealth: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]Mini StatsShadowscale (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16639503&postcount=2)

AC: 19 (19 flat-footed, 15 touch)
HP: 37/37
CMB: +4 CMD: 18
Fort: +5 Reflex: +8 Will: +3
Attack: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2) or Shortbow (+9/1d4+1/20x3)

Perception: +10
Initiative: +6

Current Weapon: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2)
Current Conditions: Antitoxin (+5 vs. poison), Alchemical grease (+5 Escape Artist/CMD vs. grapple.)

Serenity: 8/11
1st Level: 4/4
2nd Level: 1/2
Extracts Prepared: Alchemical Allocation
Mutagen Prepared: Dexterity

2014-01-08, 12:02 PM
As he gets to the rock, unearths it and moves some dirt aside, he finds a little iron box, unlocked, thankfully enough, with a large onyx gem (worth 200gp) and a note inside.

Nasty looking creatures, aren't they? I imagine you had no more trouble than I did skirting past them.

I'm not one for mucking about caverns though. Find your way inside, and retrieve the leader's dagger for me. This is a... bonus job, we'll say, not required, but I'll pay you handsomely if you succeed.

Who's the leader? I'm sure you can figure it out easily enough once you get inside.

Fair warning: some of the other things inside the cave aren't so easily duped by a quiet step. Be cautious.

2014-01-08, 04:47 PM
Shadowscale almost lets out an involuntary hiss. So he is not one for mucking about in caverns!? Then what am I? His kitchen scullion? His manservant? I am a dragonkin! A dark dragonkin! Not a ... a ... a stinking dirt monkey to be ordered about to do scut work! He stands there fuming with his hands on his hips for a minute before a smile slowly curls its way across his lips.

So I am decided: I will not take this job. However, there is grease on my skin and antivenom in my veins, and I have it on good authority that there is an interesting dagger in this spider cave which is conveniently nearby. Yes.

Having reached a satisfactory decision, the kobold cheerfully - but carefully - makes his way into the cave.

OOCShadowscale is offended at the wording of the note. He's going to go get the dagger and keep it for himself.

Stealth: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]Mini StatsShadowscale (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16639503&postcount=2)

AC: 19 (19 flat-footed, 15 touch)
HP: 37/37
CMB: +4 CMD: 18
Fort: +5 Reflex: +8 Will: +3
Attack: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2) or Shortbow (+9/1d4+1/20x3)

Perception: +10
Initiative: +6

Current Weapon: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2)
Current Conditions: Antitoxin (+5 vs. poison), Alchemical grease (+5 Escape Artist/CMD vs. grapple.)

Serenity: 8/11
1st Level: 4/4
2nd Level: 1/2
Extracts Prepared: Alchemical Allocation
Mutagen Prepared: Dexterity

2014-01-09, 06:26 AM
http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y115/falco1029/494a5b5b-8a07-4c63-8eea-a4a1797b63c3_zps6ee88694.jpg (http://s4.photobucket.com/user/falco1029/media/494a5b5b-8a07-4c63-8eea-a4a1797b63c3_zps6ee88694.jpg.html)

Moving inside, Shadowscale is able to look both to the left and right, currently seeming to be unseen. To the right (left on the map), he can see another ettercap, currently at a small table seeming to be made from a combination of webbing and stone, odd as that is, and is tearing the leg off of some giant insectoid creature he can't really make out.

To the left, he sees some a large chandelier hanging from the ceiling, and some sort of writing at the far wall, but it's just at the edge of his darkvision, he can't quite make it out. There also seems to be a pile of what's probably coins over there as well.

In front of him, though, before he goes much further, he notices an inconsistency in the floor; it's mostly rubble, and tiny strands of web can be seen at the edges, probably holding that stone up, but it likely can't handle much more weight at all. A trap. It's too large to easily by pass, so he can either try and disable it, removing the rubble so he can traverse the web without breaking it. He could also try to jump past it; it's about 15 feet. But that probably will make some noise.

2014-01-09, 09:52 AM
Ah, tricky. So these creatures like traps? Then I suspect those coins are bait for yet another pitfall. The kobold touches the vial of mutagen on his bandolier, then shakes his head. That would make it easier to disarm the traps, but harder to spot them in the first place. Safer to have a clear eye, I think.

Considering the options, he begins quietly moving the rocks to the side.

OOCI don't think the MWK thieves' tools will count for moving rocks, so rolling a straight DD check. [roll0]Mini StatsShadowscale (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16639503&postcount=2)

AC: 19 (19 flat-footed, 15 touch)
HP: 37/37
CMB: +4 CMD: 18
Fort: +5 Reflex: +8 Will: +3
Attack: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2) or Shortbow (+9/1d4+1/20x3)

Perception: +10
Initiative: +6

Current Weapon: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2)
Current Conditions: Antitoxin (+5 vs. poison), Alchemical grease (+5 Escape Artist/CMD vs. grapple.)

Serenity: 8/11
1st Level: 4/4
2nd Level: 1/2
Extracts Prepared: Alchemical Allocation
Mutagen Prepared: Dexterity

2014-01-09, 10:45 AM
He manages to get the trap disabled, moving the rocks and even arranging the web with a bit of gravel so he can walk across it without getting stuck.

That's technically worth 800xp. Traps are fun like that.

2014-01-09, 11:24 AM
Stepping easily across the webs, Shadowscale ignores the coins in favor of moving deeper into the cave, going slowly and staying to the edges of the cavern when he can. He does glance at the treasure in passing to see if he can spot the trap that he is sure is there, and also to determine if the value would be worth the risk. It might well be. I would not imagine that spider people have much use for gold other than as bait. But if I am to collect anything so noticeable, it will be on the way out, not the way in.

OOCStealth: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]
Appraise: [roll2]Mini StatsShadowscale (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16639503&postcount=2)

AC: 19 (19 flat-footed, 15 touch)
HP: 37/37
CMB: +4 CMD: 18
Fort: +5 Reflex: +8 Will: +3
Attack: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2) or Shortbow (+9/1d4+1/20x3)

Perception: +10
Initiative: +6

Current Weapon: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2)
Current Conditions: Antitoxin (+5 vs. poison), Alchemical grease (+5 Escape Artist/CMD vs. grapple.)

Serenity: 8/11
1st Level: 4/4
2nd Level: 1/2
Extracts Prepared: Alchemical Allocation
Mutagen Prepared: Dexterity

2014-01-09, 12:20 PM
As he moves a little closer to the cavern room with the treasure inside, he manages to spot the trap. Except, it's not a trap in the traditional sense, instead, there's what looks like a four legged, wolf sized insect like being clinging to the corner of the ceiling, in hiding. It doesn't seem to notice him, but it's suddenly in a state of heightened alertness, like it knows something's nearby, but can't pinpoint it.

On the far side, where the writing is, it says 'Swords' and then there's a mark crossing it off. That might be a little weird, because if it's a hint about the creature, one might need to wonder who would manage to scrawl that there in time, but not kill the being. This close, he can also see that some of the gold is half eaten, but most of it's still fine. There's also a longbow off to the side.

This is a rust monster, and like its namesake says, its primary means of defense is rusting the equipment of those who might attack it.

It's reacting because it can smell metal, and that includes some of what he's carrying. Only a matter of time before it pinpoints you if you don't cover that up.

2014-01-09, 01:42 PM
Shadowscale quickly retreats back down the main passageway. Interesting. Easily dealt with, I think ... but not now. Right now, I would like to get this very interesting dagger without alerting those deeper in the cave. He tries to stay away from the well-worn, obvious paths where he thinks traps are more likely to be laid.

OOCWhoops, I had the map reversed, because I am totally dyslexic about left and right. Backing away from the nice rust monster and heading deeper into the cave.

Stealth: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]Mini StatsShadowscale (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16639503&postcount=2)

AC: 19 (19 flat-footed, 15 touch)
HP: 37/37
CMB: +4 CMD: 18
Fort: +5 Reflex: +8 Will: +3
Attack: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2) or Shortbow (+9/1d4+1/20x3)

Perception: +10
Initiative: +6

Current Weapon: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2)
Current Conditions: Antitoxin (+5 vs. poison), Alchemical grease (+5 Escape Artist/CMD vs. grapple.)

