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View Full Version : Crafting Question

2013-12-20, 01:07 PM
So i know you can craft Potions, and Poisons and such.

but i've never seen an entry for crafting Diseases.

does this exist? or as DM's would you allow this is the PC in questions already has the disease?

blood in a flask? scab scrapings?


2013-12-20, 01:27 PM
"Crafting" a disease would be more like obtaining a culture and letting it grow. If you really wanted to do that, I would say it would be a cross between a Craft (Alchemy) and a Knowledge (Nature) check.

If you are creating it from scratch, I would say it would have to be magical in nature and would be a Spellcraft plus Knowledge (type of creature it is going to affect) plus Craft (Alchemy).

2013-12-20, 01:41 PM
I think the problem can mostly be answered in that, by RAW, a disease is an effect, not an object. You can only craft objects, in general. Mundane diseases exist, but there is little in the RAW that explains what causes them. Microbes/bacteria/viruses and such are not in evidence in the RAW; it could just as likely be an imbalance of humors.

So there is no real basis for crafting, no raw materials to work with. Talk to your DM if you want to go in this direction, though, as it might be worth some homebrewing.

2013-12-20, 04:21 PM
i figured it would end up being a homebrew scenario. thank you for the input.