Serenity: 8/11
1st Level: 4/4
2nd Level: 1/2
Extracts Prepared: Alchemical Allocation
Mutagen Prepared: Dexterity

2014-01-09, 04:13 PM
http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y115/falco1029/c646f4ef-881d-43e0-a1c9-159765f02697_zps90d6ecc5.jpg (http://s4.photobucket.com/user/falco1029/media/c646f4ef-881d-43e0-a1c9-159765f02697_zps90d6ecc5.jpg.html)

The ettercap in that room doesn't seem to take any notice of him as he moves through, simply continuing its meal for now. As he gets through the next little stone 'doorway', he's met with the sight of a large metal chandelier, seeming to be entirely rusted over, hanging in the northern corner.

At the southwest end, there's a little note, which says, Not a secret door. Indeed, the thread he manages to spot along the bottom of it says it's not a door at all, just a trap. The angle of it suggests a weapon primed on the other side of the stone archway.

2014-01-09, 06:39 PM
Shadowscale takes a closer look at the thread. Something I can step over? Better to cut it or leave it alone? And a ... chandelier? Strange thing to have in a cave. And stranger still that the rust monster hasn't eaten it.

OOCTaking a closer look at the trap. What's the best way around it? Disable it or avoid it? And what is the chandelier doing there?

2014-01-10, 09:20 AM
http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y115/falco1029/c4ae1654-4430-4ff5-849c-adc2bb1b3a3c_zpscd46a02e.jpg (http://s4.photobucket.com/user/falco1029/media/c4ae1654-4430-4ff5-849c-adc2bb1b3a3c_zpscd46a02e.jpg.html)

Marked your location and facing with the arrow so there's less confusion this time.

The best way to deal with this trap seems to be to disconnect it and then reattach the web somewhere to keep it just as taught, so it doesn't release but doesn't risk tripping him anymore. Releasing it will be easier, as he can tell a safe angle to do so from, but it will likely reveal his location, or at least put the beings on high alert.

Closer to the archway as he is, he can see past into the next room. It's a much larger area, clearly the 'central' gathering place of the cavern. Three more ettercaps can be seen within, meandering about, sleeping, and eating respectively, blankets and natural looking garments can be found about, scattered, little care made to keep things clean, stone seats and the occasional wooden benches offers places to sit, and a small corner area has a woodworking station that seems to be much more like it came from civilization, otherwise rather out of place in these caverns. A few rats scurry about, but don't seem as 'cautious' as most might be in the presence of other creatures, one even wandering up the leg of the eating ettercap to try and share its food.

At the north side, two tunnels seem to head north, converging enough to imply it's the same room, but he can't see what's inside there yet. To the southwest, there's a mid sized opening and to the southeast, a larger opening into what's probably another room, but his darkvision only works for so far a distance, and it's at a bad angle anyway.

As for the chandelier, there's no obvious reason for it. It shall forever remain a mystery.

2014-01-10, 10:22 AM
Shadowscale selects a delicate pair of shears and an even more delicate pair of forceps from his set of lockpicks. Unfortunately, as he's detaching the thread, the forceps slip when it's halfway cut through. Watching the thread unravel in front of his eyes, he can only think, Mother of Dragons...

OOCSo ... crappy DD roll in the OOC thread. I'm guessing that triggers the trap, or maybe the thread holds together miraculously. Left it open.

Reflex save if appropriate: [roll0]
Hide before the ettercaps come looking: [roll1]Mini StatsShadowscale (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16639503&postcount=2)

AC: 19 (19 flat-footed, 15 touch)
HP: 37/37
CMB: +4 CMD: 18
Fort: +5 Reflex: +8 Will: +3
Attack: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2) or Shortbow (+9/1d4+1/20x3)

Perception: +10
Initiative: +6

Current Weapon: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2)
Current Conditions: Antitoxin (+5 vs. poison), Alchemical grease (+5 Escape Artist/CMD vs. grapple.)

Serenity: 8/11
1st Level: 4/4
2nd Level: 1/2
Extracts Prepared: Alchemical Allocation
Mutagen Prepared: Dexterity

2014-01-10, 10:27 AM
With his deer in the headlights look, Shadowscale isn't able to dodge the oncoming clubs, swinging down from the place they were nestled on the ceiling on the other side and slamming right into him, leaving a bloody gash and sending him sprawling backwards.

The ettercap in the room he is and one of the ones in the next room come over to look, the one eating just asking what happened, but they don't seem to notice Shadowscale before he gets out of sight, thankfully, and in fact don't even realize there's any blood there.

However, they do reset the trap, remaking the webbing and figuring it just loosened with time. Even as stupid as these things seem to be, they probably won't assume it 'just came undone' again if it's tripped.

I rolled a 1 for their perception. At least the dice don't TOTALLY hate you.

As mentioned in OOC, that's 7 damage.

2014-01-10, 11:17 AM
Shadowscale watches the ettercaps repair the trap. Thank you, Mother of Dragons, for not letting them notice the blood. When they've withdrawn, he retreats a safe distance and quickly begins brewing extracts. Curing ... shrinking ... deft hands ... negate scent ... and another curing, I think.

OOCBrewing extracts of Cure Light Wounds x2, Negate Aroma, Reduce Person, and Animal Aspect. This will take 5 minutes.

Assuming he's not interrupted, he'll drink a CLW, Negate Aroma, and Reduce Person.

CLW: [roll0]Mini StatsShadowscale (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16639503&postcount=2)

AC: 19 (19 flat-footed, 15 touch)
HP: 30+CLW/37
CMB: +4 CMD: 18
Fort: +5 Reflex: +8 Will: +3
Attack: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2) or Shortbow (+9/1d4+1/20x3)

Perception: +10
Initiative: +6

Current Weapon: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2)
Current Conditions: Antitoxin (+5 vs. poison, 1h), Alchemical grease (+5 Escape Artist/CMD vs. grapple, 1h), Negate Aroma (4h), Reduce Person (4m)

Serenity: 8/11
1st Level: 4/4
2nd Level: 1/2
Extracts Prepared: Alchemical Allocation
Mutagen Prepared: Dexterity

2014-01-10, 11:29 AM
Nothing interrupts him while he makes his extracts, nor while he drinks them.

2014-01-10, 01:13 PM
After a moment of thought, Shadowscale also drinks his 'deft hands' extract. His fingers and paws grow shorter and stubbier, but more dextrous, and the color of his scales lightens in a camouflaged pattern, leaving two especially dark rings around his eyes. Gah! Uncomfortable. I feel like a filthy warm-blooded rat. He flexes his hands. This will do.

He approaches the trap, attempting to disable it a second time, and then slipping into the room.

OOCDrinking Animal Aspect (Raccoon) for +2 DD/Stealth/Sleight.

Stealth (+ size, + dex, +animal aspect): 1d20+18+4+1+2

EDIT: Stupid GITP dice roller. It's in the OOC thread for a 5+25=30Mini StatsShadowscale (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16639503&postcount=2)

AC: 19 (19 flat-footed, 15 touch)
HP: 37/37
CMB: +4 CMD: 18
Fort: +5 Reflex: +8 Will: +3
Attack: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2) or Shortbow (+9/1d4+1/20x3)

Perception: +10
Initiative: +6

Current Weapon: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2)
Current Conditions: Antitoxin (+5 vs. poison, 1h), Alchemical grease (+5 Escape Artist/CMD vs. grapple, 1h), Negate Aroma (4h), Reduce Person (4m), Animal Aspect: Raccoon (4m)

Serenity: 8/11
1st Level: 4/4
2nd Level: 1/2
Extracts Prepared: Alchemical Allocation
Mutagen Prepared: Dexterity

2014-01-10, 01:30 PM
The trap is disabled this time, the web attached elsewhere where it can't be accidentally tripped on, and the room open for his exploration. The three ettercaps are still inside there, though the one that was eating now walks south, and after a bit some voices can be heard, but it's a bit of a murmur so he can't make out any words from here.

2014-01-10, 02:47 PM
South. Let us do this quickly. The kobold heads south before the potions wear off.

OOCStealth (+ size, + dex, +animal aspect): [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]Mini StatsShadowscale (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16639503&postcount=2)

AC: 19 (19 flat-footed, 15 touch)
HP: 37/37
CMB: +4 CMD: 18
Fort: +5 Reflex: +8 Will: +3
Attack: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2) or Shortbow (+9/1d4+1/20x3)

Perception: +10
Initiative: +6

Current Weapon: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2)
Current Conditions: Antitoxin (+5 vs. poison, 1h), Alchemical grease (+5 Escape Artist/CMD vs. grapple, 1h), Negate Aroma (4h), Reduce Person (3m), Animal Aspect: Raccoon (3m)

Serenity: 8/11
1st Level: 4/4
2nd Level: 1/2
Extracts Prepared: Alchemical Allocation
Mutagen Prepared: Dexterity

2014-01-10, 03:29 PM

These caverns are making it very clear very quickly to Shadowscale that they're, well, large; it may take more than a few minutes to get to the final chamber, but if he hurries, anything's possible. Hopefully there won't be further traps.

Heading south(ish), he notices the ettercap talking with a large spider, clearly poisonous and about the size of a humanoid creature if you include the legs. It seems almost intelligent though, understanding the mangled words, which essentially equate to 'go patrol outside'. They're up on a wooden catwalk, again out of place amongst the stone and web workings, with solid if perhaps old looking stairs along the western wall (near where you are) leading up to it.

Up there, he can make out a weapon rack of sorts, but there's nothing on it right now, and on each end of the catwalk there's an old, tribal looking mask hanging on the wall.

Listening closely (enough), he can tell there's more movement coming from the openings to the southeast than to the southwest. In fact, the southwest seems to only have the echoed sounds of some snoring creature coming from that direction.

Those masks seem to be druidic in nature, representing some vile perversion of natural symbology

Some of the symbolism on those masks is spider-like and dark, it could represent one of the Drow gods on some level

Also, 400xp for the club trap.

There'll also be Xp for bypassing combat in general here, but not until you're done, since it'll depend on just how successful you are.

2014-01-10, 04:07 PM
What in the hells is going on here? the kobold wonders. Spider druids? Fine, I don't care. Snoring, though. Spiders don't snore, so snoring might be a hopeful sign that it's the commander of all this mess. Unless it's a pet umber hulk or somesuch, in which case, to hells with the dagger and all these spider beasts; I'll be leaving. Mother of Dragons, I'd be almost happy to see a dirt monkey at this point.

He looks up at the spider on the catwalk. Is it too distant to sense me, or does this breed of spider lacks the ability? Either way, best not to take chances. Skirting the easternmost wall, he circles around to the southwest.

OOCStealth (+ size, + dex, +animal aspect): [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]Mini StatsShadowscale (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16639503&postcount=2)

AC: 19 (19 flat-footed, 15 touch)
HP: 37/37
CMB: +4 CMD: 18
Fort: +5 Reflex: +8 Will: +3
Attack: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2) or Shortbow (+9/1d4+1/20x3)

Perception: +10
Initiative: +6

Current Weapon: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2)
Current Conditions: Antitoxin (+5 vs. poison, 1h), Alchemical grease (+5 Escape Artist/CMD vs. grapple, 1h), Negate Aroma (4h), Reduce Person (2m?), Animal Aspect: Raccoon (2m?)

Serenity: 8/11
1st Level: 1/4
2nd Level: 0/2
Extracts Prepared: Alchemical Allocation, Cure Light Wounds
Mutagen Prepared: Dexterity

2014-01-11, 04:36 PM

It's possible that tremorsense isn't so perfect as to detect things on the cavern floor when it's up on another surface like the catwalk entirely. Or maybe it's just shorter ranged, or perhaps it's just used to the comings and goings of other things in the area and doesn't check each of them.

Either way, neither catch sight of him as he moves down the southwest corridor, to follow the snoring.

What he finds there, though, isn't some typical dirt monkey. Rather, while it seems like a humanoid body at first, it seems to have tiny, useless legs pointing out of its torso, four of them total, maybe a half foot long each. Spider-like fangs are seen in its mouth, and if he dares to get close enough, there's spinarettes on its back. its clothing is minimal, a simple loin cloth, and its leg is chained to the wall, implying this isn't the 'leader' either.

Writing on the wall says Don't touch, bitey on the south end. The north and east walls have been engraved with numerous arcane symbols, seemingly in a different 'handwriting' than the former.

There's some piles of blankets, a bunch of webs, and random useless tidbits around, though it's possible anything of value in here is hidden, especially since on either side there's a small inlet where things could be stored, blocked off by these webs.

This is an aranea, a magical spider creature that can take a humanoid or spider-humanoid hybrid form like it is now. Most are capable sorcerers, having an unnatural connection to magic, and are also generally intelligent.

No Tremorsense in this form.

That's probably enough on its own, but in addition, he also knows these beings aren't inherently evil, however, if it's chained up here, it probably has some level of mental control or other means of command instilled upon it.

They generally focus on mind affecting magics of various sorts, with the occasional bit of abjuration thrown in, but can technically vary as much as any Sorcerer. At any rate, it's probably a better caster than you, unsurprisingly, at least by pure 'spell level' access.

2014-01-13, 10:19 AM
Well, damn. This is not the not the leader after all. A minor miscalculation on my part. So apparently this spider-thing did something which angered the other spider-things, but that's hardly my problem. So it's back to the other passageway. The kobold glances back at the creature as he leaves. That will teach me to wish for dirt monkeys, I suppose.

OOCShadowscale is not going to screw with the aranrea. I don't think it would even occur to him to try.

Stealth (+ size, + dex, +animal aspect): [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]Mini StatsShadowscale (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16639503&postcount=2)

AC: 19 (19 flat-footed, 15 touch)
HP: 37/37
CMB: +4 CMD: 18
Fort: +5 Reflex: +8 Will: +3
Attack: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2) or Shortbow (+9/1d4+1/20x3)

Perception: +10
Initiative: +6

Current Weapon: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2)
Current Conditions: Antitoxin (+5 vs. poison, 1h), Alchemical grease (+5 Escape Artist/CMD vs. grapple, 1h), Negate Aroma (4h), Reduce Person (1m?), Animal Aspect: Raccoon (1m?)

Serenity: 8/11
1st Level: 1/4
2nd Level: 0/2
Extracts Prepared: Alchemical Allocation, Cure Light Wounds
Mutagen Prepared: Dexterity

2014-01-14, 08:15 AM

To the left as he heads down the other passageway, Shadowscale notices a small gathering of Stirges to his left (right on the map), magical beasts with bat-like wings in two sets, thin limbs, and a sharp proboscis. There's enough of them there to constitute a swarm if they gather together, and there's an ettercap in there seeming to be feeding them... some form of rotten flesh. None of them seem to notice him, however, thankfully enough.

Beyond the gathering is a small opening in the cavern, but doesn't seem like it goes to where he wants, though it might be a good storage area of some kind.

Up ahead, on the right (left on the map), an odd, quick-silver-like fluid runs down the wall, seeming to originate from a crack up near the cavern's ceiling on that side. It smells rather weird. Beyond that, the cavern branches again, left and right, with the left (right on the map) seeming to be a bit larger, with more noise coming from it.

(If he's willing to touch the flow to attempt to identify it:)

The fluid seems toxic, but it's not the primary use for it. Rather, it seems to be a type of magical liquid substance, which in this form is fluid but hardens to the strength of metal when brought into contact with wood. It's unlike anything you've ever seen before.

It'd be lower, but I gave you the DC10 for free because it'd be almost silly to require a roll.

Anyway, you know that Stirges are blood drinkers, and tend to carry a lot of disease. A bad combination to get caught up in.

Once they're on, they're incredibly hard to get off. Best to attack from a distance if you want any chance of remaining intact. If one were to attack, that is, avoiding them altogether is also a good option.

If you roll this well, you know everything here (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/magical-beasts/stirge) and here (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/magical-beasts/stirge/stirge-swarm-fgg) in game terms.

2014-01-14, 11:48 AM
Shadowscale avoids the area with the stirges, cursing under his breath as the potions wear off. Who knew these caves went so deep? I would have saved the damn things otherwise. The stream catches his attention and spends some time examining it. Hmmm ... I could find a use for this, no doubt. Gah, I need to buy more vials. He dumps out his waterskin and fills it with the strange liquid.

He studies the passages for a moment, then heads down the quieter one. With any luck it will bypass the crowds.

OOCStealth: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]Mini StatsShadowscale (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16639503&postcount=2)

AC: 19 (19 flat-footed, 15 touch)
HP: 37/37
CMB: +4 CMD: 18
Fort: +5 Reflex: +8 Will: +3
Attack: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2) or Shortbow (+9/1d4+1/20x3)

Perception: +10
Initiative: +6

Current Weapon: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2)
Current Conditions: Antitoxin (+5 vs. poison, 1h), Alchemical grease (+5 Escape Artist/CMD vs. grapple, 1h), Negate Aroma (4h)

Serenity: 8/11
1st Level: 1/4
2nd Level: 0/2
Extracts Prepared: Alchemical Allocation, Cure Light Wounds
Mutagen Prepared: Dexterity

2014-01-14, 08:31 PM

Seems to be a pattern; the quieter areas are often dead ends. In this case, though, it's not an entirely fruitless turn. There's a small chest in the corner, covered with rags and rubble, probably forgotten over time, a few shelves with useless broken trinkets, and a small unlit candle sitting on the floor in front of the chest.

With his keen eyes, he can tell the candle is a trap, a magical one, based on its positioning; get too close and something will happen, though he can't be sure what.

2014-01-15, 10:12 AM
Shadowscale frowns. Magic. No way to disarm the damn thing. But I am curious as to what would be so valuable. He takes out a length of rope and a grappling hook, then sets the grappling hook aside for the moment. Could be noisy. I'll just use the rope first. Tying a lasso in the rope, he begins trying to separate the candle and the chest.

OOCSo since he doesn't have trapfinding and you need that to disable magical traps, the plan is to try to pull the chest away from the candle or the candle away from the chest. He'll go to the grappling hook if he has to and he thinks it won't be too loud.

However, I have no idea what to roll here. Attack? DD? Stealth?Mini StatsShadowscale (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16639503&postcount=2)

AC: 19 (19 flat-footed, 15 touch)
HP: 37/37
CMB: +4 CMD: 18
Fort: +5 Reflex: +8 Will: +3
Attack: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2) or Shortbow (+9/1d4+1/20x3)

Perception: +10
Initiative: +6

Current Weapon: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2)
Current Conditions: Antitoxin (+5 vs. poison, 1h), Alchemical grease (+5 Escape Artist/CMD vs. grapple, 1h), Negate Aroma (4h)

Serenity: 8/11
1st Level: 1/4
2nd Level: 0/2
Extracts Prepared: Alchemical Allocation, Cure Light Wounds
Mutagen Prepared: Dexterity

2014-01-15, 10:48 AM
For some reason I had thought you'd taken that Archetype that allows disable device on magic traps. Ah well.

Roll a thrown attack with an improvised weapon, let's say (Since you have Throw Anything, there's no penalty for that though). Pick whether you're aiming for the candle or the chest, though, as that matters, both for weight and the trap.

2014-01-15, 11:09 AM
Would prefer to pull the chest out and leave the candle the hell alone. [roll0]

2014-01-15, 12:51 PM
Working carefully, he manages to get a hold of the chest. However, as it's pulled, the candle suddenly lights, and the flame then enlarges, before separating and expanding upward, a humanoid form slowly rolling out of that central flame before it turns towards you. The nature of the trap seems to inherently reveal you to the being, which crackles angrily before moving to attack you; simply slipping away isn't an option, as the light it causes is bright enough to prevent that unless you leave the room first, which could cause its own issues.

Luckily, the crackle of fire isn't incredibly loud, so you MIGHT be able to get out of this without being discovered.

I know, I'm mean, making it react on the less obvious choice.

Initiative: [roll0]

This is a fire elemental, with all that a being of fire implies (Don't get hit if you're flammable!). Not a hugely powerful one, but it's definitely dangerous.

Fire Elementals are quick and hard to hit, yet by converse are quite good at aiming.

A good roll gets you the entries for the being's stats (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/outsiders/elemental/elemental-fire/medium-fire-elemental) in IC terms. It uses the average HP listed, as the trap has a very 'stereotypical' version of the being called.

2014-01-16, 08:15 AM
The fire elemental immediately does what it knows best; it charges forward and attacks, attempting to catch the Kobold alight utilizing its flaming form.

[roll0] Charge. (EDIT: Hit)
Slam for [roll1] bludgeoning plus [roll2] burn damage, DC 14 Reflex to avoid catching on fire, if it hits.

2014-01-16, 01:06 PM
Shadowscale stifles a hiss and places his thoughts in the addictive embrace of the Shadow Plane. Faster .... yesss ....

With his expanded consciousness, he charts the probable outcomes. Combat results in death. Combat with use of one charge of alchemist's ice results in death. Running away results in death. Stealth is impossible. Stealth plus smokestick results in ... small to moderate chance of survival.

He draws a smokestick and throws it at his feet, ignoring the acrid smell. Now I disappear, and you will have to find a new target.

OOCActivate Serenity (free), 5 ft step, draw smokestick (move), then throw smokestick at ground (fighting defensively). Smokestick should only miss on a nat 1: [roll0]

Next round, he'll use the smoke to hide and then run away. Without being able to sneak attack, he has no chance here.Mini StatsShadowscale (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16639503&postcount=2)

AC: 19 [+4] (19 flat-footed, 15 touch)
HP: 30/37
CMB: +4 CMD: 18
Fort: +5 [+2] Reflex: +8 [+4] Will: +3 [+4]
Attack: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2) or Shortbow (+9/1d4+1/20x3)

Perception: +10
Initiative: +6

Current Weapon: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2)
Current Conditions: Antitoxin (+5 vs. poison, 1h), Alchemical grease (+5 Escape Artist/CMD vs. grapple, 1h), Negate Aroma (4h)

Serenity: 7/11
1st Level: 1/4
2nd Level: 0/2
Extracts Prepared: Alchemical Allocation, Cure Light Wounds, Serenity
Mutagen Prepared: Dexterity

2014-01-16, 03:13 PM
Angrily... hissing?... at the smoke, the fire elemental moves forward, grabbing out randomly in one of the few spaces the Kobold can be in to try and get ahold of him.

On a 3, he chooses the right square: [roll0]
On a 21+, he has a CHANCE to hit: [roll1]
And on both the above being true, Grapple attempt, CMB: [roll2]

Edit: Chose the right square and beat concealment, but no dice (ha) on hitting

2014-01-16, 03:37 PM
"Pathetic fire beast," Shadowscale hisses at the fire elemental in Aklo, the language of the Shadow Plane. "It seems the darkness is more at home in your element than you are." It's unlikely the creature will understand him, and probably unwise either way, but the kobold can't resist taunting it.

He melts away in the smoke, hesitates for a moment, and then turns south. If both ways are perilous, then why not take the one that might prove interesting?

OOCMaintain serenity, then withdraw action/double move with stealth: [roll0]

EDIT: NOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooo!Mini StatsShadowscale (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16639503&postcount=2)

AC: 19 [+4] (19 flat-footed, 15 touch)
HP: 30/37
CMB: +4 CMD: 18
Fort: +5 [+2] Reflex: +8 [+4] Will: +3 [+4]
Attack: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2) or Shortbow (+9/1d4+1/20x3)

Perception: +10
Initiative: +6

Current Weapon: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2)
Current Conditions: Antitoxin (+5 vs. poison, 1h), Alchemical grease (+5 Escape Artist/CMD vs. grapple, 1h), Negate Aroma (4h)

Serenity: 6/11
1st Level: 1/4
2nd Level: 0/2
Extracts Prepared: Alchemical Allocation, Cure Light Wounds, Serenity
Mutagen Prepared: Dexterity

2014-01-16, 04:05 PM
Shadowscale is lucky; even with his distracted attempt at hiding, he still manages to get out of sight before the elemental can spot him.

For the moment, it just looks around, a little defensive in posture (if it really HAS posture), trying to find out if the trespasser is gone or just out of the way. It's possible that if he seems to be gone that it will leave.

Full defense, essentially.

2014-01-16, 04:20 PM
Shadowscale allows the touch of the Shadow Plane to fade from his mind, wincing at the return to reality. Watching the fire beast from his hiding spot, he carefully draws potions and extracts to deal with the burn that the elemental managed to deliver. The taunting was unprofessional, the kobold admonishes himself. It is one thing to die, but it would be unworthy of a dragonkin to die so clumsily and so immediately after delivering such an insult.

OOCDrop Serenity, now fatigued. Next two rounds will be alchemical allocation/cure moderate wounds. [roll0]Mini StatsShadowscale (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16639503&postcount=2)

AC: 19 (19 flat-footed, 15 touch)
HP: 30/37 + CMW
CMB: +4 CMD: 18
Fort: +5 Reflex: +8 Will: +3
Attack: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2) or Shortbow (+9/1d4+1/20x3)

Perception: +10
Initiative: +6

Current Weapon: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2)
Current Conditions: Antitoxin (+5 vs. poison, 1h), Alchemical grease (+5 Escape Artist/CMD vs. grapple, 1h), Negate Aroma (4h), Fatigue (3r)

Serenity: 6/11
1st Level: 1/4
2nd Level: 0/2
Extracts Prepared: Cure Light Wounds
Mutagen Prepared: Dexterity

2014-01-16, 04:31 PM
The creature eventually seems to give up, slipping back towards the candle and sinking back inside it.

He's pretty sure that the chest is moved enough to open safely now, but he'll need to unlock it.

2014-01-16, 04:47 PM
Shadowscale waits an additional minute to make sure that the elemental is gone before carefully approaching the alcove once more. He picks up the rope that he'd dropped when he fled and gives the chest an experimental tug or two, ready to bolt if the candle activates again.

When he's sure all is clear, he takes out his lockpicks and examines the chest. I wonder if it will prove to have been worth it. At the very least, I am wiser in that I now know I need a goodly supply of smokesticks.

OOCDD [roll0]Mini StatsShadowscale (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16639503&postcount=2)

AC: 19 (19 flat-footed, 15 touch)
HP: 37/37
CMB: +4 CMD: 18
Fort: +5 Reflex: +8 Will: +3
Attack: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2) or Shortbow (+9/1d4+1/20x3)

Perception: +10
Initiative: +6

Current Weapon: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2)
Current Conditions: Antitoxin (+5 vs. poison, 1h), Alchemical grease (+5 Escape Artist/CMD vs. grapple, 1h), Negate Aroma (4h), Fatigue (3r)

Serenity: 6/11
1st Level: 1/4
2nd Level: 0/2
Extracts Prepared: Cure Light Wounds
Mutagen Prepared: Dexterity

2014-01-17, 06:44 AM
Within the chest, he finds a handful of jewels and jewelry (Moonstone 40gp, Tourmaline 87gp, Bracelet 14gp, Turquoise 10gp, Peridot 13gp, Hematite 1gp, Bloodstone 18gp, total of 183), an assortment of coins (770gp), and a small, padded bag with 3 potions inside.

Given a few moments to study them, it becomes clear that the potions are two Cure Light Wounds, and one Protection from Law.

I just gave you the Appraise. Jewel studying just isn't that much fun, right?

2014-01-17, 10:03 AM
Shadowscale tucks away the goods, placing the potions on his bandolier. Inferior craftsmanship, these potions. And protection from the forces of Order? Normally, I would suspect that it was demon-cultists who made these, but now I wonder whether these spider-druids have been here for some time, and what, exactly, they might have been doing. Bah, it does not matter. The money will spend just as easily.

With a final sneer at the candle, he leaves the alcove and sneaks southward.

OOCStealth; [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]Mini StatsShadowscale (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16639503&postcount=2)

AC: 19 (19 flat-footed, 15 touch)
HP: 37/37
CMB: +4 CMD: 18
Fort: +5 Reflex: +8 Will: +3
Attack: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2) or Shortbow (+9/1d4+1/20x3)

Perception: +10
Initiative: +6

Current Weapon: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2)
Current Conditions: Antitoxin (+5 vs. poison, 1h), Alchemical grease (+5 Escape Artist/CMD vs. grapple, 1h), Negate Aroma (4h)

Serenity: 6/11
1st Level: 1/4
2nd Level: 0/2
Extracts Prepared: Cure Light Wounds
Mutagen Prepared: Dexterity

2014-01-17, 11:26 AM

Moving down the correct tunnel now, Shadowscale will start noticing a bit more webbing along the walls and floors now. It's easy to avoid, nothing that will trap him unless he runs blindly into it, but it's annoying to say the least.

A skeleton that seems to have some gear attached can be seen hanging form a corner, but it'd be hard to get at easily, and the specific gear can't be seen easily from where he is.

In the center of the room, there's another large spider, one that... probably will be able to see him if he continues forward. There's what looks like gemstones decorating its legs, and diamonds protecting its back like an external set of scales. It's nothing he's ever seen before.

Before he has time to think into that, though, there's a sudden rumbling, his instinct telling him to go entirely still, as the walls seem to bulge out a bit, before that wake moves downward, under the spider, three arms then reaching out and pulling the beast inside a gaping maw of serrated, granite like teeth, crunching down on it. Moving up, a disturbing looking eye peeks out of a cyllyndrical, stout body, gazing right at Shadowscale a moment.

But... it simply moves back into its little burrow, and continues along, out of the cavern and into surrounding rock and soil.

You can have 400xp for the trap, since you sortakinda bypassed it.

A Xorn. An extraplanar being that seems to love eating gemstones. It probably ate the spider because of its 'scales'.

You're very lucky it didn't seem to sense your own gems.

2014-01-17, 12:20 PM
Bloody earthbeast. Still, a convenient break for me that I keep my gems in an otherworldly space. He double-checks that nothing is in a belt pouch, and transfers anything that he might have missed to the haversack. After a moment's consideration, he draws out a handful of the cheapest gems and scatters them on the far side of the chamber. Like meat for a guard dog. Unfortunate that I don't have the proper poison for an earth creature, but perhaps a peace offering will suffice. I wonder where I could get poisons for an elemental ... ?

Since the creature seems content to ignore him, he waits until it rises to consume the gems and simply walks around it.

OOCDropping about 100gp of cheaper gems. He's not worried about being seen by the xorn, since it caught him already and seems not to care. Stealth room is for the next room, if applicable.

Stealth: [roll0]Perception: [roll1]Mini StatsShadowscale (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16639503&postcount=2)

AC: 19 (19 flat-footed, 15 touch)
HP: 37/37
CMB: +4 CMD: 18
Fort: +5 Reflex: +8 Will: +3
Attack: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2) or Shortbow (+9/1d4+1/20x3)

Perception: +10
Initiative: +6

Current Weapon: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2)
Current Conditions: Antitoxin (+5 vs. poison, 1h), Alchemical grease (+5 Escape Artist/CMD vs. grapple, 1h), Negate Aroma (4h)

Serenity: 6/11
1st Level: 1/4
2nd Level: 0/2
Extracts Prepared: Cure Light Wounds
Mutagen Prepared: Dexterity

2014-01-17, 01:13 PM
Blue is you, red is the drow, star is the rust monster


There's another rumble as the jewels are suddenly consumed, a crackling, grinding sort of sound heard from the creature, probably some Terran speech you can't fathom right now.

Once it's gone, the way further up is clear. It takes him a bit of sleuthing about, picking through webs, and moving forward, but finally, he spots his target. A drow woman, adorned in leaf armor, sitting on a wooden, web covered chair off in the corner of the room. A small spider (Tiny, if we're being size-literal) crawls over her, and she seems amused by its presence.

The dagger can be seen hanging from her belt. it's... entirely black, seeming to be carved from Onyx, with a handle of wood that matches the color. It has to be magical or something, too, right? Otherwise why would he want it? There's also a spear up against the wall right by her, and a small crossbow within reach, held inside a web.

Other than her, a few other things can be seen in the room. Another rust monster hangs from a spiderweb, its legs eight in count, and seeming to have a spider's fangs in addition to its rust-inducting antennae. On the north and south walls, skeletons can be seen hanging from web-crafted 'manacles', it seems, like they're purposely arranged that way.

Some other wooden furniture is strewn about the area, shelves filled with webbed scrolls, a table with old cutlery on it, and a chest that's open and seemingly empty. Other spiders scurry about but most of them are normal sized for spiders, and no real threat, nor likely to be smart enough to mention if they sense anything, in any way.

She hasn't seemed to notice you yet.

Will need a Sleight of Hand roll, of course, when you move to try and get her blade, and of course the spider with her might sense you that close if you don't find a way around that.

2014-01-17, 02:09 PM
Nothing metallic on her, I see ... so then I suppose this is the spider druid I've been tracking? He watches for a few moments before retreating and making his preparations.

First, all metal into the haversack. He strips off his chain shirt and places it in the bag. He follows the armor with everything else until he's dressed in nothing more than his breeches. He smiles a little. Hah, it's as if I'm still a tribal dragonkin named Tirtik, running among the roots of jungle trees while clad in little more than a loincloth. Thank the Mother that G'than found me.

Next, a bit of preparation. He withdraws the longsword from the haversack and a few of the more expensive jewels. Taking some alchemical glue, he sticks the jewels on the blade, then blows on the adhesive until it's relatively dry. When he's satisfied, he places the sword back in the haversack.

Third of all, steady hands and tougher skin. He draws his shadowstuff mutagen and drinks it. Immediately, his scales grow thicker but at the same time murkier and more ethereal, and his nerves jangle with unfocused umbral energy. Ahhh ...

And finally, a bit of subcontracting. Moving stealthily forward, he draws an oversized dagger out of the haversack and waits for the rust monster to approach. Does it not smell delicious? Yes? Then come closer, stupid creature. I have someone for you to meet.

OOCStep 1: Retreat and strip off weapons, armor, etc. Everything goes into the haversack.
Step 2: Stick about 250gp worth of gems on the sword with alchemical glue. I think that's everything with the exception of the black pearl, which I imagine a xorn wouldn't like.
Step 3: Drink mutagen.
Step 4: Advance on the rust monster so that it can smell the metal dagger. When comes close to investigate, retreat a bit and drop the dagger. Then retreat more, draw another dagger, and repeat.
Step 5: (Not written IC). If he can get the rust monster to the xorn's room, drop the sword with the jewels stuck on it and let them fight over it. My money is on the xorn.

Stealth: [roll0]

EDIT: Not a great roll, and if she's a druid we're looking at at least +10 perception, probably more like +15, so, uh, please natural 1 please natural 1 ...Mini StatsShadowscale (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16639503&postcount=2)

AC: 19 (19 flat-footed, 15 [17] touch)
HP: 37/37
CMB: +4 CMD: 18
Fort: +5 Reflex: +8 [+10] Will: +3 [+2]
Attack: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2) or Shortbow (+9/1d4+1/20x3)

Perception: +10 [+9]
Initiative: +6 [+8]

Current Weapon: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2)
Current Conditions: Antitoxin (+5 vs. poison, 1h), Alchemical grease (+5 Escape Artist/CMD vs. grapple, 1h), Negate Aroma (4h), Mutagen (1h), Unarmored

Serenity: 6/11
1st Level: 1/4
2nd Level: 0/2
Extracts Prepared: Cure Light Wounds
Mutagen Prepared: Dexterity

2014-01-21, 04:14 PM
The Rust monster does seem to advance, and for a bit, the trick seems like it's working. However, before he can get safely out of the room, the Druid looks over to see what's going on, "Where are you going, pet?" she asks in a whispery, curious sort of tone as her eyes scan over the area, slowly studying the area to see what has its attention.

As they fall onto Shadowscale's own, though, that's when he should be worrying. Especially as an amused sort of grin crosses her features.

"How cute... a Kobold..." the drowess says, eying Shadowscale like he's some lost little kitten that found its way into her lair. "Come here, sit down, stay still, and tell me what your name is, little one," she says, tilting her head to the slide as arcane words follow. And as she does, he'll feel magic pushing into his mind, trying to force his compliance.

Suggestion, Will Save DC16 or you succumb to the aforementioned. I doubt you'd consider anything she says as 'reasonable' right now, so no penalty.

2014-01-21, 04:41 PM
Filthy ... dirt ... monkey ... Shadowscale thinks as his legs move forward of their own volition.

2014-01-22, 12:27 PM
"Well? If you're not smart enough to tell me who you are, and what you're doing, I may need to feed you to one of my pets," she warns him, a bit of a smile on her face, like it's a casual thing to talk about feeding someone to something else. It seems overall she has the same attitude about his worth as he does about most humanoids, and that's likely bad when combined with what seems like an unstable outlook overall.

The rust monster, at this point, goes to rust and destroy the blade that had been placed already by the Kobold, feasting on the remains while the Druid talks to him.

2014-01-22, 02:24 PM
Shadowscale looks down at his breeches and the outwardly-nondescript haversack, which is all he is wearing at the moment. He looks up at the drow with a savage grin. "Today ... I am ... Tirtik!" he hisses in Draconic.

This is a Dominate, not a Charm, right? So Shadowscale will resist to the best of his ability and hunt for loopholes in her commands.

2014-01-24, 07:02 PM
"And why are you here, Tritik?" she asks him, kneeling down a bit so she's more at his level, though avoids coming within easy reach.


2014-01-26, 03:30 PM
"There was a man in a grey cloak ... thin ... taller than me but not so tall as an ordinary dir--human. I believe also that he had many hidden weapons on his person. From him I found out there was maybe a very important dagger in this cave, and I wanted it for myself." All true, but not all of the truth. Now ... take the bait. I suspect that you know my would-be employer, so focus all your thoughts upon him and forget about a mere trespassing dragonkin.

2014-01-26, 05:30 PM
She actually laughs when she hears that, moving to stand up, "He was trying to kill you," she tells him, seeming endlessly amused by the idea, "This dagger here? It's useless to anyone but myself. He expected you'd run afoul of my pets. It's amazing you got this far, dear," she says, thinking a moment.

"I'll tell you what. I won't kill you if you a favor for me, and promise never to come back. What do you say, little dragonkin?" she asks.

He might notice by now that several ettercaps have approached the room area, the rust monster has finished its meal, and a fair number of spiders, large and small are becoming visible. Escape would be very difficult, at best.

It might not be entirely useless; if it does have some special use for her, chances are you could figure out a way to make use of it if you really wanted (Via UMD or similar)

2014-01-27, 11:24 AM
Shadowscale's eyes narrow at the drowess' revelation, and his fists clench involuntarily. Filthy deceiving dirt monkey! I should have known. He doesn't correct the implication that he got this far by luck, however.

In spite of his circumstances, and in spite of the fact that the drowess is just another species of dirt monkey, he finds himself nodding along with her. None of this 'kobold' business ... she knows the proper terms of respect. He notes the arrival of the ettercaps and spiders but he finds this comforting rather than worrying. Now that they're all in one place, I only have to escape this one room rather than run a gauntlet all the way through the cave. It would be a much easier matter to outdistance them. If I could overcome these magics, of course.

"This favor ... would it involve putting a knife in the ribs of the manling?"

2014-01-27, 05:53 PM
"No, but I'm not opposed to you doing so anyway," she says, more amused by that than anything, My favor is fairly simple. I want a new pet. I need you to find an interesting creature that I don't already have here, and bring it to the front of the cavern, one way or another," she tells him.

While it goes unsaid, he can probably assume that she wants something fitting the overall 'spider' or at least 'arachnid' motif she has going on.

2014-01-27, 10:59 PM
One way or another ... ? That's certainly open to interpretation. I could run here with a tarrasque hot upon my heels if and still fulfill the letter of the contract. But on the whole, it would seem to be a rather straightforward and reasonable request. Even if it were not, pursuing an unreasonable request would be quite preferable to being eaten alive by spiders, I think. And who knows? It might even be an interesting hunt. Although I cannot for the life of me understand why a dirt monkey would like spiders, of all things. Lizards are clearly superior creatures. Or even snakes.

Shadowscale considers his options and then nods. "Yes, certainly. On my honor as a dragonkin. It may take some time, but I will do as you ask. And perhaps if it is a particularly good pet, you will tell me the name of the manling with whom I have unfinished business, yes?"

Shadowscale will also look around to see if any of the assembled minion spiders have paralytic poisons. And yes, he'll ask for some if the opportunity arises. K:Nature - [roll0]

2014-01-28, 05:19 AM
"That sounds reasonable," she says in agreement to his addition to the terms. "You may go now, then, to fulfill your end of the agreement."

As far as he can tell, none of the spiders seem to be the sorts that would have paralyzing poisons.

2014-01-28, 11:16 AM
Shadowscale nods to the drowess, and begins walking out of the caverns. Near the entrance, he looks around and tries to determine whether it's possible to swipe the longbow near the rust monster.

2014-01-28, 05:02 PM
With all of his metal equipment safely stored away still, and the longbow not being metal, it probably won't even pay him any mind.

2014-01-29, 12:19 PM
Shadowscale detours slightly to take the longbow from the dark corner and then heads out into the light. Against all odds, he finds himself rather happy. So my former employer was trying to get me killed? It's is comforting to know this for a fact, rather than just to suspect. And this makes my path forward quite clear. Also, the detour through the cave has exposed some weaknesses in my strategies and the need for additional supplies. Necessity is the broodmother of invention, as the saying goes.

He looks back at the cave. This will be an interesting challenge, worthy of my skills as a dragonkin. And I do not think she will try to kill me when the job is complete, which is comforting.

He gets a fair distance away from the cave before re-equipping himself and examining the longbow.

Mini StatsShadowscale (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16639503&postcount=2)

AC: 19 (19 flat-footed, 15 [17] touch)
HP: 37/37
CMB: +4 CMD: 18
Fort: +5 Reflex: +8 [+10] Will: +3 [+2]
Attack: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2) or Shortbow (+9/1d4+1/20x3)

Perception: +10 [+9]
Initiative: +6 [+8]

Current Weapon: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2)
Current Conditions: Antitoxin (+5 vs. poison, 1h), Alchemical grease (+5 Escape Artist/CMD vs. grapple, 1h), Negate Aroma (4h), Mutagen (1h), Unarmored

Serenity: 6/11
1st Level: 1/4
2nd Level: 0/2
Extracts Prepared: Cure Light Wounds
Mutagen Prepared: Dexterity

2014-01-29, 06:24 PM
With basic appraisal, he can tell the item is of masterwork quality, and has some odd symbols on it that likely imply some sort of enchantment.

Unfortunately, they only seem to reflect the magical process, not what was imbued. He'll need some sort of magical detection or identification to figure out specifics.

2014-01-29, 08:14 PM
Shadowscale shrugs and puts the bow into his haversack. Too large and bulky for my tastes. Better for a big, stompy dirt monkey .. but worth some coin somewhere, I suppose. Now, I need a city ... one with a zoo would be nice, but I will settle for a library. And in the meantime I will keep an eye out for my ex-employer.

Shadowscale will head toward a larger city with the intention of (a) stealing a nifty spider from someone's private zoo or (b) consulting a sage on where a nifty spider could be found. He is actually looking forward to this job. I think it's because he can put the paranoia aside for a little while.

2014-01-29, 08:26 PM
From where he currently is, Shadowscale knows of the following cities:

*Trockhaven, a small city to the north of here, primarily run by your usual allotment of dirt-monke-... er, humans, with the excepted smattering of other common races. It might have someone with a private zoo, but definitely has a library.

*Vertmere, an underground city a few days to the northeast. It borders the Underdark, and is home to a fair number of drow, duergar, and similar underground races, but is a fair bit more mixed and 'open' than you would expect of such a place. They're still undeniably amoral, they're just less lawful about their arrangements. A 'zoo' is likely there, or at least many people with spider-like pets and similar.

You've also heard of an elven city to the forests in the northeast, but aren't certain of the name. They're about as xenophobic as you are, though.

In addition, you know that a few days to the southeast there's a few Kobold 'villages', if they can really be called that, amongst the forests and caves in the area. A green dragon is rumored to exist in that area as well. Dragons tend to know a lot, and forests are lousy with larger spiders in this kingdom.

2014-01-30, 12:03 PM
Shadowscale looks to the northeast. Trockhaven or Vertmere? There is not a question. Vertmere will have spiders galore, the dirt monkeys there better know their place ... and it is the most likely destination of my former employer.

He looks southeast briefly. Hah, the forests there look almost like the forests of my youth. But I need a city.

Checking his gear one last time, he sets out toward Vertmere.

Mini StatsShadowscale (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16639503&postcount=2)

AC: 19 (19 flat-footed, 15 [17] touch)
HP: 37/37
CMB: +4 CMD: 18
Fort: +5 Reflex: +8 [+10] Will: +3 [+2]
Attack: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2) or Shortbow (+9/1d4+1/20x3)

Perception: +10 [+9]
Initiative: +6 [+8]

Current Weapon: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2)
Current Conditions: Antitoxin (+5 vs. poison, 1h), Alchemical grease (+5 Escape Artist/CMD vs. grapple, 1h), Negate Aroma (4h), Mutagen (1h), Unarmored

Serenity: 6/11
1st Level: 1/4
2nd Level: 0/2
Extracts Prepared: Cure Light Wounds
Mutagen Prepared: Dexterity

2014-02-01, 07:36 PM
The trip will take a few days, of course, but for the first night, he's able to travel and rest unimpeded, not running into much past your average fauna.

The landscape remains rather hilly for most of the trip, and he's about halfway through when he spots the light and smoke that imply a fire nearby. If he goes to investigate, he'll see a minotaur camped out by it, a battleaxe by its side as it warms itself. It looks slightly battered, likely having already been attacked, but does seem to have several bags with him.

Sorry this took so long. I wasn't looking forward to tabulating XP. For the cave and bypassing most of the threats but not managing to get to the druid unimpeded, you get about 4800xp total. 500xp more for getting out without needing to resort to combat. This of course will level you up.

Anyway, it'll be rather easy to either bypass the minotaur or sneak up on him.

2014-02-03, 07:35 PM
Shadowscale's eyes narrow, but after a moment, he shrugs. Sacks? Perhaps he's a trader on his way to Vertmere. And there is a fire where I might warm myself. And these brutes, they have no love for the lesser dirt monkeys. So we have that in common. Still ... best to be cautious.

Bracing himself, he slips into the realm of shadow-thought and steps forward. "Ho, the fire. I am Shadowscale, of the dark dragonkin."

Besides, if he chooses to attack, then I will be wholly within my rights to end him and take his possessions.

Diplomacy [roll0]
Sense Motive [roll1]

You know, I'm actually really happy that Shadowscale has made so many rolls where his Xenophobe drawback has come into play.

I'll probably level him up tomorrow. Definitely Wednesday, since that's going to be a snow day by all accounts.

EDIT: Forgot to write it OOC, but he's dropping into Serenity before announcing himself.

2014-02-05, 09:43 PM
The minotaur looks up, not saying anything as of yet. Based on the way he's sitting and the body language he gives, Shadowscale's pretty sure it's an invitation to approach closer.

2014-02-06, 01:34 PM
Shadowscale relaxes his mind, exhaling softly. He approaches the fire, nodding at the beast. "It is good to see a fellow traveler who is not a dirt monkey for once. Are you perchance a merchant?"

Leveled up -- did the sheet in the other thread, and I'll get to the mini stats shortly.

Shadowscale is fatigued for 2 rounds for dropping Serenity. And this is going to go badly, isn't it?

2014-02-06, 09:22 PM
The minotaur growls something out in broken common akin to 'dumb lizard' as it stands up straight, grabbing its axe, and without warning, it brings it above its head, ready to slice the Kobold in half.

Clearly, he wasn't as open to company as Shadowscale seemed to think.

Yes, yes it is.

Roll Initiative; it gets a surprise round because of your surprise at it being ready to attack like that, but it uses this to stand up and grab its weapon.

Minotaur's: [roll0]

2014-02-07, 02:03 PM
Shadowscale's eyes widen, and he scrambles backward in surprise. "Stinking mammal! I should have known! You're all the same!"

OOCI don't think there's any way I can lose initiative, but here's the roll: [roll0]

Action: http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5wil1Bx9u1qbaj4uo1_500.jpg

Stealth roll: [roll1]

Mini StatsShadowscale (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16639503&postcount=2)

AC: 19 [18] (19 flat-footed, 15 touch)
HP: 45/45
CMB: +5 [+4] CMD: 19 [17]
Fort: +5 Reflex: +8 [+7] Will: +3
Attack: Kukri (+10/1d3+1/18-20x2) or Shortbow (+8/1d4+5/20x3)

Perception: +11
Initiative: +6

Current Weapon: Kukri (+9/1d3+1/18-20x2)
Current Conditions: Fatigued (1r)

Serenity: 12/13
1st Level: 5/5
2nd Level: 2/3
Extracts Prepared: Alchemical Allocation
Mutagen Prepared: Dexterity

2014-02-08, 10:02 PM
Shadowscale manages to duck out of the way, and the Minotaur slows down when he loses sight of the Kobold, looking around confusedly, a loud huff heard from him.

He's readying a ranged attack (Yes, with the axe)

He rolled a 1 on his Perception, you're lucky :P

2014-02-10, 11:42 AM
Well, he only has one axe, and I have many arrows. Let him waste his throw at shadows. Unhurriedly, the kobold drinks his mutagen, then slips back into his familiar fugue state. Finally, with a sudden burst of speed, dashes across the minotaur's field of vision, jumping and zigzagging.

OOCDrink mutagen. Then Serenity, Total Defense, move and re-hide. He's trying to get him to waste the axe throw when he's at super high AC (19 Base + 4 Total defense +2 mutagen + 2 serenity = 27).
Mini StatsShadowscale (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16639503&postcount=2)

AC: 19 (19 flat-footed, 15 touch)
HP: 45/45
CMB: +5 CMD: 19
Fort: +5 Reflex: +8 Will: +3
Attack: Kukri (+10/1d3+1/18-20x2) or Shortbow (+8/1d4+5/20x3)

Perception: +11
Initiative: +6

Current Weapon: Shortbow (+8+2Mut+2Ser/1d4+5/20x3)
Current Conditions: Dexterity mutagen

Serenity: 11/13
1st Level: 5/5
2nd Level: 2/3
Extracts Prepared: Alchemical Allocation
Mutagen Prepared: None

2014-02-13, 12:15 AM
Unfortunately for Shadowscale, as soon as he makes himself known, the axe comes hurling forward with incredible speed, the blade hitting him squarely and creating a deep wound.

Luckily, even as he's hit he manages to slip away (unless the damage sends him unconscious)

Natural 20 on the roll. Ouch. Luckily he didn't crit.

Take [roll0] Damage.

The minotaur's next turn involves him retrieving his axe.

2014-02-14, 12:42 PM
Shadowscale grits his teeth against the pain. Even a stinking mammal gets lucky once in a while. It won't happen twice. He fires an arrow at the creature, already on the move by the time the fletching passes his fingertips.

OOCEh, these things happen. It's like poker: the best you can do maximize your chances of winning, and then hope the cards don't screw you over. Sometimes they do. But right now Shadowscale has about the same damage per hit at (I think) a much higher hit rate. And short of an ugly crit, he can withdraw if it gets too bad.

Attack: [roll0] for [roll1] plus [roll2]
Stealth: [roll3]

Mini StatsShadowscale (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16639503&postcount=2)

AC: 19 (19 flat-footed, 15 touch)
HP: 35/45
CMB: +5 CMD: 19
Fort: +5 Reflex: +8 Will: +3
Attack: Kukri (+10/1d3+1/18-20x2) or Shortbow (+8/1d4+5/20x3)

Perception: +11
Initiative: +6

Current Weapon: Shortbow (+8+2Mut+2Ser/1d4+5/20x3)
Current Conditions: Dexterity mutagen

Serenity: 10/13
1st Level: 5/5
2nd Level: 2/3
Extracts Prepared: Alchemical Allocation
Mutagen Prepared: None

2014-02-15, 07:10 PM
The shot from the Kobold hits the Minotaur in the side, and he howls angrily, again turning int he general direction but failing to spot him yet. Once again, he readies his axe, not afraid to toss it again, it seems. One must wonder if the axe is balanced for that, or if the Minotaur might have some odd training.

Readied action.

2014-02-18, 12:57 PM
Shadowscale examines the wound and calculates the odds. I can take another lucky hit ... as long as the beast isn't too lucky. If he does, I shall withdraw and heal.

OOCGoing to continue with the total defense plan, 27 AC.

Two rounds of actions:
First, total defense and stealth [roll0]
Second, sneak attack at [roll1] for [roll2] plus [roll3], then Stealth [roll4]
Mini StatsShadowscale (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16639503&postcount=2)

AC: 19 (19 flat-footed, 15 touch)
HP: 45/45
CMB: +5 CMD: 19
Fort: +5 Reflex: +8 Will: +3
Attack: Kukri (+10/1d3+1/18-20x2) or Shortbow (+8/1d4+5/20x3)

Perception: +11
Initiative: +6

Current Weapon: Shortbow (+8+2Mut+2Ser/1d4+5/20x3)
Current Conditions: Dexterity mutagen

Serenity: 11/13
1st Level: 5/5
2nd Level: 2/3
Extracts Prepared: Alchemical Allocation
Mutagen Prepared: None

2014-02-20, 11:44 PM
The plan works a lot better this time, with the Minotaur missing the Kobold entirely, and as he moves over to retrieve his weapon with an angry grunt, the Kobold's shot wedges right into his neck, causing a spurt of blood and a pained roar. The beast turns again, looking for the Kobold, clearly pissed now, wanting nothing more than to impale the little beast.

No lucky rolls for it this time.

It's below half health, by the way. And readying again.

2014-02-25, 11:39 AM
Shadowscale smiles grimly. The death of a thousand cuts ... or perhaps just three or four. I have little time left to play this game, though. Diving and ducking, he fires another arrow from the shadows.

OOCSorry about the delay -- I had a report to write that my company's CEO was very interested in. Kind of took precedence.

Going to continue with the total defense plan, 27 AC. I am burning a lot of Serenity, but I can start not spending an action to dodge if he doesn't die soon.

Two rounds of actions:
First, total defense and stealth [roll0]
Second, sneak attack at [roll1] for [roll2] plus [roll3], then Stealth [roll4]

Mini StatsShadowscale (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16639503&postcount=2)

AC: 19 (19 flat-footed, 15 touch)
HP: 35/45
CMB: +5 CMD: 19
Fort: +5 Reflex: +8 Will: +3
Attack: Kukri (+10/1d3+1/18-20x2) or Shortbow (+8/1d4+5/20x3)

Perception: +11
Initiative: +6

Current Weapon: Shortbow (+8+2Mut+2Ser/1d4+5/20x3)
Current Conditions: Dexterity mutagen

Serenity: 6/13
1st Level: 5/5
2nd Level: 2/3
Extracts Prepared: Alchemical Allocation
Mutagen Prepared: None

2014-02-25, 08:35 PM
Unfortunately, the minotaur seems to have a fair degree of accuracy with this axe, or maybe it's just bad luck for the umbral dragonkin, but either way, that lumbering axe finds its way into the Kobold's side again. Despite whatever damage it causes, the Minotaur unsurprisingly moves to get the axe back again. It's certainly a unique strategy for a Minotaur to employ.

Thankfully, as the Kobold hits him again, he seems to be wavering, on his last legs. Another solid hit will probably do it.

Don't worry abou tit, I've had my own issues so I can't complain

Anyway, 18 to hit, +9, +1 for throw anything, so he unfortunately does.

Take [roll0] damage!

2014-02-27, 04:53 PM
Shadowscale grimaces. Lucky bastard mammal! Still, I should have this. If not, I'll have to retreat and hunt him later. He ducks out, trying to dodge the incoming axe, and then fires one more time.

OOCThe usual.

First round: total defense and stealth [roll0]
Second, sneak attack at [roll1] for [roll2] plus [roll3], then Stealth [roll4]

Mini StatsShadowscale (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16639503&postcount=2)

AC: 19 (19 flat-footed, 15 touch)
HP: 21/45
CMB: +5 CMD: 19
Fort: +5 Reflex: +8 Will: +3
Attack: Kukri (+10/1d3+1/18-20x2) or Shortbow (+8/1d4+5/20x3)

Perception: +11
Initiative: +6

Current Weapon: Shortbow (+8+2Mut+2Ser/1d4+5/20x3)
Current Conditions: Serenity, Dexterity mutagen

Serenity: 4/13
1st Level: 5/5
2nd Level: 2/3
Extracts Prepared: Alchemical Allocation
Mutagen Prepared: None

2014-02-27, 09:19 PM
This time, the Minotaur doesn't manage to hit him, and so as he moves to collect his weapon, the final projectile flies right into his neck, a spurt of blood flying out before he collapses down to his knees, and then forward onto the ground.

1100xp for the fight.

The bag contains 1000 gold (some of it in the form of various jewels), a few days' rations, and various weapons created for goblins. With goblin blood on them. They're worth a total of 300 gold or so total, perhaps, if you just sell them. If you end up wanting specifics, in the case of needing a specific weapon, I can figure that out for you.

2014-02-28, 01:15 PM
After the beast falls, Shadowscale waits under cover to make sure that the minotaur is truly down. After he catches his breath, he moves forward and cuts the beast's throat, just to be certain. "And that is what you get for attempting to trick a dragonkin, vile creature," he sneers.

He takes a moment to drink some extracts and heal his wounds before examining the minotaur's goods. "So you fought some goblins?" the kobold asks the corpse. "Good. I hope you killed many. Now do you mind if I take these? No? Very well."

He examines the corpse. "Very pretty horns you have there also, friend. Do you think you need them still? Then I shall help myself to one, I think." He begins sawing off one of the horns. "It is a bit grisly, I suppose. But a dragonkin with a minotaur horn on his belt? Perhaps you stinking mammals will not be so quick to underestimate me in the future."

OOCBrewing a Cure Moderate and a Cure Light. [roll0] and [roll1]

Shadowscale will take everything he can fit in the haversack. He'd really like the greataxe, but I don't know if that's physically possible. He's taking one of the minotaur horns which will eventually get made into something ostentatious later on. Not sure what it will be yet.

Also, that XP puts him at 5th. Should I level up?
Mini StatsShadowscale (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16639503&postcount=2)

AC: 19 (19 flat-footed, 15 touch)
HP: 36/45
CMB: +5 CMD: 19
Fort: +5 Reflex: +8 Will: +3
Attack: Kukri (+10/1d3+1/18-20x2) or Shortbow (+8/1d4+5/20x3)

Perception: +11
Initiative: +6

Current Weapon: Shortbow (+8+2/1d4+5/20x3)
Current Conditions: Dexterity mutagen

Serenity: 4/13
1st Level: 4/5
2nd Level: 1/3
Extracts Prepared: Alchemical Allocation
Mutagen Prepared: None

2014-02-28, 07:36 PM
The axe can fit in the Haversack, in the central area, barely, if he places other things carefully around it.

Go ahead and level up, and then we'll continue. I need a bit to figure out the town further anyway, heh.

As for the horn, that reminds me, I'm fine with allowing Alchemists to take Crafting feats despite not technically being spellcasters, but only potions and elixirs benefit from swift alchemy.